Much Ado About Nothing! eh!

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And I thought being on a farm was 'clean' living :facepalm: My little patch of grass out back is looking better and better! :lol: I'm afraid to ask Emily if she ever did this! :eek:
O.K. so cow tipping and cow skiing are officially off my bucket list. Not because I don't WAN'T to do them but because I CAN'T do are asking me to not consume alcahol AND keep my mouth shut...IMPOSSIBLE!
Crohns instinct wish your daughter a happy 18th from us. It is a big milestone. She will be able to vote in this years election!
Ok farmwife, I have a question. Went to college in what we called the country. Is cow tipping 🐮real or something u just tell us city folk about to snicker behind our backs. 😜
Btw gracie makes me smile every time I see her pic.
haha yeah right mom of twin boys and re that pic of Gracie...don't you just love it. It makes me smile everyime I see it is like she is laughing at us. I hope farmwife never changes that avatar. are asking me to not consume alcahol AND keep my mouth shut...IMPOSSIBLE!


Wish your baby a fantastic birthday and good luck with the lottery ticket!!! Woohoo!!!! :banana:

Kim - great to see you around:). Was just thinking of you and Caitlyn this weekend! ;)
LOL My daughter just got her college room mate assignment and she is from Ontario canada...good thing I have the eh tutorial from Tesscorm to give her! maybe we will bring some Beavertails on move in day to make her feel at home:)
Lucky girl!!! An Ontario roommate! Can't get better than that, eh! :lol: I have a recipe somewhere for Beavertails... I'll find it and post it! :)
Hells Bells! I just hate the way work interferes with my time here! :voodoo::voodoo::voodoo: :lol:



Thanks Dusty but the 18th birthday was gaby's (one of my non Crohnies), Olivia's older sister. I know...hard to believe I have other children!

Tess: She is going ot college in CT but they posted all the room assignments and roomates etc on the kids school pages so we were stalking the page at midnight. She got in a very social and cool dorm. She is in a suite with 4 double rooms a bathroom with two showers and toilets (like that accomodation for our Aussie friend) and a common sitting room. She is totally psyched and I guess since she is shy (just like mom) it is good because she will meet lots of people but am I really paying all this money for her to meet people??????? I might be quite happy with a studying hermit;)
I hear you on the money!!!! Dorms these days are older daughter signed up with one that was basically an apartment 4 bdr, 4 br huge living room and kitchen with dining area. My dorm was the size of a small walk in closet!!
OMG! I knew I was confused when I was reading through all these posts but that just goes to show how mashed my brain really is! I wonder if having kids with Crohn's gives you **** for brains? You know, like when you are pregnant you have placenta brain. Well that's my excuse and I am sticking with it! :rof:

Happy Birthday Gaby, the lost child of crohnsinct...well one of them anyway! :ylol:
Note to self. No matter how much cute puppy cries, never ever let him on the bed. Was rudely awakened at daft o clock with a warm wet foot.
:rof::rof::rof: LMAO yep, been there done that...they are so cute when they are begging not so much at daft o clock with a warm wet spot in the bed!!
:rof: Aww, but they are soooo cute! :heart: Trying to convince my husband to get a second dog but he's saying NO! :ymad: (But, to be fair, he does almost all the poop & scooping, walking, training, etc. so I can't argue too much! :eek:)

Dusty - I don't think it's having kids with crohns that gives you '**** for brains'; it's just having kids and a husband that does it! :yrolleyes:

Crohnsinct - Gosh, I wish I were going to university now! These dorms now are incredible... Emily chose to stay home (because she didn't want to eat 'junk food' every day! :eek: Farmwife - either my cooking's not so bad OR it's sooo bad that it creates its own 'portion' control! :lol:) But, the dorm we looked at was pretty nice! Huge, shared entertainment room, big screen tv, x-box, playstation, etc., tons of couches, a small gym and laundry room on each floor, etc.!
I'll take the warm pee over a pile of unknown slim in the bed :ywow:
and your girl rubbing her mouth saying I feel better now!:stinks:
Omgosh you girls have to stop. I am laughing so hard reading in bed that I am waking Georgia up (2 year old catahoula pup hi is yes IN MY BED)
Ok farmwife, I have a question. Went to college in what we called the country. Is cow tipping ��real or something u just tell us city folk about to snicker behind our backs. ��

I was rereading this thread to cheer me up and found this from momoftwinboys.

The answer to your question is YES to both!

Yes, cow tipping is real and.......
Yes to us country folks laughing behind your backs.:rof:

Another Farmwife Story.
(Please imagine that I'm telling this story sitting on my rocker on my front porch)
Theirs a story around these here parts.
That a city slicker wanted to prove to a ruff cowboy that he was man enough to to stand up to anyone. He said give me a test, any test.
Well the cowboy quietly said while pointing to a field over yonder, well if your brave enough to go cow tippin I wreckin your man enough to be considered a cowboy. The city slicker puffed up his chest and marched off to the field and began to push with all his might. It was harder than he thought. So he rolled up his sleeves to his well pressed and starch shirt and even pushed harder.
Well with a mighty thundering crash he pushed it over and ran back, well walked briskly, to the cowboy and said THERE!!!!
The cowboy said with a sneaker, that their was mighty fine pushin on your part. Now go back and stand up my fence post the cows are on the other side of it.
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Oh my!!! :awe: :lol:

You country folk are getting just a bit too uppity! :ytongue:
We've booked a cruise!!! Woohoo :banana: :banana:

Not until New Years but... whatever!!! I need the time to lose some weight (or else that ship's going down - no iceberg needed! :eek:) !

:D :ytongue: :D
We're going on the Allure of the Seas. Looks like an incredible ship! It's a caribbean cruise with stops in Haiti, Jamaica and Mexico. I'm really excited :D My husband and I went on a cruise before but, it was for our 1st anniversary so, it's been a long, long, long time! :lol:

Kim, absolutely hide in my luggage... with all the 'skinny' clothes I'll be packing, there'll be lots of room! :banana:

And, yes, gotta cut out those beavertails, s'mores, fruit loops, doughnuts, pizza... :ymad:
Back off Kim, I'm going to work out like crazy so I can beat you up and hide in T's luggage instead! ;)
On a serious note, I hope you have a *wonderful* time...I have never been on one but have heard great things about them!!
EVERY ONE BACK OFF!!!!!:voodoo:

I'm going!
I'm the one that hasn't had a real vacation in 11 years.:ywow:
I'm the one that has to cancels plans
because either my girl is stuck in the bathroom or a cows giving birth. :voodoo:
If anyone can beat that, let me know.
Till then I win.:dance::shifty:

Make the luggage extra large. I don't plan on losing a lick of weight.:D
I'm already extra
Skinny so I can go now ! No time
Like the present- move over ladies I'm crawling in! LOL
You girls are so silly I don't have to hide at all... Stephan's personal nurse and caretaker here!
Was in onee of those silly stores with funny cocktail napkins is your thought for the day:

I finally got my sh*# together and now I am constipated!
:eek: Oh my!!, I'm off to buy the extra large, expandable luggage! :eek:utahere:

Oh, what fun we would have!! :banana:

Although... I'd hate to be sitting at the table next to us, :ywow: listening in on our dinner conversations! :poo: :stinks: :thumright:
Was in onee of those silly stores with funny cocktail napkins is your thought for the day:

I finally got my sh*# together and now I am constipated!

We'll definitely have to use those napkins at our dinner table! :lol:
:dance::dance:I'm all for a joint cruise.:dance::dance:
Just as long as we each have our own restrooms.:D
Nothing nastier than mothers knocking each other out:voodoo:
to get their kids to the bathroom first.:stinks:

Just for a smile... :)

He didn't like the casserole
And he didn't like my cake,
Said my biscuits were too hard
Not like his mother used to make. :frown:

I didn't perk the coffee right
He didn't like the stew,
I didn't mend his socks
The way his mother used to do. :yfrown:

I pondered for an answer
I was looking for a clue.
Then I turned around and
Smacked the sh-t out of him....

Like his mother used to do. :ymad:
Tesscorm, DustyKat has to have a smiley to go with that poem!

I found this joke about colonoscopy.

I went into my proctologist’s office for my first rectal exam.

His new nurse, Evelyn, took me to an examining room and told me to get undressed, and have a seat until the doctor could see me.

She said that he would only be in a few minutes.

After putting on the gown that she gave me, I sat down.

While waiting I observed that there were three items on a stand, next to the exam table:

A Tube of K-Y jelly, a rubber glove and a beer.

When the doctor finally came in, I said, “Look Doc, I am a little confused. This is my first exam… I know what the K-Y is for, and I know what the glove is for, but can you tell me what the BEER is for?

At that Doctor Paul became noticeably outraged and stormed over to the door.

He flung the door open and yelled to his nurse…

“Evelyn!!! ********* woman! I said a BUTT LIGHT!”

Hey there....getting a few before bed chuckles while sitting in a hotel room in Brattleboro, Vermont...heading to Maine in the morning.....
Have a safe trip pasobuff.:thumleft:
Fill us in when you get back.
I live through others stories.:ylol:
Tess and farmwife,
I loved both of those!
Paso buff ,
Let us know how Maine was I always wanted to go there.
Paso, enjoy Maine! Went to Kennebunk when I was a kid and I still remember loving it! Have fun!
A cruise Tess!!!!!!!! Hot diggity dog!!!!!!!!

I hope it is the Allure of the seas...


and not the Pirates of the Caribbean!...


Come on guys, what's all this talk about squeezing into luggage, the ship has life boats doesn't it?! :eek2: We just gather at the dock, go on board for some pre sailing drinks
and then we just pile in the life boats. Lose weight? Sheesh, who needs to do that when you have a life boat!

Dusty. :D
Any cruise that includes Johnny Depp would be an Allure of the Seas for me! :Karl:

And, I like the lifeboat idea!!! (But, just know... I'll share my luggage but not Johnny! :lol:)
Any cruise that includes Johnny Depp would be an Allure of the Seas for me! :Karl:


Gee I'm sure your husband will love to meet Jonny!
Or has the pirates thrown him off yet?


Oh, I just gave you my first HUG. Not the I'm supporting the thought of Jonny Depp. I just wanted to push the button to see what happens.:D
Hey, Farmwife, it's one BIG ship! ;) No need to toss anyone! :bigwave: (In any case, I'm a hoarder! :lol:)

Thanks for the hug, but I don't know how to tell if I've been hugged?!? But, I've hugged you back. :ghug:
Ok I need to get in on some of this Jonny Depp action. He has been my favorite since 21 jump street. If Jonny will be there I am definitely comming! Save some space on that lifeboat for me!
Well had a good laugh catching up with this thread! :ylol:
Tess - jealous - I've always wanted to go on the Allure. We have been on the Adventure of the Seas in the Med and that was fab!!
I'll have you girls know I used to have a brown belt in Karate - so I would win!!!:queen: Now if I could just lose enough weight to get the belt round my waist - I would show you some moves :lol2:
Hey girls I'm baaaaaack! Got home this evening to three refrigerators that are broken. I didn't get a chance to clean them out before leaving so it was quite the mess. Just crawled upstairs and thought I would check in on you all. Geez! Johnny just got seperated and you girls are jumping all over the fresh meat...although I can't say I blame you. Going to bed now as I have to be up early to teach vacation bible school.

I will read all the treads late tomorrow. Hope everyone is well. O is great although she did start bleeding again but she is due for an infusion on Thursday so I can't complain.

Hope you are enjoying Maine Paso!
Stop that bleeding O...and get cleaning those fridges, sister!!! You girls can have not my type. I just want a vacation! :)
Glad to have you back Crohnsinct - just wondering, why do you even have 3 fridges? Managing with just one (non-broken) over here :ybiggrin:
Pew! What's that odor coming from crohnsinct's house?

Three refrigerators! Seriously!? Are you raising a football team or something of the sort?

Sorry you have such a disgusting mess to come home to. Good luck getting the frigs nice and clean smelling again.

O, please stop bleeding. It freaks out your mother whether she wants to admit it or not.

I have an awesome hubby, so you all can have Johnny, I don't need him.
Italian = 3fridges!!!!

Well actually, we have a fully furnished apartment attached to our house. We let Young LIfe hold their weekly meetings there and host visiting missionaries and visiting family from time to time so I have various drinks and such in that one. All the ice cream and frozen veggies in the freezer got ruined though.

In the house kitchen we have two because we wanted that built in armoire can not tell there is a fridge in there..maybe I will post a pic.

Oops and then we have two fridge drawers in the bar but they died a long time ago and we haven't replaced them yet.

So I guess you can say I hoard appliances:ycool:

Silver frisdges are all super duper clean and ready to go for the new school year. So psyched! And yes Farmwife...I took my toothpicks and scratched out every little crevice and fold in the insulating strip on the doors!
:lol: Being married to an Italian, I completely understood why you have 3 fridges! :rof: And, for those who don't realize this... Italians don't actually 'need' the whole football team, they just cook enough food for them anyway! :lol:

Being Portuguese, we're very similar... except me! Annoys the heck out of me when my mom brings 'something' to a dinner I'm hosting and then brings 'more' than what I prepared in the first place! :lol: Love that she brings iit all but wish she'd tell me so I could save myself the trouble of cooking my own dinner! :rof:
:rof: That so reminds me of my mother-in-law! Ah the joys of "you have to finish it" as we all look in horror at the never-ending food on the table. :yrolleyes:
Sorry ladies I'm of Irish decent. You NEVER have to tell us to finish what we're eating! We just DO!:rof:
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After giving up with trying to work out how to post pictures, my tired computer savvy husband has kindly put one photo of my kiddies on a gondola in Venice into an album in my profile.
No I haven't figured out how to add it to anything else yet. So if you are interested you will have to make your way to my profile (I think)
Cute picture.
Did you get my PM? My laptop is touchy.
I think I'm going to add pics to my album. I have a nice one of me but.................
I don't know if I want you all knowing what I really look like.
Maybe if crohnsinct puts her real face on hers I'll do it.
Sascot, aww, what a great picture of your kids!!! They've both got great smiles! Now you'll have to learn to put some more on! :D

Farmwife - is Grace always laughing at us?? :lol: She is just the cutest little princess!

Okay, I've got to figure out how to post pictures... I've been meaning to put on Stephen's grad picture and Emily's taekwondo tournament picture... but, just haven't taken the time to figure it out! :blush:

And, as I'm am starting to feel very left out... I will also be sending out some friend requests...:hug:

As for mothers and mothers-in-law... who's seen Everybody Loves Raymond? Know Marie?... my mother! :eek:... :heart: (Although, to be fair, I have given Stephen the heads up... Marie = Me when he's married! :rof:)
Farmwife - is Grace always laughing at us?? :lol: She is just the cutest little princess!

Yes she is laughing at you Tesscorm.
I started using "eh" at the end of sentences and she think it's funny, eh!:rof:

PM if you want to know how to do the pictures. Be happy to help, eh.:tongue:
:rof: :rof: :rof: :rof: Hey, you're close enough to us that the 'eh' should come natural! Are you north enough to have that 'Fargo' accent? Would love to hear that with an 'eh' !!! :lol:

I'm going to give the pictures a try this weekend, if I can't get it, I'll start hollerin' for you! :D
Oh, what a sweetie Grace is!! and I'd love to see pics of you all...I'll see if I can figure out how to do mine :)
Been soooo busy I can't even explain it. When are these kids going to go back to school so I can get back to my Crohns business?

Sascot: Ah you have joined the desperate for friends group and decided the way to drag us all in is with cute pics of your kids...well done.

Farmwife: I don't have many pics of me as I am always the one taking the pictures! I will try to find one that won't scare the rats in your barns away and will post it.

Hoping to get all caught up with the goings on tonight! Hugs to you all in the meanwhile!
Oh yes, my cunning plan is working - my friends list is slowly making it's way on up! :ycool: Less than one week till the kids go back to school and I suddenly realised Amy has no school shoes :eek:. A fun trip to the shops this weekend I think!
I just got this e-mail. It's bit long but worth the read!!!!

This is is exactly why I hate to read e-mails. Ignorance is BLISS!:rosette1::soledance::rosette1:

As we progress into 2012, I want to thank you for your educational e-mails
Over the past year. I am totally screwed up now and have little chance of recovery.

I can no longer open a bathroom door without using a paper towel,
Nor let the waitress put lemon slices in my ice water without worrying
About the bacteria on the lemon peel.

I can't sit down on a hotel bedspread because I can only imagine
What has happened on it since it was last washed.

I have trouble shaking hands with someone who has been driving
Because the number one pastime while driving alone is picking one's nose.

Eating a little snack sends me on a guilt trip because I can only
Imagine how many gallons of trans fats I have consumed over the years.

I can't touch any woman's handbag for fear she has placed it on
The floor of a public toilet.

I must send my special thanks for the email about rat poo
In the glue on envelopes because I now have to use a wet sponge with
Every envelope that needs sealing.

ALSO, now I have to scrub the top of every can I open for the same reason.

I can't have a drink in a bar because I fear I'll wake up in a bathtub
Full of ice with my kidneys gone.

I can't eat at KFC because their chickens are actually horrible mutant
Freaks with no eyes, feet or feathers.

I can't use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a
Water buffalo on a hot day.

Thanks to you I have learned that my prayers only get answered
If I forward an e-mail to seven of my friends and make a wish within five minutes.

Because of your concern , I no longer drink Coca Cola because
It can remove toilet stains.

I no longer buy fuel without taking someone along to watch the car,
So a serial killer doesn't crawl in my back seat when I'm filling up.

I no longer use Cling Wrap in the microwave because it causes
Seven different types of cancer.

And thanks for letting me know I can't boil a cup of water
In the microwave anymore because it will blow up in my face, disfiguring
Me for life.

I no longer go to the cinema because I could be pricked with a
Needle infected with AIDS when I sit down.

I no longer go to shopping centers because someone will drug
Me with a perfume sample and rob me..

And I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask
Me to dial a number for which I will get a huge phone bill with calls to
Jamaica , Uganda , Singapore and Uzbekistan ..

Thanks to you I can't use anyone's toilet but mine because a
Big black snake could be lurking under the seat and cause me instant
Death when it bites my butt.

And thanks to your great advice I can't ever pick up a
Dime coin dropped in the car park because it was probably placed
There by a sex molester waiting to grab me as I bend over.

I can't do any gardening because I'm afraid I'll get bitten by the
Violin Spider and my hand will fall off.

If you don't send this e-mail to at least 144,000 people in
The next 70 minutes, a large dove with diarrhea will land
On your head at 5:00 p.m. Tomorrow afternoon, and the
Fleas from 120 camels will infest your back, causing you
To grow a hairy hump. I know this will occur because it
Actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbor’s
Ex mother-in-law's second husband's cousin's best friend's

Oh, and by the way...

A German scientist from Argentina , after a lengthy study,
Has discovered that people with insufficient brain activity
Read their e-mails with their hand on the mouse

Don't bother taking it off now, it's too late.

P. S. I now keep my toothbrush in the living room, because
I was told by e-mail that water splashes over 6 ft. Out of the toilet..

:rof: :rof: :rof: :rof: :rof: :rof: :rof:

OMG, that is SO FUNNY!!! I'm embarrassed to admit how many of those issues have begun to concern me in the last few years! :eek:

Although due to my detest (okay, crippling fear :blush:) of bugs, ever since I saw an earwig (and he DID have an evil leer) peaking out from the edge of the toilet seat (AFTER I used it!), I have since lifted every toilet seat I've used to check! :ywow: I can't imagine anything would be more traumatic for me that to be bitten on my butt-naked butt! :eek:

You forgot to thank the person for asking you to help with their recent huge inheritance for which you can keep a small sum after fowarding them the rest...

Or how about the person offering to help you with your "love" life with those magical pills...they have tried it and they just had to share...and they must be your friend cuz they call you "hun"!
Farmwife that was flipping hysterical ! LOL

And boy I feel special this week with all the new friend requests ! :) Especially since I am hardly around lately due to my crazy busy life :thumright:
You are special and I'm too mean to get friend requests. ;-) ;-) ;-)

I love the silliness. I need to laugh!

Oh no! I feel so left out...:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:...I didn't get any friend requests. Just because I live at the arse end of the world it doesn't mean i don't have feelings, bums have feelings too ya know!...wwaaaaaaaaaah!...:tongue:

Dusty. :ybiggrin:
Loved the email article - and yes I catch myself doing a few of those things mentioned too. Just made Amy's lunch after wiping the top of the can of beans!!:ybiggrin:. I'm surprised we can eat anything these days without one of them causing us unmentionable damage!
Well, kids go back to school tomorrow. For the first time I am actually quite sad to see them go. Used to be looking forward to the peace and quiet, but as they get older and they get more independant, I am starting to really appreciate their company. Oh well, I am actually working for an hour tomorrow :yfaint:, I have a client coming for a treatment on his sore ankle. Off to the land of actual paid work - my poor husband would say it's about time :lol2:
It does get lonely Sascot. My son is only five and I have to ask him to spend time with me. He's just to busy fighting imaginary fires and rescuing Grace from burning buildings aka, the back of the couch.
I homeschool. I'll never know the joy my mom had sending her six kids off to school. I swear to this day I could here my mom laughing when we left.
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You are a brave woman homeschooling!!! I love my kids with all my heart, but would never have the patience to teach them as well. I would be turning that rolling pin on myself :ybatty:
WTH? I kept trying to get on the forum all day and when I type the address in it comes up with nothing. Kept saying recheck my address...I started thinking damn they moved and didn't give me the new address:shifty-t:
I had the same problem yesterday with the site... We wouldn't leave you behind! :rof: Who would keep Farmwife in line?!? Her and Dusty would start getting all uppity with their Country Girl talk - fair dinkums, Sam Hills, bubblers, cow tipping, etc., etc. :yfaint:

As for the girls... I'm the one beating them off! :voodoo: Stephen's quite happy to have them around! :ycool: And, thanks!
WTH? I kept trying to get on the forum all day and when I type the address in it comes up with nothing. Kept saying recheck my address...I started thinking damn they moved and didn't give me the new address:shifty-t:

Yup, it was all a ploy. Farmwife set it up! :ytongue:
Thanks! Yes, that was right after their final Championship game :) (Minus the helmet and gloves.)

There was an option when I set up the album that gave three choices re public or private... you just click on your choice (I chose one of the private options, granting only my contacts and, I think, moderators access).

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