My journey to getting well

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186lbs this morning. It is interesting that just avoiding beef and dairy causes me to lose weight. The loss is not that large, but visually I can see the loss. I'm less puffy looking.

It wasn't that long ago that I was avoiding beef and dairy. The good I noticed then was that I was stronger. My muscle could function longer too, in that I cuold swim or bike ride for an hour without to much difficulty. THe bad was that at some point I began to itch all over. I assumed it was a spice causing that problem.

Regardless, I better stay away from beef and dairy. I'll likely begin eating spices and nightshade later in the week.

I'm hoping today to be relatively well to the stomach once again.
It has been another good day for the stomach. This makes 2 days. I'm essentially well to the stomach. Well, I'm not well in the traditional sense but I'm not sick either and it is something I could live with. Energy levels are good.

Tomorrow I'm likely to be worn down as I've done a good many pushups.

Fingers crossed I can reach 3 days of being well.
I'm very pleased this morning. I did a great deal of weight lifting, push up exercises yesterday. Today traditionally I should be exhausted. I'm not exhausted this morning though. I'm feeling pretty good and upbeat. I'll stick with the diet of avoiding nearly all food. It feels that way at times at least with avoiding spices, nightshade, pork, beef, dairy, nuts and seeds.
Tomorrow I'm going to add spices to the diet. I'll keep with the main item to monitor, the rash. If the rash stays away when I avoid beef, dairy, pork and nuts, I'll go with that.
I've begun eating spices. Now that I'm avoiding beef and dairy I suspect I will not break out in the rash. I suspect that it is a two part issue. Will know for sure though by this weekend. This morning I took a garlic supplement and ate spicy chicken sausage.
No rash noticed this morning even though I've eaten lots of spices. I'm pleased about that. I'm also filling out more in a positive way. I've noticed that dairy eating has a wasting effect on me. It could be similar to what is written about celiac disease and the wasting that can occur with that condition. I suspect beef has a similar effect on me. Weight remains the same.
I should add, I'm quite tired and sore this morning. I've exercised to much it feels like and imagine by tomorrow I'll be feeling better. For now I'm feeling rather run down and lousy.
I have to admit, since I began eating spices I've had poor health days. My energy levels have been very poor.

TOmorrow I'll go back to avoiding spices to see what happens.
Yes yes yes, I feel much better this morning. Last night I ate a rare dinner. It was free of spices. THis morning I avoided spices. I'm not feeling much more energetic, my muscles do not hurt as much. My eye sight is greatly improved also. I've not written much on it but can at times have fuzzy eye sight. I've noticed that is connected with how much stomach is feeling. Yesterday and the day before when I began eating spices once again it came difficult to read and difficult to see the small print on my watch. This morning I can easily see the small print on my watch.

Avoiding spices and nightshade is easily my least favorite diet. If it keeps the muscle pain away and my vision in good shape I should be able to stick with the diet long term. That should be a good test to monitor for me, how well I can view my watch.

i should be able to post less now. It would be good for me to do so.
No doubt, I feel much much better since avoiding spices and nightshade. My energy levels are back up, and my eye sight has quickly improved. I can easily see small print. About my only complaint this morning is that my left foot is sprained. I'll have to keep off it. Oh and I've gained 5 lbs the last couple of days. I should be able to lose that over the next couple of days.
Doing well this afternoon. My eye sight remains greatly improved. I'm only a short time away from the time when I was eating spices/nightshade. I remember clearly how terrible I felt eating chicken sausage and Chinese food. So I'll stick with the plain food from now on.

My eye sight improving ironically comes at the same time my father has had eye surgery. His eye sight is greatly improved now. It isn't something I'll ever know the answer to, but with my experience of blurry eye sight, not being able to read small print after eating spices, I'd guess others experience the same but don't know it is a food reaction problem. Just a guess on my part but figure I'm not alone on this. The great boom in eye glass wearing since the 1960s could be due to the introduction of new foods. I guess a great many new foods began to be eaten in the 1960s. At least I've read that a few times. Before that, meals tended to be plainer.

So I'll avoid spices, nightshade, nuts, seeds and pork. I'll stick with that and have less need to write in my journal. Figure at least it will take 6 months for the stomach to act much better. Cheese will help if I need to travel on the road.
I did a great amount of exercises yesterday. i'm alive this morning Ya for that. The stomach is doing well enough. I'll keep with avoiding nightshade, spices, pork and nuts/seeds.
189lbs. I'd like to drop my weight back to the typical 186lbs this week.

The last few days I've been eating lots of margarine with meals. I've done this as a test to compare with when I was eating potatoes. With potato eating I'd place lots of margarine onto the potato. Since I was always somewhat sick after eating a potato I figured it was either the potato causing problems or the margarine.

The results of eating lots of margarine the last couple days is my stomach has been in decent shape. Since that is the case I'm guessing potatoes and the nightshade family overall is problematic for me to eat.

Tired this morning from exercises done yesterday.
I'm drained today, have little energy. It's miserable. Stomach feels good though. This is the diet that gave me energy recently so hopefully in a week or two I'll have more pep.
I felt better yesterday. This morning I'm feeling decent so far. I have gained a pound. I suspect that is due to eating beef the last couple of days. Today should be the last day of eating beef for awhile. After that I'll eat chicken. Once I eat chicken I'll likely lose weight. Don't know why that happens and if it is relevant to my stomach issues.
I was sick to the stomach quite a bit yesterday. This morning I feel fine though. My energy levels are good. That's a positive sign. I recall a few weeks ago when I was on this same diet the same happened.
my gums bled this morning after flossing. I'm guessing that was due to beign sick to the stomach the other day. The stomach has improved quite a bit since then. Imagine by tomorrow the bleeding will not be much of an issue. Energy levels feel good this morning. I'm feeling relatively upbeat.
I ate a bunch of cheese this afternoon. I suspect that cheese will do it's thing. It feels as if the diet I'm on is working decently. The addition of cheese should be helpful to the stomach.
The cheese seems to have done it's thing. I'm pretty much well to the stomach. I'm feeling run down and more tired, but overall the stomach is good today.

Great news I suspect as it likely means I'm on the right path with my diet. I've been better to the stomach doing the cheese eating idea, but given time I can imagine within a month or two I'll be pretty much well so long as I eat cheese.

I'm liable to not eat much cheese in the weeks ahead though. It does seem to tired me out.

I'll keep avoiding nightshade family, garlic family, nuts and seeds, and pork.

Oh, my gums did not bleed after flossing this morning.
My stomach is doing well. My foot is also doing much better today. I've thought in the past that when the stomach is doing well I fell better in other areas of the body. I heal better overall basically when the gut is on the up swing. The theory certainly seems true today.
No rash what so ever. Skin is appearing healthy.
Hi Beach,

I just wanted to say hi! Cheers!! I hope you are doing well.:cool: I know this is more of a personal thing for you. However, I appreciate you giving diet info as it may help a lot of others in their dietary choices.

Kind Regards
Cheers! right back at ya! Cmack. Thanks. My goal is only to get myself well and move on, sometime, eventually. It's bound to happen.

The left ankle is feeling very well this morning. There is some pain remaining but not much. After a couple days of the stomach doing well I suspect that helped improve the foots healing process.
I was surprisingly sick this morning. Those are the worst, the surprise illnesses that come with little warning. I'm only 2 weeks in with this diet idea so it isn't something I'm overly concerned about. If I was 2 or 3 months in with the diet idea I'd be concerned. Overall though in general my energy levels are decent. I'm looking healthy. It appears that I'm able to eat cheese and that will constipate me to some degree.

I'm planning to eat cheese and bread on Fridays. It's similar to pizza but without the tomato and spices sauce. it tastes decent enough and the gut responds well to the diet.
Well shoot. I've been sick all morning. The feeling I'm having is that this is similar to what happened in the past when I ate lots of bird - eggs, chicken, turkey. I'd have decent energy on that diet but would have lots of liquid diarrhea. That is exactly what is happening today and happened a few days ago.

I'll make a diet change afterall. I'll just eat beef and tuna in olive oil, and instead avoid bird products. I'll eat cheese more often to help the stomach. Lets see if this calms the stomach down. I'll check later to see if eating less cheese will be possible and that could help with improving energy levels.
I'm doing better this evening, after avoiding all bird items with lunch. I avoided eggs, chicken and turkey.

Kind of nice but I notice the foot pain is gone entirely. It has slowly been going away but it appears to be gone now. Don't know if that is diet related but glad that happened.

Earlier over the last week or two I've written about how eating beef causes me to gain weight for some reason. Eating chicken brought about weight loss of about 3 lbs typically. I've wondered why that happens. Will find out I guess in the next couple of weeks if that gain is stomach related.
I'm going to try something else.

The idea of eating beef scares me. Regular beef I know is a problem. Some of the worst stomach problems I've had came soon after eating commercial beef. Grass fed beef is less of a problem but still seems to cause me issues.

I'm going to instead only eat wild caught fish. THe idea being that something fed to live stock is showing up in the meat and causing me problems. Possibly soy or some legume is an issue. Possibly synthetic vitamins fed to live stock is a problem.
I've been going back and forth on how best to do the diet, strict or easy. I'll go with the easy to begin with.

There is a part of me that wants to make it strict, only eating fish. The idea being that something fed to animals shows up in the meat. The common allergen soy is frequently fed to animals. Synthetic vitamins are fed to live stock. Synthetic vitamins make me stick. I think though I'll start out easy, eat gress fed and regular beef. I'll also eat fish. I'll just avoid pork, bird (eggs, chicken, turkey) and nuts/seeds.
Skin looks very healthy this morning. I'm pleased about that. I slept well. I seem to remember that I sleep very well when I avoid bird items. I'm sweating quite a bit more on this diet, at least I have done so the last couple of days. if sweating is good, then Im doing well. It is hot being summer. For what ever reason I seem to sweat much less when eating bird products.

Looks like I'm going more strict with the diet. I'm not in the mood afterall I eat beef. I'd rather just stick with eating wild caught fish. I'm more comfortable with that. If the theory is right that someone fed to live stock is causing my problem then eating wild fish should help. I'm also eating cheese from an Irish company. The Irish cheese writes that they do not feed their cows alfalfa. Alfalfa is a legume similar to soy. If allergic to soy there is a good chance legume would be a problem. If the wild fish and irish cheese works out then I'll eventually test grass fed beef to see what it does to my stomach.

I can't think of a time where I've been well to my stomach eating chicken, eggs, or turkey. I have had many times being well to the stomach eating grass fed beef, grass fed Irish cheese, and turkey. I never recovered on that diet though and could easily become sick from it due to exercise or some activity where I used my stomach muscles.
Doing well on the fish diet. I was pretty much well to the stomach yesterday. Not surprising considering how much cheese was eaten. Eating cheese though only seems to help when I'm on the right diet. It gives me confidence I'm heading in the correct direction.

Weight 187lbs. That came as a surprise. If I hadn't pigged out yesterday evening I'd likely to at 185lbs this morning.

Sprained left foot seems to be nearly healed up.
I've been worn down tired today. Yesterday morning was similar. Don't know why this is other than possibly being somewhat well to the gut causes me fatigue problems.

Tomorrow I'm going to eat grass fed beef. I'd like to stick to only eating while caught fish but feel grass fed beef is likely OK. I'll keep an eye out for the rash. If it returns after eating beef then I'll stop eating.
SOmething I dislike about this diet of avoiding eggs, chicken, turkey is that my muscles ache some along with my wrists being sore. I'm also more tired. The diet is poor for me when it comes to exercising and working out.

Outside of that, the diet is OK. Hopfully things improve over time. if I hope to find out if the diet works I better stick with it for 4 months minimum. Oh some of the worst stomach attacks I've experienced have come when avoiding bird. The attacks might have come due to fiber issues. Never have known what went wrong. Some of the best stomach days have also come from long term avoidance of birds.

Ate beef this morning.
187lbs. I'm still pigging out, eating more than typical. I'm hungry on this diet. Hope that ends soon. My energy levels are not that great. Appear decently healthy though. Skin looks good. The stomach has improved.
I was rather ill yesterday. Disappointing but not entirely unexpected. Disappointing as I have been hpping to make a car trip in a few weeks. If I am unable to string together some better days I'm liable to pass on the car trip. Few things worse than being on the road overly sick to the stomach and fatigued.
I was really tired today. I blame the cheese for that. Feels a bit weird saying that but it's true, cheese fatigue. Gut did better though which I'm pleased about. I'm thinking the fatigue will be here to stay, in particular since I'm eating cheese. Since it is hurricane season with the chance I'll need to drive out of the area quickly I'll stick with the cheese eating.
Today is day 7 of avoiding bird. It's a scary day. 3 times when avoiding bird I've experienced on the 7th day the very worst most painful stomach attacks. Don't know why that is. I've read about withdrawals and there is mention in one book that the 7th day is often the best, or when the withdrawals stop. What ever it is, this day has me on edge.

I've had luck in the past when avoiding bird. For some reason though I don't stick with the diet. I'm guessing that is due to fatigue. The fatigue wares me down and my mind gets to thinking of trying something else.

I'll make it a point that if I do begin to have a much better stomach on this diet, I'll stop eating cheese. Doing that will likely improve my energy levels.
Today was much better and of note.

Today was the first day where i was strict with following a grass fed diet. For the previous days I was eating some regular cheese to get rid of it. The cows were likely fed soy and other items that were milked for the regular cheese. Today though I only ate grass fed cheese and grass fed beef. I was 100% well to my stomach. My energy levels while not great were improved.

So I'll take note, continue with a strict grass fed and wild fish diet. It might just be a coincidence that it worked today but certainly a positive sign for me.
Just to speculate, I may be getting ahead of myself. If the grass fed diet works, there are two main contenders for causing me problems and that are fed to live stock. The first is soy. Soy is a common allergen. It is fed to live stock.

The other is synthetic vitamins. Synthetic multivitamins do three things to me. They cause brain fog for 24 hours, they cause a great amount of fatigue, and they bring about delayed diarrhea.

For the last few days while I was eating regular cheese, I had lots of brain fog, fatigue and diarrhea.

I've always thought also that avoiding bread helped improve my health. Bread is fortified with synthetic vitamins.

So I'll put synthetic B vitamins at the head of the list to avoid. Lets see what happens in the days ahead.
I have good energy this morning. Many of the aches and pains I was experiencing have decreased. My wrist pain has largely gone away. My stomach feels good. Overall I better stick with the strict grass fed diet. I haven't eaten wild fish yet on the strict diet but plan to do so tomorrow.
It's been a mixed day. The morning was great. I had lots of energy. This afternoon after working around the house doing many tasks I wore out. My suspicion is that doing some movement in my stomach area mildly upset the stomach waring me out. Overall though it's been a good day. The stomach is pretty darn good. Tomorrow I'm eating tuna in olive oil.
I can't mess with success. The gut continues to do well. Since going strict with a grass fed diet I've had no diarrhea. My energy levels have been improved at times.

I keep thinking this diet idea is likely wrong. But that's likely due to me not wanting a difficult diet to follow. I'll stick with a strict grass fed diet and some point in the future I'll test eating some regular cheese and regular beef to see what happens.
Today could be a very good day. I need to note this.

For a long while I've known that synthetic vitamins make me ill. I don't know which vitamin(s) effect me though but have speculated that it is a B vitamin.

So yesterday was a mixed day. THe morning started out great, with lots of energy. The afternoon turned terrible as my energy levels greatly decreased. I found myself in a fog and resting most of the afternoon. I blamed it on over exercising sweating to much in the morning.

Well, looking at a food I ate yesterday I see it has vitamin A in it. For lunch yesterday I had margarine butter on a potato. The margarine has vitamin A in it.

Today I have exercised more than I did yesterday. The exercises done effect my stomach muscles quite a bit.

It's just a guess but likely a good guess, synthetic vitamin A is the vitamin causing me health/ gut problems. I think there is a good chance also that animals fed synthetic vitamin A cause me health problems.

The grass fed diet and wild caught sea food I'm following likely is the solution I'm looking for.
Yesterday was a very good day. I didn't ache. My energy levels were good. The stomach was in good shape. I could do about anything I wanted that way the day went.

Probably what I'll do is continue with the diet for another day or two. Then if that goes well I'll add spices to the diet to see how that goes down. I'm also liable to eat a somemade grass fed cheese pizza. I'll see if the synthetic B vitamins in wheat are a problem or not.

I'm not all that happy with all the cheese I'm eating. I'll continue to eat lots of cheese for awhile but likely next week I'll cut back on cheese.

So main item to avoid is synthetic vitamin A, whether directly or with animals fed multi vitamins.
Good news, my foot and my wrist have stopped hurting. I'm guessing that is due to avoiding the margarine with vitamin A added to it. I'm able to walk long distance without problem it appears.

Feeling good today. I'm a bit tired and slightly dizzy this evening. I've exercised hard so imagine that is the cause. I don't ache. My muscles feel good. I worked out probably more than I should have.
This will be a big week for me. If I can stay well to the stomach, improve my energy levels, and further get rid of the aches and pains/fatigue I'll be able to wrap this up and stop writing.

Off to a good start this morning. I'm feeling good.
Stomach doing very well. I've given it a good workout also. Typically I'd be sick to my stomach from the workout. I'm not.

Energy levels are OK. Wish they were better but am not going to complain.

Eyes are blueish. Maybe the machinery is being turned on. Good to see when that happens.

Ate bread with it's added vitamin Bs. No problem from that has been noticed.
I slept poorly last night. I'll be taking a nap today.

Very pleased that my guts are doing well. I should have been sick by now but I have not been ill. My gums do not bleed when i floss. My appetite has decreased. Makes some sense to me, if I'm digesting better that my appetite would go down.

I haven't added spices to my diet yet. If still well today I'm likely to eat some garlic tomorrow.
I've been feeling fatigued and weak all day. It's frustrating. I'm well to the stomach though. Most likely the fatigue is due to stomach exercises, eating some wheat which acts similar to eating to much fiber on. If I can continue to be well to the stomach I know from experience the fatigue issue will improve.
Yesterday was miserable. I was fatigued and worn out all day. It does highlight that while I've been well to the stomach I still don't know the cause. It might be vitamins. It might be soy or legumes fed to animals. The fatigue might have been caused by something else also such as artificial color which I was eating in a candy. I'll try avoiding that for awhile and see what happens.
I feel much better today. My energy levels are up and muscles do not hurt. The only item I've stopped eating has been the peppermint candy with artificial color. Something in that candy most likely was causing my fatigue and brain fog. I'm guessing it is the artificial coloring. It was likely irritating my intestines some.

My stomach continues to do well. Ate bread today without issues. No diarrhea experienced to report.
Today I believe is the 7th day where I've been well to the stomach. I've been mostly well. At least I haven't been sick. Most importantly it appears I have a base diet that I can work with and grow. That's what I've been looking for, a diet I can rely upon to make me well. I'll still need to add new foods. As i found out this week with the peppermint candy, there will be some foods that disagree with me one way or another. It will take a long long time to recover also I realize. So time to move on to the next phase.
There is a problem with my diet. I want to ignore it and hope it gets better but as I've learned in the past I better not do that.

The good news is that I have remained well. The gut can take a beating to some degree and I don't become sick from it I can bend over with my stomach and become ill from it. I can exercise the stomach muscles and not expect to have diarrhea later.

The bad news is that after eating grass fed beef I'll feel that I'm in a fog. I'll also have poor energy. The poor feeling stays for a few hours then lifts. I also can develop a red mark or more on the chest. i've associated the red marks or rash with a reaction.

When I only eat fish and grass fed Irish cheese I don't seem to experience the brain fog or red rash. Why that is I don't know. I can speculate though that it is the beans fed to cows that is causing me trouble. WIth commercial fed cattle soy meal is fed to the cows. WIth grass fed typically the cows are fed alfalfa. Alfalfa is a type of bean.

In Ireland alfalfa is not grown I've read. The climate there is not good for it's production. Instead in Ireland regular grass is fed to the cattle that are milked to make cheese.

So I'll only eat wild caught fish and Irish cheese for a few days to see how I feel and appear. I started this yesterday and so far the results have been good. I'm feeling better. The red rash is nearly gone.
I do feel better today after avoiding grass fed beef. My eyes hurt less. My wrist which I wrote about feels better. I have felt less foggy. The rash is pretty much gone.

The stomach still remains doing well though.

I'll keep eating fish though I don't care much for fish. I'm also eating grass fed Irish cheese.
Since just eating fish and Irish cheese for animal protein, I think I appear healthier. The stomach continues to do OK, often very well. My energy levels are OK, nothing great, but will get me by. Rash is pretty much gone.
I notice this morning that the finger nail pitting has come back. I'm guessing that was caused by eating beef. There is little doubt when I was eating beef I left worn out and slightly dizzy. Beef also caused the chest rash. Cheese makes me feel run down also. on the positive side cheese does help the stomach, making me constipated.

It's the two items I need to balance out, energy and gut health.

I'm going to stop eating cheese and continue to avoiding beef. I'll see how my energy levels go. If they improve I better avoid beef and cheese. Being slightly dizzy isn't much fun. I'll keep and eye on the finger nail pitting to see if it improves. Imagine my stomach will be a problem on this diet of eating bird and fish products. I'll have to rely upon Imodium if it comes to that.
Just to note, I weigh 197lbs. Just last month i weighed 185lbs or about. For what ever reason when I eat beef and maybe cheese I gain weight quickly. The amount of food eat has been typical. I haven't been eating more than typically. If anything I'd guess I've eaten less during this time.

I better just avoid beef and dairy for a year. Put is out of my mind and go long term. I can try other ideas during that time, but keep beef avoidance the main idea. I've gone 4 months with this avoidance idea and while I saw positives, it wasn't enough time.
Figured I'll make this my last post for a long time. I'll avoid pork and beef/dairy for over a year. That is the only option left, to go long term with an avoidance. I'll be unhappy at times but need to remind myself I'll just keep going in circles unless I try this. The two items I react strongest to are pork with the swelling bleeding gums, and beef/dairy with the fatigue, fog, weight gain, and appearance of muscle loss.

I'll pretend I have that tick bite diseases were people are said to be allergic to beef and pork due to the tick bite.

Something that will help keep me on the diet is that I want to lose weight. Eating only bird and fish seems to do that, cause weight loss. Eating beef and pork causes me weight gain.
I wasn't going to write but realized I should note this down. I hadn't thought of it before.

There are two main causes of fatigue. There is exercise fatigue. To much exercise can cause me to become overly tired and fatigued. It is sort of mysterious also sometimes exercise wares me out terribly and other times the same exercise makes me feel better.

The other fatigue looks to be coming from when I eat cheese and beef. I've known for awhile that cheese fatigues me. I know now that beef tires me out also. When I avoid beef and cheese I have good energy, unless I exercise to much.
IT is not entirely true to say but it's close, in that I gained about 15lbs during the month that I ate beef cheese and fish. I wasn't eating more during this time. If anything I began eating even less in hopes of dropping a few pounds.

Now that I'm avoiding beef, and cheese I've lost about 8lbs. It hasn't been that long since I began avoiding beef.

There has been times were I've seen quick weight gain and loss in the past without knowing why it happened. I'm guessing now that it is beef that causes me to gain a lot of weight.

Now that I'm eating chicken and bird meats quite a bit I expect I'll begin to become sick to my stomach. It's a specific type of stomach illness that happens when eating chicken and other bird meats. It's the most troubiing type as the flare comes will little to no warning. I'll become fearful of driving in the car. This time I'll have to push through that and hope it is just a phase of healing. Hopfully it isn't just a problem I experience when eating bird meats. At least when this happens I should have decent energy.
I'm down some more weight this morning. I'm at 190lbs. Unreal. So I have a good list going of why I should avoid beef. Beef causes me to gain lots of weight quickly, it makes me feel sore, I feel fatigued, I develop a rash, and it likely causes the finger nail pitting. I can thinking of a reason why I would eat cheese but can't think of any reason to eat beef. Same goes with pork. Pork makes me feel terrible. I itch all over after eating pork. It causes my gums to swell up and bleed. I suspect that pork leads to weight gain also.

So I'm not on a mammal free diet. Funny saying that, but I believe I've read mention on why people should avoid eating mammals before. You can find anything in health books it seems.

Stomach is acting up some. THis is expected as eating chicken and turkey will cause the stomach to become worse. At least my energy levels are decent. I'll need to be careful with what I eat, eating little fiber and no greasy foods. Common sense about avoiding oily foods but thinking about it last time I ate similar I was eating margarine also. That likely made the situation worse.
189lbs this morning. The weight loss has slowed. It would not surprise me if I was around 185lbs by the end of the week.

The stomach attacks are worse, as I expected would happen. My energy levels are very good. I'm feeling upbeat. About the only problem I have is fear of going far from a rest room.

Hopefully on this diet of avoiding beef, dairy, and pork, within a month or two the stomach will settle and be more reliable.
188lbs this morning, down another pound.

For the last 4 days I've had cramping in the evening. Last night was the worst. So in hopes of helping prevent further cramping I'm going to avoid the sulfur supplement taken along with no more bread eating. I don't eat much bread if any most days. Since I'm avoiding cheese though which cuts down on gas possibly it can cause me some trouble.

Tired this morning. Hopefully I'll get my second wind this afternoon. So far so good this morning with the stomach.
Beach, it feels like you did better in June, seem to have had more good days then? Must be so frustrating that you react to so many things. I hope you get back on a good run soon.
Thanks Delta,

Yes, it is telling detailing how I feel, wondering how such and such effects me. It's something I've been going back and forth on for awhile, obviously. I can get the stomach pretty well eating lots of cheese basically. That gives me confidence when doing. The problem is that I'm not fully recovering when I go that route. It's terrible frustrating. So I've been exploring all different ways to try and improve upon that.

Now for the time being I'm giving up on the cheese idea and avoiding cheese, beef and pork basically and seeing if that takes me where I want to go with an improved stomach and also most importantly improved energy. If I can stick with it I should know by the end of the year I'm guessing.
So far the cramping has been less this evening. It's still there to some degree but not overly painful. Hopefully the answer was the sulfur supplement being taken.

Stomach was better today. Energy levels recovered by this afternoon. I did to many pushups yesterday I'm guessing caused the poor energy levels.
So far no cramping this evening or later in the day. Typically by now I'd have some issues. The cramping likely was either caused by the sulfur supplement or it was caused by the beet supplement I was taking. This morning I passed on the beet supplement and instead took a different supplement to raise NO levels. If I was eating dairy products such as cheese I suspect this wouldn't be an issue at all as dairy has a way to hold down gas levels. I doubt I'll do any figuring to know which idea worked, I'll just go with the two being the likely answer.

Felt run down and tired all day. Nothing new there, but hopefully tomorrow will be better.
For the last couple of days my diarrhea has changed for the better. I know form experience with this diet that I can easily become overly sick though so I need to be extra careful with exercises and movement.

Energy levels are very poor. Imagine that will improve in the weeks ahead, I hope.

Weight remains the same at 188lbs. Would be nice to get that to 180lbs or lower.
Stomach did well once again yesterday. My energy levels improved in the afternoon also. That was nice. Had a very vivid dream last night. Hope the dream does not come true, but always good to have vivid dreams as when I have better energy I tend to dream more.
Yesterday I exercised, lifting some weights. This morning I'm fatigued and tired. It's not an overwhelming fatigue this time though, so that's a positive sign I believe. Maybe a week from now I'll be able to handle working out without feeling terrible, tired the next day. Stomach is doing OK. I have some cramping from time to time but not as bad as before.
Doing OK. I'm a little frustrated that I'm not healthier to the stomach or have better energy. That's to be expected. No rashes though and no new finger nail pitting seen. I've forgotten how I felt when eating beef. I have a list though that I created of the problems beef appeared to have caused me when I was eating it often. That should help. I doubt I'll eat beef again.
Earlier in the week I began eating the old nitric oxide supplement, the one I believed could be causing gas and cramping. I've not had as much trouble with it of late. It does increase gas, but so far that issue has been less of a problem.

I appear to be losing weight again. My diarrhea improved, which caused my weight loss to stop. I even seemed to have gained some weight on a few days. I'm still doing decent with the stomach but see I'm at 187lbs this morning.

I'm going to begin eating regular chicken. I've been eating fast food basically with chicken. For what ever reason it tends to be less of a problem. I don't know why that is. Maybe it is the honey I'll put on regular chicken. It could have a laxative effect. Hard to say. I'll limit the honey and use some other seasoning for the chicken.

Energy levels are OK but not great. Finger nail pitting is improved. THe pits are moving up the finger nail with no new ones seen. No rash seen since avoiding cheese and beef.
183lbs this morning. I keep losing weight on this diet, which is nice.

For the past few days I've generally felt very good. My energy levels have been elevated. Last night was the exceptiion. The stomach cramping returned. So I'm guessing the beet nitric oxide supplement is responsible for cramping. I'm not sure if I sitll need the NO supplement but will try taking it every other day and see if that stops the cramping from happening.
Feeling upbeat and positive. I'm communicating decently well, something that can be a problem when I'm really run down. It gives me good confidence.

I was sick yesterday to the stomach but had good energy for the day. The sickness on this diet of avoiding cheese, pork, and beef is different. It comes with little to no warning. It's quite frightening actually to be driving the car about. I have to remind myself though that these infrequent bouts are likely caused by the same items that made me sick when eating lots of cheese, such as exercies that use stomach muscles. Think I'll be passing on swimming until the hurricane season is over.
Just to record the weight loss, this morning I weighed nearly 180lbs. The weight still is coming off on this diet of avoiding mammal meats mainly due to suspected allergy problems. I'm also exercising a little more of late due to my parents being in town for the week. Possibly I'm sweating from exercises more. I figure most of the weight lost has been water weight.
Avoiding beet powder every other day has helped. The cramping has improved.

I'm doing decently well on the diet as expected. I've been tired of late but not terribly fatigued. The muscles feel well, I'm just exercising and doing more activities.

Weight went up a few pounds to 183. I'm not sure why but that's the way things tend to go with this condition. I'd like to get into the 170lb range eventually.
My weight loss continues. I have two scales, one digital that I consider more accurate and the other an older fashion manual. The digital scale says I weight 176lbs this morning. The older scale says 180lbs. For what ever reason since avoiding beef, cheese and pork I'm dropping the pounds.

I'm early in mentioning this and likely to jinx myself but noticed a few days ago that it has been awhile since I was last majorly sick to the stomach. I'm going to start recording at home whether I'm well or not. I always have diarrhea but if it is more under control that will be a big confidence boost.
I've been rather sick to the stomach this morning. I don't have any clear reason why this is happening. I have been exercising more than typical. Nothing using stomach muscles much but possibly the extra exercising has caused the problem. I also ate some honey chicken the last few days. Honey I've read can be a natural laxative. Possibly that is the issue. What ever is the cause my energy levels remain decent. I'll take an easy today, avoid honey, and hope things calm down in the days ahead.
To add, while sick today, I had good energy all day. I feel I am getting color back into my face. My eyes also are bluish. I believe this is the only diet that I've seen my eyes turn blue on. I know when well long term the eyes turn bright blue in color. It has been a long long time since that last happened though. Pitting in the finger nails has stopped. About the only complaint outside of the easy to upset stomach is my poor writing skills. For what ever reason writing can be a struggle. That should go away with a healthier stomach.

Well, today marks one month on the diet of avoiding beef, cheese, and pork. Another 11 months at least to go.
I forgot to note, I lost around 25lbs this first month on the diet.

The most I saw I weighed was right at 200lbs.

The least I've seen I weight is right at 175lbs.

I haven't done anything different, I eat normal amounts of food, other than to avoid beef, pork and dairy, foods I believe I'm allergic to.
My stomach is doing better since avoiding honey. The bad day was likely caused by the laxative effects honey can have.

Appearing healthier of late. I like seeing that. It makes me feel that I'm on the right track.
My weight seems to have leveled out once again. My weight has been staying around 175 to 180lbs for most of the week, depending on the scale. I wouldn't mind dropping another 5 to 10lbs.
For the last week or so I've noticed that my appetite has decreased. I'm still eating the same amount but suspect I could get by on eating less. Yesterday I was sick to the stomach and also feeling run down with poor energy levels. I'm not sure why that happened other than I have been exerting myself more than typical. That could have tired me out and upset the stomach. It could be also that with less desire to eat my stomach couldn't handle the amount of food I ate. I only eat two meals a day. I sleep much better than I pass on dinner. The two meals I eat are on the large side but not enormous.
I am experiencing more and more days of being relatively well when going to the bathroom. It's a positive sign I keep telling myself. The problem is that my gut does not enjoy being used in a regular way. The gut is still inflamed. I suspect that a healthier gut is leading to poor sleep due to an aching colon.

It's been about 4 days now since I've slept well. So overall I can still be very sick at times, but am experiencing improved bathroom results, and with that feel exhausted and beat up.
I'm under stress the last couple of days as a hurricane is heading this direction. So far I'm handling it well. I'm moving to be at a safer location and I expected all the lifting and climbing stairs would make me sick. So far it has not. Last night I slept poorly and my stomach was sore. I ended up using the bathroom much more than typical, but I was never overly sick. So I'm pleased about that. This afternoon I have good energy and feeling upbeat overall, outside of a hurricane coming this direction. I'm not happy about that.
Still not sick after all the stress I placed into my gut the other day. I'm pleased. Typically I'd be very ill by now. It gives me high hopes that the digestive system is repairing. I've avoided beef and dairy products several times before, up to 4 months. I'm wondering if in the past if I didn't notice this improvement in being able to stress the stomach, give it a workout or beating and not become sick. it would be easy to overlook. I overall feel miserable when decently well to the stomch. I know 3 months from now on this diet I should still feel miserable. if I'm not likely to get sick though that's a huge improvement and one that over further time should lead to a decently repaired GI system.
Very good news to note this morning. I did a light workout. Instead of feeling poorly and without energy, I'm now feeling energized. I've been looking for the diet that makes me feel more energetic after a light workout. I might have found it with avoiding beef, dairy and pork.

My teeth appear to do much better when I avoid beef and dairy. I've noticed when eating dairy that my teeth seem to fall apart. Cavities are more common, teeth chip, and sometimes I'll need a rootcanal. A hurricane has been directed this way for awhile now. Typically when this happens I'd be looking to eat cheese to shore up the stomach. I've avoided doing that this time for fear dental problems could become an issue.
I'm sick this morning. The cause is either of two things most likely. The first being that yesterday I stressed the stomach moving items around. The other idea is that I ate a new food, barbecue chicken and that is causing the problem.

I'm going to try an experiment. The experiment is based around cheese and its effect. I'm going to assume that cheese is not an allergen but does cause my energy levels to plummet greatly. In the first experiment I'll continue with avoiding cheese and beef, and pork. I'll also avoid spices. I'll see if the stomach improves as well as my energy levels along with how my appearance is. If that doesn't work, the second experiment will be a eat wild fish. The barbecue chicken had soy in it and I wonder if soy fed to animals diets is the problem.

Weight 180lbs.
I should add, the trial experiment isn't all that different from how I've been eating. Many days, but not all, on this diet trial of avoiding beef, dairy and pork, I eat plain and do not eat spices.
Yep, that is what has helped avoiding spices. I feel much more energetic this morning, the stomach calmed down, and I appear healthier. I also can communicate easier. It's the same old idea I've done in the past, even recent past, but not gone long enough I'm guessing. So I'll avoid spices, diary, pork and beef. Quite the list, sadly. I might have to add beef later on and see what happens.

I've written long enough here. I'll see about starting a stomach dietary note diary on my computer.
Been awhile since I last updated. Thought to note that I suspect I have the right diet to follow once and for all. I made some errors in the past that appear to have been corrected.

When judging when well I go by several criteria. The stomach health comes first. But I also judge my energy levels and how healthy I appear overall.

The diet that has been working of late is avoiding spices and the nightshade family. Nightshade includes potatoes, tomatoes, red peppers, tobacco, etc. I'm also limiting the amount of cheese/dairy products I'm eating. I'm doing that because cheese will tire me out, have me feeling my energy levels are low. So on this diet the gut is decently well most of the time. I have good energy levels, and I'm appearing decently healthy.

I have a long ways to go to heal I imagine. The stomach could be better. It would be nice to have even greater energy. My eyes are not blue yet and my appearance not wonderful. But all areas I look for have improved on this diet. I suspect in a few more months I'll be healed further.

Another mistake made, a processed meat i was eating often likely had broth added to it, but didn't list the broth. On this diet I'm cooking all meals and limiting the amount of processed foods. The only processed foods I'm having are some baked goods which wouldn't have spices added to them.
I've noticed of late that I'm not as tired. I'm not talking naps after meals as I used to. I'm also staying up later into the evening. Good signs. my energy levels are not great but they are showing signs of improvement. I'm experiencing days of being entirely well to the stomach every so often. The gut doesn't like being well though and can get the heart pumping. Hope that goes away within the next month or two.
I believe I've figured out what caused the scary flares. It's wheat. I've avoided wheat pretty well for many years till recently. Having reintroduced wheat I found if I ate a few slices of bread a few days in a row I not only became violently ill to the stomach, but my muscles hurt, back hurt, and I felt like I was in a fog.

So wheat is out of the diet. I'm feeling confident about this discovery. There must be more that makes me sick though, which I know about pork, and melons. Pork will make my gums swell up and bleed. It also makes me feel famished. I can't stop eating after eating some pork or pork gelatin. I'll also feel chilled after eating pork.

With a little luck I've found all the allergens that make me ill to the stomach and over time I'll recovery and heal
I'll also avoid beef and dairy products. There is no doubt I feel stronger when avoiding dairy and beef. Exercising is much improved when I avoid all cow items. The only diet too that turns my eyes blue is avoiding beef and dairy. I've only been avoiding beef and dairy for a short while and my eyes are bluish. Imagine if I avoided for a year my eyes would turn bright blue. It seems to be the logical answer for what ails me.

There is something about wheat causing health issues. Don't know if that is a gluten problem or simply an issue with wheat being difficult to digest. I'll keep away from it.

So a big list to avoid this year I suppose, wheat, beef, dairy, pork, and melons. I should be able to handle it though. I don't care for beef and dairy is a love hate relationship for me. Love that cheese can help the gut out some, but hate how dairy tires me out greatly. I can substitute rice for wheat. Pork needs to be avoided or I'll itch all over like crazy. And I don't care for throwing up which pumpkin, and other melons cause.
Somethings wrong. I'm still well to the stomach.

When I began eating gluten/wheat free, avoided pork, and beef and dairy along with melons, I thought the extra brown rice eaten would cause me stomach problems. Traditionally it would. Ive become a pretty good judge at when I have a good chance of being overly ill to the stomach. So, so far not being sick has been a pleasant surprise. I'll stick with the diet, and hope the good stomach days continue. I'll likely be sick today or tomorrow. It will be a delayed stomach upset. Time will tell.
I'm still well or maybe better said have not been sick. I'm glad for that, but very unexpected. I'll keep avoiding wheat/gluten, pork, beef, dairy and melons. I have my doubts about beef and dairy being an allergen but for now I'll stick with avoiding. It's nice to be somewhat well to the stomach. I've had considerably less cramping while on this diet.
I finally made myself sick. It took quite an effort to make it happen. I rode my bike yesterday, eat a lot of fiber and did some exercises using my stomach muscles. THis morning I was sick. It is never good being sick but the nice part is I wasn't in pain. Typically while sick I'm in a good amount of pain. Not this time.

So something is going on it appears. I'm onto something good with this diet I suspect. I will tell though. I'll keep avoiding the always avoids of pork and melons. I'll also keep avoiding wheat, and beef/dairy products.

I lifted weights this morning. Typically by tomorrow I'll be worn out with my bones hurting. I suspect that will not happen this time though.
Worth noting, I swam today which with the stomach muscles used often makes me sick. This time though, I have not been ill to the stomach. Swimming and weight lifting tires me out greatly. I can hurt all over, in my bones in particular. So far I'm feeling fine. Nothing hurts. Very good sign.
I'm not sore nor tired this morning and this comes after lifting weights yesterday and swimming. Stomach is back to its typical self. I'm not only sick. I am up 5lbs since beginning this diet so starting today I'll cut back on what I eat and see if I can drop my weight back down to 180lbs.
It's been an awesome day. I have lots of energy. I feel good all over. I'm able to concentrate decently. I'm reading, something I enjoy but often have some difficulty doing as I'll fall asleep easily. Stomach feels good. I'll keep avoiding pork, melons, beef/dairy,and wheat.

I'm not sure if wheat or dairy/beef are a problem or not. I know that dairy will tired me out. That has been a long time complaint. I eat dairy, cheese and I'm worn out for the day. I also develop dental cavities easily when I eat cheese. On the positive side though cheese does have a constipating effect. Beef seems to tire me out also. With wheat, it's a problem but I'm not sure if it's a problem due to be an allergy or due to it being tough to digest and it rubs my inflamed digestive system wrong. Regardless glad today I feel good and hope the good feeling continues through the week.

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