I feel good this morning. I can tell that I'll likely have good energy today. My muscles at least feel healthy and strong. Stomach is OK. It's not great but it's improved.
Thinking about what could be the problem foods, dairy and beef or wheat it likely does not matter. I've noticed in the past the curious combination of wheat and dairy products. It is rare to eat wheat without consuming dairy with it. There is bread and butter, pizza with its cheese, pancakes and butter milk, cheese hamburgers, cereal with milk, cookies with milk, etc. It has me thinking it might not be possible to consume wheat in large amounts without consuming dairy products. It's just a hunch. Dairy has a constipating effect, an effect that can sooth a stomach. By many accounts I've read, wheat is difficult to digest. Without dairy wheat would be overly ruff to eat, for a majority of people. So if one has an allergy to beef and dairy and stops consuming dairy then wheat will become a problem food to consume for most I'd imagine.
I'm a celiac by one doctors diagnosis. Other doctors have said I'm not a celiac. Reading about the various celiac testing methods I'd leaned none of the tests are all that reliable with a celiac diagnosis. I've felt for a long time that I'm allergic to dairy. Avoiding dairy though did not help my stomach though I believe at times avoiding dairy did improve my energy levels. That might be my error in the past, believing I could consume wheat without consuming dairy. And it might explain, in part, why i feel better now avoiding both dairy/beef, and wheat. I'm also avoiding pork and melons and I know I react negatively to them.