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Ate a good amount of rice today. I am fatigued. I'm guessing that wasn't caused by eating rice though. Most likely it has been caused by exercising more than typical. I've done a number of pushups and leg squarts, along with walking and swimming. Imagine I'll be fine. Will continue to monitor of course. Tongue looks good and healthy. Back feels fine. there remains a slight amount of pain but nothing that stops me from doing things.
Have a very mild upset stomach but in part it might also be me not feeling as hungry. Avoiding citrus does make me less hungry. To be on the safe side I didn't eat any rice with breakfast. I might try having some with lunch if I feel up to it. I'm also feeling fatigured. I'm going to blame that on exercising to much. I'll take an easy today. 172lbs. Back feels fine. Don't feel anypain at the moment but imagine if I began twisting around I'd feel some pain.
Worth noting down, I am slightly unsteady this morning. It is likelly all the exerising that was done. Healing will do this to me. But also maybe the rice is the cause. I'll go rice free for awhile, and once this clears up I'll exercise hard and see what happens.
Finally! My eyes have that bright blue color appearance. I've been looking for that for the longest time. So maybe avoiding citrus is the answer, or a main answer. And with that said, I've felt run down worn out all day today. Most likely the fatigue comes from working out to hard. My body couldn't handle it. But there is the possibility also of the rice causing the fatigue. I'll have to work that out. Gut hurts a bit today but notthing terrible. Today ended up being a fasting day. Wasn't entirelly planning that though the idea crossed my mind earlier. The morning was busy, I couldn't eat lunch till much later than typical for me, and decided I'll pass on lunch instead of being up later into the night.

Well, I'll hope the bright blue eyes get brighter. They come close to glowing in the dark as I like to joke, in the past.
170lbs. avoiding graind continues to help roll off the weight.

Back feels great. the theory that avoiding citrus helps my back continues to hold true.

I'm slightly unsettled this morning. I am feeling much better than yesterday though. Most likely the unsettled feeling came from over exercising though I can't rule out eating rice causing that issue. I doubt I'll exercise hard today, doing lots of pushups. Im still to warn out this morning. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to tst the exercise, rice thing.

tongue looks great. A top theory for the tongue sores now is that they were caused by citrus. Don't know though. Soy or grains are top suspects too.
I was feeling so well that I ended doing a lot of pushups earlier. I'll find out in the next 24 hours if it was the pushup exercises done or the rice eaten that made me unsteady, weak and mildly dizzy.
So far doing well after the many tough pushups done. I'm slowing down this later afternoon. tomorrow morning will be interesting. Hope I don't find myself unsteady, which isn't horrible but it isn't pleasant either.
170lbs. So far this morning I do not feel unsettled. I'm not mildly dizzy. I'm not weak. Overall I feel decent. So at least at the moment I'm going to guess that it was the rice eaten that caused me to feel unsettled the other day and not over exercising. I'm not all that surprising that rice is a problem. there is all kinds of writiings discussing how grains are a problem for health. I've talked with my doctors too about wheat and grains and their feelings that it should be aoided. there is a lot of prevailing thought that grains are a health issue for many if not all.

Oranges and citrus on the other hand surprise me. I still have a hard time beleiving citrus is a problem for me. But then again I had that back probleem and it went away after I avoided citrus. I can't argue with that.

Tongue looks good and healthy. Grains are a leading possible cause for the tongue sores. A possible theory on why hte tongue sores developed now is that I'm been fasting often and fasting causes me to use the bathroom less. Maybe having grains in my digestive track for a longer period of time resuled in tongue sores. It makes some sense, though of course don't know if true.

I'll plan on testing beans soon. Beans are the leading theory of what caused the tongue sores.
I'm going to take that back. After doing my exercises this morning, I'm slightly unsteady. It isn't anything of big significance but it is there. Maybe it is a combination of grains and exercise that cause the problem. Rice does seem to slightly upset my stomach, making me cramp and be a little gassy. Avoiding grains certainly cuts down on gas production. That is often written about in books, grains can make one gassy. An upset stomach and exercise can make one feel weak.

Forgot to meniton, since avoiding citrus my hair continues to change color. It is now dark brown. The grays has pretty much gone away.
Today I began an experiment that I didn't note down earlier. Since I was pretty well using the bathroom today and my energy levels are up thought best to note it down. I began avoiding all cane sugar today. I've been nearly cane sugar free but not entirely as I'll have a bite of chocolate once a day. I started avoiding sugar and so far the results have been good. Of course a few hours of testing means little but who knows I should take note of it. Sugar cane is a member of the grain family related to corn, wheat, and rice. Cane sugar makes up around 90% of the sugar used in the US. I'm avoiding wheat, rice, and corn so with the avoidance of sugar cane also i'm grain free entirely I believe with my diet.

I've bought some beet sugar that I'll use in the future. I have some beet sugar and it tastes pretty good.
Short lived happiness with the sugar idea. Had a mild upset stomach. Nothing of major concern.

I didn't note it earlier but I have two mark growths/acne, I'm not entirely sure what they are, grow. I suspect they cold have been caused by the chocolate eaten. Both are going away it seems since I stopped eating the chocolate/ cane sugar.

I'm still wondering if it is the cane sugar in the lemonade drunk that is a problem or not. It might be, instead of the citrus. It is worth a months investigation. I don't eat much sugar anyway.

I'll monitor the back. the slight back pain keeps hanging around. It might be the cane sugar. I guess cane sugar is brown sugar. Regular just plain sugar is refirned 3 times more than cane / brown sugar.
Back feels good this morning. I want it to feel good as i was thinking avoiding sugar would help so I'm not entirely sure of how the back feels I suppose, but at the moment it does feel like the back pain has gone away entirely. will of course monitor.

Left eye is red this morning. I believe I got some shampoo in my eye while showering. Fun, I sort of remember that, but wasn't paying to much attention. Was just a quick in and out shower. Hopfully hte red will go away in the next hour or two.

Feel good this morning overall. Energy levels feel higher so far. I'm feeling stronger. It so far is a good way to start the morning.
As the morning has gone on, my red eyes have cleared up. Good. I'm feeling unsteady and weak. Bad. The unsteady feeling is most likely caused by over exercising. So for today I'll take an easy, no swimming, pushups, weight lifting, etc. I'll just walk.

Kind of laughing at my self with all the foods being avoided. I'm avoiding eggs, chicken, turkey, garlic, onions, beef, pork, citrus, all grains plus sugar, and beans. I can't wait till I can start further experimenting. One problem I have is that we're heading into the heart of hurricane season. I went to do all I can to be reasonably strong in case a storm comes this morning and I have to prepare, and run away from the storm. Hope I don't think of any new ideas of foods to avoid. I might find myself eating nothing at this rate.
I'm looking good and healthy today. I've been looking healthy for the past week I'd say. That's a good positive sign.

Lots of confusion as always on what helps and what does not. I noticed that I'm now one month with the latest avoid beef and dairy diet or basically the alpha gal diet since I don't touch pork. I haven't eaten much beef and have had no dairy this year. It is possible that beef was the cause of the tongue sores. One thing I notice for sure with eating beef and dairy is that it creates hang nails. It takes awhile but the hang nails go away a week or two after avoiding beef and dairy products. Right now my finger nails are good and healthy.

Course eggs and chicken seem to cause finger nail pitting. I'm now a month into avoiding chicken, eggs, and turkey. Eggs and chicken could be the cause of the tongue sores.

I'm also a month into avoiding garlic/onions an old suspect trouble maker. With that i'm avoiding other spices too.

Don't really know what caused the tongue sores of a few weeks ago. I have some clues but not enough to draw a conclusion. Wish I knew the answer to that. If I figure out the cause of the tongue sores I likely will have the cause of my stomach problems. The tongue sores take ages to heal so that might be mission impossible.

I'm going to pass on avoiding sugar for now. It's to much, with the large number of foods already being avoided. Unless I find myself in a bad way I'll add sugar back into the diet, and keep it at a low amount eaten.
this morning i woke up thinking I should avoid potatoes. Kind of odd. Potatoes are the only controversial good in my diet. So anyway, thought what the heck I'll give it a try. this slight weakness, unsteadyness isn't much fun having so I'll see if avoiding the nightshade family helps. So far so good, I'm feeling better this morning. I've added rice back into the diet.

A few weeks ago I did learn that turkey lunch meat I've long suspected of causing me troubles had potato starch added to it.

I'll see where this goes.
Well, I'm guardedly optimistic about avoiding potatoes, nightshade family. What remained of the back pain has gone away. So has the two acne. bumps. I'm not completely gone with the unsettled feel but I believe that has lessened. As best as I can tell I'm doing better.
I am looking healthier today. And I think that is how I normally react when I avoid potatoes. I appear healthier when I avoid the nightshade family.
I've gone to far to restrictive with my diet. i'm always looking for a short term fix to help but it never works out well. So I'm going to add potatoes back into the diet. I'll also add oranges and citrus. i'll contingue to avoid beef and dairy products. I'll also avoid chicken eggs, tureky, and pork. I'm on the fish diet basically. I'll also continue to avoid garlic and onioins.

I'll be on te alpha gal diet with the slight difference that I'm also avoiding chicken and tureky. If I get to feeling better on this alpha gal round I'll later add chicken. No doubt my favorite diet is the alpha gal diet. It does tent to have me feeling better, my energy, looking healthier.

I'll also add grains but won't go over board with eating grains.

I'll keep away from beans. At a later time I'll of curse test beans.
172lbs. I'll likely fast today. I'd like to see my weight reset to 168lbs.

I'm tired this morning. it is likely the grain fiber eaten that has me feeling worn out. then again I did workout hard two days ago and it is the second day that i tend to feel the more fatigued. Gut ok. I'm looking healthier of late. That is good. the healthier I appear the more healthy the gut tends to become, typically.

Was thinking that the tongue sores very well could have come from eating beef and dairy products. I recall the last tongue sore even formed right after eating some beef. So there is an excellent chance that is the cause of the sores. i've long thought that eggs and chicken can cause the tongue sores. i'll have to test that out sometime in the disstant future, and after being well for some time.

I remember noting down that i wanted to follow the alpha gal diet but instead of eating chicken I would only eat fish. that is what i'm doing now. I'm on the fish diet, which is also the alpha gal diet. So far so good, though healing and change is very slow.
very good news and some bad news this monring. The bad news, I'm quite fatigued this morning. It feels like exercise fatigue. The many difficult pushups I did 2 days ago have caught up with me.

The very good news, I'm going to say I'm in the early stages of returning to how I felt in Nov. I could be jinxing myself by mentioning this. As always I could be wrong. I've noticed the change though in the past week and I keep heading in that good direction it feels like. So if i do end up being back to Nov., basically being well in most ways, I'll want to be sure and to note down as many details as possible so when the times comes were I need to repeat it I can. I'll bascially note down everything I'm eating, drinking and taking. It took about 5 weeks to get this way. With a little luck in the 6th week I'll be back to Nov.
Today has been a tough day. I have poor energy levels. It has the feeling of exercise fatigue. I will likely be doing better tomorrow. I fasted today which in the fast time I've fasted in awhile and likely didn't effect my energy levels much. When I ask it does seem that in the evenings I find myself needing to use the bathroom. When eating chicken while fasting I'll have a mini flare. While on the fish diet it is less of an issue but an issue none the less. It gives me hope that maybe a few months from now, while remaining on the fish diet, I will be able to eat chicken with less problems. Would be nice if I have alpha gal. Course only being able to eat wile caught fish would work too. I'm not picky for an answer. Appearance is good today. I remain upbeat about the current diet. I believe it is working overall.
170lbs, this morning i work up thinking my answer has to for sure be garlic/onions and spices. Lots is going for that as the answer. It is another one of several that I wouldn't be surprised if spices are the problem I'm looking for.

Also work up feeling sore and beat up still. I'm not as fatigued as I was yesterday though. I need to take an easy and let the body recover from the exercises done. I'm doing better but still have a ways to go before I'm able to handle a hard workout it appears.
I might have the beginnings of a tongue sore. I'm not sure. Since it comes after I started eating grains again, I'll remove grains from the diet once more.

I'm not so sure this move matters. I feel I have a lot of good going on with the current diet, the fish diet, and avoiding spices and beans. But since I just added grains and I added citrus I'll be cautious and remove grains. I'll keep eating oranges. I'll take a chance with that. The grians do mightly upset my stomach, making me a little bit gassy.
It does appear that I have a new tongue sore. this comes after I added citrus and grains to my diet. I've also been tired and worn out since adding citrus and grains to my diet. I was hoping that it was exercise fatigue I was experiencing but now with the tongue sores I'm going to remove grains and citrus from my diet. I'll see if my energy levels rebound quickly and if the tongue sore doesn't become to large. The tongue sores are a big strange about that. They start quite small and then appear to be streached out.
I am feeling considerably better this morning. My energy levels are higher. The brain fog has largely lifted. daaaaa. And overall feel good. My back hurts a bit and has hurt the last two days a bit. Nothing to be all that worked up over and so I hadn't noted it down earlier. But now i'm thinking I had a reaction when I added grains and citrus to my diet. It might be exercise fatigue but more likely I'll end up finding it is an allergy reaction that caused my problems for two days.

Fingers crossed the problem food is citrus. Will find out though eventually. This isn't the best time for me to do to much experimenting since it is hurricane season and this is expected to be a busy one. THe good thing is that I have a good diet to eat. It shouldn't be to much trouble to stick with the diet for the rest of July, August and Sept. Oct. the tirst two weeks also.
Kind of an exciting day. I feel there is a good chance that citrus and/or grains are my main problem. I'll be avoiding them for a good long while. Tomorrow I'll plan on working out hard in morning. I'll see if I get that extreme fatigue feeling back or it is just a mild slow down experienced afterwards.

Kind of pigged out today. I've been snacking quite a bit. Even ate some cheese as a snack, first of the year. I can already see I'm deflated. Something about cheese and muscle deflation. Kind of odd but then again others write about experiencing the same thing.

Kind of odd to that I have a harsher reaction to citrus or grains after avoiding them for awhile. I guess maybe the cause is my immune system becomes stronger while avoiding and then reintroducing to the diet causes a harsher reaction. Just a wild guess. Glad to be feeling better today.
Doing well this morning. Avoiding all grains and citrus is doing me good. I'll plan on doing lots of pushups this morning. I'll see how I do. It will take two days to find out if I'm put into a daze or not. Most likely it is grains that are causing me troubles. I already have recorded instances where rice made me dizzy and weak. But citrus does cause some negatives when eaten. I'll figure it out eventually. Tongue looks good this morning. The sore is there but didn't grow larger over night.
Not my brightest move but I ate a bunch of cheese after working out. I put the remaining cheese into the freezer so I don't do that again. So had a hard workout, ate a bunch of cheese which traditionally slows me down, and I'll find out soon whether I'm going to be functioning or not. Hopefully avoiding grains and citrus have me doing much better. Citrus very much cuold be the answer too. Citrus for sure causes my back to hurt. And is also causes is to be difficult for me to talk.
I'm off to a good start with avoiding both grains and citrus. Yesterday I worked out relatively hard. This morning my muscles are sore but I'm feeling fine. I can function. I'm not so fatigued that I'm unable to activities. Instead I feel pretty decent with my energy levels. So that is good. i woke up worried that this wasn'g going to work, thinking I was going to be in a lot of pain today and tomorrow. I was wrong thankfully. Tongue looks good. Don't really have much of a tongue sore. Pleased about that.
Things are going well today. Little to no soreness from the exercising done yesterday. I'd typically feel sore but instead I'm feeling fine. Tomorrow will be the better test day. it is the 2nd days where I feel the worst after doing some weight baring exercises.

This could be it. It would solve one of the two major problems I have, the stomach issues and the fatigue. Hoping the fatigue issue has been solved by avoiding citrus and grains.
yes, yes yes yes...I feel great this morning. I'm not feeling exercise fatigue. I'm so far functioning great. It appears that avoiding all grains and citrus has gotten rid of the fatigue. I have my answer, probably. I'll give it another week of testing and watching but I should be able to stop writing soon. This is so wonderful and exciting.

Course famous last words. It wouldn't surprise me if there is still something else causing me problems. I need to test spices, chicken, eggs, beef, long term. But I'll start that after the hurricane season. I also have lots of recovering to do. I'm far from healthy, but I'm in a better spot if the fatigue goes away.
today has gone really well. My energy levels have been good. I don't feel overly sore. I even worked out a good amount this morning. It looks like I have the great fatigue problem figured out with avoiding citrus and grains. At least i hope so. Some more time is needed to be sure but I like how things are progressing. Tongue looks good. Weight 172lbs this morning. I'm hoping to swim in the morning. I would have swam today but had some workers to look after.
I'm not tired. I'm not fatigued. So far this morning is starting out great. Tongue looks good and healthy. I guess my big compalint this morning is the bug bites I have on my arms and legs. I'll have to change times on when I water the new plants.

Noticed by mistake I bought some chocolate that has cane sugar in it. I'll have to test cane sugar eventually. I'll leet myself grow healthier first.

Since avoiding grains I've been using the bathroom less frequetnly. Grains are a natural laxative fro me.
Found myself with a slight upset stomach. Not much pain. Kind of nice, nice from the stand point that so far my energy levels have not been hurt. When I get an upset stomach typically I'm down and out for the count for a little bit. Not today, so far. I mentioned in an early post about using the bathroom less. Well, today made up for that.

I've pretty much forgotten how run down and fatigued I felt a week ago or so. All I know is that I avoided all grains and citrus and the fatigue lifted. That's all I need to remember. So long as I have decent livable energy levels I'm good with the avoidance of those two.

My eyes are bluish on this diet, sometimes even the bright blue can be seen. That is another item about avioding citrus. I suspect it to be the cause of the eye color change. Don't know. If true though imagine it will takes months before it is a regular sight to see.
I didn't sleep well last night and that is an easy one to figure out why. I took some Imodium yesterday and Imodium tends to do. My sleep will be poor when I take Imodium. It tends to slightly upset my stomach which in turns keeps me awak. I'm not sure if i slept any or not. If I did sleep it wasn't much.

Outside of the lback of sleep I'm doing ok this morning. Gut hurts very slightly but overall it is good. My strength is decent. Energy levels are hurting some but not bad. Hair color is dark brown. Just about all of the grey hairs are gone. Hair is growing faster of late on this diet of avoiding citrus and grains.

I'm thinking this will be my last week of taking notes on the gut. I may be a long ways off rom recovering but it contingues to appear that i've figured out what causes the overwhelming fatigue at times, citrus and grains. I think citrus is the main offender at the moment. But can change my opinion on the flip of a dime.
This is wonderful. It does appear I can now take a beating on this diet. I don't believe I slept at all last night. Today I'm doing fine. I'm able to funciton. I'm not feeling wonderful but I[m doing decent. This is also the second day since exercising, the worst day for fatigue and I don't feel fatigue. My muscles feel good. So avoiding citrus and all grains is doing me good. I have a long road ahead of me for recovery, if this is the answer of course. Wish it wasn't hurricane season so I would feel more comfortable with opening up my diet and test new foods. I'll have to wait till Oct. for that. I have a good diet though and should be able to make it till then.

Alright a few more days of typing down note and if those go well I'll stop writing.
I slept wonderfully last night. Went to bed 30 minutes early and woke up 30 minutes later, not waking up once during the night.

Doing well this morning. I remain a bit on the tired side with some exercise fatigue. I can function though. I'm not feeling out of it. I'm planning on doing some exercising later this morning. Tongue looks good. I can still see some of the healing on the tongue sore but barely. Lots of healty looks bum[s on the tongue. Of course lots of questions swirling about, what helps the most, avoding citrus, avoiding grqins, even thought of the alpha gal diet. Don't know but can say avoiding citrus causes my hair color to change some from lighter brown to harder brown. Avoiding grains helps my gut some. And eating cheese does slow me down some and to look less healthy.
Doing decently well today. Did lots of exercises this morning, pushups, leg squats, etc. I'm a little tired from it but nothing terrible. I'm able to function. I haven't been communicating all that well of late and maybe that is due to exercising more than typical but overall I'm doing well. Thought I was appearing good and healthy today.
I started an experiement a couple days ago that I didn't note down. So far the experiment is doing me good. So on the chance it might help me out I'll write the idea down and maybe for a little while I'll record how I'm doing.

As mentiioned a few days ago I was experiencing stomach troubles. As a result I took some Imodium and that kept me up all night.

to furhter help I thought I stop eating some carrots. I thought maybe the fiber in the carrots was causing the cramping and diarrhea. Well, since avoiding carrots my gut has felt much better and I was nearly well going to the bathroom this morning.

Carrot family is made up of many foods, but mainly of carrots and parsley. It looks like the carrot family might also include ginger in a round about way, a food I've been eating of late.

So I'll contineu to avoid carrots, the spice parsley and ginger. I'll see what comes of it. So far so good.

Tongue looks decent. the sore that formed in the past has healed nicely with some more healing to be done.
Avoiding carrots is still paying dividends. The stomach is good. No big cramping. No big diarrhea. I'm glad I noticed this. well so far. I have my doubts about carrot and parsley along with other members of the carrot family being the answer, but when looking for truoble makers carrot family does check off many boxes. It cuold be the answer. time will tell.

Doing well today. I'm a little run down but to be expected since i've worked out hard this week. I'm functioning though. No problems there. I'm not completgely out of it.

Ate a bunch of cheese today. I regretted it at the time. It didn't taste good. So looking forward to when other snack foods are available. I'm not a big fan of grains but looking forward to test grains in the near future. Lots of good grain snacks.
I didn't sleep all that well lasgt night and found myself sleeping in by 2 hours. Stomach continues to do well since avoiding carrots. It is quite nice. I figured no time to waste. I'll add rice to the diet. With breakfast at a rice cake. Will see how this goes. Hoping this avoiding of the carrot family works. I like how I'm feeling right now in general. tongue is healing nicely.
Today has been another good day for the stomach. Avoiding parley, carrots, celery, continues to do me good. I ate lots of riice today so it will be good to monitor how I do. I also ate chocolate with lunch and regretted it. Chocolate can make me a little bit unsteady I've noticed in the past and for around and hour iafter eating I felt a little unstead. I'll avoid in the future and see if that issue returns.

By and large though I'm pleased about avoiding the carrot family. Hope I continue to do well.
I remain doing well since avoiding the carrot family. No major stomach issues. No cramping. Eating grains for one day isn't causing issues. More time is needed but so far I like how I'm feeling. Maybe in a day or two if I continue to do well I'll add oranges to the diet and see how that goes.
Did well once again today. Stomach continues to do alright since avoiding the carrot family. I've been wondering why the fish diet wasn't getting the results I wanted. Maybe it is due to be adding carrot juice to the diet this year. So I'll keep on the avoid carrot family diet. Added oranges to the diet afterall today. So far so good. Tongue is healing i believe. Maybe in a few days it will be healed up and looking good.
This is the pits, as happened before I ate citrus and now my back aches. At least there is one area of my back that hurts. Maybe it is healing and healing is pain. Hard to say. I'll give it a few days and see if the pain improves. What is improved is my tongue. It looks better, healing up. Weight 174lbs. I thought I'd weigh more as I haven't been eating well.
Generally a good day. I'm a little tired after eating lunch. Before lunch though I was feeling wonderful. I had lots of energy. Stomach doing well still. Looking healthy. Not much to report beyond that. Avoiding the carrot family still seems to do me good. Tongue still has the appearance that it is healing though the sore is bigger and uglier than i wish.
Alright, I have a result. Citrus is going onto the permanent avoid list, next to pork, pumpkins and water mellons. The back pain has returned. I'm in considerable amount of pain this morning in my back. It is in the same spot as before when I was eating oranges, the upper middle section. I'm guessing these are muscles sore from the push ups done, with the pain made worse by the oranges eaten.

When i at the oranges I also started having the running nose I had before. My hair was also beginning to change colors to a lighter brown.

So citrus is out of the diet. Something bad is going on with it. Hopfully my back muscles will improve within a day or two like before.

I'll also avoid all grains till the back improves jsut in case. Once the back is feeling better I'll add grains back in testing them once again.
My back is feeling better this morning. Not sure if it will hurt in the morning or not. This morning the pain was bad. I was having a hard time getting around. Thankfully after a few hours the pain lessened, the back loosened up. Not sure why the back hurts now when I eat oranges. I have some theories on that, from the pushups I've been doing with the new pushups device. That's a leading candidate. To the pain starting after I did a short trial of avoiding citrus. Makes me wonder if my body changed while I avoided citrus.

I'm avoiding grains at the moment also. I'll look to add them this weekend most likely and see how that goes.

Pigged out at lunch today. I'm 177lbs at the moment, 5lbs heavier than my typical 172lbs. I'll likely weigh 175lbs in the morning if I can stay away from stacking. I might fast tomorrow. That should help get the weight down, and make the belly smaller.

That is something I've wondered, how will weight loss go now that I'm avoiding citrus for good. I guess I'll be finding out.
Just to ramble a bit. One of the nice things about citrus being a problem is it is one of the few foods that i was reguarlly eating during the time when I was able to make my gut more or less well. For several years I followed a grain free diet, avoided eggs, and other foods. I ate a lot of cheese also as cheese is constipating.

Yet while well to the gut I never recovered. I didn't develop good energy levels. never looked healthy, had lots of dental problems, and the gut while much better still had problems.

So citrus was a regular food that I ate during that time. Since it looks like citrus is an allergy, I'm abel to eat it anymore without sneexing, and developing back problems, maybe removing citrus from my diet will eventually result in me becoming recovered.

Not sure what to make of hte carrot family. Something was making me will a week ago or so. Bit of a mystery there.

I'll figure it out. With citrus out of the diet, with a little luck I'll have this figured out soon.

Back doing well at the moment. I can feel some pain from it, but nothing terrible. I can get out of a chair without issue at least. I couldn't do that in the morning.
Back felt much better when waking up. I had little back pain this. After up and walking aruond the pain returned. the pain though wasn't as bad as yesterday though it did have me walking slowly. Imagine as the day goes on the back pain will reside as it did yesterday.

Ate some grains this morning, a rice cake. I wasn't planning on having a rice cake with breakfasgt but out of habit had one. Imagine I'll be fine. I'm just starting the grain testing a little earlier than planned. Hope my back pain does get worse. I'm fairly certain that it is citrus causing the back pain but can not say with certainty that is the cause.

Slept great last night. Slept an hour later than typical and didn't wake up once during the night. It was wonderful. Weight 174lbs. Aiming for 172lbs at the moment. Since my back hurts think I'll eat lunch, and avoid snacks. Maybe I'll be 173lbs in the morning.
Doing well this afternoon. The back feels good though I can still feel some sore spots. I imagine that pain should be competely gone soon since I'm avoiding citrus.

I removed the rice cakes from where I gather breakfast foods. So I should be able to avoid grains for awhile. I had good luck with avoiding all grains in the past so I should avoid, at least for awhile.

Gut is doing well today. Don't know what was going on with carrots. It might have been nothing more than to much fiber. I doubt carrots are an allergy but of course who knows, More monitoring needed.

Wish the bright blue eyes should show up again. That would be a big direction pointer, showing I'm on the right diet.

Tongue looks like it is healing. Wish it would heal faster. It heals to slowly.

I'm kind of back where I was just a week ago. I'll monitor for a bit longer but will likely stop writing soon. I'm guessing citrus is the answer I'm looking for and healing just takes a lot of time. Course more could be going on, such as alpha gal, bird allergy, etc.
Just to add, today is the 7th day of avoiding the carrot family. During that time I've experienced no serious truoble with my gut. I should continue to avoid the carrot family.

Something strange is going on with citrus. The back pain is bad after I eat citrus. But it hasn't always been that way. So who knows. The bigger issure is the gut and if i can get it working by avoiding the carrot family so much the better. Don't remember ever testing the carrot famiily before. And I have been drinking lots of carrot juice this year.

I think too I'll continue to eat grains. I shouldn't limit my diet by to much if i don't need to.
The back is much better this morning. I'm able to get around without much problem. That is good and what i expected would happen with avoiding citrus.

Tongue is looking improved a little.

Cut is doing well. Don't know if the carrot family is an aolergy problem or a fiber problem. Ill stay away for now regardless.

Something I've noticed when I avoid citrus is that my muscles become bigger after exercising. Don't know what is gonig on there, if anything. I can always be mistaken.

I might fast today. I'm going back to the old manual scale and it says I'm 167lbs this morning. Would prefer to see 162lbs on that scale.
Gut still doing well since i began avoiding the carrot family.

Back doesn't hurt since avoiding citrus.

Ate a lot of corn chips today along with a rice cake. So lots of grains eaten.

Tongue is looking better and healing. The healing area is turning the right color.

Can't think of anything else to add. It's been a good day. I can feel this evening that I have pretty good energy levels.
I jumped out of bed this morning, forgetting about my back. there was very little pain. The pain isn't entirely gone but is quite close to not being there. It does appear that eating citrus causes the back pain.

Tongue sore or markings continues to look good. I've long thought that if I figured out the cause of hte tongue sores Id have my answer for the cause of the stomach issues. Leading candidates for the tongues are citrus and carrot family at the moment. the tongue sores take far to lone to heal up. It is like watching paint dry I suppose.

Skin looks good and healthy. Energy levels OK. On the down side I'm feeling a bit blue. Don't know why but feeling down at the moment. I'll have to do something to cheer me up.
I was fatigued today likely from exercise. Overall I did well but going a little slower than wished. Gut continues to do quite well since avoiding the carrot family. Pleased about that. Back feels good still since avoiding citrus. there is still some back soreness but nothing major, nothing holding me back from doing things. If I wanted to go swimming or do pushups it wouldn't be a problem, other than I'm fatigued from exercising a bit to much. Liking the decent gut since avoiding carrot family. Don't know what is going on there. I ate a lot of high fiber corn chips the other day and it didn't cause stomach issues. I thought possibly it is the fiber in the carrots causing me problems but i'm doubts that now. Tongue still has its markings though I suspect the tongue is healing. Oh and I ate grass fed beef doing for lunch.
The back hurts little this morning. I ate beef yesterda which seems to have gone down well. At least no big stomach issues noticed yesterday after eating beef.

I'm still pleased about the gut doing well with aviding the carrot family. Doubt carrots are an allergy problem but I shouldn't mess with success. I'll continue to avoid.

I have a coupe long term avoidances going on. Checking my notes I see i'm avoiding spices since June 9th. Since June 1 I've avoided all bird meat, chicken turkey. if I remember right I ate some crackers that had egg in this for a cuople days, so the June 1 isn't completely right but close to it. 4 month avoidance seems to be my common avoiance length. that seems to not be long enough to determine much but I'll stick with it. In particular I'm anxious to see how I do with a long term bird avoidance. Something strange is going on with bird meat and eggs. I can easily see that as beng the answer I'm looking for.
I might have an interesting development today. I might have the start of a new tongue sore. It is hard to say. I'm not sure what to make of it but an area on the tongue bothers me.

The main new food I ate the other day is rice and some corn chips. As a result think I'll go back to avoiding all grains. I'll stay away from sugar cane. I'll also allow grass fed beef since it is supposed to not be fed corn. I'll see where this gets me.

The best results when it comes to the tongue have been avoding grains. 3 times now I've suspected that tongue sores were started by eating grains. So I haven't give it a good test of avodiing grains along with avoiding animal meats where the animal had been fed grains. I'll still keep avoiding citrus, the carrot family and spices.
I forgot to note down but it did bother me, when I ate corn and rice the other day, once again I have developed lots of big flakes of dandruff. There is something wrong about that. So I'll go back to avoiding grains, and I'll stay away from meats were the anima was fed corn.

On the positive, my skin is looking really healthy. It has that nice milky look to it. I always have viewed that as a positive for my health.
I do have a new tongue sore. Disappointing to see. Instead of avoiding grains think this time I'll avoid nightshade once again and see what that does. I've been eating a lot of potatoes this month. Possily that is contributing to why the tongue isn't healing quicker. I'll find out.

Didn't sleep well last night. I'll be worn out today. Outside of that, doing alright. Fingers crossed the nightshade avoidance helps with the tongue. Back feels good. Skin looks healhy. I'll also continue to avoid citrus, beans, bird,

On a sad note heard former neighbor Scott, who has UC is likely on his death bed. Hope he pulls through but it is not sounding good at the moment.
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It is only a few hours, but I do appear healthier this moring since I did not eat potatoes with breakfast. That is something I've noticed for awhile, potatoes make me appear less health, more worn down. Tongue looks slight improved, but far to early to get upbeat about that.
I do believe this later afternoon that my tongue is looking healthier. So as best as I can tell avoiding nightshade family is helping the tongue to heal. This could be a break through. I hope so. It also fits the question of why was I becoming ill when I thought i was avoiding nightshade. Well, as I've learned one turkey lunch meat likely had nightshade in it but was not labeled having that, potatoes and peppers. So hoping this next week reveals a positive or negative on nigthshade family causing tongue sores.

Bit wornout today. The gut is slightly upset and I slept poorly last night.
I do believe my tongue looks better. Some of that might be wishful thinking. I am wishing the tongue sore would go away. But one section does appear much better.

Feelings run down, worn out this morning. Skin looks healthy. Back hurts a little bit but nothing of big significance. I'll continue to avoid the nightshade family.
Good and bad news, to me it clearly looks like the old tongue markings are quickly healing. The bad, the newish tongue form noticed a few days is growing in size. That seems to be how tongue sores heal I've noticed, they start small and then get stretched out. I'm hoping avoiding the nightshade family is my answer. this could be a big break though.

I appear healthier today, as mentioned earlier about avoiding potato ships. No blue eyes, tongue is still messed up, but skin looks healthier and hair is in good shape also. I'm always looking for visual items to latch onto and this is one I can remember if I choose to do so.
Same old story. Tongue looks better though tht newer sore looks bad. The older part has nearly healed up entirely.. Back feels good. Aoiviing citrus helps there it seems. Main worry at the moment is the tongue sore. I want to see it gone obviously. I have a dental appointment in 2 weeks. It's a ways away but the tongue sores take such a long while to heal and I could find myself rescheduling. I'll keep avoiding citrus, nigthshade family, beans, bird and spices. That is quite a list. I am slightly more strong this morning. I am glad about that. Energy levels are so so. Pushups done yesterday have me worn down a bit. Weight 167lbs.
Swam today, first swim in awhile, and I'm worn out this evening. Not to surprised. I'm not all that strong. Tongue looks better though it has aways to heal. I'm upbeat that either citrus of nightshade family is ressonsible for the sores. I just need toshow patiences and let it heal I believe. Back feels good. Very little pain in the back now. Appearance more healthy. Since avoiding nightshade I look healthier. I've also begun eating 2 rice cakes a day and possibly that is the cause for the healthier appearance. hard to say.
Good and bad news. bad news, I feel beat up, kind of lousy this morning. My stomach was mildly upset. The good news, the tongue sore looks better this morning. The old sore markings are nearly gone. The new sore looks better.

I've been eating two rice cakes a day. Think that might be to much iber for my defective gut to handle. i'll cut back to one rice cake a day. See if that helps.I'll continue avoiding the nightshade family, citrus, beans, bird, etc.
I have a good amount of exercise fatigue today. it isn't much fun dealing with, but I have lots of experience with that and overall I[m doing OK. The fatigue isn't to the point where I'm not able to function. Tongue looks better to me. Back feels alright. Appearance healthy. That is one thing about avoiding the nightshade family, my appearance is how I want it to be.
ate some refried beans. The labels lists them as being plain, no spices. Hopefully they go down well, and do not contrbute to the tongue markings.
I'm still feeling fatigued this morning, but overall I'm doing alright. Believe it will be a decent day. Appearance healthy. I would like to do some fasting to lose some weight. I might start that today. Tongue is looking good. Old sore is nearly healed up. New sore is looking better. Strength is poor due to the fatigue as is my energy levels. I'll keep away from nigthshade faily, citrus in particular.
Well lets see, I worked on putting together a work bench for an hour and I'm exahusted and a bit out of it. that is about all that i can handle. Doing OK overall though. Energy levels as usual are ok for me, but suck overall. Gut doing well. I did not fast today. thought about it but felt considering the tongue situation it would be best for me to eat well.
I woke up with an unpleasant surprise this morning. I was mildly dizzy. I was also nauseous, and feeling weak. I have added 3 new foods to the diet of late, rice chips, grass fed beef, and beans. All 3 happen to be leading candidates for causing dizziness in the past. there i the Chinese rice dish that was rice, soy sauce, and a few vegetables. And then there was the time I ate grass fed gelatin. So I'll be avoiding beef, dairy, all grains, and beans.

Tongue looks alright. I hope this dizziness is short lived. I feel a littlle better after eating breakfast. The best result i've had in the past with the tongue sores was avoiding grains. And the last tongue sore seemed to form after eating some corn chips.

It sucks having a reactive body.
The mild dizziness and weakness seems to have passed. i'm doing better now. So I think going forward I'll avoid grains and follow the alpha gal diet. Later on I'll test beans again. I wouldn't be surprised if beans were safe.
Not my best of days, but doing better this later afternoon. I'm walking well. i don't notice any of that dizziness at the moment. Hope I'm able to sleep well tonight. I haven't tried laying down and that tends to be when the dizziness strikes. It has typically taken 3 days to get rid of that when it happens. Will see.

I was gaining weight when I was eating beef for the few days. There is something about beef putting on the weight, in a bad way. Avoid grains and beef and the weight drops.
I did something right yesterday. I woke up feeling much better this morning. There wasn't a feeling that my head was spinning. My stomach felt good. I even had some strength.

As always it a bit of a guessing game to figure out what I did right and what I do wrong. I'm going to guess that avoiding all grains plus avoiding cane sugar is what has so far helped me. I'll continue to avoid all grains and cane sugar. Of course cane sugar is a grain but I've typically ignored that. that very well could have been where I went wrong in the past. It probably is important for me to avoid cane sugar also.

Skin looks good and healhty. Weight 170lbs or about. the manual wight scale isn't as accurate. I can remmeber when avoiding grains I find losing weight toi be relatively easy. It would be nice to drop to 165lbs so I might make an effort today to start that weight loss process.
As happened in the past, the tongue is looking good, with avoiding grains. Hope that healing continues. Energy ok today. Nothing great with energy but could be worse. Gut doing well though after lunch I had some cramping which concerned me. Glad that didn't turn out to be anything of significance. I'll continue to avoid grains and cane sugar.
Tongue looks greatly improved this morning. this is the second or third times were I avoid grains and my tongue looks much imrpoved a short time later. Looks like grains is the answer, at least for the tongue. I'll keep avoiding grains and sugar cane. weight 168lbs. I might fast today. I'd likely drop to 166lbs. Back feels good. I'll have to try once again eating citrus and see if it causes back pain or not. It's a strange reaction with that one.
My tongue looks very good now. there are a few lines remaining but overall the tongue quickly healed and is looking quite good.

It naturally has me thinking of celiac disease. I've been tested 4 times for celiac with only one positive for the condition. As I've learned from my doctors and from my reading the tests are not that good. Just because you have a negative test doesn't mean you do not have problems with grains.

The other thing I've learned is that few people become well on a celiac gluten free diet of avoiding wheat, barley and rye. From what I've read most people also have trouble with other safer grains such as corn and rice. I've yet to read a mention about sugar cane being a grain and a problem but for me that seems to be a potential cause for why I didn't become competely well in the past when avoidding grains. I had a lot of success avoiding grains in the past but never fully regained my health and was off and on sick to my stomach. I will still eating some sugar cane so maybe that is the cause for not recovering. I'll find out.

Something I've noticed for awhile too and thought to just note down, for what ever reason the tongue sores have only happened on the left side of my tongue. It is like the pork allergy. I only experience health truobles on the left side of my face and gums after eating pork. Very strange.
My tongue looks so good and healthy this morning. it is exciting. Kind of laughing a bit sayng that though. i remember the last time I avoided grains to improove the tongue. I was quite exciting but the first sign of a slight tongue sore I dropped the avoiding grains diet. I won't do that this time. I''m sticking with grain free and this time sugar cane sugar free. It seems good things are happening on the diet.

My stomach has improved. If I began eating cheese or maybe taking Imodium I'd probably be entirely well to the gut. Can't say that with certainty but it has that feel to it. I'm trying to drop a few pounds so I'll pass on the cheese and Imodium is only for emergencies since it keeps me up at night.

165lbs this morning. the scale I'm using now is likely wrong. i'm probalby around 715lbs but I'll stick with 165lbs. So I dropped about 5lbs since avoiding grains and cane sugar. I might fast today. I'm hoping to get back to 160lbs.
163lbs. I'm on an alpha gal, grain free diet.

For some strange reason I want to say I'm doing fine thuogh my back hurts, I was sick to my stomach last night, and I slept poorly. I do feel pretty decent this morning though. It is all relative I guess. the back pain is due to improper weight lifting technique. I screwed up with some leg lifts and ight away my lower back began to hurt. It feels a little better this morning. My pinky finger hurts too on my left hand. I believe that is also due to weight lifting. Upset stomach reminded me of the alpha gal idet and fasting, it would cause an upset stomach that wasn't painful or all that painful. Another way to put it, avoiding beef and cheese gives me upset stomachs. At least for awhile.

I do feel decen this morning though. Avoiding beef and cheese always does make me feel better. I may get sick to my stomach but i do hurt less, in general.
Kind of a strange day, as mentioned earlier. I'm in a decent amount of pain yet I'm upbeat about it. Avoiding grains has its positives, strange positives.
The tongue really does look so much better. it is smaller in size. Apparently my tongue is swollen some when I eat grains. there are still some markings on the tongue but overall they are hard to see and look much better. there are also those healthy looking small bumps on the tongue. All good.

Worn out today. Not sleeping well has caught up with me. Thinking tomorrow I'll eat some spicy chicken that is sugar and grain free. taking a bit of a chance with that.
Tongue looks great. Top theory being that avoiding grains gets rid of the tongue sore. It has me on cloud 9, nearly. The aching back still aches. Maybe Im on cloud 7 or 8 due to the hurting back. I am able to move around better this morning it feels though. Tomorrow it should be even better, I hope.

Stomach decent. Skin looks good and healthy. Energy levels average. Strength not so hot but the back issue plays a roll in that.
Tongue looks fantastic. I enjoy walking in front of a mirror, sticking my tongue out and admiring it. Kind of laughing at that, but I have been doing that today. Undoubtably it is avoiding grains that has caused my tongue to look healthier. Maybe though beef and dairy is a problem so Ill o course keep avoiding. I'm looking healthier this afternoon. For lunch I had that chicken meal that is grain free, sugar free. It was delicious and so far has gone down well.
Back is better this morning. At least I've been able to stand up and not feel as if my back is being ripped. I was able to walk soon after standing up.

I've noticed for a few days now that i have that old muscle cramping. It is another item that I've thought if I figure it out I'll have the answer to my stomach condition. I figure the muscle cramping might explain why the back hurts as it does. the two main theories for the cause of the muslce cramping as chocolate and beef. I'm on day six of avoiding beef and that cramping is improving. As is the back. So maybe beef is the cause of hte back issue, along with the weight lifting.

Tongue looks great. Pleased about that. Leading theory for hte cause of hte tongue sores are grains. there is one big item that goess against the theory though. Last year when i did so well in Nov., I was eating lots of grains. I was avoiding beef though. Cheese was being eating from time to time.
While on the fish diet from time to time ti'd receive comments that my eyes look so clear and white. No red to be seen in my eyes. I never understood why the fish diet would do that, but it did make me wonder. It also had me wondering if my eyes would eventually turn blue on the fish diet. I've yet to find that answer out though as I have not been able to stick with the fish diet long term.

Today I receive comments on how nice and white, clean my eyes looked. This is after eating chicken with spices.

So at the moment it has me wondering if avoiding beef and dairy products causes my eyes to look bright, without blood red in them. That's a nice visual for me to keep track of. I'm always looking for the blue eyes. But to get the blue eyes I likely need to be on the diet for a year or more. Maybe clear, non red, white eyes is ins't something for me to monitor. I'll do so.

Back still hurts this afternoon. the back is better but still remains a problem. Hope tomorrow this problem is largely resolved.
166lbs. Eyes looking good and clear, nice and white. Back is feeling better so far. As they days on the back may hurt some but for now it is doing better. I slept very well last night. I went to bed and woke up around typical time for me to get up. that was nice. I'll stick with the grain free, alpha gal diet. I'll keep eating spicy chicken meals.
A bit tired this afternoon. i took a nap and fell asleep. That's rare. I may be fatigued often but don't find myself sleeping in the afternoon.

I like the idea that beef and dairy products cause me muscle cramping. I've long maintained that I feel better on an alpha gal diet. The only thing that has kept me from sticking with the diet is that all to often after a few months on the diet I find myself sick to my stomach. Maybe the illness has been caused by grains. Grains are tough on the gut to digest, from what I've read over the years. Anyway, muscles feel pretty good this afternoon. Appearance healthy. Eyes bright and clear. Gut is doing ok today.
The back is doing well this morning. A little bit of lower back pain remains but overall I'm doing better. I was able to get out of bed this time without issue. Also the muscle cramping wasn't there this morning when I flexed my leg muscles. I'm guessing the muscle cramping is caused by beef and possibly dairy products. Today is day 9 since I last ate any beef.
It is a good day. I have little back pain. I have lots of energy. I've found myself jogging around some, the first time this week I believe. It's nice. Following the alpha gal diet and avoiding grains, eating chicken, has so far worked out well. Today I have had a craving to snack some, but with grains out of the diet snack isn't so easy. Maybe I'll drop some weight. Tongue looks fantastic.
Seems the back pain is gone. I woke up and forgot about the back issue. It wasn't till I put on my socks that I realized my back was sore. It hurt a little then but not by much. the computer chair isn't that comfortable for my back and thtat will be a good test when I sit up, for now though all seems fine. I'll keep avoiding grains and follow the alpha gal diet. Tongue looks fantastic. Skin looks healthy. Gut could be better but it isn't bad.
I did well today. My energy levels were on the upper end again. Gut doing decent. For a short while this morning I felt a little queazy. It didn't last long. Eyes look good, white without any red in them. Skin looks healthy. Hope the good days continue with avoiding all grains and following the alpha gal diet. I'm still eating all kinds of spices without issue so far.
and just like that, I become sick this evening. I'm not all that surprised. Chicken does that. i feel good overall though. My energy levels are up. My muscles feel good, back doesn't hurt.

My thinking has been if I get sick stop eating chicken for a little bit and go back onto the fish diet. I'll do that for a few days and try to settle things down. Then I'll add some chicken to the diet again. Somehow I need to get chicken to work. I'm reasonably confident it will. it will just take a lot of healing and that means time. I'm not able to stay on the fish diet long enough. A life long fish diet doesn't seem possible and additionally I've never been entirley well on the fish diet, I just do decently and rarely have stomach issues.
Under normal circumstances last nights illness woldn't be much. I'd be disappointed that it happened but wouldn't be a little stressed over it. Today though I have a dental appointment. It akes 30 minutes to drive there and back. So fingers crossed the gut does well. On the positive this morning my muscles feel good. No muscle cramping. It is likely that beef causes the muscle cramping. I'll cotinue to monitor but things are looking good in this area. No back paid. No foot pain. Eyes look good.

I was hopiing that by avoiding grains and eating fish for one meal a day I'd avoid an upset stomach. Seems I better stick wit the fish diet for now. I'll get back to eating chicken soon. it seems safe just need to work things out.

Took Imodium last night. I'm hoping it helps with the car trip. Imodium all to often keeps me up at night. Last night though I slept decently well. I only work up once. Im feeling well rested.

Appearance healthy. Skin looks good.
It was a mixed day. the bad, I was fatigued. It was due to to much exercise yesterday, push ups, leg lifts.

The good, only one cavity found at the dentists. Good for me. The bad though, the new dentist thought i should get a new crown and have an area checked out by a root canal specialist. he thinks the tooth has become reinfected. (Old dentist had thought the area was little of concern) Lucky me. So mixed day at the dentist.

Been thinking about the golden month of Nov. Was thinking that my thought that it was the chicken nuggets that caused me issues is wrong. What likely caused me some problems was the eating of corn chips and other grains. It is hard on the gut to digest, grains. So I'll keep avoiding grains and follow the alpha gal diet.

I've changed my mind about going back to the fish diet. I'll keep eating the chicken meals. I'll be sure to baby my gut for the next month or two instead.
My muscles feel good. Don't feel any muscle cramping. Energy levelsare OK. Nothing great with my energy levels. I think that is what had me feeling so well in Nov. In Nov. I was able to do light workouts and I felt fine afterwards. My energy would be good. My muscles would not ache. Leading up to Nov. I had avoided beef for around 2 months. So I'm hopiing the alpha gal and grain free diet gets me back to where I am able to do light workouts and be able to funciton later. Yesterday i was not able to funciton all that well and it was due to the pushups I had done previously. I'm still tired from those pushups this morning I suspect.

Weight 169lbs. Seems I shot up in weight quickly. Looking decently healthy.
I'm doing well today. My energy levels are returning since I haven't done any pushups, leg exercises. I'll likely be back to a more normal tomorrow. Tongue looking good. Stomach doing well. hope I didn't just jinx myself. Eating chicken has me a little concerned about the stomach health. those stomach attacks just come out of the blue, little warning when I'm on an alpha gal diet. Tongue looks great. Think tomorrow I'll buy some oranges and see if they cause back problems or not. i'm hoping that avoiding beef and cheese will make eating oranges less of a back problem.
165lbs this morning. My favorite scale likes to play games with me.

Doing ok this morning. I'm at the phase were I'm always thinking about the diet, am I on the right diet, can I improve it, etc. Rather annoying. Wish this was more cut and dry. I'm generally pleased with how things are going though with avoiding all grains, sugar cane and following the alpha gal diet. I didn't menitoned it before but I was very pleased with how I handled last weeks mini upset stomach. the Imodium worked great and I didn't find myself wide eyed all night as can all to often happen. It has me thinking this is the missing piece of the puzzle for the alpha gal diet. I may be more prone to being sick for a short while but I have Imodium that will quickly get me back to a better place. Course one good experience doesn't mean the next tine will be just as good.
A decent day. Energy levels so so. Gut, other than that one day, has been doing quite well. I'll keep avoiding all grains, plus following the alpha gal diet. Pleased that I'm handling the chicken and spices well.
167lbs. Doing well thsi morning. the exercise fatigue feels like it has gone away. i'll do some light exercises this morning, trying to avoid the fatigue. Gut continues to do decent. Appearance healthy. Energy levels so so. I'm thinking avoiding beef and dairy and pork is what is helping me best. With that said I shouldn't discount avoiding grains and cane sugar. tongue looks good and healthy.

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