Well Un (I like dat) This had been the longest haul, feels like life was a test. I ave never treated others the way I am. I never came out and said "Your Racist". That would make it worse. I always try to smile(Really hard when everyone stares at my limp)I feel like a zombie when I walk, in fact I call it my a zombie walk. I walk slow dragging my right.
I fight a war everyday against myself fighting to smile through it all. I always consider the feelings of others, I can never be a mean or negative monster. I know I do na want to think about myself, I want to run away from myself.
I do na want to center my thoughts round myself, I know that will lead to a negative sate of being.
Native life is hard with out something like this.
Pain is still in my left side constantly soo really trying to get that out of my mind is the hardest thing.
I wish it all a bad dream or a big fuking lie, but it is na. I wish I could live with no pain. Then the emotional pain, seems like na a lot of people believe the pain or its level. I pushed some away. Those I felt did na care or would na. I realize I did this my whole life. When ever some one got too close that when our relationship was over. I feared what I would become, I did na want anyone to see me like dis.
I had a white girl in high school, I loved her! But I pushed her away, since I thought I can never give her what her people can, I can na ask her to live like me. First to thrid world. She seen my life, but she cared. She made all these plans with my life. We were going to get married and Go to university together. It all scared me too much, her world. Everyone hated that we were together, her father really did. Which was a problem for me since he was my principal, let just say he made my life a hell.
After that the pain came back stronger than ever, they all said I was a alcoholic and forced me into Rehab.
She always will represent that life I could ave had. It is hard forgetting about her, every time I think it is gone I get a flash of a dream and that reminds me.
I awake in tears. Since I know I pushed soo many away like that, even in my dreams I say I can na go with em. Now it is like I am pushing away my family, I do na tell them the whole story.

Sometimes I awake feeling like a wounded predator, scared, trapped and crazy like a fox!