My painful Story

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I pooped soo much today, a lot of diarehia. Growling in my left side.
Looked like some was floatin and lot of it feel to the bottom.
I think that is the old stuff that was stuck to my insides.
I feel like I emptied my stomach , but it feel s like there is a bruise inside on my left. I remember tha last visit, he said once the constipation is gone, you should feel better. I do na.
Appt on friday.
I heard once that floating poo that sticks to the sides of the toilet (requires double flush) can be malabsorption issues. Jae had floating stools and diarrhea/constipation when she was eating gluten. Even if your tests don't show celiacs, I highly recommend a gluten and dairy free diet until your bowels start working right.
That was noting but straight up torture! They kept me all night and reaally did nothing?!
First I went in saying I been getting pain nausea, vomiting , fever, aching joints, on and on.
Doc said he wanted to test for Celaic diesease and to see if I am lactose tolerant.
They took blood, xray and the doctor noticed my stomach was badly inflamed.
They gave me an IV, which helped nothing. That made it worse. I could feel every painful pump into my body, worse when they flushed it out. I do na remember any IV being that painful. I could na sleep all night, and I told em the pain meds were na aving any effect. I told em I was cold and got nothing.Then I noticed another nativeman was brought in. He was in pain under the same situation. Great pain with no help, so he said I might as well leave. They threatened to call the cops on em! They said he was under doctors orders to stay until morning. Feeling soo much pain and discomfort I could not sleep all night and I knew they would ve done that to me. Seems like all the real racists come out at 800 am. they said nothing about my pancreas which is what I told the doctor it was.
IDK know where to go from ere...I left the hospital. I could na stand it anymore.
They had one test to do and it was taking forever.
I do na know what is going to happen er even what this is.
I am losing hope and running out of time. :(
I still feel the pain in stomach with a pain where they forced their way in my vein. They even got mad when I could na eat.
Doctor seemed like he was really concerned and helpful, but he was gone an hour after I went in, the nurses could na give a damn about me.
They tortured me all night. All night I was cold, hot ,sacred, crying,alone(my wife left and did na come back)and in unimaginable pain. Still in pain, and my left arm. From the elbow to wrist feels like every vein is inflamed and in pain.
Creator HELP ME! It really seemed like they were trying(and succeeding!) to make it worse.
I can na take this any LONGER!
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The Doctor at the ER gave me a prescription before he left. My ma took it to my uncles pharmacist and cried to him. "My son had na ate any food for a long time, he lost almost 40 pounds in one moth. His is in pain constantly. He is giving up wanting to write a will.
He just came form the ER where he was cold all night and no one would give em a blanket. They even tried to feed em and got mad at him when he did na eat. Can you help him?"
After hearing that he hugged my ma and looked at the prescription. H pylori.
He questioned why the doctor would na give me the maximum dose. So he phoned the doctor and told em" I am seeing more and more of people like this man in his community, I know for a fact he NEEDS the Maximum dose NOW!" The doctor agreed and the pharmacist gave it to my ma. How could a bloody Pharmacist(Creator bless his heart) know more than that doctor? I just took some and I am feeling a lil better.
I love my ma.
Can na wait to tell my new doctor what happened. I never want to go to Wetaskiwin hospital EVER again.
Hope this does the trick keep us posted hope you get sorted soon its been far too long now. I don't understand either how a pharmachist can get the doctor to listen but you can't. Sending big hugs and positive vibes your way
How awful. I'm so sorry. Hospitals are horrible places, but unfortunately necessary. I had to take my daughter there this week also, and did not achieve what we went in for, but I think we learned a lot and hopefully are at a better place now.

Do you have options of other hospitals? Take it easy with your eating - start light with crackers, water, bananas, rice, applesauce, toast and see how it goes. Avoid spicy food for a few weeks while you heal.

Hugs and a prayer for quick recovery.
Thank you all and the Creator! I tired a scrambled egg, and my stomach is na upset er making noises. Pain is going down.
About the only issue I ave is my arm, still swollen and it hurts when ever it is touched. From my left elbow almost right up to my wrist. That was what was torturing me. IV did na help it made matters worse. 30 mins of sleep that night and I felt I needed to escape.
They ignored me all night when I was cold, one nurse said they would bring me a extra blanket, they did na.
The doctor said to na take any lactose, and guess what the nurses tried giving me in the morning? MILK! Then they got mad when I said NO!
I have Edmonton left as my only option , which really is na good since it is a hour away.
Appt tomorrow and I can na wait to tell em what happened there and how I will never go back to that so_called hospital.
I ave soo many is this a viral/bacterial infection? And if so, what would years of that do to a stomach?
Could this be like a third world disease that has made my life a hell? I live in CANADA?! Why did it take this long?! I am soo angry at this treatment!
THE SURGEON?! He had to see an infection! Why did he only give opiate painkillers! Now they are trying to send me back to em! No GI for this indian! They were all trying to kill me! Only two doctors in all of this area would even consider helping me.
I am going to sue everyone involved!
I am in a 3rd world and this medication fell from the heaven, FINALLY!
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I am trying to remember all the racism. It is hard since it was lifelong.
I am telling my painful story to a Lawyer tomorrow and ask em how he/she feels about it and if anything can be done. This needs to be brought out in the open. I will tell the media. Someone like those Doctors and nurses must be held accountable for what they are doing. It is na right! They see my people in pain and they do NOTHING!
I am Idle No More concerning this, they did it to me and many others. How many of my people died like this? Is this the reason why my community leads the country(Probably the world) in the suicide rate? Since no one will consider helping us?
Nativesith, are you taking vitamin D3? If not you and your people really need to be. The darkness of our high latitude keeps us from getting enough. This will cause depression, pain, immunity and inflammation problems. Take 5000 units a day if you aren't yet.
Thank you for the advice Alaska.
I am feeling way better , the pain is gone!
But now I am thinking without pain nagging at me 24/7.
What would a stomach infection do to the stomach if it is left for YEARS? Is that na what the HP PAK is for? Could na the Surgeon recognize a infection when he sees it, or would he confuse it with inflammation? He seen this and did nothing , said nothing.
Many doctors called me a lair who was a drug addicted alcoholic. I was called lazy and I should be like a normal man who WORKS! I ave na worked in soo long er went to school. Last school check I received was in may of last year. Since then I ave lost almost all of my electronics. I am in a great depression. I ave to get a hold of Denise and ask her if she ever seen a HP PAK, I know she does na know what it is.
This is how they want to put and end to their Indian Problem.
By ignoring and killing my people.

I could na make my appointment today. My cousin was too busy, but I feel better so I jus rescheduled to next Wednesday. I need more time to rethink everything I ave been through. It really was a lifelong nightmare that made me crazy. My mind is gone because of all this. I am scared of going outside. I get panick attacks and feel like I am going to get a seizure er heartattack. Because of that I ave a hard time talking to people(especially woman). It has all made me shy and withdrawn. My whole life I struggled with my weight, my stomached worked at times almost too good. I would get extremely overweight(I know now part of it was bloating)and I would lose it all very fast without trying. Woman seen this and did na like me. I was soo different every time one saw me. I am too shy and withdrawn.
I honestly wish this was a lie about all the discrimination but it is all too real. I was na the only one suffering that night in the ER. There were many other native men and woman who were forced to put up with them. Money that was donated form Hobbema built that hospital, MY PEOPLE PAID FOR IT. We paid for it with monies we got from oil rights. They hate us in a building that would na bet here without us.
I prey for em all and I know I can change no one, I can never change the way my so call better half thinks.
I am the one native man that they should na ave done this too. I am smart and ave a grade 12 education and college classes. I ave won awards for some of my English work throughout my life. If they think they could do this to me and get away with it, they are wrong. I will na let this happen to me or my people.
I am the warrior nativesith and I know what my battle is now. This is it, I am fighting for my life and the lives of my people. We ave all been denied for too long. Every indain in this area knows! I fell like starting a protest in front of the hospital with a sign that says" why are you trying to kill us?"
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H. pylori infections are checked with upper endoscopies via biopsy. It is routine. I would be surprised if the surgeon who did an EGD did not do this.

Vitamin D helps with immunity, inflammation, mood stabilization (depression, anxiety) and so forth. You can only get it through the sun and a few foods such as vitamin D enriched milk, farm fresh eggs and some fish. Most people don't get enough. The darker the skin is, the less your skin can absorb. Darker skinned people tend to be more deficient. Hope that helps. Cheerbear, google vitamin D deficiency to get good information.
It is Helicobactor Pylori! Decades I had it, now I am at great risk for Cancer.
That surgeon seen it did biopsies and said everything came up negative. I personally know many that died of stomach/colon cancer. This is happening everywhere I look and they done nothing! People who are na sick are given opiate painkillers and then they sell em to those who need em. This whole system is na working for us.

That surgeon had to ave seen this. He wanted me to leave right after I got in his office. He was never clear if it was inflammation or infection. He never considered answering any questions or giving me copies of any test results. He basically told me to tell all my problems to my doctor.
Feel like this is a sick experiment of his. It gave me a heart attack, I do na even know when it happened?! No doctor could tell me that, all they say is I did ave one.
Would that infection be the reason why my knee and hip is soo messed up?
I had this since I was a child.
Look at this...:(
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I had the hiccups for like four hours! It was until this guy came into my house drunk. I got mad. I told em to get the hell out, then I noticed my hiccups were gone.
But this kind of thing has been happening to me this whole time, drunk people trying to come over and ask me for everything. This guy gets drunk and cries to me about his family. He got money to get drunk but no money to help his family. I used to listen to em before. But enough is enough. This whole time I ave felt like dieing I been getting harassed. I barely have enough for myself.
Hiccups came back soon after. Think I had em for like 6-7 hours yesterday.
That was almost getting unbearable. Made my chest and throat hurt. I keep tasting the taste of the antibiotics. Drank soo much water trying to kill the hiccups.
I woke up in the middle of he night to poo and it was mad diarrhea. Woke up later with a slight pain in my left side, only now it is on my back.
However, I do feel way better than I did before the antibiotics. I can actually eat without my stomach doing flips er making mad noises.
After educating myself I know my water made this worse. My tap water is overloaded with calcium. I put a of it on the stove , soon after boiling the pot is caked with white stuff. Freeze it same thing...there will be white calcium floating at the bottom. This all mad the infections worse. I tried the same experiment with my bottled water I buy. It was na as bad as the tap water, but still calcium. I am a poor man, I could na afford to pay 5 dollars a day for my water. There were many times I was forced to drink that water.
Or could ave been my family's diet. Before we ate all our food off our land. Most of our food came form our lake, we ate fish everyday. Once in a while we would get a deer er moose. Years later I found rich people went to my lake made beach houses and their sewer went directly into the lake. Then the farmers, they give their cows steroids and their waste runs off into the lake. That has been happening for years and the lake is na usable anymore:(
They poisoned my family's food supply! I loved that lake like a family member and they killed it. I remember swimming in it as a child, the water was clear. Now it is brown with dead white fish everywhere.
I have learned what I ave rages in third world countries! I feel like the kids on the world vision commercials. I was poor and sick and they would na help me , years and years I begged and cried for hep. This medication did fall from the heaven, thank you Creator for my second chance.
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Now we all know what this is, I ave been trying to think back. Think back to when I noticed everything bad started happening.
To do that, one must really try to understand where my family and I came from. When I was born(1975) my people had NO running water in our houses. That meant we had to go to a pump(unheated underground private well)to get our water. That also meant we had to go outside to use a out house to go poo n pee.
Then there was our diet. We were so poor we could na afford to drive into town for groceries every week or so. My family hunted for our meat and we grew our own vegetables. My Great Grandfather would go to our local Post Office to buy a few lil things like Coffee, Tea,Flour, Lard,Sugar, and a few things for me(like cereal, milk, candy). That was it.
That was my life for the first five years of my life. Eating fish almost everyday that came from our lake.
1980 our band built our house with running water. I remember being amazed and flushing the toilet a million times. I looked at the tap in my kitchen for hours.
Soon after beginning to use the toilet I noticed my poo had blood in it and blood round it.
It was after that I suffered my first attack of pain. I remember being in a car clutching my stomach rushing toward the hospital. During that time I began getting bald spots on the back of my head, it got soo bad I had to cut my braids. Rashes began.
That was how this all started. A lifetime of mistreatment or straight up racism.
I am no part of Canada this proves I am in a 3rd world my whole life.
When I was a baby they said nothing would make me smile, they nicknamed me Stoneface. My family exhausted themselves trying to get me to laugh or smile, I really never did.
Now when i eat I notice I get pain in back(round the kidney area) and pain and tenderness in hips. Worse at night with slight fever on head and stomach.
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I feel like all the damned symptoms are returning. Almost like it was before.
Pain in stomach, in joints(left hip is bad), extreme tiredness and diarehia.
Could Crohns come after H plori? Could colonies of H Pylori in the stomach (Centered in the inflammation)by why the test came up negative. Remember they tested for Crohns or UC.
Eating is becoming a problem again.:(
Hi nativesith,

I have read a few of your posts here and hope you don’t mind if I add some suggestions to the others’ ideas.

I think it may help you to separate your illness from the other troubles in your life. I was mistreated by a doctor. I ended up hating and fearing all doctors. I had to learn not to associate the whole profession with the negatives of one individual. Not all doctors will be racist, so when you see a new doctor, make sure you give him the benefit of the doubt. Many people here have experienced doctors not helping them or not taking them seriously, for a variety of reasons. One day you’ll find a doctor who is not racist and who is willing to help you. Make sure you don’t write them off too soon.

For example, one of your posts talked about how when you’d called your doctor’s office, the nurses asked you what you were ringing about. And you found this an invasion of your privacy and felt they were singling you out for inferior treatment. At my doctor’s surgery, the receptionists always ask what is wrong when you make an appointment. It allows them to judge how urgently you need to be seen and gives the doctor a heads up so he knows the situation by the time you arrive. So you may have read bad intentions in your nurses’ treatment of you that weren’t actually there. When we have been treated badly in the past we learn to expect it, but that can also mean we start seeing it even when it’s not present.

The other thing I wanted to recommend to you is to set some time aside each day to forget about your illness. I know it’s hard when physical symptoms demand our attention all the time. But we have to do what we can to minimise the amount of time and energy we put into thinking about them. Spend some time with your family or your work. And for that time, do everything you can to stop thinking about how you physically feel. Sometimes the symptoms are so severe we can’t possibly ignore them. Sometimes we are at appointments and going through tests and we have to think about it. But if you practice not thinking about it you might find it doesn’t overwhelm so much and doesn’t taint the good things you have going for you. Perhaps you could visit the members’ only forum here – the forum for non-Crohn’s discussion – and tell us all the positive things about your culture? Not all the discrimination you’ve experienced – that can be said somewhere else – but just all the things you love about it. Make a space where you only focus on good things.

It often takes a long time to get diagnosed. Doctors can’t diagnose us if our tests don’t come up with answers. They can’t start us on drugs for Crohn’s because the risks (e.g. from steroids) mean it would be unethical to give them to us without knowing it’s likely to work. This doesn’t mean they’re mistreating us necessarily – usually it just means we have something really complicated going on! Sometimes we just have to accept that it will be a long haul. Keep seeking answers and try to focus on the good things in your life so the bad things are kept in perspective.
Well Un (I like dat) This had been the longest haul, feels like life was a test. I ave never treated others the way I am. I never came out and said "Your Racist". That would make it worse. I always try to smile(Really hard when everyone stares at my limp)I feel like a zombie when I walk, in fact I call it my a zombie walk. I walk slow dragging my right.
I fight a war everyday against myself fighting to smile through it all. I always consider the feelings of others, I can never be a mean or negative monster. I know I do na want to think about myself, I want to run away from myself.
I do na want to center my thoughts round myself, I know that will lead to a negative sate of being.
Native life is hard with out something like this.
Pain is still in my left side constantly soo really trying to get that out of my mind is the hardest thing.
I wish it all a bad dream or a big fuking lie, but it is na. I wish I could live with no pain. Then the emotional pain, seems like na a lot of people believe the pain or its level. I pushed some away. Those I felt did na care or would na. I realize I did this my whole life. When ever some one got too close that when our relationship was over. I feared what I would become, I did na want anyone to see me like dis.
I had a white girl in high school, I loved her! But I pushed her away, since I thought I can never give her what her people can, I can na ask her to live like me. First to thrid world. She seen my life, but she cared. She made all these plans with my life. We were going to get married and Go to university together. It all scared me too much, her world. Everyone hated that we were together, her father really did. Which was a problem for me since he was my principal, let just say he made my life a hell.
After that the pain came back stronger than ever, they all said I was a alcoholic and forced me into Rehab.
She always will represent that life I could ave had. It is hard forgetting about her, every time I think it is gone I get a flash of a dream and that reminds me.
I awake in tears. Since I know I pushed soo many away like that, even in my dreams I say I can na go with em. Now it is like I am pushing away my family, I do na tell them the whole story.:(
Sometimes I awake feeling like a wounded predator, scared, trapped and crazy like a fox!
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I barely made the doctor's appointment. It was alot to process. He asked me how I feel. I told I feel terrible, pain is the first thing I feel in the morning and it is the last thing I feel when I pass out. Last night the pain was getting unbearable and the treatment I got in the ER (told em all about that)makes me na want to go there. When the pain gets that bad I can barley move.I question the way I feel, like constantly.Feels like bruises inside my stomach with joint pain. He said they did many tests while I was in the ER,(Even the one they made me wait for in the morning)that all came up negative. Celiac , Hpylori...nothing. He did say he suspects H Plori may be the cause. Going through my record he said I had metro zoindol and flaygl which should ve taken care of that. He said "This is UC or Crohns, I am sure of it."
He also said the GI thought the surgeon was a GI(Which he is na)which is why he refred me back to em. So he phoned the GI and said That surgeon is na a GI, This guy need to see you NOW! He has a flare up and it is not stopping. He is losing hope.
He asked about my medical release. I said I did na bring it in, he asked why. I told em they would laugh at me with what he put on there. First it says I am unable to do anything for at least six months...then right at the bottom it states Date when patient is able to work...JANUARY 31st 2013?! They would ve turned me away.
He said the date is supposed to be 2014.
I feel better being taken care of by that man, I love em. Everyone else tuned me away and said horrible things. He gave me something for the pain. I am in a better place now.
Bought a knee brace(Feels great) and D3 vitamins and started that.
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Good luck he sounds like he knows what he's doing I hope you can get treated properly now and get it sorted. When you next seeing him? let us know what happens
That is great. I hope that you get to see the GI doc soon with this doc's referral. I hope he can fix your papers too. Good for you for hanging in there and continuing to knock and wait for the Creator to answer. Maybe this one is an angel... I'm glad you got some relief today.
Glad you feel better and let us know what happens plz and the video doesn't work for me it says can't be shown on this platform :(:(
Fixing my videos, it was because I put two Black Sabbath songs(Copyrights violation). They will be available shortly. Please come see my Channel on Youtube.:)
IandI will never forget or deny the angels I ave met ere.
Anyone notice the way I talk and my love for Bob Marley? I ave accepted a lot of the Rastafarian faith as I own. There is soo many similarities between em and I people.
IandI's idols were always men like him. Bob Marley(His sons), Bruce Lee, and Jimi Hendrix. All of these men were like I, they found an outlet to vent their frustrations. Bob n Jimi had music, Bruce unleashed his fury with a fighting style that introduced the world to Mixed Martial arts.
I am na saying I am as great as any of IandI's idols...but I know my path now.
Treatment will make it possible :)
Thank yall, I angels.
JAH RastafarI!
I can notice less pain, when really sticking to a low residue/gluton free diet.
It is hard sticking to it, but I know if I stray off it I will pay for it later. My family is really supporting me with this now. My ma went to the band office. IDK who she talked to or what she said. But she did get a $80.00 PO for ENSURE. She said they want a list of foods I need from the doctor and they will do the same.
I wish the welfare was as understanding . They refused my Medical Release and said I had to get it refilled. My wife said to phone the clinic let em know, fax the paper and they will fax it back. They said they do not phone doctors or clinics, that is our responsibility. So I must get the doc to redo the release.
Really makes me think they do na believe me or the doctor, or they are trying to make him second guess all this. They think I am trying to play this system...meanwhile I am losing everything I ave worth any value. I noticed the date and I knew they would ave a problem with it. I also knew, even though they ave a fax, that they would refuse to use it. Why ave a fax?
Social assistance...what assistance?
Every chance I ave they want to deny me and drag it out longer so they can save a few months of payment.
I am going to speak with my chief about this, that department is supposed to be there for us. Now the doctor is doing his part, they deny me theirs.
Really makes me think they do na believe me or the doctor, or they are trying to make him second guess all this. They think I am trying to play this system...meanwhile I am losing everything I ave worth any value. I noticed the date and I knew they would ave a problem with it. I also knew, even though they ave a fax, that they would refuse to use it. Why ave a fax?
Social assistance...what assistance?
Every chance I ave they want to deny me and drag it out longer so they can save a few months of payment.
I am going to speak with my chief about this, that department is supposed to be there for us. Now the doctor is doing his part, they deny me theirs.

Did the doctor try to correct it? I hope it can be rectified quickly.
They are fighting against this. They want me to feel guilty , like I am ripping off the system.

This is hard for me to do ...ask for help. I hate it. Like I admit defeat. Last cheque I received was in may of last year. Struggling since then. I knew it would happen ...I warned my family of the hard times coming. I saw the pain and hardship as a vision, a vision that would na go away.
Makes me question my mind, everyone thought I was the smartest guy round. But I could na figure this out for the longest time. I did na even know what a GI or Crohns was a few months ago. My world I know, that world I do na. I do na want to know it.
They always tried to make me into something I am na. I am na a normal healthy person. I can na do simplest things others take for granted.
No mater what I do or what the doctor throws at this...I always feel pain.
I feel it first thing even before I awake and open my eyes. It is my last hurdle at the end of each and every day.
Now there is more hurdles in my way...I am soo tired. So tired of jumping through hoops like a bloody dog trying to win a blue ribbon.
Soon I am visiting my old college to let em know where I am at. There was a couple classes I could na do last year. Some teachers would na believe me and forced me to do many physical exercises that literally tortured me. Everyday I said I was in pain and I was being forced to quit school soon. I want the Dean to make it like I never took those classes. I will take legal action if they do na. Looking back at that I know that was na right. My cousin and sister in law were in the same classes asking ,"WHY?! Why do you do this to him? We talk about racism and injustice everyday at this College, why can everyone open their eyes and see that this is happening to Floyd(my name)". "Everyday for how long he is in pain and he still comes to school everyday, for what? To get this kind of treatment from our own?"
One thing that kept my spirit up, my dog. His name is #2 lol. He is my #2. For 8 years now he has been there for me everyday. He protected me, kept me company, and loved me unconditionally. He knows I am sick, he comes up to me sighs looking sad trying to lick and nibble on my hand. I love em soo much I am afraid to lose em. He is how old.
I ave three Pit Bull pups named Evil_Blunt, Three Socks, and JDMAlex(all named after my mod team friends who ave supported me since day 1). They are 4 months old now and growing everyday. It warms my hear taking care of em and watching run and play everyday. I am training them and they are getting good, better than number 2.
When Number 2's time does come I ave 3 replacements. I love my pets soo much, they are my family. They always make me feel better.:)
Well it two days left of the HP Pak and I am kinda scared to go without some thing like dat.
When I first started taking it, it cut the pain down. But as the days went by I can feel the pain a lil bit more everyday. Woke up with both sides in burning pain, went to the toilet with spraying diaheria. But I ave been on the Low residue edit so should na that be expected. This is hard a constant battle. Eating...scared to do. I know it will bring pain diarehia and hiccups. Starting to feel like my pain has a life of its own. It is alive within me making down, torturing and depriving me of sleep. It is a demon tormenting me. I know him, feel em everyday. I hate him, wish he would go away!
I prey everyday for this to go away for myself and everyone else in pain. I ave faith.
I know this will end, has to.
Sometimes a side effect of the PPI that is used with H.pylori treatment is diarrhea. It helps with the upper GI symptoms but can cause lower GI symptoms in some. Perhaps another one can be tolerated better.
Lot of diarrhea gas with no smell. Pain in mornings and at night, middle of day is the best time for me. One day left of the HP PAK.
Last night I did something that had been bothering me for the longest time. My laptop was dead, and ere I fix laptops n PC's?! Few months ago my laptop broke down, with the wickedest virus I ever seen. I could na figure it out back then. I was in soo much pain...I could na get past it til now. Solution just hit me..I did it! It is alive! I still got IT!
My laptop IS ALIVE! Bwa hahahahaha!
Wish I could fix myself like I do with PC/Laptops...
Woke up in pain, rolled round for about an hour before giving up and jus getting up.
Forced me awake...everyday really it does this. A couple days I felt almost normal crashing down when I went to sleep and awoke feeling that pain.
My sister is schizophrenic, she hears voices. I fear becoming like that as well. It is like I ave two personalities. Normal native and sick native. I am na myself at all anymore. I look n act different. This forced me to change.
Gotta cal the doc today and get the release going.
I woke in pain...last night I felt good. I am just on ENSURE, now. Anytime I put any food in is like a constant storm of thunder, gas, and pain. Days when I eat and I lie down is when the storm wife says she can hear it all night. 4 Ensure yesterday and the storm settled a bit.
It is hard when I ave a home business. I feel like like relaxing. But I must make money.
I must push EVERYTHING aside(try to put on a happy face)and get down to business.
The whole reason my business does well? I under cut everyone. When one goes elsewhere they pay like a hundred dollars jus to ave some one look at it.
I will charge 50 to clean for viruses, and 80 for any major work(not including any extra hardware one could need).
However , even with my prices some still complain and want to pay less.
I am getting a lot of this lately...I broke down last night and told one person. I ave a disease. The fact I can even do this is unreal, and at this price. You will na find some one like me any where willing to do that much work for what?
If ya do na like it...take it to the geek squad where this 80 job will be doubled.
Your choice.
Can anyone else ere see their heartbeat? I can. I see it on both wrists. Ever since I was a child. Medicine men of my tribe seen it and their eyes went wide. They tried grabbing at it with their hands to take it away, never went away. Ever since losing soo much weight in a hurry it goes further up both arms. Almost up to the elbows. I never ave to check my pulse, I can see it.

This is me...for all who want to know what I look like.

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Thanks brother, glad you made it ere. :)
That is my team mate, friend, and all round kewl guy.
He really has taken over my duties as the leader of the Psx-Scene GTA mod squad. The squad led the world in script mods of C++. Some ave taken the work as their own and even went as far as selling it. We do na condone anyone selling our mods.
That is the one thing I take pride in, that kept me going, it gave me strength.
My team...and our work.
I love those guys!:heart:
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Today is a good day. I felt really good. I felt good enough to ave almost a full meal?!
It did na hurt my stomach it did na upset it er I am na in pain now.
I felt really tired afterwards and slept for about 3 hrs.
I still can na believe that.
Thank you two...i really am learning how to deal with this.
I know what to eat and when to eat it. When the pain starts I stop all food...even the low residue. i just stay on Ensure. Then when it settles I go back on Low residue.
It is a war, but know I know how to arm myself.
One issue I am aving is flu like symptoms of sneezing and runny nose. Morning again is the worst time of dat. Some mornings I feel nauseous from dat.
Marijuana saved my life. That was all I had before. It made the stomach better and made the nauseousness go away. Next visit i am going to ask for medicinal marijuana.
Also metabolism...would losing too much weight too fast effect it?
How many calories should I be trying to get everyday?
IDK...everyone seems soo concerned about my weight. I want to get down to my ideal weight , which is 150lbs(so aboot 30 - 25 lbs to go!). I know that would make a difference.
I started training my muscles again...starting with my triceps.
I am starting slow so do na worry aboot dat.
I have three meals a day and a snack between each meal I want to put some on so if I lose some after surgery I only lose what I've put on well that's the plan but I can't seem too put any on:/ my normal weight is 7 stone and I went down to 5 stone before they operated men are supposed to have 2000 calories a day. I'd say go for more than that I know it's easier said than done when your in pain constantly and got big D. Keep us posted
Metabolism can certainly be affected by what we eat. Too many carbs slow us down. Has to be a good balance of proteins, some carbs and nutritious foods. You get a lot of what you need in those Ensures.
Sounds like you are on the right track. Under 2000 calories will help you to lose weight. Just make sure there is plenty of protein, especially if you are working out. Too little calories will not give you enough energy.

Have you started your music?
My business and this sickness gets in the way of everything I want to do like music.
It is like clockwork...the minute I get busy on a project. Someone comes knockin at my door with a PC, it jus happened minutes ago. Mornings /afternoons i am cranky. I just told em Come back Later! Honestly, even if i told them what was wrong they would na understand what I said. When i talk tech no one can understand, like a different language.
Money ...need it. I need it for more ensure. I need materials for my drum.
It is a struggle.
Have you tried fortisip protein drinks? There are 300 calories in a bottle. Taste disgusting but they do the trick put weight I got them from my doctor.
Trying any other drinks than the ensure gives me Thunder belly lol.
More n more I try different foods n drinks the more I jus want just ensure alone.
I drink herbal tea, water and ensure. When i feel better I will try a banana.:)
I jus got a netbook to work on...back to work.
Well ere we are months later still kinda at the same point. Stomach is thunderin with pain and a bit of blood. Doing everything I am supposed to do.
For a couple days it almost felt normal,...all cam crashin down again.Everyone says it takes years to find this, I can understand that. But a decade?
November 2004 was the very fist morning I awoke in pain on both of sides. This is going on 9 years now. Minutes turn to hours,days ,weeks,months, and years. Every one that passes I can feel a lil bit of myself pass with em.
Last doctor visit I told em I want to listen to people who tell me this can only get better.
But it is hard when one feels like everyday might be the last.
How long must this go on?
I am still fighting...I fight through the pain for my family and children. I fight this everyday to be the son, father, husband and provider I always ave been.
Made a lot of money the past couple day, guess I worked too hard.
I can na even go out to spend the money. Whadda joke.
Lie a squirrel harvesting food for a dark winter to come?
I bled a lot last night with extreme pain in left side (bottom). This time the blood was in the poo.
Jus went a few minutes a go and it looked like poo colored almost red.
I ave nothing but my high blood pressure meds, d3, b12. I did drink a ensure.
IDK feel really bad today.
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Still feeling bad...
Pain is like a wall er hurdle. Everyday I met it first thing. Sometimes it is na that high, I can get over it. Sometimes it is over my head. It is a all day struggle trying to conquer it.
My hip hurt really bad last night. It was almost unbearable.
No word from Doc or appt til Mar 20th. That is a long haul.
Is it conceivable that I would na see the GI until after the 20th?
Trying to understand matter how many times I think about it, I can not.
I can na understand, WHY THIS IS TAKING SO LONG!
I am trying to hold on...but it is hard when I seem to be going nowhere FAST.
Fatigue is bad, even posting seems hard now.
While searching for my high blood pressure medication (Which I am running out of)I found some Prevacid and Buscopan! I took a couple and I am starting to feel a lil better, thank the Creator!
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"Prevacid and Buscopan! I took a couple and I am starting to feel a lil better, thank the Creator!"

Can you keep some of that medicine on hand at all times? If it helps, use it. Hope you get feeling better soon.
Well...I received my medical check from the band today. Fought really hard for this, the workers made me go back n forth from ere to the doctors office how many times.
That is what a IBD person will receive in my band. OMG!
I was honestly expecting more. I can na do nothing with this. I will have to spend 30 jus going into town.
In may it will be a year since I received a big check. I am losing everything.
this is the kind of help I get. Bloody hell.
Stomach still hurts I do na feel like going any where especially with that amount.
My life...this is what it is. Missing out ...getting next to nothing.
I want to do so much. I want to go deep sea diving. I want to swim with tropical fish, octopus, and other deep sea creatures I dream t that would take me away. I want to be a child of the sun as I was always meant to be.:(
I am in bad shape I really do na know how else to say it. Everyday it feels really bad. Waiting on call that never seems to come. Welfare workers denied me for the millionth time, which I expected really. I give up on that. I am not going to get any help from anyone, I have always known this since I was a child. Asking for help just made it worse. Made me do a crapload of paperwork and running round for nothing.
Next visit I am telling the doctor they did na give me medical and I give up ion that. I want to ask him when will the GI see me? I have been waiting too long.
By the time I am officially diagnosed it will be too late.
Money I make is spent on my family...there never really is enough. It is always a struggle. I ave no money for a vehicle or home phone.
If anything happens I might na be able to phone a ambulance or get a ride to a ER.
Plain and simple fact is NOTHING can be done without a DX. When will that be? When I am dead?!
Losing it...I give up.
I give up asking for help. I give up pushing to find out what this is.
Why try and stop this? It does na seem anyone else is trying to.
I am a Indian man who will never get any kind of assistance or help of any kind.
I have accepted this my whole life. I accept my death, I know it will come soon.
I thank everyone for helping me deal with with this.
I can na rush a doctor er GI in Canada. Seems like they do not want to talk to me or see me.
It has been too long...I am afraid. I am afraid what ever chance I may ave had now long gone.
I ave no energy er resources to fight this anymore.
If you give up, who then will fight? Even if no one loves us, we must love ourselves. Stand up once again, Native. Stand up because you are Native and you can rise again no matter how much they push you down. Stand up because you want an answer and if you can find it, then you may be able to help all your family members who are also held back. Don't give up. Fight on!
I know you all care...
All the neglect I experience is rubbing off on me. Every bad attitude is taken in. Going out I experience nothing but negatively on every level.
Transportation and money have become my biggest issues. Even if the miracle happens of the GI calling me, IDK how I am going to see him. IDK if I will make my next appt on the 20th for sure.
Poor with no transportation, makes it all worse.
Even if I had na given up, it would still be going in the same direction it was before.
Almost ten years of complaining about this...still in the same condition.
I want to believe this will get better...but everything I am experiencing would suggest otherwise.
Native yesterday i was looking to see if you had posted but there was nothing and i was starting to get worried...:(

Just remember we care and we're here for you.
I would never harm myself. My life has been filled with suicide of friends and family.When I said I give up , I really meant on Doctors and Gi's.

Waiting on call from GI for 3 months now,doctor another 15 days. Must arrange transportation for those days with very little in my pockets. My financial situation and modes of getting any where is what adds to this making it all worse.
It is like I must be rich or have a lot of money to be able to help myself. I must have money to leave my house. I must pay to go anywhere. I must make more money to have a vehicle for my medical transportation. It is going to take a few months of saving most of what I make to do this. I will have to ask my family to make more sacrifices for me. This has already taken soo much outta us. I feel like i asked my family for too much, need to relax for a while.
Spend soo much on myself and this.
I feel soo tired.
I'm sorry quality medical care is so unavailable to you. Makes me sick and sad to hear it. Socialized medicine sucks.
Since it is soo long till my next visit...
I tried making an appointment with the doctor on reserve.
I just learned Dr. Warner was unhappy with the state of our medical center and the quality of care for it's patients. She handed in her resignation, last Monday:(. This was the closest option I had.
She knew how serious this was and tried to help. Now she is gone...
Another option taken away. Do na have many left.:(
I know now I did na get medical social assistance. Why?!
My doctor signed and filled out every section and did it as they wanted it.
My Mother and Uncle both get medical assistance and what I received is no where near that amount.
Also , when one is on medical, one is never asked to re apply for the time stated on the release. Mine says a year. Guess what social assistance jus asked me to do again?
Re apply!
I told em I would re apply ...only after I speak with my doctor about this.
It seems really wrong to me that his release was na followed or taken seriously. They made me go back n forth to the doctors office and the band office how many times jus to deny me? Those rides cost me more than 80 dollars.
All I got was 75 extra for ENSURE. Others who receive medical almost double what I receive. All this visiting with social assistance has really put me under their spotlight. They want my wife to go to work, never mind watching over me and taking care of me.
I want to ask my doctor why? Why would they na give me medical, why would they na listen to his release? Why is the GI taking forever?

I want to inform him that painkillers are losing their effect and I need something stronger.
I know I should na try to take em...but what other option do I ave?
Lil Money...with no treatment for how long?
That is why I want to give up on doctors. My doctor said this would happen. Said I would get more help. He also said the GI would call soon. Both of these did na happen.
I set up a appt with a Lawyer...I ave had enough!
Enough BS from my Band office and from the Medical system. I am going to sue everyone for what they ave done to me.
Again I am really sorry if I scared anyone...I would never harm myself or anyone else. My life has seen too much suicide(lost way to many loved ones), never is a option.
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Just when I thought today was going to be like every other day.
I got the call I ave been waiting for almost three months.
Appointment for GI is on Monday at 830, doctor even set up ride.
It is all happening very fast now, Thank the Creator!
It feels really bad today. Pain nauseousness, fatigue,Flu-like conditions, hot/cold feelings, bleeding(last night).
I am scared :).
615 am on Monday morning I will be going to Edmonton for the GI appointment.
First time in my life I visited a GI, I really do not know what to expect.

I just hope this goes faster, leading to a somewhat pain free life.
I just want to live my life. I feel I never really had, living with Crohns for most of it.
I'm so glad to hear that you got the phone call and that you get to see the GI. Praising the Creator here too! Try to write out the details of your GI history, when different symptoms started and so forth, if you can remember. Try to remember what has worked for you in the last few months as well. I am praying this goes well.
This new one is really bugging me. Each night now I get a pain in my back (lung location). It hurts sitting. When it happens the pain in my side moves to just underneath my left ribs. I notice a slight wheeze.I have been trying to eat more(white bread, yogurt, Ensure,White Rice,Soup and Chicken).
I am going to not going to eat anything tomorrow and see if it happens again. Thinking my stomach gets bloated and is pushing on my lung by end of day.
Floyd, I've been getting a similar pain, and I'm pretty sure it is my kidney. It is worse at night when I lay down or sit back in a chair. Drink lots of liquids and see if you can flush it out...

White bread is not a good option (gluten). Maybe the wheeze is a sign that you have an allergic component to your problem?
Would having this effect my blood?
I remember ever since I was a small child...
I remember being surrounded by others who had head lice. My grandmother and mother fought em off constantly. They would go through everyone finding em in everyone.
When they got to me...they always found nothing. They could never understand why I did not get them.
I can honestly say head lice seem not to like me at all, which I have no problem with lol.
But it always made me wonder...
I don't know any connection, but mosquitos chow on me but don't touch my husband... I think it must have to do with your pH or the amount of carbon dioxide your skin puts off or something. I bet there is a reason, but I don't know the answer. Interesting question!
That question drove me crazy my whole life. How could a person be literally surrounded by those things and not get any?
Diet is confusing. I was going by the low residue diet at first, which was why I was eating White Bread. But then the gluten free. Is there not a Gluten free low residue diet list?
Doctors are no help with this and I expect it from the GI as well.
Looking at ingredients no product claims there is gltuen in it(like the bread) making it harder. Wonder if Soy has anything to do with this? Soy is in everything!
Soylent green!
Yesterday I made a bit of I sent my wife to get some food(Yogurt and Ensure for me and regular food for the rest of the family). While in town she also grabbed my info sheet from the doctor's office. Now I now the GI name is Dr. Lim and the appointment is a assessment not a procedure. This sheet also has specific instructions on how to get there.

I honestly thought I was doing alright.. but I am getting sharp pains in my left. I just used the toilet and seen blood.:(
Oh god tell your gi what's been happening all these months and yrs he hopefully will treat you good luck and keep us informed plz
Native make sure you write down everything that's been happening to you so you don't forget when you get there.
Also write down any questions.

I hope you finally get some answers.

We also had a consulatation with the GI before any more treatments. It is just normal procedure. Hopefully the GI will start you on the medications needed to treat you as soon as possible.

GI's see so many patients, it is good to have all that you want to say ready to go, with current symptoms and past treatments, and symptoms.

We all hope he can find the best treatment for you.....
Floyd, the following foods have gluten: wheat, barley, spelt and rye. If you check for these things in your foods you will get a good start. There is gluten hidden in other things, but those are the big ones. If you go to the celiac websites they will help you figure it out too.
I am flaring up NOW! Bloated, gassy, cramping, discomfort,stomach and joint pain, flu like symptoms(hot/cold w/ a lot of flem),waking in the night, bled past two days n I know I will see blood later.:( This does na feel good.
I have stated the process of writing down what I went through.
I cut out all the Gluten, Now I know what it is.
Makes me act like a azz, I snap once in a while outta nowhere. It makes me feel real bad.
I really have to control what I say.
It is the pain is getting to be more of a struggle/fight against this. Everything i do is centered round this. Preparation or actions against this. The food I eat the liquid I drink. This is my war/test.
The whole time I keep myself busy working , trying to make money by doing what I love. I love working with technology. Even crohns can na get in the way of that. i have soo much work to do today, it is crazy.
I prey my war/test ends soon, please let Dr. Lim see this and treat it.
I want to get better.
Well...I knew this would happen. In the back of my mind I knew. I put my faith in my band's Medical Transportation. I phoned there on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Driver told me to be ready at 6:15 am...i was ready still waiting. It is now 7:02am I am still waiting. Appointment is at 8:15am. I fear I will not make it. The info sheet states...I miss this and another will not be available for months!
Why! Why does crap like this keep happening to me! Put my faith into others. Waiting on THIS appointment for my whole bloody life and now I must wait how many more f'n months!
I am soo raising hell at the band office in a hour! Where in the HELL is this *******!?
They ave done this to my family and I before. When i tell em what happens they blame me. They say they were waiting for me. Staring out my front window all way i could ve missed em. It is now 7:30 am...
IDK what to do anymore...every time I think I am going forward I am blocked by my situation. Hard not to blame myself for anything. I simply can not do much of anything. Being forced to count on people I do not even know...guess it is bound to happen. Thinking about calling the gi ...but I fear he will not want to hear from me now, and I do na even see my doctor til the 20th. Could call his office and tell the receptionist. Do na really see a point though...
Damn I hate mondays!
Bled soo much this past this?
Creator help me!!!!
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No one showed up...I guess it was payday for the workers last week. When they got paid they simply just pushed my paperwork aside and forgot about it. No one was ever on the way. I can na believe this! I talked to that worker last week! She said to be ready at 615 am monday morning!
I phoned the doctors office and told em what happened. They said I must wait til June now. I was so upset , I had to be alone.
My wife and mother continued phoning round after I went into my room. They got everyone at the doctors office to agree with us(Unfair and not my fault). So the doctor talked to the GI again explained what had happened. Appointment is on again for next monday. I am na trusting medical transportation EVER again. First they left me at the dentists and now they lied to me saying they would be ere at 6 15 am.
My Brother insists on driving that day.
I will na miss that appointment next week.
I know it is so frustrating for you. I would be mad too!!!
Maybe it will turn out better doing it next week. Hang in there. What a great brother you have. And your wife and mother were so great to get on the phone and get you another appointment!!!! You seem to be surrounded by people that love you :)

and you have all of our support too.:hug:
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I'm glad your doctor helped to intervene and your family and everyone. I'm sorry the transportation was not reliable. I'm glad you have someone who can take you next week. I'm sorry you have to wait another week. <<<Hugs>>>
I have a really good friend who works for medical transportation for another band.
He says when that happens there really is only one reason. Co ordinates provide for their families first then the rest of the band. He said one of their families medical issues cut me off.
"In any Band Office...choices are left in the hands of too many. Too many have a say.
If one says no , everything could be stopped. It is not right. They act like its their money. They work for us, and this is the kind of things that happen? It happens in my band office too, and if I say anything...I will be fired," my friend from band medical informed me.
I am na going to give another chance. First they left me at the Dentists office. I waited 3 hours until the office shut down before I started walking home. I remember staggering down a Hiway with a head full of Novocane.
Then this...they lied. They told me it was all right. The ride would be here at six fifteen.
Never again will I listen to them or ask for their help. I must make money to help myself.
That is the only way. I feel like someone has a gun to my head. Telling me I must do everything for my self. Forcing me to work when I feel like resting. Fatigue is the worst, but I feel I would walk five hundred miles if it meant I would get better.
I feel so lost most pain. It has to get better.
Today I wanted to try something. I wanted to see how the pain felt without any painkillers.
Boy, that was a bad idea. Pain was unbearable. I must ve went to the bathroom like 3 times within a hour. Felt almost like razors were comin out with blood and diahreahia(There was blood in and round it). The fever was present with aching all over (more so in lower body like my legs). It feels really hot in my head and chest n stomach, legs feel cold.Flem got really bad like uncontrollable. Overwhelmed I felt soo nauseous.
When I flare up(like I am now) and use nothing for the pain, it becomes soo scary. Honestly feel like death is coming.
When I take em , I feel better with less pain overall and the fever is less.
For these past years I ave been torn between this choice. My choices? I could feel the pain and feel like close to death. Or I could take something for the pain and mask it.
Some say I ave become addicted...But I say I am addicted to feeling somewhat normal.
Simply far this has gone on...I feel like I can na eat anything without getting past this pain.
IDK what else to say :(. Only that this pain started long ago...before I even had any clue what pain killers or crohn's was.
It is really my only way out as we speak.
At this point, you know you have to take them. It is obvious to all of us you are doing everything you possibly can to get the right treatment. This GI needs to know how serious you are about getting better.

I know some others get temperatures with flares. Your body is trying to heal itself, but cant. Hopefully they can get you going in the right direction.

take care
I know after this last flare that the hemmeroids are back n worse. Before the procedure on Dec 27th, they never hurt like this. Now it hurts to sit, I cam feel em when I am standing. I remember sitting down on the floor and getting this feeling before(few weeks ago). Almost blocking up, really must be like diarehia er very soft to get by. This does na feel good with all the other pain.
I ran out of B12 and my High Blood Pressure Medication with no appt til the 20th.
I prey I make it.
Took a long bath and a couple pain killer, feel better. But I am scared.
This feels worse than before I went in in december. I thought it would ave been resolved by now. I am scared cuz i do na want this to get any worse, how much worse could it get?
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Hi there. Welcome. Just read your thread and am delighted that you have been so vocal and not letting stupid doctors get the better of you. You sound like you are determined to get this sorted and that is the best way to be so be very proud of yourself!! Try not to get too worked up if that is possible and take one day at a time. We are all here for you with the best advice we can give. From an old comedy tv series I want to say to you "Don't let the buggers get you down!" Stay strong.
Floyd, I'm sorry it is so bad again. Don't forget about the hot baths for your hemorrhoids. Don't just stop your pain meds again. They will need to be weaned off when the time comes. Can you call your doc for a refill on the B12 and BP meds?
Hot baths are the best thing right now, still feelin em. Honestly, siiting up staight is so hard now. :( So need a pillow, sitz bath and probably more(cream). Just the pillow n bath will cost me over 50 dolllars, money I do na have right now. I am trying to save up for my ride to Edmonton on Monday. I will na miss that appt.
It is hard na to get worked up. My life is a tarpit. I was trying to wade through this. Struggling , fighting against it. This slowed me down and got in the way of everything. Sides burn with pain the more I struggle.
It truly does drive me mad. I do watch a lot of comedies, movies, anime, etc.
It is made worse when my CFW ps3 died. I can na write and test my scripts. Without my work I feel soo empty. I am saving up for a new one. But finding a 3.55 ps3 is very hard.
I will figure it out and get back to work eventually.
My ma went to town to see a doctor. She got me some cream for my butt ....feels better.
But when I was putting it on I noticed a bump located on the top side.
I fear it could be the start of a fissure or fistula. Please no!
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