Yeah! Turned out to be a good day today. Not because I feel better er anything like that. It is a great day since my sister and I got bought a vehicle for ourselves. I will not have to rely on my brother any longer. My sister lives right next door, we rely on each other. She has a disability which causes many problems in public. She has a very hard time dealing with people and even talking. She has schizophrenia, hears voices that really is like a little devil on her shoulder. He tells her all kinds of evil. He tells her to kill me! He tells her to kill my mother. It fights my mother and I since we are the two who will always fight for her.
Anyway...I had to set my feelings aside to set this deal up. I got a ride,found the car, talked to the owner, and made the deal(saved 200?!) all for my sister and I. Now I have a ride for all of my appointments. I saved the money by telling them the truth. I told em I have a disease(Crohns or UC) that is undiagnosed, I do not get any medical financial help. I have not worked or went to school in a long time and we need this go make all my appointments.
They said they have a niece with Crohns, so they really sympathized with me and said YES! I noticed what a nice neighborhood it was , everyone was out smiling and waving.
They said it was the best neighborhood they experienced in their life. Was I in opposite world? lol
It felt weird...I never get that kind of reaction.
I was in pain...but I did not have to use the bathroom til now(thank the creator).
I thank the creator soo much for this, we really need this now. My wife got sick, feeling like me. Upset stomach, stomach, pain, nausea vomiting, could not eat for a couple days.They ran a few test and found out she is pregnant. So now both of us need to see a doctor all the time. Lil native on the way

But the past few days I have been getting worse pain with almost black diarrhea. I just seen alot of it minutes ago. Few days ago I seen blood so I took Iron supplements. Now I have learned Iron supplements will make the poo dark er black in color. So I do na know if it is the supplements or blood.
Wish the doctor told me about this.
I been thinking about my relationship with the government. I live in third world conditions. Really? In Canada?! 1998 A UN study stated my people's(4 bands of Hobbema,Alberta)Quality of life was that of third world nations. We fell below countries like Mexico, Malaysia, and Kazakhstan. The government took money from all four trust accounts to pay itself. Over 200 billion in damages(Oil and Gas Revenue), when the government made itself responsible for the long term welfare of my people LONG AGO(since Treaty Six). This is why there is soo much hatred towards my people. But Alberta does not understand. They do not understand if my people win that Alberta will get some of that revenue instead of US companies(Who robbed us and the government).
This is my people's story for any interested.