My painful Story

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Don't fear until you know for sure. Hopefully the doc can tell what it is on Monday. I'm sorry your PS3 died. :(
Thanks my angels.
You know...after almost a week. I am kind of glad I had a week more to think about all of this. When I say this has been going on for far too long i really mean it. I had crohns for soo long it made me crazy. My mind does na work as it should recognizing all that is happening to me. I am a dazed man most of the time, trying to make sense of it. Feels like a bad dream i can na wake up from.
Any way, in the late 90's the bleeding got really bad. I was feeling fatigued and seeing bright red blood at almost every bathroom trip. I kept telling my family doctor that I was bleeding and feeling like I did not want to do anything. Finally he set up a scope with the same surgeon who did my last one in 98. He did not take any biopsies that time and said he seen minor hemmeroids that required no treatment at the time. That was the same year my first child was born, Emily.
2004 i awake with pain in both sides and still bleeding. The pain continued ...I was diagnosed with high blood pressure soon after. 2005-6 I kept complaining to my doctor(even started seeing every doctor I could which made him angry with me) about the pain. Xrays , Ctscans showed I have artheritus in my lower back. So now I have bleeding, high blood pressure, fatigue,and unexplained weight loss(to which my doctor said"that's good you need to lose another 100lbs"),.Now I can feel that in my knee and hips, even in my shoulders and elbows.
98 I weighed 350 lbs...I now weigh about 170lbs. All my old co workers from even past 98 remember me complaining about my stomach back then!
All that with pain, bloating, constipation, flu like syptoms(runny nose, slight fever)affects sleep waking me up several times every night,diarehia,rashes...ETC.
List goes on and on... I have not worked for about 5 years, I was in school last year. They forced me to quit, it was effecting my attendance and grades. I thought it was going to be better by now. Last year it was not THIS bad. 98 is really when I wish i would ve seen a GI. Would not have got this far.
Everyday is a struggle now, i really need help of my GI and GP now more than ever. As well as my family. My brother...IDK where I would be without him taking me there. My ma and wife...without them fighting for me I would na even have this appt on Monday.
I just need to see the GI and tell em this. I need to see my GP to ask em for Medical Marijuana and better pain killers. How long will it be til I am tested,diagnosed and treated. I do not want to be running back n forth from my house to his office to the pharmacy every few weeks or feel like I am sacrificing or torturing myself. That would save me money and help my pain. Money is a huge issue now. Medical release did not work out at all how I thought it would.
Trying na to think about my butt right now.
Also trying to make money for a 3.55 ps3 , I got 30. I think I will need 120. Hope I can make that tomorrow.
I will let you all know what happens.
I love my brother.
I was stressing out. I was losing it because the gas voucher we got. It is for tomorrow at 8 am. But the appointment is at 9am. There is no way we can make it from here to there within a hour. Just collecting this would make us late. I do not want to be late I told my bro. We have to leave before 8 am. We do na even know really where this place is. Might take a while just locating it. Why is it always soo hard trying to get/collect help from my band?
He said we can leave before 8 am (he has enough gas to get us there n back)and then when we get back we can collect the voucher. Guess I am really upset because I do na think I made enough today for my side project. My cfw ps3, only have 60 need like 50 more(at least). It really is torture with the pain, as well as not being able to write,test, and try my friends new scripts. I can na do what I love to do right now...
Money...always a damned money issue.
Last week the pain was unbearable. Feel better the past few days. I prey it goes well tomorrow. I need a diagnosis soo bad. If i had that I could do more than just write scripts. I could get back to my life.
Well brother woke up late as usual. We left my house racing toward Edmonton at 15o km / hr! That was scary! But I made it.
I seen Dr. Lim. It is funny, since he had a lot of bad things to say about the surgeon i seen for the scopes previously. He said he talked to the surgeon. He was not clear with the GI about inflammation or infection(GI says it has to be inflammation). Biopsies...were taken from the effected areas of my stomach. Surgeon said results were normal?! Impossible if they were in fact taken from the inflamed parts which would've shown some type of abnormality.
He asked me how I was feeling...I said torture is the only word I can use to describe this.He then asked for the symptoms I have been having. Told em everything. He asked about the last scope. I told em it was real bad. After everything became worse. It was that month I lost 40 lbs! He said the bad news is we have to do that again, in two weeks. Then three weeks for the results, however he can recognize Crohns when he sees it. If I do have Crohn's(which is more than likely, his words)he will tell me when I come to.
I may have a Dx in two to five weeks from now, I still can na believe it.
He had soo many pictures of Crohns in different stages all over his office. My wife almost cried realizing what I am going through(really for the first time). He even told us there could be complications. The shape my stomach is in, it could be easy to tear. If a tear happens I could die. That is something they failed to inform me of last time.
It really seems like that surgeon is trying to make everyone think he is a GI or stomach specialist. He had my doctor, GI and I all fooled. Just seeing that guy has made me feel soo stupid.
I am so happy I met dr. Lim today. I know he will find and diagnose this.
What next?
Appointment on Wednesday. The scopes I know are going to take soo much out of me. I really need something stronger for the pain. I do not want to be take 5-6 pain killers at once for pain. One would be better. Medical Majiuana and my medical release(which did not go through).
Hopefully I can get the help I need from my doctor now.
Hope they sort this out for you after all you have been through and going through. Keep us posted he sounds like he knows what he is doing. I hope manage to sort it before it tears I know that feeling my bowel could of burst at any time which would of killed me after only 4 months of probs. So grateful for surgeons who saved my life literally. Take care and keep us posted.
Yeah ...I am scared of tearing now. Scared of another scope/endoscopy. Last one was soo brutal. I remember feeling like close to death and thinking no one was doing anything.
I came to pale and lifeless crying. I hate this...
I hope and prey...that this is not as bad as I think it is. Getting worse, days when I flare up are unbearable.
My brother was talking about taking me to a concert of my choice. We can make plans, but I do not know if I can make it on that day.
"This is life with Crohn's."I informed my brother."Sucks...I know."
I'm so glad that your encounter with your GI finally happened and that he seems to be good at what he does. I will pray that there will be no complications (tears) with your scope. If it isnt Crohn's I pray he will figure it out right away. Now for some pain relief from your GP... I hope that appt goes well too
Oh god sorry I didn't mean to scare you even more the week before I got admitted my colleague had commented saying you look like death unbeknown to me at that point I was seriously ill close to death. I hope when they do the scope it won't be as bad as what you are thinking. Take painkillers before you have scope hopefully they will take away the pain. Hope the appt with doctor goes well too thinking of you.
My family is scared about the scopes. Everyone noticed the effects it had on me. It has to be done, now. This one I know will have a way better outcome. I will get treatment...soon.
It will be over soon and it will be worth it coz it will get you a diagnosis and treatment. Then you can have your life bk :)
Hope n prey that is the case. I just came from my bathroom where I seen blood in my poo. It hurt coming out. Felt like it would never stop.
GI thinks the bleeding is from the hemmeroids. I am pretty sure it is coming from inside.:(
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Well there was a little blood around it, but it was mostly in it making it red(all towards the end of my bathroom trip). Drowsy with pain just left of my belly button(pain is getting worse).
I looked at my butt for a while and even poked round inside. I did not feel a huge hemorrhoid or a sharp pain. Unless it is way up there. Sometimes there is blood around it and others it is in it. I know I seen blood way too much, in the past two weeks alone.
Pain n pressure feels bad, pain in front just left of belly button. Two nights(on the GI appt day) ago it was unbearable. Idea of tearing is really scaring me now.
Trippin now, wondering if I will end up in jail today. I am asking for Medical Mary Jane. Last time I tried the doctor threatened to call the RCMP, that was right after I was dianosed with Artheritus(A year before that I was Diagnosed with High blood pressure).
I spend a lot of what I make on marijuana for myself. But it is never enough. I need more. I want to cook with it, eat it. Recipes need at least 7-4 grams of it, you know how much that would cost street value? Most recipes are for three or four servings and that would require half an once(14 grams). Street value of half an once? One hundred and fifty dollars?! Just to eat with that for three meals a day by myself would cost 150 a day(not including what I smoke). I go without it I am worse for the wear.
I wish doctors could look on the bright side of this. I mean I know it must look bad. I am asking for medical weed and stronger pain killers. They are considered drugs. But what other options do I have now? Even the GI agreed that painkillers were the only option this whole time.
Doctors in my area make me think of myself as a criminal, or worse junkie. That is basically what that doctors said when he started talking about Police.
Man...wish this was easier.:(
Well that went how I expected. I did not expect to come back home with a pound of medical marijuana. I did not expect to get stronger painkillers.
I expected to get a lecture of why I would not get what I need.
He informed me that no doctor in this area would ever agree to medical marijuana for any patient. He also told me he thinks it is too dangerous to give me stronger painkillers.
I said my piece. Which was...the point of this getting DANGEROUS passed LONG ago. That is something Everyone needs to realize. How could a stronger painkiller hurt me, when I am already handed 100 Tylenol 3's every time I see this guy. I told em it seems really messed up to me that I will basically be given OPIUM( in pill form) and I have also been given Morphine which really is cocaine. I can get Opium or Cocaine from doctors...but when I ask for Marijuana they are like "Hey Slow down man!"
He said I was the smartest native or patient he met. No one ever said that to em or gave it to em like that. Really made him think...but in the end he still said no.
Marijuana does help more than any of those two, it saved my life. I would not be here writing any of this or seeing a GI without this. I wish a doctor could see this. I slay me sometimes.
Sorry to hear you were not able to get what would actually help you.
It is hard for doctors to see what is not FDA.

I wonder if there is an oil you could order on line? There may be a doctor here in Oregon that could send it to you.

You have a great way of writing about it...... lol
It is a double edge sword. One side I hate myself for taking the painkillers, I really do not want to take them. But some days the pain gets too much, like the past few. I get the pain before I even open my eyes, mad at myself for yet another dream denied. It begins to build n build, I fear it will not stop. Everyday it is like this gets pushed a lil further in the unknown. Everyday I can feel it getting worse. The day of the GI appointment. I felt good when I woke up and went to Edmonton. I felt safe...but when I got home. It all came crashing down. I needed to use the bathroom. It would not stop..there was a blood filled poo at the end. I felt a pain in the front with pressure. Fearing a blow out in that area. I can still feel it, keeping me up. I tried to be tough and take it. I struggled and gave in. Hate that I am in this cycle that never ends.
Now it is tough...financially. I need special foods for myself. I had to buy regular food today. I did na have enough for myself. All because I did not receive a medical check from my band. I have the medication I need ..but no food I can really eat.
Soo thankful for my business at times like this, I just prey I make more.
I had to spend the money I was saving for my game. My children are more important. But I keep doing this to myself. Pushing myself aside for my family. My clothes are for a man who weighs much more than I do. When I walk round in any pants I own they fall down(even with a belt, do na ask me how that happens). All of my shirts look way too big. All of my wardrobe is way to big n old. That adds to my never wanting to go out. My brother bought me a couple pairs of clothes, but they too are very big in his size. He tried taking em back to get something smaller, but that was the smallest in men's size they had.
Do I have to buy my clothes from the teen section now? :(
Feel like Benjamin Button.
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I have come to many realizations today. I realize my brother, even though he has done so much for me lately, is asking me for too much. It is a constant job that never ends which I get nothing for and it keeps me from actually making money.
He was making me do all his tech work. Not just his, but his whole family of in-laws(and there are a lot of them). He has been making me fix what ever problems they might be having(Virures, hardware,etc). Does na stop there. He wants me to do Ipods, Wii's,Harddrives. All for his In-laws, all for free. Felt forced to do this. If I did not do it, he would have never given me any kind of help.
I put my foot down ,I can no longer do this without getting paid. I need more money. I did not get medical. They all work, making way more than I receive in a month.
I can not believe he would make me do all this when I feel so bad. Taking advantage of me, for far too long. I saved them thousands of dollars, and for what?
I love my brother, but he really can not understand this as well as I wish he would. He even said that I should suck it up and go to work. He said he could get me a job. I almost cried when he said that to me. I have thought about that, really wish I could work.
In the end , I jus told em to let me work. Do not bring me anymore of their computers without any payment.
I realize now how many of my family members are taking advantage of me in the worst possible time. I am sick and I have nothing, how could anyone do such a thing?
This whole time, he was like yeah i will give you a ride, but i got a trunk full of computer problems I need you to fix?!
Well woke up this morning..took my meds. I was na feeling too bad. I got thirsty so I decided to have a glass of water. I got sick and threw up soon after. My wife was cooking at the time, and the smell of the food set me off. Good thing I had a bucket beside me, since I would na have made it to the bathroom. It hit swift, had no time to react.
Feel drained now. :(
A few years ago when the puking had begun to become a constant event, I remember feeling very scared. Like it was the end of my world every time.
Got use to it, now I just let go. Deal with it better than I used to.
Think I may have found the ONLY doctor in Alberta who prescribes medical marijuana. In Swan Hills which is north of Edmonton, probably take me about 2-3 hrs to get there from here. But how would i go about this? I really do not want to talk with my GP or GI about this. The only man I want to talk to about this situation is Dr. Oliver of Swan Hills. Thinking about giving him a call after I am dianosed. I know it would help more than anything. I want medical marijuana so I would na have to take any pain killers at all.
I do not want Opium or Cocaine!
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Yeah! Turned out to be a good day today. Not because I feel better er anything like that. It is a great day since my sister and I got bought a vehicle for ourselves. I will not have to rely on my brother any longer. My sister lives right next door, we rely on each other. She has a disability which causes many problems in public. She has a very hard time dealing with people and even talking. She has schizophrenia, hears voices that really is like a little devil on her shoulder. He tells her all kinds of evil. He tells her to kill me! He tells her to kill my mother. It fights my mother and I since we are the two who will always fight for her.
Anyway...I had to set my feelings aside to set this deal up. I got a ride,found the car, talked to the owner, and made the deal(saved 200?!) all for my sister and I. Now I have a ride for all of my appointments. I saved the money by telling them the truth. I told em I have a disease(Crohns or UC) that is undiagnosed, I do not get any medical financial help. I have not worked or went to school in a long time and we need this go make all my appointments.
They said they have a niece with Crohns, so they really sympathized with me and said YES! I noticed what a nice neighborhood it was , everyone was out smiling and waving.
They said it was the best neighborhood they experienced in their life. Was I in opposite world? lol
It felt weird...I never get that kind of reaction.
I was in pain...but I did not have to use the bathroom til now(thank the creator).
I thank the creator soo much for this, we really need this now. My wife got sick, feeling like me. Upset stomach, stomach, pain, nausea vomiting, could not eat for a couple days.They ran a few test and found out she is pregnant. So now both of us need to see a doctor all the time. Lil native on the way :).
But the past few days I have been getting worse pain with almost black diarrhea. I just seen alot of it minutes ago. Few days ago I seen blood so I took Iron supplements. Now I have learned Iron supplements will make the poo dark er black in color. So I do na know if it is the supplements or blood.
Wish the doctor told me about this.

I been thinking about my relationship with the government. I live in third world conditions. Really? In Canada?! 1998 A UN study stated my people's(4 bands of Hobbema,Alberta)Quality of life was that of third world nations. We fell below countries like Mexico, Malaysia, and Kazakhstan. The government took money from all four trust accounts to pay itself. Over 200 billion in damages(Oil and Gas Revenue), when the government made itself responsible for the long term welfare of my people LONG AGO(since Treaty Six). This is why there is soo much hatred towards my people. But Alberta does not understand. They do not understand if my people win that Alberta will get some of that revenue instead of US companies(Who robbed us and the government).
This is my people's story for any interested.
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I am starting to understand this more. IRON. Every time there is blood loss I lose a lot of my Iron. My blood ca na make healthy blood cells being deficient in Iron. I taken the supplements for a few days and can tell I fell better(still is pain). But I feel less fatigue now.
Just wondering how often I should take these.
Why am I still doctoring myself? My doctor would not have given me any without me telling him to. I also asked for B12, which I did get before, and that is no longer covered. He was puzzled when I asked for the B12.
However, every time I feel better it is because I make him give me some medication.
Now I realize what was happening to me. I lost soo much blood, my blood was in danger countless times. I felt I had no energy after waking in the morning. Many days I felt lifeless had breathing problems and I looked very pale. I know I needed a blood transfusion many times, I could ve died.:(
Blood made me feel like crap with the pain on top of it.
I was using apo ferrus gluconate before. Now I used apo ferrus sulfate and I noticed a big difference. I know I need more the ferrous fumarate.
Just read gluconate has 11.5% , sulfate has 20%(obviously why I feel better) and fumate has 33%. Jus call me doc native lol.
However, I really need that B12.
I feel better coming to this realization. I know now that the feelings of being Iron deficient will na be soo bad.
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A few years ago i was prescribed iron supplements and i was told to take one twice a day after food.

Does it say on the packet how much to take?
This sulfate says two times a day, not to take dairy a hour before or after. Take on empty stomach for best results. I do get a upset stomach(even worse than normal), feels like the front of my stomach is going to burst open.
Really ...I am too accustomed to feeling pain. I can take a great deal , before I give in.
But on Iron I feel less fatigued and less breathing problems. I need a blood test?
I prey the GI sees and diagnoses me on April 17th. IDK...scared. Scared since I went through it before. Right after it got worse the bleeding, weight loss and paleness. If the Surgeon was right...there is nothing in the areas they are doing the scopes. If it is in my small intestine than these scopes will be for nothing.
However, the GI said he took samples from the inflamed/infected parts of my stomach. He is sure the samples should not be "normal" as the surgeon said.
If it is all for naught, at least I know I should be on a higher dose of Iron if the need arises.
Yeah i'd take it with food...i've read that if you take it with orange juice the body absorbs the iron better.
Glad to hear that you got a car. That is good news. Congratulations to you and your wife on the little Native to be. I'm glad your wife wasn't really sick like you.
Feeling better, my appetite has increased. Staying on the gluton free diet is hard.
It is hard to have the food I need all the time. I do not want to stray off.
Whenever i feel a lil better...I begin to almost believe I am normal. Like this never happened. On again and off again with issues along the way. Really need a Dx for myself. Just so I can say to myself"I have Crohn's". I always wondered what it was since I was small. Few weeks it will be explained.
Drove me crazy for almost 38 years now(turning 37 in May).
Do most of your filling with meat, potatoes, veggies, rice, etc. You'll have to change the way you think about what consists of a meal, but your body will love you for it.
Now we figured out I am a Iron deficient anemic, it is really just the pain issues. I get pain when I eat or drink. I get pain taking medications. Marijuana is the best med for this, but I do na have that all the time. Wish I did, I would not have to take narcotic painkillers.
That is my next battle. I need medical marijuana, after my diagnosis it is my mission. It would so be great on soo many levels. The money I would save, the stomach pain, joint pain, the nauseousness. The money is the biggest issue. With another child on the way I need this to have more money to provide for them.
I have to stop buying it and start receiving it medically.
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Well...another month with no medical financial support. I just picked up my cheque, where I seen countless others recieve medical and guess what? They did na even look sick?!
I made a scene. I told my worker there is no way this can be considered medical. She said it was not. She said she wants me to make a appointment so she can inform my why. I informed her this was totally unacceptable. I will not make a appointment with her. I will however make app with the chief and Councillor in charge of Social assistance to have my worker changed. She had her mind set before I even had the papers filled out, both the doctor and I are puzzled when others with way less receive medical. She would not use the Fax to save me a few dollars, no she made me go out of my way. Had the doctor fill out the form how many times. Whole tribe knows how bad this is, yet these workers seem to get off on it. I can na understand how doctors orders are denied and ignored. I am writing it all down for my next Lawyer visit. Looking at the paper the first time, she could have said I would not get it and saved me some time, money and heartache. But no...she made me go back and get it filled out just to tell me this?! This person is not even from my band! She needs to go back to her tribe. When my tribe goes there for work, that is what we are told. We are told to go back to where we came from, Louis Bull. My band will hire all, why? We have maybe a thousand people, with a unemployment rate disgustingly over 90%. And here we are giving these jobs away to people from Bands that have way more than we do. My people need to stand up and get these leeches out, that is what they are. Who cares if they have family in the band office, that does not make em part of our band.
I had to fight scratch and claw just to get the money for the vehicle! There is no help, support or assistance of any kind. When I do ask for help, it ends up costing me more(Just getting that form filled out cost me nearly 80 dollars going back n forth!). That is money I work hard for, no one just hands it to me for nothing. I just want to give up on getting any help from my band.
So glad I have my business...I know i would not make it with what I get. I receive next to nothing. I make more doing what I do. But that is what gets me by. I buy what I need, mostly food. I really can na afford too much else. I have dreams of getting a few things, like a new ps3, upgrade my PC and Laptops(Which I desperately need for what I do) and a vacation from the 3rd world reserve would be heaven.
But... that is all they are. Dreams.
Wish I could wake up from this bloody nightmare! I am surrounded by corrupted and greedy people who are too concerned with themselves.
I am a Alberta native man, who has been treated unfairly every time I leave my house. I do na want to leave any more.:( When I leave, all I get is reasons why I will not get any kind of help. I help myself, wish I could rest and take it easy. But I have to keep going, no matter how I feel. In fact, I need to go way harder on my business, I need more money. Tired of having nothing for too long.
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I've missed a few posts again :/ you two having a baby? If so congrats :) hope they can get you in on April 17th. Won't be long and I'll be having surgery in 5 weeks.
We are expecting. I know that will be a great experience for all of my family. For my wife Cheryl-lynn, my daughter Emily, sons, Eric,Eli and Elvis. My mother is so happy. My sister and even my brother are happy and surprised there will be a new baby of the family.
Surgery? I will prey hard for you CheerBear12.
That is a possibility that scares me, honestly. Never had experienced any type of surgery throughout my life, closest I even had come to that is the scopes. With the GI I know he will deal with this, what ever it may be. It is happening for me very soon as well.
I prey everything works out for the best.:)
Thank you I really need it can't do this alone it's so hard. It's too make my ileostomy permanent I have no other choice with being diagnosed with indeterminate colitis. The j pouch could more than likely fail on me. I can't take them risks this is the best choice in my eyes. I don't want this but it will be better in the long run. I hope I'm so much better with it than before. It saved my life literally. Congrats hope it all goes well for you all:) hope you get sorted before baby arrives. When is he/she due? your in my thoughts praying you get sorted without the need of surgery.
This is so difficult. dealing with issues constantly. Surgeries and pouches are my worst fears. I prey. I prey that this works out for you. My ancestors and I are with my beautiful friend.
Due date? Cher believes is will be in September or August, she is usually right.
Now I ave the blood /Iron worked out, I am noticing the pain more. Pain at night, in my hips and lower back. It hurts to even arch my back. My hips...I can feel on both ball joints. It is getting bad. I can barely move.:(
You know it was my worst fear as well before this but anything is better than going 30-40 times a day before this with all other symptoms as well. I'm so scared of everything all I have are bad memories from last one... 3 months of recovery and 3 and a half months of pain. Hope i don't have that again. That's all I think of can't get it out my head. Hoping it all goes well... Thanks for all of this means a lot. Hoping it all subsides soon for you and you get sorted asap keep us posted. Hope it all goes well with baby.
One extreme to the other. Seems like I am either using the bathroom too much or too little. Today I had the urge to go. I did...there was a lot. Filled up the toilet. After that I felt very tired,fell asleep for five hours.
So sick of this, sick of myself. I try to go without painkillers. But the pain always seems to be too much to handle. The pain now is my hip, been hurting almost 48hrs straight now. Hurts soo bad getting up and moving round(even worse than before). I really do na want my hip to get any worse. It has made me want to stop sex all together. Sex does na seem possible like this. Why is this happening? Every day it gets that much worse, now this. IDK how much more I can handle.
Family is having a dinner tomorrow,damn it. Feel like a puppet at this kind of thing. I am there only for show, eating very little and/or very slow. Makes me unhappy more than anything. Everyone sees the way I walk and the way I look. It always turns into a discussion about me and possible cures. Elders look at me and can na believe their eyes. They look at me and look away to quickly. Soo much food there, everything I can na eat, torturing me. I want to eat everything... but you know how that goes. Such a nightmare.
But there is something that scares me more than anything. Being alone. When I was young I remember being in blinding pain and no one was there with me. Alone I always feel worse. When Cher had Eric there was many complications. He was born three months premature.
One night I was in pain, she was also in pain. Next morning I woke up and she was gone, blood was all over our bed. I freaked out wondering where my wife was. My niebours informed me the ambulance came very early in the morning. By the time I made it to the hospital she was in Calgary(300 km away). Eric was born that day, I could na make to Calgary until a week later. When I did the doctors told me that he had a list of medical problems all steaming from being underdeveloped(They gave him 5 years to live, he is now 12?!). They also stated it was very hard on Cheryl. They said another baby could kill her. I prey she makes it through this. I can na lose her. We worked soo hard on this relationship that is great now. But that is my greatest fear. When ever my life is going good it all seems to come crashing down. She is the love of my life, my one and only. Please Creator...Do na take her from me now.
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I'm really sorry to hear that I hope she makes it through when the time comes to give birth. Thinking of you both hoping everything will work out fine. What about asking for a c-section? Hope you get sorted as well ASAP it's gone on for far too long now. Big hugs too you both. Keep us posted on you both plz x
We just take everything one day at a time. Coming up next is my scopes. April 17th, although it will be rescheduled to some day a few after or before. I can na stop thinking about what the GI said. He was clearly upset and angered how long I have been dealing with this and doctors like the surgeon. He said the surgeon obviously did not have a clue about IBD's. If the GI did the scopes I know I would have had the Dx then. The first time I had a scope was by the surgeon in 98. I really believe that is when I should have been originally diagnosed.
Now I feel a constant pain in the front (left of my belly button) with pain in my right hip that has not gone away for three days. After doing a bit of research I found i may have developed a abscess. A abscess with pain radiating to my hip.
I honestly believe that once the GI sees what is inside me he will freak out. I do na think he will want to let me go that day.
My wife is having a hard time sleeping. Every time she shifted her weight on the bed I moved a little bit, that movement caused pain every time. I did na want to say anything, like stop it. I could feel an area inside that hurt when there is even a little bit of vibration or movement. Occasionally she would brush up on my side or rib and that too would cause pain.
Tagging DustyKat re: possible abscess.
nativesith-do you have a fever? These latest symptoms do seem worrisome. Dusty's son was diagnosed from an abscess-perhaps she can advice you what to tell the doctor so he will see you sooner. I am wondering if you could manage a trip to an ER in Edmonton?
I am so very sorry to hear of all you are going through nativesith. :(

As happy as said, my son had a psoas abscess that caused pain in his right hip/groin area.

His symptoms were:

-Persistent pain that worsened over time.
-He had developed a limp that would come and go until he could no longer put weight on his right leg.
-The only way he was able to get any sort of relief from the pain was to lay on his back with his flexed. It was far to painful for him to straighten leg and that was a particular telltale sign.

For my son fever was not a symptom but he was on Prednisone and Imuran at the time so they masked that aspect of things but that should normally be something to look to as well. Also for him his white cell count and C-reactive protein were extremely elevated. Would it be possible to see a GP and have them request the blood tests for you?

When you say the way you walk, what do you mean?

Dusty. xxx
Like a week ago the pain used to be in the morning and at night. It started going all day. It feels real bad.Walking or moving causes great pain. Moving my right leg front to back is na as bad as moving it side to side.The more I use it the worse it becomes. This really started LONG ago. It just kept getting worse. The has become slower on some days. Ever since like October it has become slower and slower. Going up stairs has become a feat onto itself. Some days hurt worse than others. I noticed it hurt on the joint, but late last night it moved up a lil to the waist(But I could still feel the joint). I feel wearing a pants or belt makes it worse. Fevers do come, they are slight. My head and stomach area become hot, lower part of body feels cold. I fight the hot/cold feeling. The fevers have gt better since I have been taking stronger Iron supplements. GP or hospital visit is just not possible right now. If my doctor were at the hospital I would. But going there at any other time would be a gamble. I would love it if they could help me , but everytime they seem to hit a brick wall. GP said they really can na do ANYTHING for me until I am diagnosed. They can na rush the scopes, they can na do the scopes here. Even if they could why would I put myself through that when the surgeon here really has no clue about IBD's. Everyone at the Doctor's office and the hospital has seen my walk, they never really said anything about it, it is all the stomach. Medical release the doctor signed my walking is severely impaired difficult.
Remember I am na on any treatment. Just Painkillers, Iron supplement, Vitamins, etc. Laying n my sides causes great pain, bending my knees while on my back gives slight relief. Sometimes it feels like a pinching sensation in my groin area.
Scopes with GI on April 17th.
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Do you keep a journal of your symptoms?

If not it may be helpful in getting you a diagnosis. When you are living this sort thing day in and day out the abnormal becomes normal and it is too easy to forget the little things that help bring the pieces together. Have a look through the suggestions we have in the wiki...

Just remember, a scope is a very good diagnostic tool but it is limited in what how much of the bowel it can see. Almost all of the small bowel cannot be visualised with scopes and if you do have an abscess they will not see that either. Start documenting things now so you have tangible black and white evidence to present to the GI on the 17th. Document every single day and as many times as necessary.

Dusty. xxx
This is the closest I ave to a journal, my thread. Every issue or episode I will and do post.
I do feel the abnormal becoming normal. I have become too use to this and feeling pain. I am trapped in this cycle for years(decades). Feel like I am wasting away, deteriorating too used to being ignored.
I am all to familiar(small Intestine where any scope can not reach) with where this may be located. Scopes may be all for naught.:( How long will this go on before they find it and give me treatment?
However, the GI said the Surgeon basically is a quack. He knows if he sees and tests the inflamed/infected parts(This surgeon would not clear up if it was inflamtion or infection with myself or the GI?!) that the surgeon seen and took samples from that it will show some type of abnormality. How could it not?
Now , I feel pain in my hip, but it is like it is not flaring up badly at the moment. Feels sore.
My stomach pain is worse than my hip now. Front again.
I don't know how long it will take. :( At least with getting scopes done, and in view of the fact that you have been having issue for so long, you have a chance of either finding out what is wrong there and then or if the scopes are clear narrowing it down to perhaps being a small bowel issue and then imaging is your next step. Either an MRE/CTE and/or pill cam.

I know it is bloody hard but please keep pushing for answers if the scopes don't reveal anything. You have suffered far too long to have no solid answers.

I see you have been tracking through this thread but you need to transcribe it and get it down on paper. Dates, times, symptoms.

Dusty. xxx
Today was a battle. It was a struggle, I was trying not to take any of the painkillers.
But I jus lost that battle, I gave in and took some. Pain was building becoming too much to take. This is how the majority of my days have been. Waking up and pain and preying it goes away or gets better, which it really never does. It always gets to being unbearable on too many occasions.:(
Really bad day today. Feel nauseous hot, wicked stomach pain(getting to 7-8).
GI receptionist called to confirm the appointment for the 17th.
I prey I make it that far, pain is so bad.
My is like she is experiencing the same issues now. She awakes with stomach pain rolling round for hours this morning along with me. She went to the ER where they said it is not good when she had diahrhia for the longest time. They took a stool sample(which is very different now then the last time I had one). I fear her stomach is inflamed. Did she get this from me?
When I moved to Louis Bull(where my wife and I met) is when the bleeding got really bad. I was soo poor back then(even worse than now)and I was forced to drink the well water. I know that water has too much calcium and Hplyori. Now I am fearing for my wife and unborn baby, my pain does na matter.
Starting my journal today.
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I have been just working at home, trying to forget about the pain. Business has been going really well lately. That helps alot.When I feel bad and I am going down, someone arrives and having someone here makes it feel better. Like my mind is side tracking the pain for a instant.
Pain in my joints has gotten really bad, unbearable honestly. There was pain in my left knee last night wrapping round in burning pain. It was soo bad I was afraid to put weight on it. Now it feels really sore. Whole time with stomach pain.:(
10 days to go til the scopes with the GI. All of my family is extremely worried about em. I really am just getting the hang of all this. Honestly, I am just getting over the last scopes. Everyone in my family saw nothing but bad effects the last time. My color had become extremely pale, I had almost completely stopped eating, I lost too much weight in a short period. They do na wanna see that happen again, I understand that. But I need this GI to do this, if I could I would do it now. Probably will feel worse. I mean I feel worse than the last time I went in, and they will take samples from the bad parts of the inflammation/infection.
I have started writing, and no it is not this thread. Long ago I was a poet with dreams of spreading my words. Now I am older and I walked this seems I have my inspiration/subject.
I'm so sorry your having such an awful time. The best thing you can do for you in my opinion is keep going back to the doctors. Complain, complain, complain. It took 15+ years for me to be told I had crohns. I let the doctors push me around and blow me off until I was like you. In horrible pain all the time. It affected my whole life. I was afraid to even leave my house. I demanded a colonoscopy and 1 week later found out it was in fact crohns. It's still been a long frustrating road but at least I know what's wrong and between myself and the GI, we're working on getting me well. Hopefully one day ill even hit remission. Ill be thinking of you and I hope you get relief and answers soon.

Best wishes,
Best way I can describe this...
Stab wound on left side, hurts worse when I lie down. Sometimes even a blanket makes it worse. Pain radiates all over my stomach.
Using the bathroom there is always diarehia, now hurting when I push. Some days I go maybe once, other days I lose count.
Pain in joints...hips,knees,elbows,shoulders and back(Back knees and hips the worst). Always seems to be worse at night, however when it is bad I feel it all day. Really slows me down, my mobility is greatly effected.
At least I have not bled or vomited in a while.
I am thinkin that the surgeon started a abscess/infection in the site where the biopsies were taken. That would explain the joint pain getting worse since visiting him.
Doctors...I had visited this one last summer. She had recognized the seriousness of my conditions. But she moved, I just found out where she is. Really want to visit her,when I seen her last I was 285(now I am 175). She really listened and understood, better than all the doctors I have seen.
9 days to go til my scopes, and thanks for everyone supporting me.
I can na thank you all enough.
I've got my pre op on Thursday and I keep getting white mouth sores which hurt like hell and no sooner they go they come bk again! I'm scared I've got crohns now :(:(:( been diagnosed with indeterminate colitis at moment my mind is all over the place :(:(
It breaks my heart to see you in pain even after being diagnosed. Scares I see visions of others lives becoming mine. I do na want to feel like this all the time.:(
I wish I could dream for while...longer than I do anyway. My dreams,like everything in my life now, is cut short. Like a show one watches that states to be continued. never ends. In my dreams I feel no pain, I am happy. But that never lasts, only to be awakened by stabbing pain.
Thanks for this and sorry I didn't mean to scare you even more I'm absolutely petrified I have to wait till Thursday when I see a surgeon to tell them and see what they say. Hopefully it won't affect my op getting my ileostomy made permanent in nearly 3 weeks hopefully it won't be as bad as what I'm thinking. The thing is I'm fine other than the sores and pain from them. It's massive on inside of my lip. Hopefully I'll be wrong.. But we will see so scared :(:( of everything and stress won't help me either. Big hugs coming your way
OMG this morning is soo bad. Woke up feeling like the worst pain I felt in a while, Really sharp. I felt hot, my nose was running like crazy. I really needed the pain killers today.
But that really scared me, I almost called the ambulance.
I am getting scared a lot , too much. But how can I not? I really do na know what THIS is. I got mad at my doctor was na the last visit, but the one before. I told em I feel like I am going to die, and soon. He said it would not kill me. I replied, how could you say that when you have no idea what it is? He said I was right. Then I said, that I wanted statements like that to stop. I do not want lies or well wishes. I want the truth. I want the doctors to give it to me straight. Giving it to me straight, he said it very well may kill me, and there really is nothing he could do without a Diagnosis.
Story of my
I am making a appointment with Doctor Warner,a female doctor who has shown she cares more. Hopefully I can visit her tomorrow or the day after.
I feel scared to eat.:(
OMG it is getting worse again! So much pain in front. And with stupid cold symptoms of running nose and sneezing. I feel hot and cold.
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Poor Guy! You don't need a virus on top of all this to flare everything up! Sorry you are feeling so badly today! Maybe it isn't something serious, maybe it is just the virus. We can hope... Try broths, tea with honey and Ensure on those days that you are afraid to eat...
I taken more pain killers masking the pain. I feel a lil better. My whole mid section is really hot. So hot it is sweating, just in my mid section. I am not doing any exercises. But now it is settling ...pain and running nose. I seriously just went through a box of tissues.
Dr. Warner is on sick leave for a few weeks, just great.
My mother seems to be losing her mind the closer the day of the scopes comes.
I feel bad about na seeing my regular doctor, but every time I make a appointment it is for 3 to 4 weeks later. I can na wait that long.
Seeing another doctor TODAY. I need some questions answered about my medications and upcoming scopes. I also need painkillers, really want something stronger. What I have now helps, but I am taking a lot of em. Why take a handful when a doctor could prescribe one?
I am soo tired of being pain constantly! Everyday it is like I crawl through a gauntlet of racking pain. Will I ever find some kind of relief for my suffering?
Keep us posted on how it goes, I'm hoping you will get relief from suffering big hugs. Lets hope they know what they are talking about and don't judge you this time. Good luck
OMG this new doctor is the biggest quack I met in my life. I told him about my upcoming scopes and how it went last time. Explaining how my joint pain had worsened since that time.
From the very first moment he spoke I knew he had a real attitude. Said even if I have Crohn's that the arteritus can be dealt with as well as Crohn's. He said just to deal with it and he will not give me any stronger type of pain relief. How could any type doctor not understand how much pain this is? And understand that biopises are going to be taken from the inflamed/infected areas. This is the kind of care I can except in Wetaskiwin Alberta, which harbors soo much hate against native people. A town with no GI or Doctors that have any understanding of IBD's. Could feel the hate.
That was a waste of my time, feels like I am broken in half. Always feel it. No escape.
8 days, wish it was now. Damn.
I found out Dr. Warner is sick. Depressed...I feel her. Need to see her, no other doctor can understand this. My GP now has got me to this point, but I need more help. He refuses. I just gotta make that scope next week and then visit Doc Warner(She will be my GP). To hell with that town,I want none of that in my life any more. I mean...I was having a hard time walking and sitting. He did not look in my mouth or take my blood pressure, even after I told em about possible Crohns and the fact I have High Blood pressure. I am no doctor, but would nt that help?
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I lived next to that town my whole life. Forced to go there. Never had a choice. Almost every visit was like yesterday. Rushed, raised voices, hateful stares, unequal treatment. If I ever go back there...I want to record it. Video. Really wish I thought of that long ago.
I would really like to start recording what is happening to me. I want to record all the dirty looks, racist words,and neglect. I heard and seen soo much of it last year. I could ve made a movie out of all that material. Yesterday he looked disgusted at me upon entering the room. He neglected to do regular check up procedures like taking temp, checking blood pressure, checking weight, look at feel the effected areas. I really wanted to ask him the problem was when I got that look. I wanted to know all of those thing like my temp, blood pressure,and weight. All I got was the same reaction. Same pain medication. At the point where I need soo many to get past the pain when it gets bad. That is the ONLY time I take them. But the pain getting bad...that time passed ...years ago! Sword piercing pain is what I felt for the past three days. It finally settled down this morning. My whole body feels like it had been stretched for miles and dried in the sun for days. My nose is not running now, big surprise! Pain, stomach pain, slight fever and joint pain settling. It is not a cold. It will be back. It always runs on and on.
Please, Creator, make em find this next week! I do na know if I can take it any longer. :(
Floyd, that doctor had you pegged as a drug seeker before you walked in the door - probably from his staff. Doesn't matter what you said, he had no intention of helping you. I'm sorry it went that way. When you get in with your Dr Warner, ask for a referral to a pain specialist. There are many ways to treat pain besides THC and powerful pain meds, I think it would be good for you to find other solutions to your pain so you can use them in situations like this especially. <<<Hugs>>>>>
During that whole episode I did not eat. I mostly wanted hot drinks. Pain radiated all over for days. It was a running nose with sneezing for 24 hrs then the pain hit harder.
Now? Now it is going up n down. 6 days to go, last day before the 5 day prep.
I am going to force down something if I have to.
4 days to go! Hang in there! Praying for caring, sympathetic docs who see beyond the outward to see the disease that made you become the way you are - desparately in need of good care! Also praying for very clear diagnosis and good medical decision making. You can make it through this. You are not alone. The Creator is right there with you. Hang on, it's still a bumpy ride! You can do this. I'm sorry that you have to go through the prep again so soon, but glad you are with a good doctor now. Never go back to that other place.
3 days to go now. Today I am instructed to stop taking the iron supplements.It was a hard night sleeping, I woken up 7 times. It has really hurt the past 12 hours.
Laying there in pain for soo long, my mind began wandering. There has to be a underlying cause to all of this. For so many years I have lived my life thinking nothing was wrong or it was all my fault. I listened to the doctors and nurses of that town, when they said nothing was wrong and if there was it was cause of a alcohol or drug problem.
Which is a joke...who could drink like this...I could see a drug problem developing out of this. Last time I seen my brother, I was trying to get him to understand how I feel.
He and I have both known people who use heavy drugs. I explained to him I feel i understand them more than I did back then. Back then I thought they were scum just trying to get high. Now I am thinking what if they are like me? Gut wrenching pain making them just wanna say F it! and try forget about the pain for a while. He and I both know I was never that bad. But everyday this drags on...I am thinking about that more n more. Escape.
Seems like the closer the procedure comes, the worse it gets. Felt bad yesterday, I remember thinking. How could I sleep like this? It was hard. I felt like I was awake all night holding my side, knowing there is nothing I can do. Seems like anything upsets it now, even liquids.
My ma is fighting for me today. She had enough. She sent to wait for the workers at the band office. She talked to the councilor in charge of Social Assistance(someone I went to school with all of my life?!). He said the workers never brought him my paperwork, he had no idea. He told my ma not to worry , I will get medical now. He even asked if I need a ride on Wednesday.
Feels really bad today, I am not eating anything today, just vitamins. Tomorrow is the colyte.
This time last year I was almost double the weight I am now. :(
A social assistance worker came over to my house?! She asked me to sign how many papers saying I am now on medical?!
My Ma did it?!
They gave a check for more Ensure. Really do na feel like going out. But it is great i finally am getting some help from my band. Thanks Ma :).
My uncle just called and said that Dr Warner wants to see me tomorrow.:)
She will listen to me more than any other doctor, last time I seen her I was a hundred pounds heavier.
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Getting ready.
I have na ate for days. Seriously ...there was no need for Colyte. It came out clear the first time, like the last. That was hard 4 Litres of cold fluid. Made my right side hurt real bad. It really hurts all over, I can pinpoint the three effected areas. I am flaring up now, this is the worst flare up I had in a while.
Pain is all that is on my mind.
This may be a good thing - so that the doc can see what is going on (as opposed to not flaring). I hope all went well with your scopes. I'm sure you're probably recovering now.
DAMN IT! WTF! Nothing I going crazy?? Colon polyp and hemorrhoids. No pain medication no explanation why I am in pain. I wanted a bloody Pill Cam not this stupid scopes again. Now I have to do another with a stupid surgeon just to fix the roid.
I really can na take this anymore, my life is going to end soon. I can na live like this.
Thank you all for trying to help...but I am done.
Hello nativesith,
I am so sorry that you did not get the help that you were looking for today. I understand that right now you are feeling like you will never get any help. Remember how strong you have been to get through this ordeal so far. Take some time to recover from the scope and then rethink what your options are. Please do not harm yourself.

Here is a phone number for Alberta Mental Health Services:
1-877-303-2642. They should be able to help you with the distress that you are feeling. It is a 24 hour number.

Here is a phone number for Health Link Alberta:1-866-408-5465. They may be able to help you find a new family doctor who can help you with pain meds. It is also a 24 hour number.

Here is a website for the ombudsman office in Alberta. You can make a complaint to them:

And this is the contact info for your local MLA, Verlyn Olson:
Ask his office to help you navigate and access the health system.

You should be able to get a follow-up at the GI's office in a couple of weeks when he has the pathology back. Call tomorrow to book it. I don't want to scare you but polyps can be cancerous or pre-cancerous, so be sure to go for the follow-up.

Then ask the GI what the next steps are. Calmly and politely ask what his opinion is of your symptoms and what tests you should have next. Suggest the pill cam if he does not. If he is not willing to help you ask if he can refer you to someone else.

Please let us know how you are tomorrow.
Hi Floyd, I'm sorry today didn't go as you were hoping. I am sure that this gastroenterologist didn't mean that nothing is wrong. He just means that he did not find the source of your problem yet. Do you have a followup appointment? I strongly urge you to get the hemorrhoids taken care of and out of the picture. I know they cause you a lot of problems, even if it isn't the source of all your problems. You have come so far. Don't turn back now! You've got to listen to the doctors and continue to do what they say, especially this gastroenterologist who is trying to help you. Hemorrhoid surgery is very painful. They will not leave you without pain meds after that surgery. Until then, do what you can to keep your stools soft. Did the gastroenterologist take biopsies? If so, even if he didn't see anything, the pathology can tell him a different story. We are here for you. This isn't over yet! I am praying for you.
My stomach has been totally empty for about 5 days now. Pain has gotten so bad I am not eating(I did have a ensure like two days ago). Everything is worse, hemmorids. I woke up at the end and seen em. They look huge circling and almost closed. My hips get soo bad at night I can barley walk (sex is not on my table anymore:().
I can feel something pulsating in the center just below my ribs (comes and goes). It pulsates with wicked pain.
I am in agony! Can na see any way out. So tired and lifeless. Tired of crying and losing hope everyday. I wanted the pill cam, not the scopes! I am saying that to Warner tomorrow(at 2.45). I want a pill cam before anything.
GI said I had a polyp, but he did not say if it was cancerous or not. This thing just formed since Dec 27. The surgeon would seen it if it was there. Pain getting worse it related to it. I know it. He said to go back to GP and schedule a surgery for the hemorrhoids. Cancerous polyp? That would be just my luck. The pain gets bad in the lower part of my body at night. Legs and feet gets cold, yet I am hot in the stomach and head. IDK...
I feel pain when anything moves through the stomach(like the colyte last night). I can feel where the it goes. Pain get worse when I eat, even yogurt and drinks now?!
Few weeks ago I was 185-180, I am now 170:(. None of my clothes fit any more. Feel like a bum who is lost in a wilderness of pain.
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Sorry you didn't get the help you wanted/needed they will do everything they need to find out the source of the problem soon. Good luck for today and hope the surgery goes well let us know how it goes. Think of how far you have come don't give up you can't. They will and have to find out the exact problem. Good luck and so sorry for you. Hope you get the help you really so desperately need.
Polyp did form since December...OMG. What next another one? I swear to all that is holy when that thing appeared it all got bad. Even trying to eat yogurt last week was complete torture. Drinks started making pain in my right, I eat it is my left. 170 now 20 pounds until I am at the weight I am supposed to be at. After that I know any weight loss is going to be hella dangerous. I can na stop this...I do na know what to do any more. I feel like they are going to be testing me for months...all while I keep going downhill.
Downward spiral for years now...I wish I could stop it. Creator knows how I tried. Soo tired...yet I am denied sleep. Soo hungry and I am denied food. Now my drinks?! I feel like I am close to death. Like he is waiting for me. Calling me.
I am thinkin about just buying steroids. I know a drug dealer that could hook me up, but the cost well over a thousand. Willing to try anything. If I shoot myself up with roids I know I will feel better. I can na wait forever.
Floyd, you are not thinking straight. Polyps take years to form into cancer. The GI will send the polyp to pathology and you will get the result as to what kind it is. That is NOT the source of your pain. You need sleep, brother. You need fluids. Go for water and electrolyte solutions. Stay away from dairy. Sounds like you have an intolerance to dairy right now. Ask your doc for something to help you sleep, then give it to your wife so that she can give it to you safely. DO NOT DO ANYTHING RASH. You are in good hands now. You need to trust the doctors. Get some sleep so that you can feel better tomorrow to handle that day. This weight loss will stop. You've been trying to handle this on your own for far too long. Stop trying to second guess the docs and what they will or won't do for you. You are making yourself crazy trying to figure it all out. Just follow their lead one step at a time. The Creator has plans for you for a future and good - not for destruction. Trust Him.
My Pharmacist was my hero today. I had a appointment with Dr.Warner and she wanted to know what Pharmacy I use. She called him immediately to make sure they had the medication I needed and they ended up making a really good plan. He said he remembered me. I heard every word that was spoken. Dr warner told em who I was and I was getting bad abdominal pain.
He said I am looking at his records right now and I can tell you this GI problem has been going on for far too long. If he says the pain is worse ,I believe him. Past five years all he had was pain and GI medication.
She listened and is making the arrangements for the pill cam, hemmeroid surgery(with a different surgeon) and she is rushing Dr Lim for the Biopsy results.
I went to see Rob right after. He wanted to see me and talk to me. He siad I rememeber you...I remember when you were at least 300 pounds. He asked how much I weigh now. At Dr Warners office I was 169lbs. His mouth dropped. He asked me how I feel. I told em pain is the first and last thing I feel everyday, and the last pain med were not helping. He said to follow his instructions and keep my spirit up. Love that guy.
Meantime...she upgraded my pain medication. Given me a stronger laxative to counteract the constipation side effect of the pain killers. Sleeping pills that will make me sleep for at least 8 hours.
The amount of medication I have now is crazy.I take like 8 at night time?! But I thank the heavens for Dr Warner and Rob my Pharmacist. Together we made this all happen which I know will get the results I have needed for years.
I know i this has made made crazy. How could it not. Sleepless nights, days of agony , and no relief for the longest time. I am amazed I am still here. This is the hardest test of my mind, spirit and body. I prey I make it out of this with all three.
But it is finally looking better. My future... :)
Last night I was getting pain. I hurt so bad I was gently rubbing my stomach. I noticed a hot spot which feels harder than any other part of my stomach. When I applied a little bit of pressure I could feel my heartbeat. It is like my heart is in my stomach. When I touch different areas the pulse is na that strong. It pulsates with pain once in a while. It is in the center, just below my rib line. It hurt soo bad after touching it. Felt like cold needles were being drawn from it.
I remember you having something like that before. It could be a place that is inflammed. Make sure you dont get constipated from it. You could have a narrowing, scar tissue or something that they will see on the upcoming tests.
Floyd, have you had a CT scan of your abdomen or an MRI of your abdomen before? Pulsating mass in the tummy could be an aneurysm... I hope it isn't. Thanks for the update. I'm sure glad things are looking brighter for you and that you got your hope back. Hopelessness leads to despair and you, friend, were in the depths of it a couple days ago...
I really want a CT since it has been 4-5 months since I did. This Hurts...even with the upgraded meds. Doctor wanted me to try to eat. I did try...did na go too well. I had a extremely painful upset stomach with nasua. I felt soo tired during that, I could barley keep my eyes open. Soo tired yet the pain would na let me sleep. Maybe there is like five minutes outta my day, where I almost feel normal. But the bad feelings always come back.
I have a appointment next week. I am going to slow down my eating til then.:(
It feels better on days when I have nothing to eat.
The new medication is great. I can feel the a numb feeling at night.
The only problem I have is the laxative. Really do na want to take that anymore. Last night I went racing to the bathroom 4 times. The last time I began violently shaking, would na stop until something had come out. Again when I woke up. It feels all good until I take that, wondering if I should go back on the Lax a day. Had no problems with that. I am...that is too much to take. That new laxative is making acid come up, every time I take it I can taste acid. Along with the most painful stomach aches I have ever felt.
Maybe you dont need the laxative but every third day. As long as you are going regularly.

You could also have an inflammed stomach (gastritis). Any meds can irritate the stomach lining. We used to have problems finding the perfect balance of laxative for our daughter too. Some were way too harsh, but it was rough when you dont go for 3-5 days too.

Do you still have the pain you listed below?

:Last night I was getting pain. I hurt so bad I was gently rubbing my stomach. I noticed a hot spot which feels harder than any other part of my stomach. When I applied a little bit of pressure I could feel my heartbeat. It is like my heart is in my stomach. When I touch different areas the pulse is na that strong. It pulsates with pain once in a while. It is in the center, just below my rib line. It hurt soo bad after touching it. Felt like cold needles were being drawn from it.

What is the new med you are taking? Glad to hear it is working for you!!!! yeah!!!
I can still feel that, but it has na throbbed for a while now. I just went back on Lax a day to day , and I just used the toilet. It was na violent or painful , like the past three days. That Laxative scares me.
I am following doctors orders and I am trying to eat more lately. She says my nutrition is one of my health problems.
But that hot spot...
IDK...everyday is a struggle.
I am taking a day off the Laxatives tomorrow, and I am so looking forward to it. Today went like the last three days. I ingested the Laxative, today it was Lax a day twice. Ended up in the bathroom 5 times(maybe more?). I am even supposed to take that Lax a day three times a day, only took it twice. It usually does na work that fast?! I am all good til then. When I take a laxative the pain gets worse, diaheria gets worse, I get nauseous, start shaking uncontrollably. It is all making me afraid of the bathroom and laxatives. I can na wait to see Dr. Warner. I am trying to eat, and it is all what I can. Perhaps it is time to cut down on the size. Soo much pressure to eat and use the bathroom. Seems like this lasted for days :(.
What kind of foods did they recommend? 6 small meals is usually recommended for a while. Wish there was an easy answer. Do they recommend juicing?
Yum.... liquid steak - lol

Make sure you dont get dehydrated...
All day yesterday I suffered from stomach issues. Issues like pain, nausua, upset stomach, hic cups, using toilet, Acid reflux...goes on n on.
No matter what I eat this does na stop. I ate Mashed potatoes and skinless chicken.
Went well for about a hour ...all down hill after that. Upset stomach and nausea started. Soon after I began tasting acid and I got the feeling I needed to use the toilet but nothing came out. What? Am I stuck on Bananas and yogurt? Might as well get a bottle with a nipple on it. Almost feels like I need a pamper?! Kept getting fear, fear of soiling myself in day or even worse in my sleep.
I am just soo bloody tired of all this! When will it end?
Creator please show me the way out of this!
Holy crap Hic cups never end?! Since I woke up and they just ended?! WTH!
I did do the blood test the doctor ordered. She also post phoned my appt til May 2nd.
I am now scared to put ANYTHING in my mouth. In fear of of bloody hic cups. Last night was a bad episode with em as well.
Are you still stooling at least once a day? Go back to laxative at least once a day if you are not... Which med made you feel better?
I jus went. I went two times(I feel like I will go more), and both were very watery diarrhea. I can taste acid and the hic cup came back.:(
Hic cups w/ mad stomach ache.
Lax a day is better and less stressful on me. But even that yesterday, as soon as I drank it. Made me go like NOW. This is terrible...hope I can sleep tonight.
Everyday it is like I am limited more and more. Limited with food , sleep and what I can do.
think I figured out what has made me like this since I visited Dr. Warner. She gave me pms metroclopramide with a powerful Laxative?! WTH. It is used to improve stomach emptying after surgery or other procedures. I can understand that, But I felt like I needed a pamper these past few days. With like a 24 hr hic cup mode. Bloody hell. That pill made my stomach hurt worse and it kept me up when I took a sleeping pill.
And now I find out I am taking Senokot?! Another bloody Laxative?! How Many Fuking Laxatives! Have poo coming out my ears! Why in the hell would any doctor do this???!!!!
All I asked for was pain medication and something for the bloody hemorrhoids! Still have not got any cream or any thing for it. What do I have to do to get someone to actually listen?!
I went from getting no help to way too much all at once.
I told her " I am soo afraid of laxatives." Then she gives me 3!
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