Newly Diagnosed- at my age!!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 12, 2015
Hello all, and I am very grateful for this site. Thank you. I was diagnosed (in my mid 50's) on Tues of this week with Crohns- I have a family history of it. It had been building for the past 2 years, which I ignored and for the past 6 weeks, I am in a flare-up- my first!!. I spend all morning in the bathroom, great afternoons, and pure agony all night. I have had a few good nights where my daily diet has been toast & eggs. Looking forward to the info contained on this site for food & nutrition tips. Have not seen a specialist yet for treatment options, just my family GP. CT scan showed it. Scopes are coming soon I hope. Thanks again.
Welcome,glad you found the forum.Like ronroush7 says,there is a wealth of information here.I was diagnosed later in life too,at the age of 50.There is a support group for folks like us,Diagnosed at Age 50 an Over. A good place to share your story and read the stories of others.I would urge you to consult with a GI,perhaps your current GP could recommend one.A GI can help you form a plan to fight this disease...even at our age. :)
Hi and welcome.
for diet tips, I invite you to look at IBD-AID diet (diet for crohn's and ulcerative colitis).
you can find the link in my signature below. maybe an avenue for you to explore in the meantime of seeing a GI doctor. wishing you well.

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