Pain across lower back

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Jan 7, 2009
For the last several weeks, I have been experiencing pain across my lower back. It's not like muscle pain, and it's not always in the same place. Sometimes it's to the right of my spine, sometimes to the left. It feels like it could be from gas maybe. I'm not sure. It kind of feels like if you have a bruise or something. And if I press on the area, it hurts more. It's not a knock-me-over, severe kind of pain. More of just a dull annoyance. Anybody know what I'm talking about?
hey shady
i would tell your doc about it, and probably get some type of scan......for me when i had lower back pain in a specific spot like that it was from my abcess collecting again :(
not saying thats what it is, inflammation pains can radiate through as well. but its better to make sure its nothing worse than that i guess.
Hey! I've been treated for a couple of years for SI joint dysfunction. It stands for sacroilliac joint. Its right around my tailbone. When I was diagnosed with Crohn's, after doing some reading, I found out that the two are connected. It might be worth asking doctor about. Hope this helps. Good luck.
I pretty much live with a lower backache daily. They did a bone density scan and said that there are "degenerative changes". GI said it wasn't bad enough to send me to a rheumatologist for. I'm on Humira now and even though it's knocked out all my other joint pain the dull lower back pain is still there.
Thanks for all of your posts.

In March, I had a really severe back pain "pinched nerve" type thing with pains shooting down my leg. It eventually subsided, but I was walking all crooked and hunched over for about a week. I mentioned it to my GI, and he ordered an x-ray to see if it was RA related, but since the pain went away on its own, I never followed through with the x-ray. I just didn't want to know that there was something else wrong with me, I guess.

Anyway, this pain is different, like Kello said, inflammation or something. My fistula situation is really ick right now. I had to quit taking my flagyl because of tingling in my hands and feet, so now I am only on Cipro, but it doesn't seem to do quite as well for me. As far as I know, it's supposed to have anti-inflamatory properties though, so who knows.

The fistula situation always has me concerned that there may be something similar going on inside that I won't know about. I guess I'm just paranoid...
youre not paranoid at all!
i mean worry doesnt help, but it is necessary for our own self advocacy to have concerns and to have to settle them.
definitly just listen to your body and if you feel like something in there is *wrong* then get something done. its good to keep the concern in your mind but not to worry worry worry about it, you know?
thats just my view
Yeah, Kello. I know you're right. I always tell my husband that I feel like something is just not quite right. I just hate to be the drama queen that calls my doc for every little gas bubble!
Some of my stricture pain radiates out as back and occasionally bladder pain. Only when it's pretty bad though. My Crohn's is in the colon though. Not sure if it will make a difference.
You need to have an x-ray of your sacroilium. There is a very strong connection between crohns and inflammation of the sacroilium, which is in the back down around your pelvis. If you have this, without treatment there is a very good chance that your spine will fuse together giving you 'bamboo spine.' You will be unable to bend your back in any way and it's quite painful. In some especially severe cases it can even impair your ability to breathe and kill you. Crohnies with lower back pain need to take it very seriously.
Colt said:
You need to have an x-ray of your sacroilium. There is a very strong connection between crohns and inflammation of the sacroilium, which is in the back down around your pelvis. If you have this, without treatment there is a very good chance that your spine will fuse together giving you 'bamboo spine.' You will be unable to bend your back in any way and it's quite painful. In some especially severe cases it can even impair your ability to breathe and kill you. Crohnies with lower back pain need to take it very seriously.

Ankylosing Spondylitis.

This is what I have. Believe me, it is very painful and has very much impaired my mobility. It flares in tandem with my Crohn's.
Colt said:
If you have this, without treatment there is a very good chance that your spine will fuse together giving you 'bamboo spine.' You will be unable to bend your back in any way and it's quite painful. In some especially severe cases it can even impair your ability to breathe and kill you. Crohnies with lower back pain need to take it very seriously.

Well, since you put it THAT way, Colt...

GJG, how did they diagnose you? x-ray? Can you describe your pain? I have had some really bizarre symptoms over the past few months, which may or may not all be related to Crohn's. I just want to know what's going on!
Yes, basically it was an x-ray that confirmed the diagnosis.

I have all the typical symptoms.
I always get lower back pain when I flare up. My GI said that when your intestines inflame and in turn can enlarge, it can cut down on room on your insides for everything that is suppose to be there and it can press on nerves, bones, etc... He said unless it becomes totally intolerable and the fact it goes away for me when I am not flaring, he said not to worry.

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