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I’m starting to gain strength day by day! This has been so much harder than I ever expected. The fact that I nearly died the night of surgery I believe weakened more than more than had to be also. We read about hospital deaths by mistakes of nurses, I was nearly one of those numbers. Thankfully I’m married to a very competent nurse who stayed with me and because of her I’m still here today. They had me on dilaudid for pain. The dilaudid wasn’t doing anything for my pain. I was on a PCA pump and I counted to minutes between times to push the button. My wife kept telling the nurse the dilaudid wasn’t working. The nurse decided he would give me a dose of phenergan. The phenergan potentiated the dilaudid that had not been working. I told my wife I feel the most comfortable since surgery. The nurse was happy with himself. My wife was very exhausted and she said she wanted to just get some sleep, but was afraid of the fact that the phenergan calmed me down so much. She said she was listening to how I was breathing and then me not breathing. She jumped up and said I wasn’t breathing and I was a grayish color and my lips where blue. She yelled for the nurse who in turn called a code. Thankfully a dose of narcan brought me around. I have to say though narcan was I think the most painful thing I have every experienced in my life. Seems I’m one of those people that don’t metabolize pain meds like most people do.

All that went on set me back in recovery. Then I got dehydrated which was another setback. I’m just in the last few days getting more acquainted with N.A.H. my stoma. I’m also having some problems where my anus was. I had to go back to the surgeon on Friday. He decided to open the incision and pack it to help it drain. That was some kind painful and when my wife changes the packing isn’t pleasant either.

Hopefully I’m turning a corner in this recovery and things will continue to improve. I’m looking forward to trying some different ostomy products. The one I’m using is a one piece which is working well. My belly is still real sore and the ostomy nurse said I need to wait until I’m not so sore before trying like a 2 piece because of the pressure of putting the bag on. That sounds good to me because it is uncomfortable pressing the get a good seal with this system.
So sorry you have had such a bad time. Hope you continue to improve, it is hard to begin with but so worth it in my experience xxx
I'm scared now :( so glad your still here with us so sorry what you went through :( breaks my heart that you went through that. Glad your better day by day tho keep us posted. Big hugs coming your way
Dukeis I am so glad your wife was there with you and so sorry you had to go through all of that on top of the trauma of the surgery. I can jsut imagine the pain you were in having just been thru the op in November. Pain meds never helped at all.
I hope you now have a very speedy recovery and that the pain you are stillhaving goes soon. All the best. :ghug:

Cheerbear - good luck with your surgery, i'll be thinking of you and sending positive vibes to you. :ghug:
Has anyone had an increased appetite after surgery? Seems as if the better I'm feeling I'm hungry all the time. My surgeon said most people don't much of an appetite for 2 -3 months. I'm 3 weeks post-op today. I wasn't in a flare before surgery, but was on Humira. Wonder if the Humira would cause a decreased appetite.
I was a big freakin' piggy for the first 6 months!! The first 2 especially, I was constantly hungry, but got full very fast, so still wasn't getting a whole lot of calories.
I was starving right after my about the 3 week mark I was still in the hospital and I had my fiance bring me a burger and fries from Wendy' was soooo good!! And I haven't stopped eating
Yep I'm always hungry! Just like 2thfairy said it was hard to eat much at one time for a while but I still aways wanted to eat and still do. I often wake up in the middle of the night with a growling tummy.
Has anyone had to have what was the exit hole opened and packing put in to help the drainage? I was wondering about how long should I expect it to take to heal like this. It is not a pleasant thing to have the packing changed every day. Can't wait until it doesn't need to be packed daily.
Hiya Dukeis, I was just wondering how you are. I was lucky and healed quickly but it is common for crohnies to have delayed healing in that area. There are a few on here who have gone down this route so hopefully they can tell you more. Hope you are coping and getting stronger xx
Has anyone had to have what was the exit hole opened and packing put in to help the drainage? I was wondering about how long should I expect it to take to heal like this. It is not a pleasant thing to have the packing changed every day. Can't wait until it doesn't need to be packed daily.

Hi Dukeis - My recent experience that was similar to yours was an abscess in my butt cheek that had to be incised, drained and packed in the OR under general anesthesia. It was a fistula originating in my rectum and it was trying to find a place to exit. I had to have it packed daily (all 6 inches of it). Talk about some kind of It took a little over 4 months of this until it finally healed shut. Remicade was very effective in this process. Don't get discouraged. Its so hard sometimes when your in it, you think you cannot handle one more packing, but it does heal. Why did your incision have to be re-opened in the first place?
Thanks 2thFairy! Mclavin it is just as 2thFairy said. No infection. A few week back I was having a lot drainage and my surgeon decided to snip the incision open right in his office. Hurt like hell when he did, but it felt better to sit afterward.
Got it! Well, at the very least we're all ostomates! (I ended up with a colostomy because of all that :)) I'm so happy to know your alive and getting better Dukeis.
Sorry, I'm a few days behind but going back to being hungry after surgery, YES YES YES.
I still am. At first I thought it was cos of the prednisone but now I'm down to 4mg and am still hungry. I think now its cos with an ileo everything goes thru so fast that you never get to feel full. Pity it leaves kilojoules behind though. :(
My husband and I will eat the same amount of food (now) and after a couple of hours he is still moaning about being too full. Meanwhile, I'm already snacking again. Hahaha! I have gained weight since surgery, but nothing near that which reflects the amount of food I am eating now.
Sorry, I'm a few days behind but going back to being hungry after surgery, YES YES YES.
I still am. At first I thought it was cos of the prednisone but now I'm down to 4mg and am still hungry. I think now its cos with an ileo everything goes thru so fast that you never get to feel full. Pity it leaves kilojoules behind though. :(

how fast are you? I reckon I'm every 20 minutes after I've eaten. once I've eaten, I can write the rest of the day off...ileostomy!:poo:
About an hour to an hour and a half. It slows down towards the end of the day though. 20 mins is super fast!
I am on Imodium for life and it slows it down so my body gets some of the nutrients. Some foods are faster than others depends what you eat. The Imodium really does its job maybe you could ask for something similar? Just an idea
I once ate a kiwi fruit and by the time I had eaten it and walked to the bathroom to go to the toilet it had came through into my pouch. It was the only one I had had in some days so I know it was it. I think its was maybe 10 min max.. I was really in shock about it myself.
Sometimes everything comes out starting 10 minutes into a meal and other times it may be an hour or so before anything moves at all. Just last night, I ate some cashews and 15 minutes later they were sitting in the bag. So cool.
I always think its a bit fasinating to see when the food you ate comes out and how it comes out. I know that's gross but I can't help it. Usually I can identify what I ate in my bag within two hours of eating it. My stoma starts working as soon as I start eating. Except for first thing in the morning when I haven't eaten since the night before. Then I usually have atleast a half hour before anything comes out.
Hi everyone! I have Crohn's disease for 18 years now and have an Ileostomy for 10 years. I have to say having the Ileostomy has made life easier for me as I don't need to rush to the bathroom anymore and I have had less flare ups since getting it but it hasn't been really easy because I've had many complications with it which are ok now. After I had my Ileostomy surgery I was ok and then I ended up having a hole near my stoma which was a fistula and ended up having stool come out of both my stoma and the fistula so I had the Ileostomy moved to my left side and when I had that done I got an infection in my incision so they ended up ripping it open and using a wound vac on it which was changed twice a day and hurt so bad it was horrible. After that cleared up I was fine for a while then all of a sudden my stoma fell off n I ended up having just a flat hole on my stomach and it was closing up so I had to have surgery to make a new stoma and when they went in there they found I had a hernia where my intestine was wrapped around itself which was causing a blockage and it made me septic and hyperthermic then after that my stoma fell off again and I had it moved back to the right side once again and it was fine then I started getting another hole near my stoma and having skin iritation around my stoma and I was going to wound care twice a week for a year and took Flagyl and it closed up and using stomahesive powder and skin prep wipes helps the skin around the stoma so I have been doing good with that since then. Overall I feel better having an Ileostomy because I can go out to eat and not have to go to the bathroom right after I take one bite out of my food and I also eat whatever I want and don't really gain any weight as I don't digest much of what I eat, it ends up in my bag before I'm even done eating it's bad because sometimes my pills come through whole also so I have to crush them to get any of it in my system and it all depends on what I eat on how fast it moves through but most of the time I can tell what everything is as I empty. Imodium does slow it down some for me as well so I can absorb some of what I take in because I also get dehydrated and end up losing too much weight and I've had to do nasogastric tube feedings overnight and had PICC lines put in and did TPN at home overnight as well I also drink nutrition drinks and Gatorade to help with those issues. Overall I feel having an Ileostomy gave me a better quality of life and I do more now than I used to before having it. So I want to say to those getting an Ileostomy good luck and I hope everything goes well and I wish you a quick recovery it does need some getting used to but once you get used to it it will be a normal part of your life and not really phase you at all and don't let yourself get down and feel like you can't deal with it or that it's too much for you to handle at first it's hard you will have leaks and go through trial and error trying to find the right appliance and other ostomy products that will work for you but once you find them things will get easier. Also another tip when I take a shower or go swimming I use an Ostomy belt all the time but I have some set aside for the shower and pool and I put clear plastic wrap around myself under the clothes if going to the pool and use waterproof medical tape to seal it then after I'm done I take the wrap off and blow dry my bag with a blow dryer on the cool setting and use cloth medical tape to tape the edges or picture frame it as they say just make sure the bag is not too worn down from too much water exposure if it is then just change it all together to avoid leaks later on. Take care and stay well!
Went for a follow up visit with my surgeon yesterday. He said he is pleased with my progress. He said the wound where my bum was is healing nicely. It still has to be packed daily. He said he figures it will be healed by the time I see him again in 4 weeks. Hope he is right. He did tell me something interesting, he said almost all Crohn's pts. he has done this surgery (total proctocolectomy) he has had to open the incision and pack where the bum was. He said pts. who are flaring at surgery are worst and have to be open larger. He said my opening is very small compared to some. I did ask him why didn't he inform me of this before surgery. He said he may need to make the risk of this complication clearer to future pts. I told him he does.
I've got to say that we all are deserving of some sort of an a ward...Crohns is an awful illness and currently I'm so tired from all the night time interrupotions and lack of nutrition getting to where it shgould be that I could sleep for a week, ( if only that were possible)however from the letters I read we all have different experiences and it's brilliant that we can all talk about what 'gets' to us without being embarrassed.
Have a good weekend, we have heavy rain forecast for tomorrow so I might have a 'duvet day'. Bliss! :ghug:
Found out last night that me and fried chicken are not compatible anymore. All I ate was 2 wings and I paid for it the rest the night. I had a lot of bad cramping and increased output and gas. To cap it all off I woke up at 4 am with a leak. Today was change day anyway, but I never really liked having to do it at 4 am. Oh well I guess that's how it goes!
Oh dear. It is early days, things do improve. Things I couldn't eat in the early days I am fine with now. Hope you are starting to feel better and the wound is healing too xx
Kazt17, That is good to hear because I love fried chicken. Think I'll give it several months before I try again though. Yep starting to feel better by the day and the wound seems to be healing.
Hi, my husband Darius, has had Crohn's for the past 19 years. We have been married for 14 of those years. He has had a colostomy for 17 years and last year had a permant ileostomy (the entire colon and rectum was removed). He got a pressue ulcer on his heal while in hospital which still hasnt healed and has had many operations on the foot. In all of this he has ulcers around the stoma which seem to have burst and fluid is coming from them. We see the stoma sister tomorrow. I have done lots of searching about these and mostly have found that the Crohn's is probably back. We have two kids aged 10 and 7, and my biggest fear is that they will get it. The last year has been a nightmare and every little task seems enormous.
hi all im 30 and i have had crohn's since i was 17 I've got it in my large bowel i have tried all the meds but nothing has put me in remission so now the doctor i see is pushing me towards having a stoma but I'm scared of having it i just don't know what todo does it change your life a lot. There are a couple more treatments i could try if i could get on them and im starting a elemental diet on monday for 6 weeks.
Rye, all I can say that if it will better the quality of your life or save it then there isnt really any choice. You must know that there are good days and bad days.
Rye, What treatments have you tried to this point? I fought Crohn's for over 20 years trying to avoid a stoma. A little over 5 weeks ago I had a total proctocolectomy because of dysplasia which I was told was from years of inflammation. As Darius said if it makes your life better or saves it go for it. I'm still in the recovery of it. It hasn't been the easiest thing to deal with, but by far it is not the end of the world by no means. I did something last week I haven't done for over 20 years and I thought it was the most wonderful thing. I ate breakfast and got in the car about 5 minutes later for an over 2 hour ride to a doctors appointment. I never realized until after we were on the road awhile what had happened. I told my wife how great I felt not being trapped at the house in the bathroom.
Its amazing when the thing you've been avoiding for years has actually improved your life. Good luck with your recovery and make the most of each day.
hi dukeis these are the ones i have tried so far ,Sulfasalazine, Mesalamine, Azathioprine, Infliximab, Humira, Methotrexate, and currently,Tacrolimus as a trial.At the moment i am trying to get on the new stem cell transplant treatment
You look you have been on most of the meds. Never have heard of Tacrolimus had to go look that one up, but don't see anything were it is being used for Crohn's. Stem Cell transplant just scare the crap out me. For me I'll take my life with my ostomy. Hope you get it all figured out for what is best for you. Good Luck!
I have a question about grape juice. Does anyone else have a problem with it going right through and making your output more liquid? I drank grape juice and about an hour later it looked like it showed up in my bag looking nearly the same as when I drank it. I took Imodium and ate a peanut butter sandwich now it seems to have slowed down and things are looking thicker!
We have found that most juices do that since the ileostomy. Some medications don't agree with grape juice. Check which of your meds mention anything about grape juice. We heard Humira is one.
I have been drinking Orange juice without any problems. Just wanted to switch it up this morning. Guess I'll stick with the OJ.
The high sugar in juices will cause more watery output, and for some people it can even cause dehydration. Grape juice affects me more than orange juice. Grape juice also stinks.... I think it was Nyx that said wine made her output smell like wet dog (hahaha!). That's been my experience with grape juice.
For me apple juice is the one that bothers me the most. I love apple juice but drinking it now with an Ileostomy it makes my output real watery n I have to empty more and it even bothers my stomach every now and then too I don't know why but I don't drink it much anymore unless I have a craving for it. I get a small one and drink it and then deal with the side effects so I really need to want to drink it to even think about it.
I would like to know what kind of exercises that i can do without creating a hernia around my stoma. I had my stoma made permanent about a year ago and i am ready to start exercising. Can anyone give me some suggestions?
So my parrents and a friend couple were in India for 2.5 weeks. In this time they all got a stomach bug (ecoli). I just picked them up from the airport today and was asking how it wnt and how bad were they sic. My stepdad replied that it was ok since it did not prevent them from going around and seeing places but it sure was an inconvenience. I laughed and said sound like my everyday. My stoma (and crohns) wont stop me from doing things, but it sure is an inconvenience. ;)

Just thought I would share that because I think all us ostomy-peeps are really strong and get by daily with something we should not have to.
I have question. I've read that a lot people say their stoma is less active in the morning before breakfast. I don't think mine got the memo about that. Mine seems to be really active when I first get up in the morning. I empty when I wake up and then 30 an hour later I have to empty again and this is before I eat. Is this something that happens when things are new (I'm a little over 6 weeks post-op) or am I just different? Right now my stoma is less active in the afternoon.
I've had mine for over a year, and I'm like you--active in the morning even before I've had anything to eat. It gets real active around 5 a.m. and again around 8 a.m., very similar to how things were before I had my colon removed.
I've never thought about that, but things where always very active in the morning when I had my colon. Everything would usually calm down by noon for me before. Maybe our bodies are so tuned to working like that they still do it like that.
Darius's ulcers around the stoma are getting worse the 25mg methotrexate doesnt seem to be helping he has already had his second dosage. The mouth ulcers have also started.
What do any of you put on the stoma ulcers to keep them under control? regards Sharon
I've been hospitalized the past few days. I kept having a temp but they couldn't figure it was coming from. Thursday evening it was time to change my bag. When I pulled it off I noticed a small hard red spot to the right of the stoma. I had my wife come in and look. It felt sore, but never really hurt bad. She pushed on it and noticed puss coming out of an area between my stoma and skin. So off to the hospital we went. They did a CT and yep it was an abscess right next to my stoma. I have to say I'm starting to question going to a teaching hospital. I had this yahoo resident come in at 3 am and tell me it was an abscess and he was going numb it up, open it and pack it daily. That sounds like a good treatment, but he was saying making an incision starting from my stoma outward about 2 inches. My wife asked him just how was I to put my wafer on after he did this. Don't think he thought about that at all. I told him it has waited this long it can wait another few hours and I'll see what my attending physician thinks. He got pissed and stormed out the room without saying another word. About 6 am in comes the chief resident to defend his understudy. He said what the resident told me was the way it was done. I told him that was nice, but they were not doing anything to me until I seen my attending. He wasn't real happy, but he never stormed out the room like a 3 year old. Awhile later in comes my attending. Low and behold there is a way to drain the abscess without doing what they said needed to be done. He took me to surgery and did something to where the abscess drains into my bag. I thought it was funny because all those residents who wanted to make that big incision where in the OR to watch what my attending did.

I've have always question what I never thought was right. In this case I know I saved my self a lot of grief. I could not imagine trying to put my bag on over an incision that had to be packed.
My husbands ulcers are now about 5cm diam and very sore, the methotrexate isn't helping at all. He is going to see dr tomorrow.
Hi Darius, I dont have any experience of ulcers around my stoma, only on my stoma, so I can't give you any advice. Just wanted to show you my support. Hopefully the doctor will have some answers.
:heart: anna
Getting ready to head out in public for the first time since surgery (beside going to the doctor). Guess I picked a big one also, my youngest sons High School Graduation. I'm a little nervous about this whole thing. Worried about someone bumping into my stomach which is still somewhat tender after the surgery last week. My oldest son told me not to worry he was going to be my body guard tonight. He is 6'4" and weights 300 lbs. so I guess he can do that very well. Got my bag all packed with extra clothes and ostomy supplies, but I'm still worried this will be the time I have a leak and I'll have forgot something I need. My wife keeps telling me it will be okay, but I'm sure you'll know were I'm coming from here. Wish me luck!
Good luck Dukesis...everything will be fine. It sounds like you're well prepared for anything anyway. Enjoy the graduation...and congrats on your son's graduating :)
Good luck Dynastic Overlord. :) It certainly is scary heading out for the first time and particularly when you are still sore from the surgery. I'm sure everything will be fine - sounds like you are all prepared for a leak but its unlikely to happen if you aren't having lots normally - just make sure you put extra tape around the flange to be on the safe side.
Congrats in your sons graduation too.
:heart: anna
Made it through without any problems! Only thing I spiked a temp. again and never felt real well. I finished the antibiotics yesterday so I guess the abscess hasn't completely cleared. I'll be call my surgeon first thing Monday morning. He had said if draining it like he did didn't I would most likely have to have a drain placed from off away from my stoma. I'll be glad to be all healed and feeling better.
Hi! I am going to join you guys soon. I have my surgery in august. I wanted to have my summer holiday first and thet surgery. I am going to have a little longer summer "holiday" with my new friend..
Hi jemena,
Hope you have great holiday,relax and enjoy yourself,all the best with your operation,you won't know yourself with your new friend,I've had my friend for 15 years now,burp is his name, we growing old together.
Dukeis, sorry to hear you are still unwell. Hopefully the surgeon can sort it out easily.
I'm so glad you survived your first major outing. Woo Hoo!

And welcome to Jimema too!

:heart: anna
Hi Jimena,
I hope you enjoy your holiday and I hope everything goes well with your surgery. I've had my Ileostomy for 10 years now and it does give me a better quality of life. It does need some getting used to but once you get used to it, it will be a normal part of your life and not really phase you at all and don't let yourself get down and feel like you can't deal with it or that it's too much for you to handle, at first it's hard you will have leaks and go through trial and error trying to find the right appliance and other ostomy products that will work for you but once you find them things will get easier. Take care!
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Thanks, i heard that all the cool kids have one so i decided to join in ;)

Mine is going to be temporary, at first. So my rectums and sigmoid colon can heel. I don't know yet di i get ileostomy or colostomy, surgeon said she try to do colostomy but if my colon is too inflammed, she's going to do ileostomy. I have severe perianal disease, possible fistulas, deep fissures in anal area, and anal canal. I am bleeding severe, every day now. I just try to avoid surgery for summer and try to hold on in a surgery date in august but don't know yet if i just have to call surgeon and ask if they can do it earlier.

I don't know how i feel, i have mixed feelings. Afraid of the surgery of course, but i am excited that i don't have to use my sore bum for BM's anymore :biggrin:
hi, Darius got a second opinion on the ulcers around the stoma and it is Pyoderma gangrenosum.
So the cortisteriods have been increased to 80mg a day, iron tablets and folic acid daily. Methotrexate still 2mg a week.
Doctor says will swell up like an ox. But as long as it helps.
Regards Sharon
Went to see my surgeon yesterday since I kept having a temp. I have to have another CT to rule out another abscess. Get to do that tomorrow. Then we'll go from there. My surgeon tells me yesterday he doesn't like my stoma. I told him he did it. He laughted and said "yes I did". It is leaned to one side because of a skin separation. He was worried I was having problems with leaks, which I'm not thank goodness! He said at some point in the future he wants to revise it.
Good luck with your surgery.

Treatment for Crohns is really about making life a bit easier for yourself, and sometimes I think a lot of us forget that. The unknown can be a bit scary but once you realise how much better you feel you might be less worried about the possibility of a permanent bag.

I wish more people were open to it. There is no miracle cure, so why not be as comfortable as you can be.

When I first got mine age 7 my mum left me with my cousin overnight. My cousin couldn't get it to stick to my skin. Mum remembers coming back and finding that she had put it on with loads of sticky tape :ylol:

I'm having more 'reconstruction' (that's a very technical term :p) surgery at the end of this month because apparently my womb was feeling left out and decided to join the inflammation party.

Anyway, let me know how you get on xx
All the best Cheerbear, keep us posted as soon as you can.
Steffers sorry to hear that you need further surgery particularly since it involves the womb. Do you have children, or want children, and will it affect your ability to conceive?
Hugs from OZ,
:heart: anna
All the best Cheerbear, keep us posted as soon as you can.
Steffers sorry to hear that you need further surgery particularly since it involves the womb. Do you have children, or want children, and will it affect your ability to conceive?
Hugs from OZ,
:heart: anna

Thanks Anna, no I don't have kids. I've honestly never really wanted them either but I'm worried about the hormonal implications and other complications it could lead to in the future. I don't really fancy going through the menopause just yet. But fingers crossed the surgery will go well and my womb can be salvaged.
Off subject a bit, but I went through surgical menopause after hysterectomy and oophorectomy at age 22. The menopause was quickly corrected with estrogen and I have had no difficulties from that. No more hormonal highs and lows like nature gave me before the surgery. MUCH better with estrogen replacement than before.

If you are keeping your ovaries, you shouldn't experience much hormonal change, if any, from having part or all of your uterus removed. There may be some change, but not much, as it is the ovaries that are the major estrogen producers.
I have several friends who never wanted and never had kids and they are happy as larks and a lot wealthier than those of us who had them. They get to spend a lot of time travelling, eat out whenever they like, etc etc, (sigh).
Unfortunately society has conditioned us into believing life is not fulfilled if you don't have children but I really think this is not the case if you don't want to have them.
Best wishes,
:heart: anna
I have several friends who never wanted and never had kids and they are happy as larks and a lot wealthier than those of us who had them. They get to spend a lot of time travelling, eat out whenever they like, etc etc, (sigh).
Unfortunately society has conditioned us into believing life is not fulfilled if you don't have children but I really think this is not the case if you don't want to have them.
Best wishes,
:heart: anna

I don't have kids of my own (my finance has 2) and I don't think I'm any less fulfilled than if I had had any of my own. I like the fact that my friends and family are having babies and I get to visit them, love them up, and give them That's the best!
I think I have a stoma that likes to be naughty. The past couple of times I have changed my gear it would keep putting out on me. Then as soon as I got the new wafer and bag on it stopped having output. This is the first times this has happened. Things were calm before I pulled the wafer off. Guess I'm going to have to pay attention to when things are less active again. Thought I had it figured out, but I guess not.
hi guys.2 weeks post op and feeling more human every day,full proctectomy(or whatever ye call it :)
stitches out and sitting up like a nearly normal person,wound healing nicely.just hoping "bob" slows down a bit as he's keeping me rather busy.
hopefully be out on my bike soon and back to jumping of stuff like the dafty i am... :)
Sounds like it gone great you still getting pain? I'm in agony today and am 11 weeks post op. can't sit for long. Take it easy still I had dissolvable stitches put in. Why don't you use Imodium slows your output down. Sounds like your doing really well considering its only 2 weeks
Sounds like it gone great you still getting pain? I'm in agony today and am 11 weeks post op. can't sit for long. Take it easy still I had dissolvable stitches put in. Why don't you use Imodium slows your output down. Sounds like your doing really well considering its only 2 weeks

This is for cheerbear. It's been 11wks post op for you and your still in a lot of pain?? Ru working? Bc I'm planning on having my surgery end of Sept and Drs are telling me that I should be back at work within 5-6 wks. So I wonder how it be before I come bk to work so I can let my job know. I thought 6 wks was plenty.....
Crohnzie girl- I've just gone bk to work a few weeks ago I was off work 2 months. Hope it goes well and let me know. I'm still in pain surgeon said its healing ok but they's a hole in my bum which should take 6 months to fully close
Oh my Goodness, I commend you for going thru all that and still getting to work. I wish you a speedy recovery and I will keep u guys posted on my surgery as well. It's still bout month n half aways and some days like today I'm having a bad flare up day...Sept feels like an eternity. Lol. I certainly do hope your pain free soon. :)
Crohnzie--CheerBear's surgery included sewing up the back passage, which takes longer to heal and can be more painful and complicated than the surgery you are planning to have. Don't get too discouraged.
Yes, I see now cheerbear's is way more complicated and sounds more traumatic than what I'm gonna have. My Dr plans on keeping my rectum intact so I was jus informed my healing process should be way quicker than hers. I jus had a moment of fret there for a sec, but I'm good now. Lol.
Thank you I've had a few complications along the way with infection in my bum :( all thanks to the district nurses not doing there job properly. Hopefully wont be too long and I'll be pain free..... Had enough of it now :( hope you feel better soon good luck thinking of you
Hey sorry to hear your still in pain after all this time,im not pain free but not in enough pain to need to take alot of pain killers so thats a bonus,ye the op went really well,same as you got hole rear end taken away and closed off,i was in pain till they took the stitches out and then it was fine,was like sitting on a barbed wire fence haha
been out for a wee walk and it felt ok and went out last night to watch football and had a couple of bulmers cider....yum yum,
I did heal quite quickly after my last op which was kinda similar but never had the tail pipe hoping i might even get on my bike in a month or missing being like a big kid and jumping of silly things.just need to invest in a decent stoma guard as the ones for sale here are like tuperware dishes haha
tried the imodium and funnily enough the marshmallow route is working the best,or a dinner with gravy....

wishing you a speedy recovery and hope everything heals sooner rather than later....
Hainman, sounds like your doing better than me when I was two weeks post op coz I was taking tablets every 4 hrs it was that bad. I wasn't hardly going out then either was still somewhat weak. In a way glad they used dissolvable stitches coz it sounds awful with staples. I'm hoping you get your wish of going on your bike. Take it easy and don't do too much. Take it easy and take care
Hainman, I find apples the best for thickening output. An apple a day keeps the runs away.
Immodium and Lomotil were useless for me. Great to here you ae healing so well and so quickly. You'll be on yer bike before you know it. :)

CheerBear sorry to hear you've had a hard time. Those pesky infections really knock you about. I hope it all heals soon and speedily.

:heart: anna