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Thanks Anna its still painful but bareable not taking painkillers as often. I still can't sit for long on it. The infection did knock me for 6 that was a couple of weeks after op. how you doing?
hey Zackattack,
this forum is the dogs danglies.....ive sufferd for 7 years,had all the meds they could give,only thing that worked was prednisolone steriods which due to years on them caused Osteopenia,had my op 3 weeks ago and my biggest problem was the stitches in my rear end,caused me more pain sitting down that the stomach wound which was from bits to belly button,as soon as the stitched were removed i was sitting down pain free,albiet a bit numb after a few hours,but just talking with fellow osties is a big bonus,keeps you sane as no matter what your family say they will never really know what you go through,but i do have a good bit of banter with family and friends,the biggest laugh in hospital was when my wife read the book from dansac and seen a bit about Phantom rectum,my mates have renamed me that name and told me to start a Facebook page in honour haha
hope you find some peace of mind here the way i have.....
My first ileostomy was temporary and this one may be. I had the first for a year and was relatively well when I had it but started getting problems as soon as I was reconnected. A year and a half later i ended up with this one which may or may not be temporary depending on how I'm doing. There are no medications left to control my crohn's so the ileo is the only alternative but doesn't ensure the crohn's won't return upstream of it.
Samboi has a temporary ileostomy for bottom problems - so far it hasn't helped but things are improving with medication so she may get a reversal later this year.
I think it depends on what you are having the stoma for as to whether it is successful both during and after the reversal.
Is your liver condition crohn's related? I really feel for you having to deal with that on top of everything else. I know what you mean about not 'feeling' the reality of the situation. I guess its the minds way of coping with what is a very 'unreal' situation. Probably good to be feeling like that and taking one day at a time rather than worrying and obsessing about the future.
They (and by "they" I mean my GI doc) are telling me my ostomy may be permanent depending on some Crohn's thing I don't totally understand - supposedly if they try the surgery to reconnect me, the Crohn's may then attack my small intestine. I thought that could happen anyway..? Can anyone explain this any better?
Yes I have tried biologics but unfortunately they didn't help me. Most people find they help though so don't be discouraged by my failure. Interestingly my GI has retrialled me on sulphasalazine and although I was unable to tolerate it in the past this time it is not making me sick although I am very fatigued. But I'm often fatigued so maybe its not the sulpha....I would be surprised if it does work as nothing has so far but sometimes the old meds are good ones so fingers crossed.
How are you coping with your stoma. Any improvement?
:heart: anna
Well I'm still having trouble with getting a bag to last a day or two. I'm out of hospital and now it seems I'm house bound because of the bags. We have tried so many different ways with it. The skin just under the stoma is very red and sore I'm just at docs to see if they can suggest a liquid antiseptic.
My GI isn't putting me on any crohn's meds until next year when I get the stoma reversed.
Take care Anna![]()
I also agree, if you are having a flare they should put you on something now because to wait and do a reversal especially when you are having a flare you will probably need to end up on bags again I really don't understand the reasoning behind that. Most dr's would help your symptoms before thinking about a reversal so you have more of a chance to not need to have surgery again soon after. Also for the redness around your stoma have you tried stomahesive powder? I use it and it helps calm it down, you can try to get a sample and see if it works for you.
Well I got 3 days just out of my bag woke up this morning day 3 with a small amount of leakage! I'm quite proud of myself considering my stoma nurse could only make it last a day if that. I've got rid of the redness which the stoma nurse couldn't she told me I would have it all the time until my reversal in jan and she couldn't do anything to help me any further. Just goes to show what they really know! I sent her a picture of my skin with no redness & telling her I was getting 2 days out of my bag and was applying the bag a different way to which she told me to and mind u a lot less fuss and a lot less products, and as I thought I got no reply. As they say less is more! Going to be interesting when I go for my appointment with her this month I can't wait to hear what she has to say! I believe with the 5 weeks in hospital she & the ward nurses irritated my skin with all the stuff getting applied not working and getting ripped off nearly 2-3 times a day! What they did and couldn't fix I fixed in 2 days with baby rash powder! Now why couldn't they think out of the box?
The other day I had to stand outside a single bathroom stall for 15 min till the person was done and it got me thinking about how nerve wrecking it is if you need to get in and change your bag due to a leak. I mean if its a small leak you can wait but if the bag bursts that's a nightmare.
I also need time to change my bag and being in a public bathroom unprepared will take me more time to ensure everything is sanitary. Do you guys worry that a long line of orople will congregate and start screaming mad that you are taking too much time?
The other day I had to stand outside a single bathroom stall for 15 min till the person was done and it got me thinking about how nerve wrecking it is if you need to get in and change your bag due to a leak. I mean if its a small leak you can wait but if the bag bursts that's a nightmare.
I also need time to change my bag and being in a public bathroom unprepared will take me more time to ensure everything is sanitary. Do you guys worry that a long line of orople will congregate and start screaming mad that you are taking too much time?
It is and glad it's not just me they don't tell you these things and the impact it has on your body image I sound ungrateful and I'm not if it weren't for the surgeons... I wouldn't be here it doesn't bear thinking about. All of us have been through a lot and we're all inspirations to each other. We appreciate life more it's so precioushow are you doing?
Pre surgery I was in the bathroom 20 times a day with explosive diarrhea and pooped myself several times a day and was in adult diapers. It was miserable but that doesn't make a stoma feel anymore normal. It's more manageable but of course I just want a regular system with regularity.
Melindar- I'm so sorry you are going through all of this thinking of you here for you anytime big hugs. I am worried about conceiving a child after having a permanent ileostomy done some people have probs and some don't. I'm hoping I'll be lucky and be ok when time comes. Can anyone put me at ease on that plz? But plz plz make sure you let me know how you get on when is it scheduled for now?:ghug:
I find cleaning my stoma much easier than I ever found cleaning my rear end. At least you can see what you're doing and get everything super clean before you put the bag back on.