This world is unfair - friends son has Leukimia

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Sep 23, 2009
Not an IBD post but my friends little boy was just diagnosed with Leukimia. It really breaks my heart, it's so unfair he is so sweet and only 5 years old. This world can be so cruel, I really don't understand it. It can't even be punishment because what could he have done to deserve this?

Sometimes I wonder if hell is really just living on Earth.
I'm sorry that your friend's child is sick at all, but childhood leukemia has a survival rate of nearly 90%. :)
I am so sorry to hear about your friends little boy ngng. I hope they have caught things early and the little fella makes a full recovery, bless him. :heart:

Please keep us posted with how he gets on and let his family know they are in our thoughts. :ghug:

Dusty. xxx
So sorry about your kid's friend, and all the little ones who have to go thru that horrible disease. I can't understand either why kids get this diseases, I don't believe it is punishment, nor that we have to learn a lesson or things like that.( That will make the man upstairs seem vengeful) Good things and bad things happen to good and bad people. It's just the way it is. But lets all pray or send good vibes or whatever you call it, that your son's friend and all the kids get better. Just my opinion. Don't want to offend anybody or force my beliefs on anyone.

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