What are your SAFE and UNSAFE foods?

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Some of the FODMAPs foods. Not all though-but unfortunately some of the yummy ones I love(Wasabi peas, Onions, pistachios) Any cruciferous vegetable(broccoli, cauliflower). Carrageenan is evil causing instant pain(I think of it as "gluten of the sea"). I hate being scared of food. Especially nutritious foods like high fiber vegetables, beans, etc. I have found that Quinoa, Oats, Kasha, millet are a way to get easily digestible fiber. I soak these overnight to get rid of any phytic acid(an "anti-nutrient") then cook up large batches in my pressure cooker. Yum!
I have moved up to peaches, apples, bananas and cooked cherries. All but the cherries are without peels. Grapes, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries have to many seeds as I have a stricture in my small intestine. Canteloupe was OK but not wonderful and tomorrow I am going to try watermelon.
Earlier in the year, a specialist wondered if I had a stricture. I think I have a problem with fruits that have seeds. Bananas are the only fruit I feel comfortable with.

My narrowing or stricture is in the small intestine. I had a flouroscopy to determine how bad the narrowing was and I do not eat anything with seeds and no corn or popcorn, no nuts and not brocoli for example. The narrow 4 inches will always be there but I am hoping that if I am careful I will not end up in the hospital with another partial blockage.
Anyway, the flouroscopy was not too bad a procedure. This fall my GI hopes to visit this area at the end of my small intestine during a colonoscopy. If the methotrexate injections do their job the inflammation will have subsided and he can see at what stage the disease is in.
Risky Foods that can cause me bloating, diarrhea, dashes to toilet, pain, bleeding, mucous, and occasionally horrific internal painful wind are:

Hot Spicy Foods

Excessive Chocolate Consumption

Artificial Sweeteners and Colors

Deep Fried Foods – anything battered or greasy

Raw Broccoli - although I am fine with juicing it


Gluten - especially bread

Gluten-Free Products - like almond meal or rice flour


Hard to Digest Animal Proteins like Chicken, Pork and Beef - ok with fish

Carbonated beverages - ok with mineral water

Legumes - ok with them apart from chronic wind! :stinks: (where did you think the name SmellyMelly came from!!)

Fast Food

Alcohol - especially beer and spirits

I do over indulge occasionally with risky food and always pay the price afterwards.

Gluten-free, mainly vegan, properly blended fruit smoothies and lots of vegetable juicing works best for me.

I am always nervous about trying new foods. But I do because you need variety on a nutritional level.
1 Crohn's

2 fast food, spicy foods fried food dairy coffee

3 chicken beef

Not long diagnosed and seems at the moment that everything is causing flares but that's what I'm certain of :) great thread btw : D
I have Crohn's or UC (doctors are unsure) and my newest Gastro put me on this Low-Fodmap diet and I have noticed a huge difference in how I feel. It's very odd, can have raspberries but not blackberries, red bell peppers but not green. I do recommend it because I have done low-residue and non-dairy and this is the best I have felt in a long time. (Still non-dairy but now Gluten-free on the low-fodmap) Can't eat a huge variety but I'd rather not feel like I was being stabbed and just eat some blueberries than feel like death and have real bread. (well....most of the time)

I should mention that I can handle oats in the form of porridge; even though oats do contain some gluten.

Apparently you can buy gluten-free oats. But I don't know where from and I have never seen them.

The oats in question must be organic and the old fashioned type (i.e.) not instant and not microwavable.

They must be rinsed, soaked overnight first and rinsed again, then must be cooked properly and slowly for one hour by the water absorption method until they are soft.

I then have them with ripe banana and homemade nut milk. Porridge is very nutritious and filling especially in winter...not to mention fabulous for your complexion... – so it is good to have made this discovery.

Eating raw or salted nuts from the packet sets me off with horrific pain and nausea. But by soaking the raw nuts overnight and them blending them with water to form a "milk" is fine, I can drink this no problem. Same with soaking sunflower seeds first.

The key in both these cases is: soaking overnight first
Crohns Disease

Spicy foods (makes me want to vomit almost immediately), anything rich in fibre which includes a lot of stuff I just LOVE... fruits and a lot of vegetables. I do seem to have better luck with fruits than with veggies, however. Like corn, broccoli, snow peas, cabbage.

Greasy.. and I mean very greasy foods. A cheeseburger here and there is not a problem, but deep fried treats are.

Dairy bothers me but not always. Which is annoying for me given my total addiction to chai tea.

All junk food is a problem except for chocolate, gummies and scotch mints.

All meats are safe so far. Fish, too. Which I eat a lot of, including sushi.

The reality over the last 15 years or so is that I eat more protein than anything else.

After my surgery, I was told that I should slowly reintroduce fibre to my diet and I have done so.. only probably a lot slower than recommended out of habit and fear. I don't think the fact that I resumed eating some fibre is what brought on the recurrence because my flare ups always involved being constipated, not having diarrhea.
1. UC

2.onions (make me horribly sick), tomato, oranges (causes severe symptoms), milk, whole wheat bread, spinach, carrots, pork (severe), strawberries, and anything spicy.

3. almond milk, soy products, potato bread, white rice, cantaloupe, flat rootbeer, tortillas, any white meat, low fat roast beef, bananas, pears, grape juice (if I minimize it), peas, rice crackers, fast food fries, and light pasta with light miracle whip (it's all I can seem to eat in severe flare ups).

I hope this helps:)
Great thread thanks for starting.

1. Crohns

2. dairy, gluten, fried foods, some nuts (peanuts, cashews), eggs, coconut flour and coconut milk, nightshade veg, oats, sometimes fish, anything with high sugar or flavorings or sweeteners, red meat, any processed meats, apples, pears, carbonated drinks, honey, anything spicy, onions and garlic,

3. white meats, sea veg, fruits (blueberries, strawberries, banana) , veg either boiled, steamed or juiced. Cacao, carrots, white rice in small amounts, some gluten free flours. Sometimes fats like avocado if not flaring

The list is short but still refining :drink:
1) Crohn's

2) unsafe: garlic powder (other forms are fine), spicy food (I love it, but it has triggered SBOs twice)

3) watermelon, chicken
I already replied, but I'm learning more as I go on. I had symptoms of Crohn's as a child and the doctor told me to give up caffeine and that helped so, so much. Shortly after I also became a vegetarian and felt wonderful for many years. I never had any stomach pain, quite the opposite, I felt so healthy. I only ever had Crohn's symptoms with an occasional salad. I don't know if it is related to crohns or just a random allergy, but I discovered that eating cilantro or corriander makes me extremely ill. I even ended up in the hospital twice after drinking gin, which is made from corriander. I cannot eat anything with cilantro/corriander or I will go into a severe vomiting fit and feel like I am going to die. It makes my life difficult because cilantro is in so much vegetarian food. Eating out has always been difficult as a vegetarian who cannot eat raw vegetables, no cilantro, no fiberous seeds, not too much dairy, no caffeine, etc. it's so complicated. Especially in St. Louis where meat and salad is pretty much all you can find. And beers with a lot of hops also make me very sick, which makes it difficult at parties when everyone is like "try this beer" and I'm like "I can't I'm allergic!" I started eating some meat when I was pregnant with my son because I thought the extra protein/fat would be good for me, but that is really when my crohns symptoms flared out of control. I was also under a lot of stress and drinking caffeine just to get through the day, so it's hard to say exactly what caused the flare. I'm sure eating meat suddenly for the first time in twenty years is shocking to the system and then add in the caffeine. Now that I can put a name on what I've been experiencing for so long, and hearing other people's stories that are a lot like mine, things are starting to make a lot more sense. It makes sense now why I've always preferred my vegetables and fruits pulverized and in near liquid form. It makes sense now why I love restaurants and parties but have social anxiety in these situations, because I simply cannot eat the same food as others and I can't always just try something to be nice. I feel like the pickiest eater in the world, a true food outsider in so many ways, and no one can relate unless they also have this disease. I currently in a flare and so am determined to eat healthy. The main thing for me is to give up caffeine, it is so difficult, but it improves my symptoms so much. And eating vegetarian and even vegan really helps me to keep things under control. I have been occasionally been eating white meat, just out of desperation or because its the only thing available, while it doesnt cause abdominal pain or vomiting, it does make me feel bloated and gassy. Sooo.... long story short...
2.UNSAFE: Caffeine, Cilantro/Corriander, Meat, Large Quantities of dairy, Salad, Popcorn, any uncooked and fibrous vegetables, fruits with skins or seeds, things that are high in fat and sugars (like Little Debbie snack cakes or something similar)
3. SAFE: Rice, Avocados, Anything coconut, Pasta, Tofu, vegetables that are well cooked and chopped or pureed, fruits without skins or seeds, cooked beans, hummus, cream of wheat, cottage cheese, yogurt
I know I replied to this thread a while back, but a lot has changed since then. This was my old post:

Unsafe: anything containing insoluble fibre (whole grain cereals like bran; raw vegies, beans, nuts and seeds), but only in large quanities - a small amount each day is ok. Anything really rich. A lot of typically unsafe foods, like alcohol, coffee or spicy food I don't like anyway so I'm not sure if they're unsafe for me. Also the volume of food matters for me - large portions of anything are unsafe!

Safe: pretty much everything else - refined/white cereals and grains; sugary foods (cakes, bicuits, etc.); fruits and veg that are safe for me are root vegetables/bananas/tinned fruit/avocado; protein: fish, dairy products, eggs and meat; drinks: juice, fizzy drinks, squash, milk; milk-based puddings are great when I don't feel like eating. Peanut butter is safe and useful for getting in calories.

After posting this, I got an ileostomy. I had to become incredibly careful about fibre, a small amount and my stoma would block. But then several months ago, I had to have surgery which resulted in me getting a new stoma. This one doesn't block anywhere near as easily. I was so cautious at first, but I'm gradually trying foods I haven't eaten for so long and increasing the amount of fibre in my diet.

I'm actually not sure I have that many unsafe foods now. There are ones I haven't yet risked for fear of pushing my luck with a stoma blockage. I still keep my fibre intake moderately low, and have not tried the worst offenders for stoma blockkages: e.g. mushrooms, stir fry vegetables, but these I don't miss anyway. The one thing I'd like to eat again but haven't dared yet is a fruit with pith - an orange or satsuma or clementine, etc.

The closest things to unsafe foods I have now are rich foods that make me feel full and horrible - puddings like cheesecakes if they're really rich, creamy or greek yoghurts, thick chocolate mousses, etc., or red meat like beef burgers. And the same as I wrote in my original post still applies regarding there being foods that are often unsafe but which I have no desire to try - alcohol, coffee, spicy food.

I think pretty much everything else is ok for me now, in that it won't provoke symptoms, but I do have safe foods for the times when my digestive system is already upset in some way, things that will go down easiest despite nausea or which may help to slow stoma output if I've got watery, high-volume output (stoma equivalent of diarrhoea): plain, white rice, crackers, biscuits, smooth soups, instant pasta/noodle meals, rice pudding, ice cream. I have a lot of safe foods, it's just a question of finding ones I can face on a bad day.

Yes, I can't do nuts. I also can't do carbonated beverages or coffee. Most stuff Im good with, but these are my main triggers. I only drink red wine for alcohol, and don't touch cabbage, broccoli or cauliflower because they give me a stomach ache.
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I had to cut out raw nuts, they triggered painful agonizing cramps. But they don't bother me when they are cooked or in butter form. But beware of candy with peanut butter - peanut butter M&Ms triggered the cramps.
Peanuts-almonds-all nuts can kill me. I cannot tolerate peanut butter either. I can have some squash seeds and some sunflower seeds but in small-tiny amounts. I so wish I could snack on some nuts.
Collard greens are unsafe, but well cooked (I mean reduced for hours) Kale is fine. I cook it with a little oil and broth on low heat for hours, but collards greens never digest well.
For me I can only eat ripe bananas or it upsets my tummy too. Something about the starches in the banana I think.
1. Crohn's
2. All processed foods, refined sugar, wheat products, starches, soft cheeses, alcohol, coffee (this one hurts - and I sneak one in from time to time)
3. Yogurt, yogurt, yogurt (homemade or plain organic from store), eggs, firm hard cheeses, nuts (whole and flours), all veggies, all fruits, meats (not processed/cured with refined sugars), honey, maple syrup, spices and herbs, whole grains (not when in a flare)
The list of foods will provide a very false sense of security to Crohns patients. Most any food can be eaten once, twice, etc with no ill effects until the time when it along with a secondary trigger brings about an attack. All references to any list, statistics, anecdotes, etc. must be couched with a precaution to the reader that ANY food can bring on attacks.... Lacking of this statement could prove very harmful to the trusting reader.

I was really hoping someone else out there had the same problems with cilantro/corriander I do, but I'd guess it's just an unrelated allergy, when I eat it, instant headache/vomitting/stomach cramps.
I have the same reaction to Montreal spice... there are some spices that are killers someti:poo::poo:mes, some always, some never
1. Crohn's
2. Raw veggies with seeds, seeds, nuts, anything spicy or greasy, popcorn, beans
3. White bread and pasta, flour tortillas, cooked root veggies, bananas, melon, plums, all meats, cheese in lower quantities, eggs, most soups and stews
It is interesting reading the various responses about food.... for example,

:D:DI exist on eggs, pillsbury biscuits, coffee, chicken, turkey, high fat meats,warm lemo juice in water, pecha:D [lambs feet], and soda. The more fat the better....

:ywow::ywow:I cannot even think about any porthouse steak, salad:stinks:, fresh veggies, fresh fruits, milk, cottage cheese, bananas, seeds/nuts of any kind, ....
1. Crohn's
2. Processed foods absolutely destroy me! So glad I started avoiding them, along with bread and added sugars.
3. Safe foods for me would be shakes and fish.
1 Crohn's
2 most fruits and vegies especially those with hard skins like peas, corn blueberries etc, anything spicy, ONION, milk, yoghurt, cheese (boohoo!), nuts, runny egg yolk
3 safe foods, bread, root vegies, fish, all meats, soups without onion (therefore home-made only) potatoes in all forms including chips/crisps, small amounts of garlic, green beans, courgette, tomatoes without skins, nut butters and probably most low fibre processed foods although I don't usually eat a lot of processed food and never have, I don't have any issues when I do.
For me (as I recognized) the unsafe food is the milk. I haven't had any symptom since 2 years. But I can eat everything. I think I'm lucky.
Just found out I can't do eggs.

Yes! Me too. I always think it's something else but boy do they ever give me bad gas pains. Has anyone experienced extremely painful gas pains in your back ? I don't know how to help it and I can't breathe while it's happening I can only cry and wait for it to go away.
Question to all those who listed unsafe food:
What are the other factors that cause your flare-ups?
Truth is that there is NO proof that any food alone causes the flare-up.
But if your intestines are already damaged from past flare-ups then it is possible for some food to cause problems. Not because of the food itself but because your intestines are unable to absorb certain foods. Also things like tomatoes will surely cause pain to already damaged intestines because of their acidity.

My question is: do you think any food causes you problems WHEN you are perfectly healthy? (with completely healed intestines)
Problem is that most of the people, even when they are feeling better, have some degree of damage from past flare-ups.

I would especially like to hear from those who have undergone resection (as myself) and whose intestines are now completely healed. (I have Crohn's)
I have tried many different food after the operations and have not had even the slightest problems. Doctors also say: "Eat everything". (I still avoid certain foods just in case)
So I think it's hardly a food that causes or triggers the disease. (this probably also explains so many differences in people's diets)
Would like to hear your thoughts on this.


I strongly feel this way. There are some days I can eat whatever I want and only several days later I can't eat that food anymore whether it was a vegetable, fruit, a burger or a glass of milk. I was just recently diagnosed with crohns so I am still learning I've started a food journal. But i can't seem to find any pattern with the same foods. I work as a barista. And I love coffee.. I thought I was doing good at first and was able to still drink caffeine but recently I switched to decaf as I have noticed way less pain.
1- Crohns

2-Any Alcohol, but specifically anything Hoppy (Sierra Nevada is the WORST) anything greasy, anything fried, Lettuce and raw veggies.

3- Normally, just stay away from the above, but am in a bad flare up right now, so quite honestly am trying to starve myself because anything makes the pain really really bad.

I feel this way too like nothing I eat will stay inside of me. But the hunger pains make me feel weak and nauseous so I'm totally useless those days where I can't eat anything.
Fantastic thread!

1. Crohns

2. Any red meat, oranges, all seeds, all nuts, a lot of raw veggies, bread of any kind, raw onions, spiced cured meats like salami, chorizo etc, cream, smoked salmon, wholemeal anything, brown rice, fizzy drinks, crisps (whether its Doritos or Walkers), beer, yeast-y things

3. Chicken, potatoes, cheeses, yoghurts, eggs, pitta bread, wraps (tortillas etc), most fish, white rice, cucumber, rice cakes, vodka, strangely McDonalds chicken nuggets, chicken noodle soup, Rich Tea biscuits and Digestive biscuits (like graham crackers in the US?)

The list is constantly changing though!

I've been living off rich teas, well dunked, this week!
Am I the only one that finds this thread a bit nonsensical? Where's the correlation and the science?

It's like most people are responding just to "join the party". Providing absolutely zero insight and analysis. Illogical, carelessly slopped together posts are just a waste of occupied bytes on a server hard drive.

People need to know the detailed scientific research on why foods are aggravating their condition. For this they would get more out of reading books like the The Paleo Approach or The Perfect Health Diet.

Someone should lock this sucker up and remove the sticky.

Just my 2c.
Am I the only one that finds this thread a bit nonsensical? Where's the correlation and the science?

It's like most people are responding just to "join the party". Providing absolutely zero insight and analysis. Illogical, carelessly slopped together posts are just a waste of occupied bytes on a server hard drive.

People need to know the detailed scientific research on why foods are aggravating their condition. For this they would get more out of reading books like the The Paleo Approach or The Perfect Health Diet.

Someone should lock this sucker up and remove the sticky.

Just my 2c.

I think the point is to show how different we all are, yet there are still foods that are generally irritating.

For me it's interesting that a safe food for someone could be a definite no, no for me. No diet book on this planet can explain that. I have no idea why beef was totally fine for me prior to Crohn's and now is iffy. I use to eat salads for lunch everyday...not anymore with Crohn's. Yet refried beans I can eat anytime. I could go on and on. All those diet books encourage eating things that I can't tolerate or make my symptoms worse.

I think you just "joined the party" you found to be so illogical and carelessly thrown together. When I first was diagnosed these posts meant a lot. No one should be told basically that their post is crap or meaningless. Don't read it if you don't like it.
People need to know the detailed scientific research on why foods are aggravating their condition. For this they would get more out of reading books like the The Paleo Approach or The Perfect Health Diet.

I actually thought you were having us on when I read your example of science, Paleo, really?

Please tell me you were joking, if not, I'm sorry we aren't all interested in exactly the same stuff.

None of the polls on this forum are highly scientific; no thread where one member asks to hear the experiences of others is scientific. Sometimes it helps to get suggestions, sometimes it's interesting to read and compare and contrast. The first post on this thread states the lists aren't scientific. There's a lot more to diet than science. I don't think everyone feels the need to know exactly why things work or don't work, and there is just so much about illness that is unknown, by trying to understand the science of it you could spend so much time trying to do something impossible. Personal experience and opinion isn't worthless, it's just qualitative information rather than quantitative information.
1) crohn's (perianal disease)

2) processed sugary foods / drinks, fried food, red meat, chicken (this is new), shrimp, caffeine, and alcohol.

3) Tropical fruits, melons, berries, steamed veggies, juiced veggies and fruits, fish, white bread, spelt, hard cheese, kefir, yogurt, flour tortillas, flat bread, humus (small doses are fine), most types of potatoes, etc...

To be honest it is really hard to tell what affects me due to the location of my disease. For example, I don't have a bite of spicy Mexican food and go running to the bathroom and I struggle with high frequency already, so its hard to say a particular food item was the "trigger".

If I have a salad I will most likely see it in my toilet bowl several hours later undigested, so while it didn't hurt going down or cause an immediate reaction I know it didn't digest properly and was probably hard on the gut. That is how I determine if a food is on my avoid list or not. I will say red meats can be painful going down and soda can also cause a lot of discomfort.

Anyone else have a hard time determining how to categorize their good and bad foods?
I had honey maple turkey, eggs, brown rice and olives tonight along with organic pop tarts. I am having a bad night and wondering which of these foods might have set it off?

1. Crohn's

2. NUTS (I ate a handful yesterday - I know that was a bad idea - and since then I'm running to the bathroom and my terminal ileum is cramping and visible from the outside), lactose, any fruit (except avocado), vinegar, grains (flour, whole grain, porridge, muesli), raw vegetables, salad, spinach, kale, legumes

3. Mashed potatoes, potato puree, pumpkin puree, carrot puree, soy drink, tea and water, anything else really hurts
I've just really started to pay attention to what I'm eating. I am lactose intolerant so most dairy food is a given irritant.

1. Crohns
2. apples, spicy food, fresh pork, canned soups, leeks and for some reason most left overs that are reheated (chicken, veggies, homemade soups/chili)
3. Hard cheese, eggs, tea, bananas, bagels, mashed potatoes. Still working on this like cause it's looking a wee bit thin...
Lately, I have been enjoying coconut water. I accidentally got some with pulp. Does pulp bother any of you?

I have been reading this forum now for a couple of weeks having just being diagnosed. I believe a lot of the information here is great, but unfortunately my first post here is a negative comment that I hope is not taken the wrong way. However, I read the list of foods provided and think what great information, but then I go further down the list and read Chinese Food and Indian Food and I just stop and have to say really! Does this mean that when I go to china I should not eat any of the food? I can go on, but I would just ask that these be removed and that the list be more specific in terms of the specific types of foods that trigger rather than generalizing, as I am sure that there are a great deal of Chinese and Indian foods that I believe would be just fine.
Please be very careful when using the information provided... the foods which can trigger an attack vary from person to person AND from day to day... a food that does not trigger on Monday may be terrible the next time it is eaten! Crohns is a condition which must be understood and you must know where in your system it has caused a constriction... also the degree of constriction...the more fiber in the food the greater the chance that it will bother you...low roughage foods are the best since they will slide past constrictions, fiber can cause a blockage and should be avoided....indian, southern, etc. foods are totally up to your digestive tract and what it can handle in terms of spice... some people can't handle any spice and some can handle the hottest foods imaginable ...... good luck:ghug::ghug:
Thanks for the tips, I just think the list is a great idea, but to just list Chinese or Indian is not fair. Not all Indian food is spicy and not all Chinese food is deep fried ginger beef.

I'm fortunate with food. This doesn't mean my disease can't be very acute in its weird ways, but I tend to operate in two modes: 1. A-OK and 2. obstructing with an NG tube in place wishing someone would hit me with a brick. No warning, rhyme or reason that I can figure out. Maybe stress but isn't everything?

Always safe if I'm not NPO or liquid only -
chicken stock
applesauce and *cooked to death* veg AFTER the MD says I'm off "low residue"
plain yogurt

I tend to get myself off of white food only as quickly as my MD's allow me to and try to stay away from it as much as will power allows, choosing chicken stock and applesauce and baked apple over saltines if I'm permitted off "low residue."

The following things remind me that I have Crohn's even on a good day and give my stricture hours of entertainment.

1. Too many nuts. Sane amounts, chewed insanely well, and I'm OK. Nut butter and flour are OK.
2. Raw cabbage. I don't go there, maybe one bite of coleslaw at most.
3. If I'm craving coconut I go with it in its flour or milk or oil modes, not the rough stuff.
4. Popcorn. (Yes I was that stupid. Once.)

And I'm lucky enough to be OK with Indian and Thai and Chinese and Vietnamese, and none of these are blanket anything any more than other foodways.

Indian food is definitely not always hot, and if you are doing SCD and you're not in a messed up flare, Raman Prasad has fantastic Indian recipes which are SCD legal.
1) Crohns Disease
2) Unsafe foods: Dairy, sweetcorn, onions, apples, coffee, white bread
3) Safe foods: Eggs, salmon, home made wholemeal bread, avocado, bananas

Interesting posts! xoxo
Has anyone in here had Larabars? They have fruit and nuts in them. I thought I was safe with them but lately I have wondered.

You can only know yourself, ronrush7, if Larabars are safe for you. Unfortunately, it's so highly individual what one can eat and what triggers symptoms or even a flare-up. I can't have many many foods (see my post above) but for others the exact same foods are safe. I can't have Larabars, for example, because, as you said, they have fruits and nuts in them, maybe also sugar (or are they sugar free? I think they don't) what worsens my symptoms as well.
1)IBD not yet classified further.

(below before I got really bad and everything seems to upset me!)

2)Any form of tortilla chips/Doritos, fresh pineapple, multi grain crackers. Salad last thing with evening meal, likewise melted cheese. Raw carrots if eaten alone.

3)White bread rolls, 99% of the time and crisps/potato chips.

Not very helpful I know.

I had IV of iron during a month, helped a lot with bood work and strength
I was diagnosed recently with UC, its been about 5 months since my first flare up. Coffee and chocolate can sometimes be a little aggravating, but my biggest problem is Pears. They make me really sick. Canned or fresh (without the peel). I know everyone's different, but I think it's pretty strange since pears are supposed to be a super safe food.
Great idea David. 1) CD over 30 years, ileostomy for 10 years hurrah pain is gone

2) unsafe: chilli, vinegar, preservative 220 in wines- if I add a drop of 'Pure Wine' avail in Oz which is basically hydrogen peroxide it neutralises t preservative so I don't look so bad but I stil react; alcohol (I do wish I cud find one if don't react to). eggs - I only just worked that out!! wheat; asparagus; BEETROOT; artichoke; caffeine - I hav decaff but stil react. read that real is better than instant & it seems 2b true. chocolate- better quality is less reactive; icecream; corn; veg skins; nut,seeds,onion, garlic, spices, pepper, shellfish - prawns n crayfish; KRILL OIL, RHUBURB ,capsicum especially raw (bell peppers I think u call them), deep fried foods; too much oil; tomatoe puree, cabbage, watermelon, apple in any form, MSG - 621,

3) there is a great book frm The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital called Elimination Diet & another one w recipes & basically it tells u how to avoid/limit sulphides, amines & glutamates. I hav never been so well as when I tried it. & it made sense of crazy things I react to that seemed to hav nothing in common.

chicken skinless, lemonade diluted, white bread, potatoe, white rice, sweet pototoe; WATER; bland well cooked veg, lettuce (preferably cooked slightly or pressed), bit of olive oil, little bit of avocado, bit of fresh orange, pineapple,

when I was first diagnosed specialist said food had nothing to do w IBD, now they admit its impt & sum r definitely triggers.

Hav u heard of FODMAPs? Its an acronmyn for t sugars - fructose, oligosaccharides, etc. it really helps to limit them so they r hard to digest.

I hav lost my hunger drive, 4got to eat yesterday til 6.30pm. If I was disciplined I wud b a whole lot better but I just eat nearly anything & suffer t consequences. Its really easy to notice allergies (stoma weeps blood) & fd sensitivities (diarhorea after 15 mins) .
Good idea David!

1. Crohn's

2. Tomatoes(actually, anything red in colour) corn, red meat, any raw vegetables but especially lettuce, coffee, anything acidic, anything spicy, fast food burgers, milk, nuts, popcorn, fresh fruit, anything whole wheat, alcohol.

3. Pretty much anything white in colour. breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, chicken noodle soup and raman, flattened pop, chicken with no skin.. I don't have much of an appetite lately as I'm still flaring, so I don't really eat anything but this stuff.

Seems like everyone's list is along the same lines, for the most part.

I do hope that u hav found out that u don't hav MS! al t best cheers
Just found out I can't do eggs.


me too, I feel so silly as I m 63 & I hav only just realised! after eggs (boiled, omelette, or scrambled) 10 mins later hav about 5 v loud strong sneezes & then after about 20 mins diarhorea. I love eggs "t perfectly packaged protein product" . I may try again a couple of times cos for breakfast I had a nice drink of water & 6 mins later trying to change my ileostomy bag v bad watery diarhorea & all I had in my stomach I reckon was bile & water.
Am I the only one that finds this thread a bit nonsensical? Where's the correlation and the science?

It's like most people are responding just to "join the party". Providing absolutely zero insight and analysis. Illogical, carelessly slopped together posts are just a waste of occupied bytes on a server hard drive.

People need to know the detailed scientific research on why foods are aggravating their condition. For this they would get more out of reading books like the The Paleo Approach or The Perfect Health Diet.

Someone should lock this sucker up and remove the sticky.

Just my 2c.

Dear WV
u didn't answer the Qs. Do u hav IBD & for how long? Mayb rather than thinking safe & unsafe its better to think Foods to avoid cos I tell u we hav learnt t hard way. we don't need to go into analysis cos we all know thru hard personal experience. 30 yrs ago my Prof told me food has nothing to do w Crohns now specialists admit patients react to sum fds which can cause not t disease but bad symptoms & help precipitate a flare up. Pepper is a bowel irritant, caffeine is a laxative for everyone. Mayb u can deal w it others cant & need to know. Its wonderful to share knowledge but u hav to b intelligent enough to realise that u don't know everything.
Question to all those who listed unsafe food:
What are the other factors that cause your flare-ups?
Truth is that there is NO proof that any food alone causes the flare-up.
But if your intestines are already damaged from past flare-ups then it is possible for some food to cause problems. Not because of the food itself but because your intestines are unable to absorb certain foods. Also things like tomatoes will surely cause pain to already damaged intestines because of their acidity.

My question is: do you think any food causes you problems WHEN you are perfectly healthy? (with completely healed intestines)
Problem is that most of the people, even when they are feeling better, have some degree of damage from past flare-ups.

I would especially like to hear from those who have undergone resection (as myself) and whose intestines are now completely healed. (I have Crohn's)
I have tried many different food after the operations and have not had even the slightest problems. Doctors also say: "Eat everything". (I still avoid certain foods just in case)
So I think it's hardly a food that causes or triggers the disease. (this probably also explains so many differences in people's diets)
Would like to hear your thoughts on this.


Miki of course when intestines r raw t body reacts to everything. Don't want to scare u but hav u thought that mayb u r back where u were b4 ur Crohns was a problem? ie u can eat fds now that u shud avoid but it might take a while 4 t problem to get bad enough to cause really noticeable symptoms. al t best enjoy ur Crohns break & if u ever hav to I recommend don't hesitate to accept a stoma - t pains gone.
Wanted to add something:

Sushi... I have had sushi 3 times since my last flare. It seems to be the ONLY meal that sits totally well with my entire system, even with massive amounts of wasabi (which I love because it's the only hot thing I can eat.) But of course, it's basically fish and rice with some seaweed, all gentle stuff.

Going to try to remember this in the future when I'm starving during a flare! :thumleft:

agreed Colin but without t washabi unfortunately. When I had my ileostomy iwas starving & some idiot but wel meaning dietician cancelled my meal order cos I wrote meat ( I just wanted a taste of t sauce). 4 floors below was café w sushi which I know I cud hav eaten but I had no=one to go & fetch it for me cos I always used to cancel visitors cos I was too sick to talk. not nxt time, t drs, nurses sum of them treat u a lot better if u hav visitors. t nasty nurse I never say him except when a visitor arrived 7 then suddenly he was so solicitous. xcuse me remembering bad times, other nurses were brilliant, offered midnite massages,. etc
On that note I'm completely the opposite I think it was wasabi that triggered my crohn's in the 1st place I was totally fine until I had a really really spicy thai meal in london last yr then bang it all went downhill from there (LOL)!!! I know it probably wasn't that but it would be interesting to see how many japanese suffer from crohn's

Jap rates v low in their own country for IBD. when they cum to west their rates slowly match westerners. Incidentally 'jap' isn't meant to be disrespectful, its just anything to save sum energy typing.
Sarah has short bowel syndrome and has found that a vegan diet with little fat or oils suits her best. She has narrowed it down to finding that food with 1.5grms of vegetable fat or less per serving is safe for her and this combination has her down to pooping once a day, which she is absolutely thrilled about!

Well worth the effort and sacrifice according to her. :)

Dusty. xxx

I may b heading sarah's way w short gut syndrome. I admire her restraint & discipline. gee I cud daydream al day about 1 BM/day. How heavenly! Does she hav ileostomy? like me I m holding well on Redicade. al t best to u al
Hi Eefs. A lot of people use an elimination diets. It's tough cos you have to cut what you have right back to the bare minimum and introduce new foods gradually and systematically. Keeping a food diary also helps.
It's worth it for the relief it can bring.

Elimination Diet bks frm Prince Alfred Hospital brilliant reading. So helpful even if u cant follow it properly it certainly helps.

Also search FODMAPs re undigestible sugars in lots of food not only sweet,
1. Crohn's

2. Dairy, any red meat that isn't ground up (with the exception of the fat on steak), stick & hot spices, salt, skin on poultry, vegetables that aren't steamed or boiled, fiber from wheat, soy, chocolate sent me to the hospital, cakes, cookies - anything made with flour and baking soda - I guess caffeine - I'll have to ween myself off, food coloring, preservatives (the more cleansed my system - the more sensitive I become, soda, pizza - I can feel the crust expanding in my intestines - youch, onions - SHELL FISH KILLS ME ALIVE

3. oats, oatmeal with raw sugar and butter, granola oats left to soak in applesauce and a touch of powdered cinnamon, fruit bread made w/frozen white bread - butter - pears - raw sugar rolled up and baked - my desert; corn bread w/creamed corn added, tuna and salmon pate on saltines/saltless, peanut butter (creamy - jelly not jam) strawberries on bisquik biscuits - 1/2 of biscuit, potatoes any way - add butter. Fried foods on the stove (not deep fried) don't seem to bother me - McDonalds french fries are a saving grace when dehydrated in the summer to retain water (I have a huge problem with dehydration - must be the caffeine) Doritoes - white - they must break down easy because chips just kill my intestinal tract, soft boiled eggs, all cooked vegetables, pea soup, speghetti sause and spegheti don't seem to bother me from a can - I watch the oregano when home cooked, white noodles but not homemade egg noodles - they swell up too - white bagels and deli ham, roast beef, turkey w/cream cheese - (real light on cheese for me) Green tea, 100% Coconut milk, 1 tablespoon organic coconut oil per day, sea salt if needed, hotdogs on cheap buns, french bread with butter & provolone melted on it and parmigiana, no string vegetables, custard, tapioca, jello with real whipped cream (again light on the cream)
Some foods seem safe and are not. Starches like rice, or pasta ("bland" foods) don't do their damage for many hours after eating, so people think they're safe. They are complex carbohydrates which we can't easily digest, so they pass through the small intestine and go to feed the bad bacteria in the colon. This bad bacteria is the source of the symptoms. Many doctors in different countries have figured this out independently, so you have various names for the no-starch diet - SCD, GAPS, Seignalet, etc. They're not exactly the same, but they are variations on the same theme: sugars and starches are killing us. Eliminate them from your diet, and you'll be really surprised how many symptoms disappear.

So here are my answers:

1. CD, for 45 years
2. All starches and sugars except maybe fructose. Milk. Cruciferous vegs (cabbage et al). Raw seafood.
3. BROTH including the fat. Meats, fish, eggs, esp. soft-boiled. Well-cooked vegetables. Coconut. PAPAYA. Grated carrots. Ceasar salad (without croutons).

thanks v interesting. wot is SCD, GAPS, Seignalet etc. Here in Oz I havnt heard of this
What amazes me when I read this thread is how many foods listed as safe on other's lists are so unsafe for me! Popcorn for instance has me rushing to the loo within minutes...even though I have an ileostomy, unsafe foods create chaos that sometimes even the pouch cannot contain! Tinned fish , if eaten with toast doesn't cause too many problems but anything carbonated ferments whatever is waiting to be released...
I guess a lot of the differences are caused by the amount of bowel left and the state of mind. My GI tells me that I also have IBS as well as Crohns so I have to try to be very calm, not easy when you feel the onset of an 'incident' begin whilst out.
I was very embarrassed recently when I was unable to use the disabled loo and after emptying my bag in the regular toilets, someone using the handbasins said loudly' God, what a dreadful smell'. I hid in the loo until I hoped they'd left. I always carry a small air freshener now.
Such a relief to be able to share without embarrassment!

m also an ileo. I used to carry air freshner & was so happy when little girl said "Why can I smell oranges Mummy?" cos b4 ileo I stank "like I was rotting inside" as bro said which is exactly wot was happening. I heard of guy who said he liked natural women not ones that looked liked they did not poop but "Passed perfectly packaged perfumed soap " (or product)
I have Crohn's or UC (doctors are unsure) and my newest Gastro put me on this Low-Fodmap diet and I have noticed a huge difference in how I feel. It's very odd, can have raspberries but not blackberries, red bell peppers but not green. I do recommend it because I have done low-residue and non-dairy and this is the best I have felt in a long time. (Still non-dairy but now Gluten-free on the low-fodmap) Can't eat a huge variety but I'd rather not feel like I was being stabbed and just eat some blueberries than feel like death and have real bread. (well....most of the time)

me too, raspberries but not blackberries. I tell u if not 4 this thread I wud think I was a fuss pot hyperchondiac
Bad food- unfortunately I really lov(ed) yoghurt. Swiftest way for me to flare and/or bleed is Yoghurt or taking a suicide capsule aka probiotics. The swelling, wind, pain, etc were unbearable. Plus the added eyelash burning stench of death.

Most other foods are fine.
Lemons provide numerous health benefits, including its ability to prevent asthma and inflammation, boost the immune system, increase iron absorption, reduce the risk of stroke, and maintain a healthy complexion, according to Medical News Today.
I use to not worry about what I ate but as I've gotten older and had more surgeries Ive had to change a few things. I also developed diverticulitis. With Crohns I can no longer eat corn, nuts,hotdogs or sausages without pealing the skin off,lettuce,spicey foods (of course) and all beans with a shell. With the diverticulitis I cant eat the smallest seeds like as in strawberries and cucumbers
Ulcerative Colitis (Proctosigmoiditis)

Sugar, wheat/gluten, and any type of cheese. (Research Casomorphins. Naturally occurring Opioid peptides in cheese that cause constipation.)

Organic fruit and vegetables. Eliminating the 3 things ^ above has allowed me to once again enjoy a variety of food.
1. Crohn's
2. Nothing
3. Everything

I looks like you can't eat anything according to your list! :)

If you're Crohn's is active then I've found digesting anything hurts, doesn't make it worse, but it hurts.

If you're in remission, then as long as it's balanced you're fine. Scientifically, it's never been proven that any sort of food can cause Crohn's, just that some aggravate it but again, that's never been proven. It's a very personal journey and one that you can only really have through trial and error.

I thought at one point that I couldn't eat bacon because it seemed to be followed by an attack, but it was just coincidence (thankfully, I LOVE bacon!)

My number one rule is just rest your digestion with liquids, so soups, smoothies etc. If you followed this list, then you can't eat veggies or fruit etc. but you can as long as it's easy for you to digest.

I just had surgery and the only advice regarding food I was given was to avoid red meat for about 6 weeks and ease slowly into veggies and fruits with skins because of the fibre but right now, my body needs the fibre and is telling me to up it so I am. You just have to listen to what your body is telling you :)

I have a blog that explains in more detail my experience if anyone wants to take a look. crohnscrisis.wordpress.com but please note, being on here isn't to promote it! Just to help and get advice myself :)
This is such a useful list. In the UK it has been my experience that no one pays much attention to diet and I have had crohns for nearly 40 years. Currently in a flare so using ensure plus, mashed potato, turkey and white bread with the occasional soup. When well I eat quite widely but stay away from fatty foods and foods with high fibre, alcohol.
I have Crohn's disease.

Safe Foods
- Rice
- Quinoa
- Millet
- Chicken
- Turkey
- Bison
- Beef
- Most vegetables (examples: sweet potatoes, onions, zucchini, asparagus, green beans, cauliflower, carrots, Brussels sprouts, squashes, etc)
- Most fruits (berries, bananas, apples, watermelon, pineapple, etc)

NOT Safe Foods
- Gluten
- Cow Milk, milk products (except butter)
- Corn
- Soy
- Oats
- Tomato
- Potato
- Peanuts
I think that there are a lot more entries here since the initial summary list was made in 2011. Anyone tried to update it? This is a terrific resource to me. My daughter just was diagnosed with Crohn's and we are trying to figure out how to help her with diet. Thanks! Madnance
I think that there are a lot more entries here since the initial summary list was made in 2011. Anyone tried to update it? This is a terrific resource to me. My daughter just was diagnosed with Crohn's and we are trying to figure out how to help her with diet. Thanks! Madnance
She might want to keep a food diary to see the foods that irritate her guts.