When theres no bathrooms...and hundreds of people saw

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Jun 6, 2011
Well yesterday I sat in a long very long line at an army base (toys for tots handout, it's been a tough Christmas and really these toys are the only toys my 5 year old is probably getting this year :S...thanks body for hating me) Anyway so I'm waiting and I keep getting naucious and sweating. Usually I can get things calmed down by getting some cold fres air and walking around. So I got out of the car the people around me stared at me as I paed the car then it hit...oh gawd in front of several hundred people and no bathrooms. I grabbed my bathroom card an ran to the nearest army guy and told them I have a medical condition needing a bthroom. One told me I wasn;t allowed on base, the other ran me over to the sargent and asked if he could take me to the hotel or something. The sargent took me on base(which was neat) and I cleaned up as best as I could. Panties soaked with poo, poo all over my legs and booty...it was everywere. I soaked a paper towel and "washed" my legs then sucked up my embarressment and walked out of the bathroom. The ride bac with the sargent was awkward and I made small talk, he offered me some water or coffee which I declined. He dropped me off and I ran to the car.

After anouther half hour-hour that urge came again, only this time my body said "I'm not holding it for nothing...not even to get out of the car" and of coarse I crapped my pants again. I figured theres no point in getting out again and just sat in it. Wanted to cry, made fun of myself, scoulded myself, told myself how dsgusting and revolting and stupid I am, and eventuly told myself I hate me and this stupid body.

When I got home I took the longest most redeeming shower I could. I had my wonderful fiance toss my ****** clothes in the wash and I washed all my guilt, shame, disgust everything I could of those moments when hundreds of people saw me **** my pants, run with an army guy to the sargent and then had the sargent wait for me outside the restroom while I cleaned myself up. The army men also got on the CB radios saying I was being rushed off to the bathroom so that made me even more infamous.

Later that day...I wound up in the ER needless to say...it was an aweful day and one I'm ok with blocking from memory.
Oh I could tell you a story involving me, shorts, thousands of people, and no bathroom. But I don't want hijack your thread. Its easily the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me so I know you feel. It took me a long time to get over it but to think back, you will probably never see those people ever again and I bet they've already forgot about it.

Cheer up :)
I've posted in the other thread (I think)...been there, had accidents!...Makes you feel REALLY crappy at the time (pun intended) - but hopefully some day you will be able to look back and not feel any guilt or shame - because you SHOULDN"T!.....

(I still wonder if the smell every really came out of hte leather seats in my old vehicle! :stinks: ).....

Hope things settle down soon and you feel better!
Thanks everyone. I've had my share of embarrassing accidents but none quite like this. The topper on the cake was my sister making fun of me. I'm sure she was trying to lighten the situation but it was still a bit much.

I called my GI yest since I was in the ER the night before and he sent in a script for prednisone to get things calmed down before I start remicade. It's amazing though how awesome I felt yesturday after the shot of steriod I got in th ER.

When I have indications that I mgiht "leak" or have an accident, I wear adult diapers, or at least a pad taped to my hindparts, like you would do after rectal surgery.

My Mom had radiation treatment to her genital area, and it made her partially incontinent. She absolutely refused to wear adult diapers, but she was devastated when she had accidents. I learned from her experience. No one knows you're wearing a special panty. ;)
Lol I've toyed with that idea but I always had spare clothes just in case. I didn't bring any with me that day though because I haven't had really much trouble since being put on mess...of coarse the disease is a nasty one and likes to choose the most inoportuned days to rear its ugly head....lesson learned Crohns you gave the upper hand....for now...
Oh, I am so very sorry this happened to you. I am sure many of us can understand all the horrific emotions you went though.

I hope pred does settle things down for you, and Remicade will be an absolute miracle for you!
Some where, somehow there is a person running for the bathroom or looking like they are going to explode...been there done that. I vowed never again (knock on wood) that I would never poop my pants again, I got Questran and used it for a year. I always carry imodium with me just in case but only have to use it once a year. I used to carry a spare pair of underwear but havent needed too.

Has anyone tried those depend underwear with any success on long trips? Just wondered if they work. But still I hate sitting in it. I always have wipes in my purse and in the car along with kleenex. If you are prone to doing this alot , get a cover for your seat. Not sure the stench comes out. :hang:
I remember being told early on to always carry around a change of clothes. Haven't needed quite that much, although I have had to throw out a couple pairs of underwear. You've got guts to tell the story, that's for sure. At some point it will probably look amusing.

As a hockey ref, I have had a couple instances that were getting to this point. Had to leave mid-game for a run to the washroom - really urgently. Barely made it. Puking up is a different story - went in to the penalty box during a tournament and puked for all to see. I am pretty certain you have me beat on this though.
I think you are great Lookame. This is everyone's fear on here i think. I dont know what to say really to make you feel better but I do hope that you are alot better now after ER and it is behind you now thank God. I'm glad there were some nice army guys that realised that you needed some help.
Like goldfish, I am not really sure what to say to make you feel better, except that I think quite a few of us have been through the same type of situation. Before my ostomy, I made the choice to wear incontinance pads 24/7, and on days that I thought I might be under stress or knew I was likely to have an accident, I would wear the full undergarment. It seems to be true that nobody knows you are wearing them except you (I would ask people I knew constantly "can you see it??" LOL! I even got my mother to stand behind me during curling games once in a while especially when delivering a rock - just to see if she could see any bulges or anything!!).

Like Pen said, it is still not the best option, as. like a babe, there is a potential you would have to "sit in it" for a bit until you were able to make it someplace to change, but for ME it was the lesser of the two evils....

Someday you will (maybe) lok back at this and laugh. Until then, know we are hear to listen and understand and send squishy cyber hugs when you need them....
I use depends - well, not that brand, but another less expensive brand, any time I suspect I might need them. IMO< it's better to wear them and not need them than not to wear them and find out the hard way that I needed them.

I also take Welchol, which is similar to Questran. The Welchol really has eliminated most of the problems, but I don't have any qualms about wearing "special panties."
I've posted in the other thread (I think)...been there, had accidents!...Makes you feel REALLY crappy at the time (pun intended) - but hopefully some day you will be able to look back and not feel any guilt or shame - because you SHOULDN"T!.....

(I still wonder if the smell every really came out of hte leather seats in my old vehicle! :stinks: ).....

Hope things settle down soon and you feel better!

hehe! I posted over there too :) I think about the time I **** my often when I'm having a really "crappy" day.

I agree, you shouldn't feel any guilt or shame. It happens, hell, it happens to people who are perfectly healthy but have a little bug. My husband told me about once when he was at boot camp and he was sick and **** his pants :) and he is NEVER sick! Anyway, just trying to point out that it is OK. Please don't be so hard on yourself. It is hard not to be, though.

Sorry that happened to you lookatme. I hope you are feeling better today!
When I first started dating my boyfriend (within in the first few months) we were sharing a bed and I ended up pooping the bed 6 times that night. It was all watery and embarrassing. The first two times I put a towel down and went back to sleep and then it kept happening. Finally I had to wake my boyfriend up and have my nana come pick me up and take me to the ER where they found out I had c-diff. Everyone has their fair share of embarrassing moment related to diarrhea and their bowels but at least you got through it and it didn't break down in public.
Lookame ~ I just wanted to say that I think you are so incredible for sacrificing yourself for the sake of getting gifts for your 5 year old child.

The things we do for our children...

Your child must be worth it!! :hug:
I'm so used to shitting my pants infront of people its not funny and I wear an adult diaper when I go out they're life saver the smell still gets through but if you end with an accident its alot easier to clean yourself up I highly reccomend the adult diapers
All of you have been so kind it makes me feel better about the situation. It does help knowing that I probably will never see any of them again, and now that I look back onit I remember how kind everyone was instead of really how embarrassed I was.

Jessi- My son is the one person I would walk to ends of the Earth for. I always feel like he deserves so much better than I can rpovide sometimes. I'm very thankful to all those who donated toys because without them my son wouldn't have...well any toys. As much as I hated to sit in my...excresion I would do it all over if it meant he would have something under the tree.
You have brought tears to my eyes. You are a prime example of a wonderful parent. :hug:
To make Christas even better my son left our dog out while I was in the shower. The dog ran away. Thankfully a gentleman picked her up(she's a 13 lb italian grayhound mix loves people wouldn't...and couldn;t hurt anyone or anything) and handed her to me. I thanked him and just as I was thanking him some jerk yelled at me to restrain my dog because she "almost got bitten." Like I said she's 13 lbs and is hardly vicious at all.

At this point it's really hard to tell if it's going to be a good Christmas. It seems like everything is working against me. It wouldn;t surprise me if I wound up in the hospital on Christmas or something cause that seems like the direction things are going in right now. For once I'd like to have something go right. :(
I would have shouted back to the jerk that she should be thankful that it wasn't you that was let out because your bite is deadly!! Ha ha!
Expect nothing for Christmas and you wont be disappointed. We all get our hopes up too much these days and the material stuff takes over. Look at all the things you have got that are great, like your lovely son for instance. What more could you want for Christmas.
Cheer up :D
Thanks Goldfish that instance really bothered me. My dog only runs after people because she wants to be petted and really what can a 13lb dog do? She can bark and growl but bite? Comeon grow some common sence! I'm also on prednisone so it was a miracle I was able to walk away and bite my toung...unfortunatly my fiance hasn't been as fortunate when it comes to my temper. I mean it's like 0-explosion in a second.

As for christmas I don;t think I'm getting upset about what I receive as much as I feel like I'm failing not being able to provide things for my son and such. I keep forgetting that my parents have gotten him so much and my sister is great about getting him a lot as well. It also bothers me how people are acting towards each other. When we go to the store all I hear come out of peoples mouths is "there's to many slow people" "we're not getting anything accomplished" then there's people cutting us in line and giving us all around nasty looks, the worst is people driving right now. I know everyone is trying to get ready but what about the meaning of the season. It's about joy and love and you know being with family and stuff. You'd think people would be friendlier. I don;t remember it being this bad.
I was like that today (and I am not on pred so no excuse) people trying to cut in front of me cos I am in a Hyundai i10. Ugh no I dont think so. I got some pressies and got out of there cos I was not in the right humor. Christmas isn't what it used to be. I prefer the simple Christmas with family and nice things to watch on telly. Dont worry about it lookame, you are doing fine. It's the rest of the world that need to calm down. All kids really need is your time and to know you love them. No present will do that. Bet your doing way better than you give yourself credit for.
Thanks so much goldfish you've made me feel 20 times better. :)I just hope I can control my frustraition with myself over the next couple of days. I'm feeling pretty swamped getting ready to move on Weds and having a doctor appointment that day too I guess the stress is getting to me. I just can;t wait to get out of this stupid apt complex. Thank you so much goldfish I really needed your kind words today :)

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