Will I need a colostomy bag if I have my large bowel removed? Help please?

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Oct 9, 2012
Hi there, I have already had a resection where my small and large bowel meet, now I have strictures in 2 places in what is left of my large bowel and am facing surgery to have the whole large bowel removed.

My small bowel is relatively ok and doesn't need to be removed, will I end up with a bag does anyone know?


Cindy, have you been diagnosed with Crohn's? Or do they think it is Ulcerative Colitis?

If it's UC, they may be able to do a J pouch. If it's Crohn's, generally they dont do the J pouch proceedure. Before they do this surgery, they need to explain exactly why, and what the prognosis is.

You dont mention what medication you are on? Why do they want to remove the entire bowel?
Hi, I was diagnosed with Crohns in 1993 and had a resection in 1997. been ill on and off and tried every medication and have now settled on Adalimumab.

Crohns has taken a turn for the worse and have 2 severe strictures in my large colon which they are concerned may become worse, block and then burst therefore want to remove the large bowel. I guess what i am wondering is if I can just have my small bowel rejoined and not have a bag? I know that may sound vein, but I am worried about it.

Hi Conduct Johnson, it depends on what your rectum is like. If there is minimal rectal inflammation and no significant active perianal disease then they would likely perform an iliorectal anastomosis (connect ileum to rectum), so no bag.

Best wishes.
I cant see why they cant remove the strictures and not remove the whole bowel. Let us hope you just have another resection.

As for removing the whole large colon and hooking up the small intestine to the rectum, doesnt happen that much. Mainly because you would have a very high probability of incontinence. But, if they can do it and not cause you serious problems, fingers crossed for you.

Can you please let us know how you get on?
I cant see why they cant remove the strictures and not remove the whole bowel. Let us hope you just have another resection.

this is the position i am in at the mo, as to the small bowel being joined to the last of the large bowel, im against that as to the speed of food travelling through,even with imodium etc, cant see why they cant just take out the areas that are affecting you,, ,,id ask about for more advice as to what you need, i have an oppointment with the consultant in a few weeks who is intent on leaving me with a bag,so maybe its going to be goodbye and look at another hosp, all because of one small area closing up at a hemicolectomy site,taking away 3/4 of good large bowel away, do a bit of research and the folks in here can keep you informed too, remember its you that has to get along with the surgical outcome
HI. I had the same surgery and Because I also had the reconstruction, I had to wear a colostomy bag for a year so it is possible you may need one
Hi there, I have already had a resection where my small and large bowel meet, now I have strictures in 2 places in what is left of my large bowel and am facing surgery to have the whole large bowel removed.

My small bowel is relatively ok and doesn't need to be removed, will I end up with a bag does anyone know?


I'm having my entire large bowel removed and have been told will need a colostomy bag. Im sure it differs per person though
Hi. I have had the whole of my large bowel removed. In 1974 just the damaged part was removed but inside never healed properly so in 1982 the rest of my large bowel and rectum was removed. I have a permanent illeostomy and have worn a bag since 1974. One good thing is the difference in appliances, what a horrible word, from the black rubber bags and flanges, so noticeable and horrid, to the light, strong discreet bags available today. I really hope all goes well for you but, if not, a bag is not the awful conclusion it used to be. I am 61 now and still have problems, hernias, narrowing of the stoma, blockages etc as well as the usual 'like' problems ie arthritis, skin conditions etc etc but I am still here and still kicking!!! And plan to carry on growing old disgracefully.