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Now you have to think of a cool story of how the panther attacked but you fought it off and won lol.

Personally I like my stories to be believable My go to is that I got knifed by an elderly woman in a bingo incident that escalated quickly and I got this one friend that didn't know me when I had all my surgeries and she's very gullible and she believes this and when I'm with her in public and I see an elderly woman I flee into the other direction I'll cross the street if I have to and I once ended up in another state for the sake of the bit.
Thats funny.....what panthar isn't believable lol.....how about shark attack....really bad bee sting :)
Thats funny.....what panthar isn't believable lol.....how about shark attack....really bad bee sting :)

People are different I don't know you or Ron personally so it maybe believable for either of you to be attacked by a panther,shark,an abnormally large bird with superhuman strength that knows Kung fu,The 1998 Denver Broncos or a bee but most people that really know me know that an elderly woman would stab me if given the chance and I take great pride in that.
I would stay away from the old ladies if I was in your position. That sounds like a good script for a horror movie.:hallo3:

For some reason old people don't like me which I find odd cause I'm delightful in fact I have a mug that reflects that fact and we can all agree that mugs do not lie.
Hey guys and gals!

I currently raised, born and live in Sweden.
I love the US and would like to know how I can apply for a green card. I am financially doing ok.
But what would be some requirements to acquire the green card??
I also find the health care can be better in certain states of the US comparatively speaking to Sweden.
And I find I might be better of both health wise and also mentally taking up residency in the US.
I speak the lingua almost perfectly already and that would be no problem what so ever..
I haven't felt good today. I dont usually but yesterday i had a sample of beer in the store yesterday. I don't know if that ii why i dont feel good or if it has to do with fried food i had. Forgive me for whining.
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I haven't felt good today. I dont usually but yesterday i had a sample of beer in the store yesterday. I don't know if that ii why i dont feel good or if it has to do with fried food i had. Forgive me for whining.

I'll allow you to whine this once so make it good.I came to the conclusion a long time ago I can't eat or even sample anything worth eating without paying the price so I don't bother.
Crohns made me into a damn druggie. Taking downers for anxiety, uppers for fatigue and the pain killers for pain.

5 years back didn't know what drugs was. Barely even drank, no smoking and went to the gym daily.

I lost my libido and just feel apathy about life mostly. Unless I'm on some substance. Who can blame one really?

Want to grow out my beard, but my facial hair seem to never fully recovered to it's original thickness since the intestines gave up. Guess some slight nutritional issues.
Bloods comes back pretty much "normal" whatever that means.
I seem to be always slightly anemic at all times.
My life span shortened for sure.

Let's see,,, going to meet with a chronic fatigue specialist next week. Maybe can help me back up on my feet.

Oh and I just lost my recent jobb at a Electrolux call center. Kept falling asleep in front comp, the daily subway commute was a drag anyway.

Oh! And one last thing,.I would recommend everyone here who feel tired a lot. Ask your GP, GE, Psych or whatever about trying modafinil/provigil. Kinda new drug. It is none addictive with basically very little side effects. A lot of airplane pilots take it and also shift workers.
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I haven't felt good today. I dont usually but yesterday i had a sample of beer in the store yesterday. I don't know if that ii why i dont feel good or if it has to do with fried food i had. Forgive me for whining.

A bit late, but beer and spirits seem to go down well with me. I think it gets absorbed pretty high up. I can crank a six pack in front the tele without any more issues out of the ordinary.
Any hidden smallest trace of garlic, onion, chillies or artificial sweetener and I will be squirting water.
Most electrolyte powders in the pharmacy contain sweetener that you mix with water for hydration works like a laxative on me. Very helpful isn't it? When I was living in Thailand hydration packs contained regular sugar. Which makes a hell lot more sense.
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I agree that the artificial sweeteners cause trouble, my GP said they are poison. Apparently stevia may be better for you if you are trying to avoid sugar.
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Yes I had no problem with stevia actually. You absolutely right about that.
Mostly mannitol and sucralose tend to empty my bowels.
Today I had 6 toilet trips and its only lunch. Must have been the onion,.had asian food yesterday.
Thank you all for the kind words from all.
Special prayers goes out to Ronroush who seem to manage to stay active and supportive despite his own hardships and struggles.
To Juulez who is battling her recent flare in the hospital.
To Cmack for your positive attitude and private messages and support.
Thank you Cheesy for your encouragement, I really felt those words.
May god bless us all and everyone else who struggle trough with daily disease.
Hi ..Glockola ! I want to just send my support your way. I really do get you about taking so many different pills. I don't even know why I take them at times because I still feel so terrible ?
You are a nice looking young man...and I wish all the best for you . Life has so much to offer you . Stay positive !
Hi ..Glockola ! I want to just send my support your way. I really do get you about taking so many different pills. I don't even know why I take them at times because I still feel so terrible ?
You are a nice looking young man...and I wish all the best for you . Life has so much to offer you . Stay positive !

Thank you so very much Gram! Really!

I drink the original green gatorade or the orange kind and I have no problems. It's the artificial sweeteners that got you I think. The doc says that only 1 packet of aspartame or sucralose is likely to wipe out nearly a third of your gut flora. I now avoid it like the plague. I was drinking diet ginger ale and couldn't figure out why I was running to the can. Since I quit I am having way less issues.

I'm sending you my support Tubes. You deserve a break. It sounds like you have a lot of food intolerance. I'm just glad I can enjoy some foods.

All the best,

Thank you for that I really have a limited amount of stuff I can eat that doesn't bother me and if I stray from that it leads to unpleasantness which I'm not a fan of so I try to limit when I do but it does get rather boring eating the same thing all the time but that's still better than paying the price for eating something I know I can't.
Thank you for that I really have a limited amount of stuff I can eat that doesn't bother me and if I stray from that it leads to unpleasantness which I'm not a fan of so I try to limit when I do but it does get rather boring eating the same thing all the time but that's still better than paying the price for eating something I know I can't.
Had a crummy night last night I'm pretty sure I caught a bug with the change of weather the past 2 weeks it's been rainy and cold for the most part then yesterday it was sunny,hot and humid I woke up about 1:30am with stomach cramps then I had to go to the bathroom 15 times between then and 7am it was like my stoma was a faucet.The only good thing is I drink tons of fluid.I'm exhausted but I don't want to sleep now cause then I won't sleep tonight.Yeah fun times.
Had a crummy night last night I'm pretty sure I caught a bug with the change of weather the past 2 weeks it's been rainy and cold for the most part then yesterday it was sunny,hot and humid I woke up about 1:30am with stomach cramps then I had to go to the bathroom 15 times between then and 7am it was like my stoma was a faucet.The only good thing is I drink tons of fluid.I'm exhausted but I don't want to sleep now cause then I won't sleep tonight.Yeah fun times.
I am sorry. I hope you feel better soon.
Tubes, someone told me once marshmallows help with runs and stoma changes to slow things down curious to test next campfire.
I bought some marshmallows I put them in my mouth and there was chewing involved,they tasted like marshmallows so that was good I didn't notice any slow down of output but those findings may have been tainted by the fact that I took some cold meds and those go right threw me.Another test maybe needed to see if these results are conclusive.
Ya one variable is hard to do sometimes. My husband is always encouraging me to only change one thing if trying to figure something out. Hope it works for you. I got a wild hair once and cooked one over my stove :)
Ya one variable is hard to do sometimes. My husband is always encouraging me to only change one thing if trying to figure something out. Hope it works for you. I got a wild hair once and cooked one over my stove :)

I'm usually a try something once if it doesn't work it's dead to me kinda guy but these marshmallows seem nice enough and they have a family to support so I'll give them another try.
I haven't had tapioca in forever....now I'm craving it and hoping it works since I have to travel.
For years now every weekend I make a batch of tapioca that lasts me a week.Before I started doing that my stomach always felt like garbage.
What is tapioca and how do you make it

It's a hard white grain that you eat as pudding you can buy pre-made or make it yourself with Tapioca,Milk,Sugar,Eggs and Vanilla Extract.It takes a bit of time to make it yourself but it's cheaper and tastes way better than store bought aleast to me.
Ron you could try mixing a level teaspoon of Turmeric Curcuma powder one can find in the seasoning section of the grocery store, mix it into a glass of cold water between meals in the mornings.

I've never taken the powder but I take the tablets daily for my arthritis.
Ron you could try mixing a level teaspoon of Turmeric Curcuma powder one can find in the seasoning section of the grocery store, mix it into a glass of cold water between meals in the mornings.

My doctor spoke about this with me last visit. He said it was most effective if taken with a quarter sized piece of ginger root and a dash of black pepper. He puts it in a smoothie. I have yet to try, but he is getting back to me via email about exact dosing of the turmeric. I will share what he says as soon as I get the response back from him. Apparently it is almost a miracle supplement.
Any kind soul out there who could send me some Modafinil for my chronic fatigue. Dont have it here in Sweden. I will of course pay for all the expenses.
In the US should be able to get a prescription from any doctor. I heard so much positive news from this medication among CFS and Crohns patients, and also minimal side effects and not addictive makes it seem like worth a try. So I would be very thankful.
I would like to get at least 25% of my energy levels back so that I will be able to finish my SAT scores. And then I want to emigrate over to the US. I can not live in a soviet state where the health care is getting worse by the years. God bless!
I would like to get at least 25% of my energy levels back so that I will be able to finish my SAT scores. And then I want to emigrate over to the US. I can not live in a soviet state where the health care is getting worse by the years. God bless!
I would ask your doctor about going on either b12 or iron or both.
I am already, stuck with this mild anemia. I have to live with it, but I need to manage it. So I am asking for practical support in this matter. I can not lay in bed all day. I have a family a son and no place to turn at the moment.

I have a noose ready if all else fails this year, I just simply drop hang myself. But that will of course only be the very final option if all else fails.

I am just not a character made to lay in bed days on end. I am currently on no medication at all. I have no doctors. I just need the extra push so I can move forward in life. I need to emigrate.
My doctor spoke about this with me last visit. He said it was most effective if taken with a quarter sized piece of ginger root and a dash of black pepper. He puts it in a smoothie. I have yet to try, but he is getting back to me via email about exact dosing of the turmeric. I will share what he says as soon as I get the response back from him. Apparently it is almost a miracle supplement.

'Almost a miracle supplement' is a very good description. I'm going to mix a glass as a toast to something that finally works without the nasty side effects. I do this everyday on an empty stomach later on in the mornings between meals. The calming effects are felt almost instantly as it coats the lining of the stomach on its way down. The other thing is that its cheap, a 4 dollar bag will last for months.
I saw that Costco carries this medication and I don't believe it needs a prescription and they ship. I'm with military so can't get that medication because of my vedolizumab.
Hi help!!!! Does anyone know what to do abt mouth and throat sores and ulcers I just had my entyvio this am I don't know if it's related. But it hurts I can't eat drink swallow hardly talk!!!!🤔😢julie
Crohn's can cause those symptoms, but so can a lot of other things, possibly an allergic reaction to something? Maybe your meds disagree with you? I know you don't want to go(I wouldn't like it either) but if you don't go it could be serious. I care about you buddy, please take good care.
I understand but my dad won't take me. I will be careful I'll get him to take me by tomorrow. Thank you
Great idea! :) I recently joined the forum, and am glad I found it! I was diagnosed with Crohn's almost 2 years ago. Currently I'm sort of on remissions ( bar a couple of days in a month) but I have a really tough time keeping up with my diet :( I also feel very tired almost all the time, which makes people assume that I'm really lazy :/
Great idea! :) I recently joined the forum, and am glad I found it! I was diagnosed with Crohn's almost 2 years ago. Currently I'm sort of on remissions ( bar a couple of days in a month) but I have a really tough time keeping up with my diet :( I also feel very tired almost all the time, which makes people assume that I'm really lazy :/
Welcome . Have you had your blood checked for anemia,?
Me too, I hope you get over your troubles Julie. We care about you buddy.
i am trying going back up to specialist in Tampa for egd and she will look at my mouth if it's not healed. I got some meds although the pain is awful. Keep yaall up to date💜Jules
Admiral welcome to our wonderful helpful group of people. I love everyone and feel such support and caring. I'm sure you will too. Feel free to pm me if you need to talk. That goes for all. 💜Julie
Ya I got another mouth bump again too...grrr.....ya tired all the time close to B12 shot time for me.