That will be me next.
All the fresh air makes me sleepy. I take it that the show was boring anyways. 
That will be me next.
AgreeWell, good luck and keep us updated!
I feel you! I am laying here in bed - hot and cold sweats, nausea, rhinos stampeding in my guts.. feeling you. I'm so sorry that you are feeling so ill. (At least the pain isn't so unbearable that hospital won't be required if I can help it) No one really seems to understand what this horrible disease actually does. Let's just call it 'Crohn's cancer', then people will actually get it. Cut us some slack. Provide some sympathy. Give me some positive vibes. But it's up to us and our close ones to spread the word. Let's not get my message twisted- we don't need to be cuddled up like babies. We are strong!! We just need the general population to understand. Not judge, or think that they know. We have the guts! We have the power. Even though right now it feels far from that. Tomorrow is a new day and I'll be rooting for you from all the way down here in Brisbane, Australia. NamasteFeel like I am in a bad flare right now.
Rooting for you tooI feel you! I am laying here in bed - hot and cold sweats, nausea, rhinos stampeding in my guts.. feeling you. I'm so sorry that you are feeling so ill. (At least the pain isn't so unbearable that hospital won't be required if I can help it) No one really seems to understand what this horrible disease actually does. Let's just call it 'Crohn's cancer', then people will actually get it. Cut us some slack. Provide some sympathy. Give me some positive vibes. But it's up to us and our close ones to spread the word. Let's not get my message twisted- we don't need to be cuddled up like babies. We are strong!! We just need the general population to understand. Not judge, or think that they know. We have the guts! We have the power. Even though right now it feels far from that. Tomorrow is a new day and I'll be rooting for you from all the way down here in Brisbane, Australia. Namaste
I am getting ready to switch to Entyvio once my insurance approves itWhat meds are you on Ron ? Are you currently being seen by your dr. . ....have you called him ?
Hope you feel better.
Wish you the best.Oh Ron I am so sorry. I feel you hunI wish I could be there to help. Call dr ok? I don't want to come home to find out you feel even worse. Thinking of you
Hello all, long time no see. Sorry about being gone for so long.. Life happens.
Sending you all some hugs from Canada
Awesome thank you for your advice
Yesterday wss bad. I just sent the consent form for the Entyvio. Can't waitHi Ron ..any news on your Entivyo yet ? How are you holding up..still having problems ?
Hope everyone has had a better week than I have ,
AmenI hope God wins. Bad people sell the drugs, Probably because they don't have a job or something else to do.
I really feel for you.
This has been going on for many years now and I feel hope slipping away.
This daily torture breaking me down and
definitely not mentally stable anymore and feeling suicidal.
I'm basically ******.
I made a list of my options. If all else fails.
1. Overdose fentanyl patches. Or Nembutal poisoning.
2. Gunshot to head
3. Helium exit bag.
Top Tracks – Hillsong Worship:
Get all the help you need. Pulling for you. Let us know how you areIn the hospital emergency room. Yuk. Don't know if I'm gonna stay or go