Fitness update: I had a really great 3-day weekend. Friday I did a lot! I found some garage sales to shop at, and at one I got a bike trailer. It's like a stroller for little kids that you attach to the back of a bicycle, except of course I am not going to use it for kids. I had been hoping to use it for Lily or for riding my bike to the grocery store and filling the bike trailer with groceries. More on that later.
After my garage sale shopping, I took Lily for a walk. I got her in the car and we went to the forest path. It was a bit warm that day and Lily hates warm weather, so we didn't walk as far as I usually go, but we did have a nice walk nonetheless. We even saw a deer! That was pretty interesting because the forest path sort of cuts right through the city - the path itself of course is forested but there is city on either side. There's a creek that goes alongside the path, and on the opposite bank, I glanced sight of a deer lying down. At first it looked like it was dead because it wasn't moving, but then I saw that it's head was up and it was looking right at me. It was a big doe and she was completely unbothered by my presence, just keeping her eye on me but not running away or even getting up. I watched her for awhile and she was just so calm, it was really cool. Lily didn't even see the deer.
Saturday I was extremely active. I started off by taking Lily on a walk through the dog park. Then I felt like lifting weights - I felt good and like my muscles wanted a workout. So I lifted weights at home using my own equipment and that felt quite good. Then, hubby and I decided to test out the bike trailer. I put Lily in and we headed out for a short ride. But she didn't seem to like it, which is odd. She loves riding in the car and in the kayak, so I figured she'd like riding in the bike trailer too. But she was whining and woofing at me the whole time, which made it pretty clear that she wasn't happy. So we had a very short ride because I turned around after about a mile.
So, the bike trailer was only $10 and I can still use it on grocery runs, like I said, so it's not a waste. But it is disappointing that my dog doesn't like it. Oh well! It is easy to attach or detatch to my bike (I put it on my cruiser bike, not my road bike) and I'm sure I'll get some use out of it. And hey, I could always ride it to local garage sales, too.

Ha ha.
Sunday was easter of course. I walked Lily in the morning so that she wouldn't be too hyper about riding in the car. After our walk, we took her to hubby's parents' house. My 5 nieces and nephews were there and Lily had fun running around with the kids. It was a mostly nice time, and I brought my own food, so I was able to eat safely. The only issue was that hubby brought up politics and then there was a bit of an argument (hubby's dad voted for our current president and obviously we did not). So that part wasn't great but it almost made me nostalgic.

I haven't been in an argument like that over politics since before my grandpa died! My parents and grandparents used to argue politics all the time, and I mostly hated it, but it does make me miss my grandpa now.
Anyway. I'd like to lift weights again today and I'm feeling pretty well, so I'm going to head to the little gym on my lunch hour. I might walk Lily tonight if I'm feeling up to it, too.
Tomorrow might be a rest day - it's supposed to rain so no walk tomorrow.
Taper-wise I'm going to play it really safe. I had told the lady at the compounding pharmacy about my issues with tapering, and she said some people need to take it really slowly, like tapering by 0.5 mg once per month! I see my GI on May 1st, so I might just stay at 7 mg until that appointment and ask him his thoughts on a super slow taper like that. Since I've failed just about every other way I've tried to taper, that might be the way I have to go. So for now, I'm staying at 7 mg.