How are you feeling today?

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I'm so skinny I've moved way past the point where anyone envies it or could ever consider it as normal in any way. There is definitely a point where people recognise thinness numbers as too low and prefer wellness.

I think the prednisone cheeks tend to create an illusion of wellness where there is none in the eyes of those who haven't known me pre-crohn's or simply don't know me.

Since this is the "how are you feeling today" thread it's a mixed bag. I am grateful to currently be sitting on a comfy couch at the coast enjoying time with family.

It could be easy to dwell on how the brief walk down to the beach left me dizzy and seeing spots needing to rest every hundred feet or so at an elevation far less then I'm accustomed, the constant nausea and numbness that makes me think there's something off with current meds. but frankly a part of me feels ashamed for all I've been able to enjoy the past year and the love within the relationships in my life that gives me an opportunity to live and thrive regardless of circumstance.

It is easy to forget the wracking pain the moment it subsides and move through it. It is not as easy to get past feelings of guilt for the privileges I do have: the freedom from pressure in finding a job or developing a career through the corporate ladder, for the unconditional care I receive, the government support which has left me more financially stable and medically covered then I could achieve on my own, and so much more. I am not grateful I have Crohn's, but ashamed that having Crohn's is what has given me the courage to try to find unconventional means of building a life and achieving my dreams.
How am I feeling today ? Okay, is this too personal..........
I have been on the Vancomycin for 9 days now. The past two days I have had a lot of air in my gastrointestinal tract and I am having terrible smelling gas ! Thank God I am at home ! And the BM smells terrible too. And the last two days the BM is floating in the toilet, not normal for me. I have to take the Vancomycin for 14 days. I have five more days to take it ! Then I follow up with the GI on April 30th. I don't think I have ever had gas smell so nasty. Tomorrow I have to go pick up two prescriptions........I had better go to the drive-thru pharmacy window as I would hate to pass this nasty smelling gas in public. Yikes. I hope this two week Vancomycin gets rid of my c-diff. I am just getting bored at home. And I hate the medicine schedule. I have to take the Vancomycin every 6 hours, on the dot. So it is 12am, 6am, 12pm and 6pm. I don't go to bed until midnight and my sleep schedule is so messed up and I am more tired than ever.
Have a good weekend.
Ann Morgan,

I had a nurse when I was initially hospitalized/ diagnosed that was truly an angel - the powers of peppermint essential oils dabbed on some cotton balls and left in a discreet corner can really help when the smells that can arise become unbearable. Rather then just about every other air freshener option etc. instead of masking, it cuts straight through and really helps everything dissipate faster.
Ann - I was also going to suggest air fresheners! I have a stoma, and emptying a stoma bag typically smells worse/more than having a normal bowel movement, so air fresheners come with the territory. I always take a spray air freshener into hospital with me. But smells in hospitals are so common that other women on the ward kept borrowing mine! Don't worry, anyone with bowel problems faces this problem, so it's not too personal to talk about here.

Recently I got a room re-deodouriser. It gets rid of bad smells (deodourises instead of masking them) and replaces it with a nicer scent (reodours).
I think the prednisone cheeks tend to create an illusion of wellness where there is none in the eyes of those who haven't known me pre-crohn's or simply don't know me.

I had that with pred too - people even commented that I looked better. The same has happened when I've had NG feeding - it caused massive water retention so I got compliments on how well I was looking because my face puffed up. My ankles puffed up too, though no one commented on those!
I am looking forward to getting my codeine prescription tomorrow. It makes me anxious not having it.
Today I was feeling pretty good, not even nauseous... until I had some cereal with milk. Not even 1/3 C. and within 20 mins. and started to feel extra crummy. My sister had a cheesecake for her birthday dessert choice 3 nights back and I vomited that night. Following night was ok, but still queasy after ice cream. Next day (since I'm on a family vacation) went out for dinner and options were creamy foods or fried foods - I went the way of the creamy and 1/2 cup of Alfredo left me vomiting, again. Been wondering if it's been dairy or meds. that have been causing such upper GI troubles but this trip is enough of a push for me to desire eliminating lactose immediately to see what happens (as cheese seems to not have any affect). Tomorrow will be day 1, lets see how it goes!
Today my OCD has kicked in with intrusive thoughts...grrr. Stupid brain!!!

Just laugh it off and carry on, only thoughts remember..only thoughts :)
Blech. Have felt like I'm prepping for a scope all day today, not hungry, need to change my drawers when I get home....have an hour drive ahead of me to get home.
Today I was feeling pretty good, not even nauseous... until I had some cereal with milk. Not even 1/3 C. and within 20 mins. and started to feel extra crummy. My sister had a cheesecake for her birthday dessert choice 3 nights back and I vomited that night. Following night was ok, but still queasy after ice cream. Next day (since I'm on a family vacation) went out for dinner and options were creamy foods or fried foods - I went the way of the creamy and 1/2 cup of Alfredo left me vomiting, again. Been wondering if it's been dairy or meds. that have been causing such upper GI troubles but this trip is enough of a push for me to desire eliminating lactose immediately to see what happens (as cheese seems to not have any affect). Tomorrow will be day 1, lets see how it goes!

I was out of town over Labor Day and Christmas last year. It was quite a challenge as far as food choices too. Over Labor Day Weekend I ate airport food and had terrible diarrhea at airport and in the plane.

At Christmas time visiting my relatives I ate something at an Italian restaurant that made me sick. The next morning in my hotel room I had terrible diarrhea ( an accident on my pajama pants). I had to hand wash the pajamas. Then send pajamas to be cleaned. Take a good shower. And then I felt so sick that I had to spend the entire day in my hotel room, missing out on time I could have spent with my great-nieces. Fun memories to have for the holidays ?:stinks:
Today I feel old and stupid. I had to look up on my cell phone dictionary to see what "thread" meant ( the "urban" dictionary. ) Now I suppose I have to look up "message board" too ! Okay, so I know what "icons" are. I even know what "IG" means now. Don't ask me about " hashtags". I have had a lap-top computer for 5 years now and just bought a newer one 6 months ago. I also bought a fancy cell phone 6 months ago. I have not used my DVD ( or is that DVR) player for a long, long time. Gosh, if I push a wrong button on my remote control I may be in big trouble. Even my vehicle is simple, bought it 13 years ago with NO "bells and whistles". I still have to roll the windows up and down the old fashioned way ( nothing electric) Hey, but I CAN use a coffee pot, toaster oven, microwave and my paper shredder !!!! : - 0. : - )

Oh, as far as my Ulcerative Colitis today it has been pretty good. I only had one BM so far today and it is 5pm. Wow. : - )
I'm overall doing much better but a little bit on the crampy side today. I've had like 4 mini poops. :/ Don't like mini poop days.
I'm doing okay today, but I seem really mentally exhausted for no reason.

It's probably just stress. I've got a Biology practical exam and a German oral exam on Friday and it's two weeks until my first exam of the proper exam season. To be honest, I feel a little defeated. I feel like I've done the bare minimum this year and used my illness as an excuse, even though I know that's ridiculous. It's probably because I've found it really difficult to cope with the work this year for some reason. The brain fog is immense, and I just really really cannot find the motivation anymore.

But it's only a while, I guess, and then I'll be sorted. I just have to get through the next month and a half! :)
I take back the pretty much okay, and amend to "I'm in pain, and bleeding which is kind of new." Lots of bright red blood in the toilet.
Bleh. So freaking tired today. Systemic yeast infections suck and my dr. is out of office till next week.

On the plus side, the taste/ texture of Ensure Plus is much improved from what I remember, had another MRI at a new location - I was a bit apprehensive since I liked the techs at the other hospital, but the tech's were just as cute, more personable, and while it was the first time I've ever puked trying to get and keep the barium down they served it cold, gave me plenty of warm blankets, and I got juice and cookies after - a first.
Blech. Have felt like I'm prepping for a scope all day today, not hungry, need to change my drawers when I get home....have an hour drive ahead of me to get home.

Now sporting a 101+ temp, waiting for Tylenol to kick in.....
Just back from hospital, had an X-ray. Very easy as tests go, only had to wait ten minutes, then X-ray took ten minutes. One week to wait for the results to be sent to my doctor. (Does anyone else suspect that the people doing the tests know exactly what the results are already when they say to you afterwards "the results will be sent to your doctor for interpretation"?)
Okay, well I went to the doctor this morning and it is just a hemmie. On the other side though there was still occult bleeding which makes me feel more vindicated than anything else. Because I still have pain spots in my abdomen and it makes me feel like I'm not crazy.
Today, I woke up grumpy. I was determined to be grumpy all day. Something about taking an hour just to choke down and keep down a simple lunch of noodles, butter and cantaloupe while feeling so exhausted I couldn't even eat at the table or prepare the food myself just sets me off on the wrong foot.

But I have awesome people in my life and it makes it hard to stay grumpy for too long. My S.O. sent me a synopsis of how he would soften me up if he weren't 1000 miles away which served as a good thought and certainly put a much needed smile on my face. I got a call from my Dr's nurse who's been in constant contact with her despite it being her vacation week. Do doctors ever really get a vacation??? Yesterday's MRI came back showing no changes so I get to drop the antibiotics! And we'll work on getting thrush/ yeast eradicated and back under control - and I thought I would have to wait at least until Monday to have any game plan in order. I am so excited to be able to sleep a solid night tonight. It's not ideal news, but seeing as how the past 2 years have been no change is a wonderful start. Shoot, with how this day's looking up maybe I'll take a more luxurious shower instead of my quick more energy efficient route and invest some time in myself to feel pretty - just because.
(Does anyone else suspect that the people doing the tests know exactly what the results are already when they say to you afterwards "the results will be sent to your doctor for interpretation"?)

Yes, they do know. I am friends with a couple of radiology techs, and they absolutely know their stuff. They're not allowed to tell you if they see anything as they're not doctors, but yes, they know your results immediately. I've heard all sorts of interesting stories from them particularly when they were in school and learning things about radiology - they told me all about the pill cam when I was going to have mine done a few years ago (apparently, oftentimes the final images on pill cam results are of the patient's face looking down into the toilet to see if they passed the capsule!). But yeah, I'm pretty sure it's just a legal or liability thing - they aren't doctors so they can't practice medicine, they can't say what your results are even if they're 100% sure. They have to be so careful about lawsuits and things like that.
Cat - that thing about the pill cam images of people's faces is somehow very disturbing!

I have had a couple of occasions when the techs told me the results right away - I've had a few images taken to check the position of an NG tube and they always told me it was fine. I'm not sure if they'd have told me if it wasn't fine, but they might have since that would still not have been a big deal, it would just mean I'd have to have the tube reinserted. I also had an upper endoscopy where I was getting a running commentary about the inflamation he was finding as he was doing the scope, though maybe it's different as scopes are done by doctors?

It would have been nice to have been given the results of the gastric emptying study I had months ago right away, since the results appear to have been lost before they made it back to my doctor. Anyway, I know nothing of today's test. Hopefully at some point someone will let me know the results of this one.
I know, it disturbed me too when I first heard about it! And I think I'm actually one of those people (it's more funny than disturbing to me now). When I had my pill cam, I didn't see it come out the other end in spite of poking at my poo for a few days afterwards. Then shortly after that I was going to have an MRI and of course you can't have any metal in the MRI machine, and I was concerned that there was a possibility that I still had the pill cam floating around inside me somewhere and I'm guessing there's metal in the capsule. So I called my GI's nurse, and she looked into it - then, without elaborating, she told me that the pill cam "definitely" made it all the way through me - there was no doubt. She didn't specify, but I'm thinking that "definitely" might mean they saw my face looking into the toilet at the end of my pill cam. Eek! :p What a ridiculous, horrifying thought, that such a picture of me exists. (Hopefully they just saw the pill cam exit my body without seeing my face looking for it.)

Maybe it's different in the UK - I think it's a legal thing here in the US because I've never had a tech tell me my results (and I have asked multiple times). I'm actually waiting on results myself right now - I had a liver ultrasound on Monday to check on some benign tumor things I have on my liver, and the ultrasound tech also wouldn't tell me anything. She only would say that the results take about a week (and I was thinking, no they don't, you know them already!).
(Does anyone else suspect that the people doing the tests know exactly what the results are already when they say to you afterwards "the results will be sent to your doctor for interpretation"?)

Along these lines I've had techs who've done my imaging a couple times and recognize/ know why I'm there show me the images directly after MRI's and point out where the small bowel/ large bowel is etc. when I've asked if I could see them. I think they know pretty well what they might be looking at but for legal purposes can't give any specifics or direction to the patient.

Since lately we've just been tracking things via imaging I already have a general idea of how things look from previous scans and have gotten a bit bold in asking to review/ see the scans once they're done. Generally, allows me to walk out with an idea of whether or not things are screwy or haven't changed/ changed very little. Some refuse this, some have allowed it, some seem hesitant but figure eh why not. However, they are very very careful to avoid actually saying anything specific regarding what shows up in my gut regarding fistula/ stricturing and a mass that's been hanging around for a while now.

Had one tech ask for more specifics/ showed a bit of curiosity regarding my presentation of crohn's since he has a friend - also in their 20's - who's had crohn's since their teens and I think he was probably comparing what info I was providing to what he was seeing on the screen and his understanding/ experience of crohn's via his friend which was pretty cool.
Still sick, couldn't enjoy the gorgeous day we had today except to sit on the deck in a new deck chair and get sun burned lol...

Temperature is going back up......100.5.....sigh
couldn't enjoy the gorgeous day we had today except to sit on the deck in a new deck chair and get sun burned lol...

Sometimes that is the best way to enjoy a gorgeous day - feeling well or not! Minus the sunburn... Gotta wear that sunscreen and protect that skin - even more so when unwell! Big floppy hats I tell you - big floppy hats are where it's at.

Hope that fever breaks for you soon and you'll be able to enjoy the many more gorgeous days to come in a more active way.
Today I'm throwing myself a small pity party because I can't just suck it up and force myself to (insert normal everyday activity here). I'm used to being able to mind-over-matter things and force myself to work through the fatigue/soreness/what have you. That doesn't work with $@&! UC. I know it shouldn't make me feel like a failure, but it does.

(They have these commercials on TV here for ice cream cakes, with people celebrating random non-events just so they can have a cake...singing "Happy algebra homework to you..." Etc. now I'm picturing someone bringing me an ice cream cake while singing "happy pity party to you..." LOL thank God I still have a sense of humor)
I know, it disturbed me too when I first heard about it! And I think I'm actually one of those people (it's more funny than disturbing to me now). When I had my pill cam, I didn't see it come out the other end in spite of poking at my poo for a few days afterwards. Then shortly after that I was going to have an MRI and of course you can't have any metal in the MRI machine, and I was concerned that there was a possibility that I still had the pill cam floating around inside me somewhere and I'm guessing there's metal in the capsule. So I called my GI's nurse, and she looked into it - then, without elaborating, she told me that the pill cam "definitely" made it all the way through me - there was no doubt. She didn't specify, but I'm thinking that "definitely" might mean they saw my face looking into the toilet at the end of my pill cam. Eek! :p What a ridiculous, horrifying thought, that such a picture of me exists. (Hopefully they just saw the pill cam exit my body without seeing my face looking for it.)

Maybe it's different in the UK - I think it's a legal thing here in the US because I've never had a tech tell me my results (and I have asked multiple times). I'm actually waiting on results myself right now - I had a liver ultrasound on Monday to check on some benign tumor things I have on my liver, and the ultrasound tech also wouldn't tell me anything. She only would say that the results take about a week (and I was thinking, no they don't, you know them already!).

I was going to say I'm glad I turned down my doctors' suggestion that I have a pill cam, though thinking about it I would probably have avoided face images, since with a stoma it's much easier to see what's come out. Though they would have got images from when the camera would have been inside my stoma bag. :confused: I don't think we should spend too long thinking about these things, it's just too weird! Pill cam selfies?

Good luck with your ultrasound results.
Pill cam selfies, yikes! Well, at least those are selfies in which it's pretty much guaranteed that nobody will be doing duck-lips at the camera. :p Ha ha. I know my pill cam got images of my face just before I swallowed the capsule - I remember that the nurse turned it on and turned on a monitor to make sure that it was working, and I could see myself on the monitor, being recorded by the pill cam. Eek, so the pictures of me swallowing the pill cam might be a bit scary too! :p First-person perspective of what it's like to be eaten, hah.
I want a pillcam selfie!!!! Surely that has to be the best reason to ask a doctor for a pillcam?

I am now looking for a private gastroenterologist in the UK or Germany to take on my case after my doctor here in th NL shrugged his shoulders and said he can't run any tests because it is against protocol and he would get a black mark against his name. Even though he can see why they would be useful.

So I am feeling a bit miserable and I also think I am premenopausal because my hormones seem to be all over the place, I don't trust the way I feel or think at the moment.

On the up side, my guts seem to have been OK since Thursday. Woohoo. I hope they stay like that because this week I will be flying to Ireland for a workshop. I gave up work 3 years ago because I was too ill (even to do home office lying in bed) and now maybe maybe the possibility of going back to work is in sight. I just have to figure out how to crack the fatigue.

Good night everyone, or have a good day if yours has just started.
I'm not quite sure what help you will get here in the UK, King Of Orange. I love our health care system because it's free (but that won't apply if you're going private? Are you planning to go through any tests you have done here too or just a consultation?) but it's not exactly great in many other ways. Pm me if you know what part of the UK you may go to and would like gastroenterologist recommendations.... actually I can give you the names of many gastros. to avoid. :p
Today I have been awake since 5am because my stoma bag was leaking. I somehow managed to wake up before the leak got to the edge of the bag so no mess but after getting up to change it I have not been able to get back to sleep again, and it's almost 7am now so I might just give up and get up. I might use the time to have an extra breakfast since I'm supposed to be gaining weight. My dog's just woken up so she probably won't allow me to stay in bed much longer anyway, she wants her breakfast.
Felt better over the weekend, actually ate dinner yesterday and now paying for it. Back to the really watery d, feel sweaty, like a cold sweat as I don't have a temperature.....thankfully no cramps but there is definitely something not right. Staying home again today as I don't want any accidents at work, hoping the doctors office calls me today with test results.
Today, my butt hurts and my fistula is leaking some sort of pus/stool/blood mixture. Couldn't tell anyone else, so I'm putting it here. :)
My stomach is really upset today. :( Still appreciate how much easier it is to manage with a stoma. I get to choose when I'll get up and go to the bathroom. :)
Finally getting infections/ overgrowth stuff under control and have been ravenous the last few days. Like - eating two breakfast and two dinners and still waking up in the middle of the night with a demanding stomach. Bit of a trade off since now that I'm managing to keep down solid food again my abdomen is noticeably more sore and achy and the night sweats are ridiculous but frankly I'm just relieved to be managing food so I don't end up with a hospitalization like my dr. has been threatening.
Hi everyone... been a long time since I posted anything, but I've been feeling pretty good for a while. Couple mishaps since having my gallbladder out at the end of last year, but that's mostly just from having to relearn some dos and don'ts again. Still frustrated with so many things, but overall doing well.
I am having watery diarrhea, cramping, gas, smelly poop, indigestion, air, bloating. Tummy and colon are not happy. I will go back to taking my Questran twice a day instead of once a day. I will keep track of my bowel and tummy troubles for 2 weeks. If Questran does not help and I still have this kind of diarrhea, I will return to my Gastroenterologist. Normally, in the past, taking the 2 Questran a day has really helped me.

I just finished 2 weeks of Vancomycin on April 29th. My doctor seemed satisfied with my Vancomycin treatment ( based on what we talked about during my office visit). I was NOT re-tested for the C-diff after my 2 weeks on the Vancomycin.

I am not happy at all with my current symptoms. The other day I had an extremely uncomfortable acid reflux attack. Acid all the way up my throat, but not inside my mouth. My throat was sore afterwards. I have not had an attack like that in YEARS. My UC symptoms are worse right now....and my stomach too.

I stayed home for a month in April because of the C-diff ( I am disabled, so I don't work). I wanted to go back to what I was doing before my C-diff diagnosis and treatment, but I can't. I feel too crummy. I am really pissed off.

I can't stay alone in my apartment all of the time. Isolation is bad for me because of my Major Depressive Disorder. One of my nice neighbors knocked on my front door today to say "Hi" and we talked outside for 45 minutes. I was just dying to talk to someone ! When I stay in my apartment too much then my bad neighbors activities and behaviors really get on my nerves ( I live in a huge apartment complex in a bad neighborhood).

Thanks for listening.. : - 0
Remicade day which makes me happy. Methotrexate tomorrow and hopefully another 5mg Pred taper. Here's hoping Remi and Methotrexate will be the thing for me. On the down side it is crazy snowing and I am freezing.
Today I've just felt wiped. Decided to spoil myself and had an appointment to get some color added into my hair. Being in and out of bathroom all morning left me pretty unenthusiastic and wanting a nap by noon instead of going into town. Fell asleep on the car ride into town since my mom drives me, so got my nap and went through with the appointment... win win! not really a bad day, just so so tired and can't wait for things to settle down some both in my gut and life... feel like I think that a lot! But there will be calmer days, always is, I just don't feel like being patient. So hard to be patient when my butt hurts, I'm tired but have deadlined responsibilities to meet and I've ran out of my beloved aloe wipes.
Remicade day which makes me happy. Methotrexate tomorrow and hopefully another 5mg Pred taper. Here's hoping Remi and Methotrexate will be the thing for me. On the down side it is crazy snowing and I am freezing.

I am only taking Lialda pills each day and Questran each day for my UC symptoms. Does taking all those medications , at the same time , make you feel weird or sick ? I was just wondering. My sister was offered infusion drugs for her RA, but she was not ready to go that route yet. My Rheumatologist even mentioned Remicade briefly to me a few years back. I don't even know if my Health Insurance Company would cover infusions ? Anyhow, I was just wondering if all those medications are strong medications and what the side effects are ? I think my sister takes methotrexate ? :panda-wave-t:

Oh, I just realized that there is probably another thread about medications ? I will look at the list. : - )
Me again. I did not know which group to go to for my question.
Does anyone take metamucil ? I am supposed to be on a high fiber diet.
I bought a huge container of metamucil last year ( i have no idea at the time why i bought the biggest container they sell ! ).
Do people take metamucil if they are having diarrhea or if they are constipated ? My issue is diarrhea.
My understanding is that fiber gets things moving which is why a blah low fiber diet is the suggested diet during flares consisting of high number of bms or poor formation to slow things down and up the odds of improved nutrient/ calorie absorption. In addition there are 2 types of fiber (I can never keep which is what) but high fiber especially in 1 of the types can be irritating if there's a lot of inflammation, narrowing of the digestive track (may increase odds of blockage), or ulceration. Do you work with a nutritionist?
Hey, I did see a Nutritionist once last year ( I had to pay cash and it was expensive ). We talked for an hour and she wrote up some recommendations for me. I will have to find that paper that she gave me. Recently I went to visit my previous Gastroenterologist and he wrote up a paper for me regarding our office visit and his recommendation was for me to be on a high fiber diet. ( And lose weight and exercise .....yikes ). Do you know the formula for how much water you are supposed to drink each day ? Take your weight and divide that number in half. This is the number of ounces of water that you should drink each day. I weigh a hefty 190 pounds right now. That means I should be drinking 95ounces of water a day, according to the Nutritionist. Thanks for your input !
No problem :) I must admit I've given up thinking there's an "ideal" formula when it comes to diet and hydration lol although it can often serve as a good General guideline or checkpoint of sorts to work off of and try to find what works best as an individual. A bit random and maybe better suited on another thread but exercising with crohns/ illness is extra tricky. Read a study 're muscle fatigue measured during/ after exercise in flaring, remission, and non-crohns individuals. Those with crohns regardless of disease status' muscles fatigued at an earlier point so it's easier to overdo it and see negative instead of positive impact from exercise. It's a fine line that must be walked in so many ways!
I am only taking Lialda pills each day and Questran each day for my UC symptoms. Does taking all those medications , at the same time , make you feel weird or sick ? I was just wondering. My sister was offered infusion drugs for her RA, but she was not ready to go that route yet. My Rheumatologist even mentioned Remicade briefly to me a few years back. I don't even know if my Health Insurance Company would cover infusions ? Anyhow, I was just wondering if all those medications are strong medications and what the side effects are ? I think my sister takes methotrexate ? :panda-wave-t:

Oh, I just realized that there is probably another thread about medications ? I will look at the list. : - )

Nope. Lialda (Mezavant in Canada) doesn't control my symptoms so I just kept adding meds. They are stronger drugs for sure. My side effects from Remicade are minimal, fatigue mostly. Methotrexate its early to tell yet but so far it makes me dizzy the day after. Insurance companies usually make you go through 'step up therapy' where you have to fail so many drugs after trying them for X amount of time before they will cover expensive biologics. Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions. :ysmile:
Frozen: Yeah, my sister had to go through that "step up therapy" for her RA medication (s). She doesn't talk much about all her health issues......and I talk TOO much ! : - )
Me again. I did not know which group to go to for my question.
Does anyone take metamucil ? I am supposed to be on a high fiber diet.
I bought a huge container of metamucil last year ( i have no idea at the time why i bought the biggest container they sell ! ).
Do people take metamucil if they are having diarrhea or if they are constipated ? My issue is diarrhea.

You might want to repost this in the Diet forum. Metamucil would be taken primarily for constipation, as it's a bulk-forming laxative:

I think this kind of laxative can also be taken for diarrhoea in certain cases.

My understanding is that fiber gets things moving which is why a blah low fiber diet is the suggested diet during flares consisting of high number of bms or poor formation to slow things down and up the odds of improved nutrient/ calorie absorption. In addition there are 2 types of fiber (I can never keep which is what) but high fiber especially in 1 of the types can be irritating if there's a lot of inflammation, narrowing of the digestive track (may increase odds of blockage), or ulceration.

The two types of fibre are soluble and insoluble. Insoluble tends to be the most problematic.
I feel... amazing. After losing 1/4 of the year of potential training, I still completed the Spartan Sprint, approximately the same time as last year and failing fewer obstacles.
Metamucil is primarily psyllium husks. I take 100% psyllium husks (Metamucil contains additives which can cause cramping, so look for 100% psyllium without additives). I take one teaspoon a day and that's been very good for me. And I don't tend to have constipation, but psyllium helps firm up my stools and make me more "regular". I had started taking it a few years ago as I was in remission but still going 4-10 times per day. Psyllium got me down to 2-4 times a day instead.

If you try it, start slowly with a small amount per day. My psyllium package says to take 2 tablespoons a day - that amount would put me in pain! Start with maybe half a teaspoon or one teaspoon and see how you do. Mix it in a big glass of water, and let it sit for a bit to soak up the water before you drink it. You may have some mild cramping the first week or two, but after that things should calm down. Good luck, I hope it helps!
Can today be over already? Feeling so very... crohnsie - and tired of looking at the bathroom walls. Frequency has doubled in the past week waking me up throughout the night with an unnerving increase in mucus. Night sweats are driving me crazy and skin is so sensitive seems like I should have a fever - grateful there isn't one. Doesn't seem to matter what I eat; even the most gentle foods/ liquids haven't been able to slow things down.
Not looking forward to the joys of a 1000 mile car trip this upcoming week to wrap up medical care and finish moving belongings and establishing care in a new state. I'm hoping my GI dr. doesn't want to admit me for observation and tests for a couple days before we continue on our way. She's been threatening for a while, but I have a feeling she's going to be displeased letting me go in such a poor physical state and without any answers.
A bit... ok a lot anxious about switching care over to a new medical team and not having my mom close by anymore but... this hasn't been improving, just gradually backsliding, for 2 years so might as well do it now.
Woke up at six am. Got up at seven am. Feeling awful. Fell asleep on the sofa a bit before ten am. Just woke up. Feeling better. I always feel a lot better after I have a nap!
I'm feeling awful because the doctor messed up with my prescription of stoma supplies, and I took it out on the receptionist. I was worried I'd run out of bags before new ones arrived (which would be a massive problem) I rang the GP surgery to ask about it and I waited twenty minutes on hold. I got through, explained the problem, and receptionist said she'd have to put me through to someone else. And I said, "how long will they keep me on hold for? Because I just spent twenty minutes waiting to speak to you." I didn't yell or anything, but my tone was annoyed and not polite. I feel guilty now. I always make sure that I don't "shoot the messenger" - e.g. if a doctor does something wrong, I'm still polite when speaking to his secretary. Or in this case, I should not have been cross with the receptionist, because she didn't cause them to forget my prescription, and it's not her fault they're so under-staffed that it takes twenty minutes to get through.

The GP practice is small so all the staff know me. I often meet this receptionist other places - she lives very close to me. Do you think I should go and appologise to her? Or wait until I happen to run into her?
Bloated this evening.

Also, not looking forward to my Endocrinologist appointment in June. I have hypothyroidism and nodules on my thyroid that are growing. This doctor also takes care of my bones, I have osteoporosis in my lumbar spine. I have not lost the weight she wanted me to lose, instead I have gained weight. And I have not been taking my Fosamax for my bones, so I guess I will have to be honest with her and tell her about that. Ahhhhhhh ! I have been seeing this doctor for several years.

I also have an appointment with my Urologist in June. I have a renal cyst on my right kidney. He is monitoring the cyst with Ultrasounds, CT Scan and MRI. I had a cyst taken off of my left kidney in 2007 and it was major surgery. I told this new doctor I DO NOT want surgery unless it is absolutely neccessary. I have been seeing this doctor since 2014.

Too much doctor stuff to worry about.

I was diagnosed with C-diff in April. My new Gastroenterologist says he is satisfied with my recent 14 day Vancomycin antibiotic treatment and said that I do not have to be re-tested.....Say What? I just started seeing this doctor in 2015.

At least my new Gynecologist had good news this year. My pap smear was okay and my mammogram was normal. I have been seeing this doctor since 2015.

Thanks for listening
Gotta go take my Questran now.
So nervous/ anxious for tomorrow's doc appointment. Gut has been so unpredictable and just... off even my normal abnormal. Heard from my gi doc. today that she's concerned about me traveling/ finishing the move 1000 miles in my current condition but it's ultimately up to me. I have a doc. Appointment with a gp. Who has connections to my top pick GI office in the area the first afternoon we get in so things are as lined up as they can be until I get the local referrals Medicaid requires. Gonna move forward with it regardless... we've been waffling too long and I can't validate keeping everything on hold now that the necessities for advocating and seeking the care I require has fallen into place/ motion. Nothing new and I'm kinda dumping it here since everyone around me seems to be just as if not more terrified by the situation; uneasy yet they also see the logical side that makes the call so difficult. People including my older brother and this is a guy who doesn't communicate/ express feelings or concern directly except on very very rare or extreme occasion. Glad I've got this community and hopefully once things settle and I'm no longer in a spot of Limbo will have some exciting or at least new subject matter to hit on! I am looking forward to new opinions and continuing to work toward improved disease management just gotta remember new docs might require a bit more open/ blunt communication since my current doc. , team and I have been together long enough where our thoughts tend to function on the same wavelength.
Got an adjusted game plan today that has settled the nerves some and will involve one more stint with current doc. Offering more of an overlap/ transfer of care to the new than dropping and picking up with the chance of a new doc. Taking things in another direction completely or being stubborn with a hero "fix" it complex. I feel so good about this, anxious sure but not nervous anymore. More confident as this feels like engagement not passive wait to see what happens. Then again I always feel a bit confident... cocky even with adjustments. Testing for c-diff due to everything being so wacky; not good but at least that is a bit more treatable then if it's just raging crohns taking a turn and becoming extra angry. But proud I could take the sample essentially on command after eating certain foods and taking encouraging maneuvers to move it along a bit quicker lol sometimes there are benefits no matter how grotesque the reality may be at its core.
Super stressed and anxious this past month. Going to see my Psychiatrist tomorrow. I am going to focus on GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I have every one of the symptoms of this disorder. I have had a lot of changes happening in my life during the past month. The worst symptom is that I cannot sleep. I went to bed at 4am this morning and then got up at 9am. Yes, I went to bed at 4am. Yikes.

My bowels are good today so far and it is around 8pm. Only two bowel movements today and they were more formed than normal. I started taking Metamucil once a day about three days ago. I think the Metamucil is working for me. I still am taking my two Questran packets a day to help control my diarrhea.
Roughly 12 weeks after my colostomy, and I'm back at the gym. Felt great to deadlift, even if the weight was light.

I love having a sore body from exercise, instead of dealing with pain & fatigue.
C diff came back positive. Here's to getting that treated and hopefully be feeling loads better soon. Usually do when no longer dealing with infection on top of active disease.

Glad to hear you're back to lifting sully! I'm looking forward to getting back to a place where working out consists of more then leisurely walks as tolerated.
Good luck, duh panda! I just moved with Medicaid too, it can be such a pain! Hope it all goes smoothly for you.

I'm (finally) seeing a new GI in my new town tomorrow. I'm hopeful they can do something with my meds to fix me!
Bad news: my X ray showed my spine is fractured.
Good news: my doctor is giving me as many painkillers as I want.
I haven't been able to go to the bathroom since a rectal exam yesterday. Would the exam have any effect on that. I do have pressure but can't do anything.

Have you tried any sleep meds, Ann?

I was on Lunesta for about five years ? That was a while ago. Lunesta is one crazy dangerous drug. I would never take it again.

I was taking my C-diff medication, Vancomycin, for two weeks ( during April 2015) and I took a dose at midnight and then went to bed at midnight every night for two weeks. This really, really screwed up my sleep schedule that I had BEFORE taking the Vancomycin four times a day! I had to take a dose at 6am and 12 noon and 6pm too. So, now my body thinks I should go to bed at midnight now !

Also, I have been using my computer / cell phone during the night hours before I go to bed. This is a big mistake. Electronic devices should not be used before a person goes to bed. I have been trying to really limit my nightly and daily use of my computer / cell phone.

I need to control my anxiety better during the day, then at night I won't be all hyped up ! I need to start using my CBT coping skills more often .... things like doing art work, listening to relaxing music, being out in nature, thinking positive thoughts, making a daily gratitude list, living in the moment, talking to my neighbors, getting out of my apartment more often. I had to stay home while I had the C-diff and so I was home the entire month of April ! So now I have to get back to my regular DAILY schedule too.

Thanks for listening.:rosette1:
I have had three bowel movements today and all were diarrhea. I did not eat any foods yesterday that would do this to my bowels. I ate really boring food and I was at home all day long. And as far as I remember I took both my Questran and my Metamucil. So I was stumped this afternoon about the watery diarrhea. Of course, I was starting to panic because I had the c-diff in April 2015. The good news is that I have not had a bowel movement since 1:30pm and it is now 8:19pm. My life is so strange. I know when I have bowel movements and how many and then what the bowel movements are like. And then I have a crazy medication schedule for all of my medications that I have to follow every day. Pills, Questran, Metamucil, Pills, Questran, Pills. I have even started to set the alarm on my cell phone for all of the times I have to take medications during the day so I don't forget. CRAZY !:sign0085:
I haven't been able to go to the bathroom since a rectal exam yesterday. Would the exam have any effect on that. I do have pressure but can't do anything.


One day isn't long so I wouldn't worry yet. How often do you go normally? Did you have to take any laxative or do any other prep to empty your bowel prior to the exam?
Sorry to hear about the spine fracture, UnXmas! :(

Thanks, but - and this shows how screwed up I am - I really was pleased to have the increase in painkillers.

I've had the back pain getting worse for well over a year so confirming it was from a fracture was neither here nor there to me in that respect. It has spurred my GP into taking all sorts of new measures to fight my osteoporosis. Though one of these I was thinking of starting a thread about. I've got a prescription for Alendronic acid. My GP said it's terrible for reflux, gastritis, and stomach or throat inflammation (of which I have lots). She said I didn't have to try it as I can see my rheumatologist for twice yearly injections instead. I can't see the downside of that, but I get the feeling my GP is under a lot of pressure to avoid referring me for the injections - I can only imagine it's a cost thing and the NHS doesn't want to fork out for it. So I'm trying the acid, with the understanding that if it destroys my stomach I'll give up and get the injections. So I'll start a new thread about this to see if Crohn's + acid = bad for anyone who's already tried it.
Thanks, but - and this shows how screwed up I am - I really was pleased to have the increase in painkillers.

I've had the back pain getting worse for well over a year so confirming it was from a fracture was neither here nor there to me in that respect. It has spurred my GP into taking all sorts of new measures to fight my osteoporosis. Though one of these I was thinking of starting a thread about. I've got a prescription for Alendronic acid. My GP said it's terrible for reflux, gastritis, and stomach or throat inflammation (of which I have lots). She said I didn't have to try it as I can see my rheumatologist for twice yearly injections instead. I can't see the downside of that, but I get the feeling my GP is under a lot of pressure to avoid referring me for the injections - I can only imagine it's a cost thing and the NHS doesn't want to fork out for it. So I'm trying the acid, with the understanding that if it destroys my stomach I'll give up and get the injections. So I'll start a new thread about this to see if Crohn's + acid = bad for anyone who's already tried it.

Do you have any gastric or esophageal ulcerations from your Crohn's? If not, you should be ok with the Fosamax, but keep an eye out for gastric reflux. It wont affect the small or large bowel, if that's what you're concerned about.

Fosamax doesn't interact with any of the proton pump inhibitors or H2 blockers, you just shouldn't take it with anything like Tums or one of those base formulated'll slow the proper absorption of the fosamax
Ann Morgan, did you notice headaches while on Vanco?

For me its been starting as tension back of the skull then creeps behind the eyes within 1 to 2 hours after taking each and sticks around unless I hit it with Tylenol early. Not too concerned, I just hope it doesn't persist for the entire antibiotic course! On the upside seeing improvement on the bowel front feeling wise and got approved to go back to Remicade as long as antibody blood work looks good! Looking forward to Remicade... always pushed me into a better place but was too inconvenient... hoping this time is just as good and it provides relief for joints too!
Ann Morgan, did you notice headaches while on Vanco?

For me its been starting as tension back of the skull then creeps behind the eyes within 1 to 2 hours after taking each and sticks around unless I hit it with Tylenol early. Not too concerned, I just hope it doesn't persist for the entire antibiotic course! On the upside seeing improvement on the bowel front feeling wise and got approved to go back to Remicade as long as antibody blood work looks good! Looking forward to Remicade... always pushed me into a better place but was too inconvenient... hoping this time is just as good and it provides relief for joints too!

Sorry to inject, but when I had vanco, it caused me really intense headaches...almost exactly how you were describing. I hope you can get through it, take care.
Do you have any gastric or esophageal ulcerations from your Crohn's? If not, you should be ok with the Fosamax, but keep an eye out for gastric reflux. It wont affect the small or large bowel, if that's what you're concerned about.

Fosamax doesn't interact with any of the proton pump inhibitors or H2 blockers, you just shouldn't take it with anything like Tums or one of those base formulated'll slow the proper absorption of the fosamax

I do already have inflammation in my stomach and oesophagus, but from acid reflux and bile reflux.
Ug pain is too high today, been dry heaving like crazy and just want it to pass already. Cant even keep crackers down. Think it's about time for a nap the moment soup is done and I can turn off the burner.
:yfrown:Feeling totally overwhelmed today and beating myself up over every tiny thing.

There are so many things I want to do, and from afar I am excited but when I try to begin doing the task, I feel tired and unmotivated.
But if I stop, then I'm afraid I won't get going again.

Even making new friends seems like a major effort and I definitely need a focus that is not my relationship, cause right now that is not doing it for me.

More surgery next week and 4 weeks of recovery and irritability for me. And add the GI problems to that

Wish I could just go back to bed
Do you have any gastric or esophageal ulcerations from your Crohn's? If not, you should be ok with the Fosamax, but keep an eye out for gastric reflux. It wont affect the small or large bowel, if that's what you're concerned about.

Fosamax doesn't interact with any of the proton pump inhibitors or H2 blockers, you just shouldn't take it with anything like Tums or one of those base formulated'll slow the proper absorption of the fosamax

Also, my medication isn't Fosamax - I think that must be a brand name. Mine is just Alendronic acid.
Ann Morgan, did you notice headaches while on Vanco?

For me its been starting as tension back of the skull then creeps behind the eyes within 1 to 2 hours after taking each and sticks around unless I hit it with Tylenol early. Not too concerned, I just hope it doesn't persist for the entire antibiotic course! On the upside seeing improvement on the bowel front feeling wise and got approved to go back to Remicade as long as antibody blood work looks good! Looking forward to Remicade... always pushed me into a better place but was too inconvenient... hoping this time is just as good and it provides relief for joints too!
I did not notice any side effects while on the Vancomycin.
Ug pain is too high today, been dry heaving like crazy and just want it to pass already. Cant even keep crackers down. Think it's about time for a nap the moment soup is done and I can turn off the burner.
I HATE DRY HEAVES ! I know what you are going through. If I don't take my Questran I get really sick, and dry heaves is one thing that happens to me. Also a few years ago when I was prepping for a colonoscopy I got really sick too. The prep now-a-days is much easier for me to tolerate.
:yfrown:Feeling totally overwhelmed today and beating myself up over every tiny thing.

There are so many things I want to do, and from afar I am excited but when I try to begin doing the task, I feel tired and unmotivated.
But if I stop, then I'm afraid I won't get going again.

Even making new friends seems like a major effort and I definitely need a focus that is not my relationship, cause right now that is not doing it for me.

More surgery next week and 4 weeks of recovery and irritability for me. And add the GI problems to that

Wish I could just go back to bed
Sending hugs your way. :)
Why do I sometimes sabotage my own health by eating foods that I know I shouldn't eat ? I want to eat food with FLAVOR and of course, I cannot. One day I ate chicken parmesigion and it was so delicious. I had to suffer later, especially the terrible acid reflux ( I already take Pantoprazole but with spaghetti sauce I have to also take Extra Strength Gaviscon. ) The other day I was at a cute little bakery restaurant. I ate a tasty grilled cheese sandwich and some potato salad ( fancy grilled cheese with mozzarella cheese, tomato and basil. The fancy potato salad had dijon mustard in it with the big mustard seeds AND red onion ). It was so tasty. Yup, I had to suffer after that meal too. I took Gaviscon right away and had diarrhea later on. So I guess pizza is totally out of the question too ? Oh, yeah, I just ate Taco Bell so I suppose tomorrow won't be a happy colon day either. :-( :-(
Why do I sometimes sabotage my own health by eating foods that I know I shouldn't eat ? I want to eat food with FLAVOR and of course, I cannot. One day I ate chicken parmesigion and it was so delicious. I had to suffer later, especially the terrible acid reflux ( I already take Pantoprazole but with spaghetti sauce I have to also take Extra Strength Gaviscon. ) The other day I was at a cute little bakery restaurant. I ate a tasty grilled cheese sandwich and some potato salad ( fancy grilled cheese with mozzarella cheese, tomato and basil. The fancy potato salad had dijon mustard in it with the big mustard seeds AND red onion ). It was so tasty. Yup, I had to suffer after that meal too. I took Gaviscon right away and had diarrhea later on. So I guess pizza is totally out of the question too ? Oh, yeah, I just ate Taco Bell so I suppose tomorrow won't be a happy colon day either. :-( :-(

Over the years I've gotten to the point where I don't have trouble staying away from "bad" foods when in the midst of flaring/ active disease... just isn't worth it... unless it's a salad. Salad is the ONE thing I give into regularly and just say screw it! I'll take the consequences! Because the craving for fresh, flavorful and CRUNCHY food that is not sweet or salty is just too much to ignore at times.

It also helps that I determine food choices for the household so if dairy is being extra bothersome it just stays off the grocery list and out of the kitchen until I get back to a point of trying to reintroduce foods. No one else seems to miss it.. but I suspect it's because they go out and have that Big Mac now and then while I do what needs to be done. I've found eating before going out for whatever reason (errands, lunch with others, etc.) keeps me from going for foods I will later suffer for.
@Ann Morgan - I think its just going grocery shopping when you are hungry (now the proud owner of Aisle 14!) or my mother eating garlic ("girls, i will be so sick" as she stuffs herself full of garlic bread in front of my sister and I who have to listen to her whining about feeling ill a few hours later - note she does not have any GI problems, she just doesn't tolerate lots of garlic well...and yet....)
Why do I sometimes sabotage my own health by eating foods that I know I shouldn't eat ? I want to eat food with FLAVOR and of course, I cannot. One day I ate chicken parmesigion and it was so delicious. I had to suffer later, especially the terrible acid reflux ( I already take Pantoprazole but with spaghetti sauce I have to also take Extra Strength Gaviscon. ) The other day I was at a cute little bakery restaurant. I ate a tasty grilled cheese sandwich and some potato salad ( fancy grilled cheese with mozzarella cheese, tomato and basil. The fancy potato salad had dijon mustard in it with the big mustard seeds AND red onion ). It was so tasty. Yup, I had to suffer after that meal too. I took Gaviscon right away and had diarrhea later on. So I guess pizza is totally out of the question too ? Oh, yeah, I just ate Taco Bell so I suppose tomorrow won't be a happy colon day either. :-( :-(

What kinds of foods do you mean by foods with flavour? Pizza should be fine if you're careful with the topping. It may have just been the mustard seeds and onion that made you ill. I think you've said before that fruit and vegetables give you problems, but tomato puree and tinned (skinless) tomatoes on a pizza aren't difficult to digest like fruits and veg with fibre are. Does dairy give you problems generally? If not, the cheese probably wasn't what made you feel bad so that should be ok on a pizza too. And the bread-like pizza base shouldn't be much of a problem. So then it's just picking some easy-to-digest toppings (or just have a plain cheese and tomato pizza!). Ham? Tuna? Or many types of meat or fish may be ok, just avoid anything with a lot of spice. Or try other types of cheese (or a lactose free alternative if dairy is an issue). Or make up your own pizza recipe with any of your "safe" foods. I've even seen recipes for peanut butter pizzas!

Do you know what your main "triggers" are for your various symptoms? E.g. is it spice that causes diarrhoea, or dairy, or fibre or very rich or greasy foods? And do you find the foods that worsen your reflux/heartburn are those that are typically known to worsen them - citrus fruit, pepper, chilies, caffeine, fizzy drinks?

If you like, tell me your trigger foods and I'll have a go at giving you some food suggestions. I've learned a lot about avoiding foods because of digestive problems but I've also learned a bit about what you can use as substitutes
Got my pre-op appointment for my next surgery.

Me too! Actually had it today for my op on Thurs - not directly GI related though.
Appointment with my GI later today to see the latest results

I had a "mansplaining" incident with the doctor which was grossly apparent when I had to see a female doctor 20 mins later to discover the former male doctor had not written down anything I requested.

Feeling a bit iffy today as I made mexican tacos yesterday and it looks like the amount of low fat cheese was not a super bright idea.
Oh well
Feeling better physically with the c-diff under control but sometimes the whole Crohn's cycle/ chronic thing really gets me. Doesn't seem to matter how long its been, just hits me hard on some days that even at my best it's a degree of what other's my age can manage or achieve every day. It seriously irritates me that I don't get that bounce back feeling where there's a huge difference between periods of normal illness (colds, infections etc. those treatable, manageable, get over kind of things) and the rest of the time: it's all just varying degrees of feeling like crap that requires far more compromising on a day to day basis then I like.
Post surgery feeling quite ok. For some reason, my stomach seems to have held up this time and is only mumbling every once and a while. Less pain this time so I didn't have to O/D on paracetamol.

I suspect it was the albumin infusion I forced them to give me post surgery.:dusty:

Luckily I had a friend come to collect me and she got to witness my patient requests being totally ignored and overruled for no good reason (post infusion removal of IV/clarification of their postop protocol and what was actually done to me).
She was a bit shocked as she hadn't expected it, and assumed they would understand I was quite different to the average patient.

It was nice to know I'm not losing the plot when I get so frustrated with the medical profession. They do ignore me, and they only follow protocol as opposed to considering the particular patient
Feeling better physically with the c-diff under control but sometimes the whole Crohn's cycle/ chronic thing really gets me. Doesn't seem to matter how long its been, just hits me hard on some days that even at my best it's a degree of what other's my age can manage or achieve every day. It seriously irritates me that I don't get that bounce back feeling where there's a huge difference between periods of normal illness (colds, infections etc. those treatable, manageable, get over kind of things) and the rest of the time: it's all just varying degrees of feeling like crap that requires far more compromising on a day to day basis then I like.
Me too. Sending hugs your way. You are not alone. :)
What kinds of foods do you mean by foods with flavour? Pizza should be fine if you're careful with the topping. It may have just been the mustard seeds and onion that made you ill. I think you've said before that fruit and vegetables give you problems, but tomato puree and tinned (skinless) tomatoes on a pizza aren't difficult to digest like fruits and veg with fibre are. Does dairy give you problems generally? If not, the cheese probably wasn't what made you feel bad so that should be ok on a pizza too. And the bread-like pizza base shouldn't be much of a problem. So then it's just picking some easy-to-digest toppings (or just have a plain cheese and tomato pizza!). Ham? Tuna? Or many types of meat or fish may be ok, just avoid anything with a lot of spice. Or try other types of cheese (or a lactose free alternative if dairy is an issue). Or make up your own pizza recipe with any of your "safe" foods. I've even seen recipes for peanut butter pizzas!

Do you know what your main "triggers" are for your various symptoms? E.g. is it spice that causes diarrhoea, or dairy, or fibre or very rich or greasy foods? And do you find the foods that worsen your reflux/heartburn are those that are typically known to worsen them - citrus fruit, pepper, chilies, caffeine, fizzy drinks?

If you like, tell me your trigger foods and I'll have a go at giving you some food suggestions. I've learned a lot about avoiding foods because of digestive problems but I've also learned a bit about what you can use as substitutes

My triggers: grease, fat, vegetables, fruit, fast food, fatty pork products, seafood, most meats....cafeteria food, buffet food, catering food, etc. I can eat: dairy, pasta, cereal, candy, bananas, potatoes, lean beef, pork loin, lean chicken, breads. I don't care to cook at all. I have a hot-plate, toaster oven, and a microwave. I am lazy. I don't care to buy, touch or cook meat. I used to make a daily healthy smoothie, but I am taking a smoothie break right now. I need to put a lot more effort into creating a healthy diet. I just have to care about myself more. I know I can do it ?
Here's the first things that came to mind reading your lists:

Breakfast cereals
Cereal bars or breakfast biscuits?
Sandwiches or crackers or toast with low fat cheese spread instead of butter.
Low fat dairy like cottage cheese, yoghurts, rice pudding
Tinned fruits or baby food pots of pureed fruit
Tinned soups
Eggs and toast (eggs cooked however you like, boiled, scrambled, etc. with ketchup or whatever you can tolerate)
Ready-made potato salad and pasta salads
I know you said you can't tolerate vegetables, but have you tried very well cooked root vegetables - carrots, butternut squash, turnips, parsnips, swede?
For proper meal ideas: ready-made quiches, ready-made fish-cakes, baked potato (without skin if that's a problem), pasta with ready-made sauce (whichever sauces you can tolerate), instant rice, omelettes, chicken or fish in breadcrumbs.

Hopefully there's something in there you like!