Wife of Chronie (with my own health challenges)
Hope you had the best birthday in the World Doug and many more.
Hope you are feeling better Trysha. You have been in my prayers.
But I'm winning now. :biggrin:
Hope you had the best birthday in the World Doug and many more.
See - I was kind to Teresa - letting her have a long win - as for you ................................ ................
I'm here to take over.I've got beef in the crock pot but am doing roast pots,mash with spring onions,carrots.cabbage and Yorkshire pudding and gravy.Strawberries and cream for afters.Had had a nice day at the harbour with old friends,they all had fish & chips except me,I can't handle grease.Looking forward to my late lunch.Famished.
What is yorkshire pudding? Always wondered? Thanks for letting me have my win by the way!:hug:
I am doing good. Just busy again. Not really sure with what really . Time just flies. I cant believe its almost August.
How are you T?
all of you can try to figure out if this hug is for you or not, except Bear, you get one automatically
Flour,eggs and milk whisked to a batter add to,bun tins with fat.oven for 25mins,until risen round the edge and cooked in the middle.Cook sausage in the batter and you've got toad in the hole.We prefer ours with a roast,but you can add jam (jelly)? or syrup and cream,and eat as a dessert.
Wow! That wouldn't agree with me, but hubs would love it. The more fat and sausage and I bet cheese would be a great topper, even better! Thanks!
winning :dance::dance::dance:
That sound ominous Kirsty.It being summertime here,I'm usually awake about that time,always have a cuppa in bed though.It's a struggle to rise before 8am during winter.It's nice to snuggle down and watch the daylight coming.
Just came back to claim my win. I have to clean the first floor today!:tongue:
Tmro is Dana's cleaning day.
Today, as everyday, is my winning day.
I don't have the fancy emoticons, but mine is bigger than yours!!!:hug:
I don't have the fancy emoticons, but mine is bigger than yours!!!:hug:
PS, Did you answer my email yet? I asked alot of questions?
OK, sorry, I was answering an email from Darlene.
I just answered yours :lol:
Thanks, will go check it out and let you win ,FOR NOW!:ylol2:
yea, nya nya nya nya.
Go read my email gloater!:rof:
Hi Girls!!! Have a wonderful day I have been so tired lately Im getting worried . Sore all over also!! Just wondering if anyone had any ideas. Im not in a flare but do have inflammation and I do have depression too so Im not sure how to fix it all. Just needed to vent :ybatty:
I win !!!
thanks for saving me a win.....
Hi Sandy--would that be a picture of the latest forum member you have posted?
Ah well! time for me to win----------
I win now people!:hug:
Hey Bee! Hows things at the Funny Farm??:voodoo: I hope, better now!!!
I win:hug:
Don't run bunny. you never talk to me any more.
You silly B!
Winning..........Can't chat Alfie's staring at me,that means he needs to go out.
No competition here.
What competition?