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174lbs. today marks two weeks on the fish diet. What a difference from the previous chicken and egg diet. Typically I do ok on a bird meat diet. I feel decently well with energy. This time was different. I was fasting and was experiencing the fasting laxative effect. It was kind of scary there a wouple times as how bad the flare up was. Now on the fish diet Im fasting frequently and have yet to experience a significant flare up. The gut is doing decently well.

All to often I dream of being able to eat chicken, eggs, turkey. After this last diet trial and experiencing the laxative effect from fasting I have no desire to eat chicken. It is clear in my mind, chicken will make me sick.

This morning I'm feeling weak. I did workout hard this week on my legs and my upper body. I'm sore but there is good news, I'm not overly fatigued. I can function.

Looking forward to another two weeks on this fish diet. Hope I find myself with greater strength. I suspect I will.
Something I've noticed and thought I should note it down, here for the past two days my hair has become nice and soft. Before it had been more on the dry side. I figure it to be a positive development, I'm absorbing nutrients better. Of course time will tell. I'm 174lbs at the moment, a little past 1:00. I figure I'll be 172lbs in the morning. I figure the weight isn't going to come off till my hormones are working better and have greater energy. It always seemed like though I never paid close attention to it, when I had decent energy levels the weight came off. With lousy energy levels the fat stayed on. i'm guessing thyroid hormones. .I feel a lot warmer when I have good energy levels.
Hard time sleeping tonight. Feeling ok though. I swam in the morning for 45 minutes and so far I'm feeling fine, a bit sore and some loss of strength but fine.

I am feeling confident that beans/legumes/soy is my problem. I have noticed that since avoiding bird meats and eggs my skin has become very nice. There is no rash. In the future I can use this when I start testing foods. In particular when I add grass fed beef and grass fed cheese to the diet. I'll likely look into ordering some wild game meats at some point. that will not happen till after the hurricane season though. Over the next few months power outages can be common and meat in the freezer can spoil.

Well, hopfully I can wrap this up in a few weeks. I'll see if I become stronger over the next two weeks. I suspect I will. I can imagine recovery will take a long while but if what happened after hurricane Ian it will be quicker than I expect.

Weight 172lbs. 2 More pounds to lose.
I should be feeling awful this morning. I slept poorly. I swam a bunch yesterday. I've workout on upper and lower body parts for the week. Yet I'm still alive as I type this. Well naturally. It is a nice change for the better with this avoid beans directly and indirectly diet. I think I have my answer. Well, I'll know better in a week or two I suspect. I'm worn down this morning and don't feel all that hot at the moment. Naps are in store for me. Overall though I'm pleased. Weight did come in at 172lbs. I have much to much fat remaining to get rid of. The nice thing is that in the past at least the fat seems to come off.
With lunch I added some extra fiber. My body didn't like it. It has me feeling weaker. i'm not doing badly, but I shouldn't add fiber to the diet for awhile. I had an extra orange. I thought I handle it but I was wrong. Overall doing ok. Nothing has changed. I'm pleased about the diet of avoiding soy, and farm animals fed soy beans.
I was to early in blaming the tough pushups for the shoulder pain. The shoulder is feeling really well here this evening. Maybe it was brought about by a lack of healing ability. I'll guess that is the cause, with this new diet bringing about healing. Doing much better this evening. Gut feels good, and energy levels are improved though not great. No unsteady feeling. I can get used to the gut not being overly sick. I was uncomfortable there with cramping after lunch, but it didn't stick around for to long.
My left really is suddenly feeling much better. At the moment I don't feel any pain. Nice. As noted yesterday, I'm hoping that is due to the arm healing. I might be absorbing nutrients better and as a result healing quicker. I'm still a bit tired I can tell from the extra fiber eaten yesterday. It should be a good day though. The gut is still hanging in there. No laxative experiences in 16 days now. Gut could be better but overall I'm pleased. Skin looks nice. No rash seen. I might pick up at the store some barbeque chips as I thought they might have brought about a rash. I wasn't sure though and now I'm thinking I probably was eating chicken then. I'll find out and experiment. .
Something I like about this soy free diet is how strong my voice has become. I'm talking much better.

I was doing great this morning then this afternoon I began to peter out. I'm fasting today so that is likely what has caused the drop in energy levels. I'm able to function well though, just a bit tired. Avoiding beans directly and indirectly is doing me good. So far no signs of major stomach issues. Hope that remains the case. Skin looks good and healthy. No rashes seen. The weight of late hasn't been falling off as hoped but I'm also appearing more muscular. Not a big change in that department but I do see more definition which might explain why my cloths fit better but I haven't lost much weight of late.
172lbs. I have a new idea on why I'm on hold with losing weight. I'm using the bathroom less frequently. That makes sense. So once that levles off I'll be looking to drop more weight. I feel alright this morning. Energy levels are ok. Strength is fine. Both could be better but a little after two weeks on this fish, soy free diet I'm doing marvelous. Appearance, I do appear to a bit ragged due to eating less. I'll likely go swimming this morning and i've already done some leg exercises. I'll be sore and bit wornout in the morning I'm guessing. Will be nice once I can handle some exercise and not become easily fatigued.
Forgot to note down, I started this thread due to being able to get my stomach well but I wasn't healing up, recovering. If my theory is right about soy beans being my problem then I have an answer. When I started this I was regularly eating cheese, often grass fed cheese, grass fed beef and turkey lunch meat. It would have been the turkey lunch meat that was making me ill. Since it was only a portion of my diet, and I was eating constipating cheese, I was often well to the gut but still eating to much soy from the turkey that I wasn't able to recover. that's the theory anyway. Eventually I'll test to see if the theory is right. For now, with the worst of the hurricane season soon to start I'm just happy to remain on the fish diet and have a decent stomach.
I'm still feeling really good about my having the answer. I've been fasting quite a bit the last two weeks and while I havn't had any major flares I'm not without some pain. I was cramping a bit today. It wasn't a big problem but if I needed to drive somewhere I'd be uncomfortable. that only lasted for around 2 hours. Overall all is good. I'll keep writing down notes for a bit longer but imagine I'll be able to stop soon.
173lbs. I'll likely fast today. I took some royal jelly this morning and so far I'm feelng really good. At least my energy levels seem higher. Can't say for certain this is brought about by the royal jelly of course.

Was reading last night some writings I've seen before about grass fed cheese and also grass fed beef. In theory I should be able to consume these products, if I have a bean allergy. the problem is these animals foods are not always strictly grass fed. As I read sometimes they are fed soy, in particular during the colder winter months.

So when it comes time for me to look into adding foods to the diet I'll begin with wild game meats. I've not ordered that before but figure it will be worth a try after the hurricane season.

At the moment it seems like it will be a really good day. I hope so. Energy levels are good. I'm sore and beat up also due to swimming and some exercising of the muscles. Yesterday I could really tell that I've lost a portion of the jelly fat. A few more pounds lost and I'll be at my goal weight I suspect.
I'm reminded today that beans might not be the answer. Instead corn or synthetic vitamins might be. Though I have my doubts. I added Pringles potato chips to my diet a few days ago. I noticed that I soon afterwards developed a rare zit. Today I notice that i have a slight tongue sore. Pringles are different from other potato chips in that they are made in part with corn meal and wheat starch along with potato starch. I'll remove the prignles from my diet and see what happens.

I'm thinking the exercise stress I've been putting my body under is the cause of the tongue sore and zip. I'll be finding out.
I'm currently just barely 172lbs. Imagine I'll be 171lbs in the morning. I think the only way for me to lose weight is to be healthier and more energetic. This current diet does seem to be showing that is the case. If I was eating chicken, having some significant stomach issues I doubt I'd be losing the weight. Just a hunch one I don't plan on testing out, but from past experience I'm thinking that is how it works.

I have great doubts that corn and wheat, and rice are significatn problems. I say that as I got well after the hurricane I was eating corn chips, wheat, and rice everyday. But will see. I'll test the pringles potato chips again later.

All the swimming being done of late has me worn out, even slightly dizzy. I'll take an easy tomorrow, pass on swimming, and look to recover some strength.
172lbs. I'm certainly beat up and sore this morning due to the swimming done. It still doesn't take a whole lot of wear me down. On a brighter note I'm still alive, I'll likely be alive this evening so there is that. Gut id doing well still. I believe today is day 20 of having a decently acting gut. I've had a few times were the gut became sore with cramping, but in general they have been mild and easy to deal with. I'll be taking an easy today. No swimming. No exercises other than walking and maybe a bike ride around the parents neighborhood.
I noticed my tongue looks great. It appears healed up. Not sure what brought that about. Maybe it is avoiding Pringles potato chips. It is made with corn meal. Or possibly the royal jelly eaten. It is high in nutrients. Or it is me not doing pushups and leg lifts. I'm guessing it is the taking a break from exercising. I'll findout though.

today Ive eating a lot of barbecue chips. I've thought the spicy chips might cause the skin rash. I have doubts that will happen though. I'll eat the spicy chips through the weekend. That will give me a good test result.

I'm feeling better this afternoon. This morning I was pretty worn out from swimming and exercising. Nice to recover relatively quickly.
Today marks 21 days of not having significant stomach issues nor fatigue problems. I was thinking about that, it's huge. I'm all to often struggling to function. FOr the last 3 weeks I've been doing petty well though. Energy levels and strength certainly need to improve. The gut is better but still not great. Overall though I've done something positive with my latest dietary idea of avoiding soy and other beans, directly and avoiding farm animals that were fed soy bean meal.

I think at this point I'll stop writing. My purpose for starting this was to try and figure out why I was not healing, as I previously found a diet that made the gut work most of the time but I had little energy and strength. The other purpose of the notes has been to make me feel as if I was doing something to improve my health so I could move forward. It was a psychological boost, improving my psych. I feel I have that now.

In the future if any significant changes, good and bad, come about I'll likely note them down. I think I have my answer though, or am close to that answer. I'm thinking the cause of my health problems are beans but other items might be the cause such as synthetic vitamins or corn meal for example. Hopefully I can soon start to move forward.
To note down, I've switch my thinking on what is making me ill from soy/beans to grains. I have been sort of testing grains of late and as usual I've not been able to make them work out all that well. I have a theory on why that is. I suspect that corn makes me more ill than rice and wheat. I can eat rice and wheat but they cause problems to a lesser degree. That could explain why I became well after the hurricane. I was only eat fish and wheat and rice. Later on I added corn chips and chicken and became sick again.

I've had an old saying that if I ever figure out the cause of the tongue sores I'll have my answer. I've known for awhile that grains seems to have an effect on the health of my tongue. Sometimes avoiding grains would result in the tongue looking great. Other times though the tongue would still develop those markings.

Now I've come to believe that grains are the cause of the tongue sores. Where I went wrong in the past was farm animals being fed corn is also causing tongue markings/sores.

Of course i could have an answer on this right away if I began eating beans but I'm still to uncertain in my mind about beans and we are soon to head into the worst of the hurricane season, a season predicted to be the worst in recorded history. I don't want to be ill if a powerful hurricane comes this way. I can wait in testing soy/beans.

Gut has remained calm for 26 days now.

On the down side I can still fatigue myself to easily. I imagine it will take another month of being well before the fatigue improves.
I'm going to do a few short posting since changing my mind about soy and beans being the cause to grains. I want to see if the tongue sores stay away on this diet, along with strength and energy levels. Strength seems to be linked with grains eaten along with when a farm animal is fed grains. I'm not completely sure about that so I'll monitor. With the tongue it looks perfect. I'll see if that remains true for the next few weeks.

Weight 170lbs. i seem to be dropping more weight of late. I'm thinking it is due to avoiding all grains and farm animals fed grains but hard to say for certain.

Gut doing quite well of late. I'm not entirely well to the gut but I'm heading in that direction I believe.

This morning I bought some refried beans for testing in the future. I'm liable to eat some soon but I hope I hold off till after the worst of this terrible forecasted hurricane season. 90% of hurricane season has yet to come about.
173lbs after eating breakfast. I'll likely fast today. that should get me to 169lbs.

Today I believe marks 28 days without a significant stomach issue. I've had a few times were I dealt with cramping but overall that gut has been in wonderful shape.

Energy levels have seen times were they were much better. Strength is the same. There have also been times were my strength was poor. There is the debate in my mind over what is worse and causing a loss of strength and energy levels, eating grains or exercise. Today is the 3rd day of avoiding all grains so about now, today, I should see better energy levels if my theory is right.

Tongue looks perfect. There are no markings on it.
170lbs. Nearly 169lbs. Tongue looks perfect. Yesterday I had more energy than I had the day previous. That is likely due to the rice I had eaten a few days earlier. I suspect the rice fatigues me. This morning after fasting, and I've been fasting often this week and the previous week also, my stomach is great. All to often fasting has a laxative effect on me. ON this grain free diet, along with avoiding animals meats were the farm animal was fed grains, I'm not experiencing a laxative effect.

I'm tired this morning. It isn't that bad but I should eat more once again to build up my strength. The latest hurricane center has a tropical wave pointed this direction. If it should strengthen and I need to leave it will be important that I be stronger than I am now.
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Tongue still looks great. hard to believe tomorrow will be day 30 of a decent gut. At least I haven't been seriously ill in 30 days. Fatigue is a different issue but that is my fault since I've fasted often, which can hurt my energy levles. Today I felt cool and I know that comes about due to fasting to much. So I'll get back to eating my typical 2 times a day. That should warm me up and give me better energy levels.

So long as the tongue sores stay away I'll have good confidence that this is the diet that solves the stomach issues, avoiding grains and meats were grains were fed to the farm animals.
Tongue looks perfect. No markings on the tongue. Gut has been quite well of late. Love that. I'm getting back into eating two meals a day. I'm starting today. I can imagine that will improve my energy levels. It is superficial but I've been taking royal jelly. It might improve my energy levels some but it gives my skin a poor coloring. Royal jelly is reportedly rich in B vitamins and I know from past experience one B vitamins can bring about the poor skin coloring. I might have to drop taking royal jelly. Bit of a ramble with that this morning but will see, royal jelly might be on the way out. Today marks day 30 of a good gut. Hope I'm able to reach another 30 days.
tongue is looking perfect. Gut is getting better. Kind of embarrassing to note down but it has some importance, I used to have a scale of 0 to 10 I'd used to rate bathroom habits. 0 was liquid diarrhea and 10 was perfect. typically I'm between 1 to 3, with the fasting laxative effect being a 0. Here this past week I've been between 4 and 6. Clear improvement has been experienced. Wish I had better energy levels but that is partly my fault with all the fasting I've been doing this month. I'm doing better with energy today which is nice. This is a second day in a row were I've eaten two meals in the day. Still could be stronger though.
Tongue still looks perfect. Love that. Gut is doing pretty good. Nice improvements seen with the get. I might see better energy levels today now that I'm back to eating 2 meals a day plus snacks. 172lbs. I'll likely stop the snacking today though. The tongue sores likely are caused by eating grains, and eating meats were the farm animal had been fed grains. More testing/time is needed to be certain. Maybe another month will settle the matter.
this morning I did some tough pushups. I'm already feeling the fatigue. this will be a good test. I have several theories on what causes the tongue sores, exercise fatigue being one of them. At the moment my tongue looks great.
171lbs. Tongue looks great. No markings. i'm tired this morning, fatigued. this is not only due to the pushups done but also extra fiber I've been eating of late. I've been eating two oranges a day lately along with grapes, pineapple, and saurkraut. fiber does wear me uot. The good is that my digestive system is handling the extra fiber well. Also no dental pains being felt. Not long ago I was complaining about eating two oranges a day and having painful dental issues afterwards.

I look forward to testing beans. that won't happen till the end of Oct. most likely though. Looks like a tropical storm will be here on Sautrday or unknown strength. Hope it isn't a hurricane.
No tongue sores. 171lbs. I've been a little more wornout the last couple of days and it is likely due to the extra fiber eaten. I'll have to fight through it and eat a little less fiber. the tongue sore idea and exercise has been tested pretty well. It looks like that theory was not correct. I don't believe that exercise causes those tongue sores or markings. Leading theory for their cause is eating grains and farm animal meat were grain was fed. Today is day 33 I believe of the gut working well, not experiencing the fasting laxative effect. The gut isn't great but it has improved nicely over these 33 days.
170lbs. the weight comes off easy on this diet. I fasted yesterday. Gut is doing well this morning. Energy levels are workable.

I've made a switch once again in my thinking between soybeans and grains. It makes more sense to me that soybeans and all beans are my problem. I base this upon the fasting laxative effect. I've fasted a number of times I feel where I was eating grains yet did not experience the fasting laxative effect. Beans on the other hand I remember being a problem. It is a long ways off till the hurricane season is over, but when it is over I'm likely to eat a bunch of grains and fas to see what happens. I'll keep avoiding beans.

I removed royal jelly from my diet. I've added brewers yeast back into the diet.
A bit on the tired and fatigued side today but nothing new there. I hate being fatigued. It is hard to deal with mentally but physically I can push through the pain often times. I love fasting in a way, as it has helped me with identifying chicken and eggs as being problems for my stomach. And fasting helps me to lose weight on this soy free, grain free diet and still have a good acting gut. The down side is I'm wearing myself out and I appear less healthy. It takes awhile to recover from fasting I've noticed in the past. Looks like a tropical storm will be here in this area this weekend or early next week. I better stop fasting till that storm passes the area.
I woke up feeling decently well. I still have more fatigue than i care for but that is likely due to the fiber being eaten. I've cut back some on the fiber but still are eating to much I suspect. Tongue looks great. No markings on the tongue at all. Gut is well enough. I added brewers yeast back into the diet, a bit of a controversial supplement. The brewers yeast says it is gluten free but I suspect that is not true. My understanding is the yeast is made with wheat. It probably has some glutten thought not a whole lot. I've taken brewers yeast before and didn't notice any problems with it. Hope that continues. Well, the brewers yeast might make me a little gassy but I'm not entirely sure that is true.
A bit on the disappointing side, I am more worn out, fatigued, than hoped today. I'll push through. Not much fun though. On the positive, the tongue remaining looking very good. And while fatigued I am able to function, get things done. I worked most of the morning helping to reorganize a room after it had been painted. I can be on my feet for around half a day. After that I'm hurting.
Doing well this morning. tongue looks great. I like how healthy the tongue has been. So far it is looking like brewers yeast is mostly safe. Brewers yeast might slightly cause some cramping but I'm not entirely sure. On the positive I believe I appear healthier since taking the yeast supplement. Today is day 35 on the diet of avoiding soy/beans and grains along with farm animal meats were the animal had been fed soy and grains. tropical storm is to move past this area tonight. Imagine all will be well but for some reason storm surge of 2 to 4 feet they say is possible. I have doubts.
It is interesting to me on how some foods can effect my personality. Not a food but often added to food, synthetic vitamins make me feel starved and make me less talkative. I suspect that the brewers yeast I've been taking for a few days is doing similar. I think tomorrow I'll swtich back to the royal jelly. Maybe grains is my problems instead of soy and beans. brewers yeast likely has some grain proteins in it. Weight is likely 172lbs. Tongue stil look good and healthy. Energy levels are poor but better today.
I'm likely 171lbs. I'm eating two meals a day of late and my weight is remaining the same. Good to see. bathroom habits continue to improve. I'm averaging 4 to 6 with now the occasional 7. Good to see. I belive the gut is slowly healing. I appear ruff but I'm blaming that on the fasting I've been doing. At some point if i feel better with fatigue and yet continue to look ruff I'll test the supplements I've been taking. The fish eggs might be a problem. Don't know. Tongue looks great. No tongue markings.
Forgot to mention, my eyes are getting more colorful, more blue in color. Hope that continues. I've long considered that as a key gage for good health for me.
I'm still dealing with more fatigue than would be expected. So I'm going to do some additional experimenting. I'll stop taking all supplements, fish eggs, royal jelly, brewers yeast and see if that helps. Probably the fish egg supplements are causing some problems for me. I'll find out. Overall still pleased with how things are going. Gut is doing great for me.
i had a better idea to try this morning. Instead of avoiding the supplements I'll avoid citrus. I've been blaming the fiber from eating oranges for my fatigue problem. Maybe it isn't the fiber but instead citrus. I've long thought I have problems with citrus but never could convince myself to avoid citrus long term. So that is what I'll try first, I avoid citrus and continue with the supplements minus the royal jelly since it would be made by bees from orange pollen.

Little tired and beat up this morning. The weekend was stressful with the strom and with feeling faituged. Gut still doing pretty good. Love that.
I'm off to a good start with avoiding citrus. My energy levels are better, not much fatigue and I'm communicaitng well. Hope this continues.
It has been a very good day. The fatigue has gone away for today. I've noted several times in the past that I do notice a positiive difference when I avoid citrus but the difference has not been great. With me taking some supplements today, fish eggs and brewers yeast, possibly that has made the difference. Nutrients is what i lacked in the past when on a citrus free diet.

I'll keep avoiding citrus and follow the fish diet. It might simply be that fish is easier on my gut and that citrus is my main allergen. Maybe later after some healing I'll be able to eat new foods. I'll wait till after the hurricane season.

FOr me I've been realatively busy, moving around, doing yard work and house work. This is all to often difficult for me to do due to fatigue. today no issue felt. Hope that continues. One day of feeling decent is not much. 1 month is more meaningful.
This is excellent, no fatigue this morning. This comes after I did a great many pushups and and also barbell on my upper body. I would typically expect to be hurting this morning. The second day tends to be the worst so will see how tomorrow goes. So far so good with avoiding citrus and taking a few supplements. Tongue looks great. Energy levels are tolerable.

Weight 171lbs. i might fast today. It would be nice to get back into the 160 range. I'll continue with the fish diet and avoiding citrus.
I'm doing quite well today. Before when I was eating citrus I was experiencing some fainting feelings when I walked. today I'm fine. I am a little bit run down from yesterdays weight lifting and todays fasting but I'm easily able to function. Weight is already 171lbs. I'll be 170 in the morning or even maybe 169lbs if I'm lucky. I'm off to a good start with avoiding citrus, taking a few natural supplements and only eating fish for meat. I guess now once the hurricane season is over I'll be looking to add chicken to the diet. Maybe this time it will work. Nephew is coming to visit next week. Will be good to see and spend time with him.
170lbs. Good and bad news this morning. Good news is I'm feeling fine. All the pushups and exercising hasn't not overly fatigued. At the moment i hardly feel pain. On the negative side this morning for breakfast I messed up. The tuna I ate had lemon juice added to it. It should be just a small amount so don't believe it will be a big issue for me today. I'll avoid that tuna flavor in the future. Tongue looks great. Bathroom habits are good.
Overall it has been a good day. At the moment I'm experiencing no fatigue. I feel great. This morning morning for a short while I felt a bi weak and faint. I'm thinking that came about due to the accident eating of lemon juice mixed into my tuna. It might have been brought about by the fasting too. Hard to say. I'll likely fast tomorrow and find out Friday how things go. My appearance has improved I thought. I was looking a bit on the ruff side and maybe that was brought on by the extra citrus I was eating.
I have lots and lots of energy this evening, crazy levels of energy. A very good sign. Naturally I need more days of this to be sure I'm doing right with this diet of avoiding citrus, and following the fish diet, and taking some natural nutritional supplements.
Yesterday was exciting to have all that huge amount of energy in the evening. i kept moving around til I wore myself out and slept well though the night. It was wonderful. this morning I'm feeling sore, and worn out, more from the weight lifting a few days ago.

No mistakes on eating citrus this morning. I'll likely fast today. It wouldn't surprise me if later this morning though that I'm a little fatigued, a bit wornout. Will see.

Appearance is healthy. Like that. So it does appear that avoiding citrus has me appearing healthier. Eyes are colorful. Tongue looks great. No tongue sores. Stomach is well enough. Always could do better with the stomach. Didn't weight myself. I snacked often yesterday so I might not lose any weight after fasting today.
I forgot to note down. here of late I've been dreaming quite a bit. Often times I don't seem to dream or at least I don't remember them. The last few days I've had lots of dreams.
It has been an awesome morning. I have good energy levels, little fatigue, no fainting feeling. It is lovely. I even did some carpet shampooing which can drain my energy and I feel fine. I'm also fasting today. I'll keep avoiding citrus and taking some natural supplements for energy.
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170lbs. It has been fun having good energy levels the last couple of days. Not being in pain is enjoyable also, or maybe better said less pain and fatigue. this morning I'm a little run down. That is to be expected since I've been fasting, only eating 4 meals in the last 3 days. Appearance is healthy. Tongue looks great. I'll keep posting a bit longer till I have more days in with this improved energy levels. Hair is growing fasting I've noticed. I scheduled a hair cut 2 to 3 weeks earlier than I typically do.
I'm a little more worn out this morning that I want to be. It is to important for me to have higher energy levels so I better return to eating my more typical 2 meals a day. With that said, I'm still doing well and have ok energy I'm just worn down from not eating much food of late. At least I believe that is the cause. I'll find out.
Disappointing to be on the tired side today. Hope tomorrow is better. Not sure entirely what went wrong for today, but I do feel cold and several items I've noticed can cause me to feel chilled, from not eating enough, to eating to much fiber, and not weight lifting enough. Kind of tricky about the weigth lifting bit, sometimes it can wear me out and make me feel chilled and other times I need to exercise to warm myself up and give me energy.

Was thinking today about my list of troubing stomach items. First one discovered was synthetic multi vitamins. They do a number on me. Then pumpkin and other melons make me violently ill, then pork, and now I think I can say with some confidence finally that citrus is a problem. Citrus likely is the main problem. The others are issues also but my thinking is fatigue and citrus avoidance seems to help with the fatigue, most days.

Thinking about it, I did add apple to my diet the other day. Hope apple isn't a problem. Will monitor.
Oh good, I have better energy levels this morning. Glad about that. It is kind of funny in that I've long noticed that when I avoid citrus I lose my appetite. I could eat like a bird and my stomach would like me for it. The down side is that i'll run low on energy. So it is important that I eat a good amount of food for now. I'm hoping later on I can eat one meal a day and feel fine with energy levels eventually.

The vivid dreams continue. Ever since avoiding citrus and taking the natural supplements I've been dreaming a lot. Sleep has been improved also.
I'm more energetic today but I'm not as energized as I was the other day. With that said, it tends to be the evenings when very high energy is experienced. So maybe this evening I'll be more energized. I think there is a good chance that will happen.
Well shoot, I'm more energetic than typical this evening but I don't have all that great of energy. Maybe the pineapple I'm eating is causing me problems. The pineapple is a rich source of fiber and fiber does wear me down. hard to say what is going on. I'll avoid the apple sauce just to fine out. I my doubts about that but will see.
I'm feeling good this morning. the better energy levels have returned. Fantastic. gut is doing well. Appearance healthy. Tongue looks great, no tongue sores. It is a good way to start the morning. Weight is likely 173lbs. Maybe 172. I weighed before going to bed but forgot this morning. Weight appearance is I've lost a good amount of fat with still some more weight to lose.
Today marks day 44 where I have not experienced a significant stomach issue. It is amazing.

I'm currently doing 2 main avoidances at the same time, with a third still going on for now. I'm avoiding soy directly and indirectly. If a farm animal was sed soy/beans then I'll avoid that meat. This is most likely why I've been well for 44 days.

Out of frustration I also began avoiding citrus 6 days ago. I'm always thinking my diets are taking to long and become frustrated. that avoidance started off well as I experienced some wonderful high energy levels.

I'm sitll avoiding grains also though here of late I bought some grains from the store with the idea at some point I'll eat them for a test.

I like the way things are going.
Today is day 45 without a significant stomach issue. It is wonderful. Energy levels have improved. They typically are not great but are improved. I'll keep avoiding soy and beans directly and indirectly along with citrus. Eyes are blue though not bright. i'm excited about the eyes being more bluish. That means better health to me. Appearance healthy enough. I'm also avoiding grains though I have doubts about that as being my stomach trouble maker. I'll likely fast today. I ate a bunch of snacks yesterday and I'm not entirely sure why as I wasn't all that hungry. this morning I'm not hungry at all though I did eat my typical breakfast. Eating only one meal will likely be approved by the stomach.
Ever since I stopped eating citrus a week ago those foot pains stopped. i likely jjnxed myself mentioning that but thought now that it has been a week I'd note it down. I've thought other things helped the left foot pain, from avoiding the nightshade family to wearing different shoes. None helped in the long term. Will see, hope the citrus avoidance is a cure.

Energy levels have been high today. this morning I was quie active. I've slowed down now likely due to fasting. I'm already 171lbs barely. I'll be 170lbs or if lucky 169lbs in the morning. Bit surprising as I haven't been watching what I eat for the last 3 days. Figured I'd ne weighing more.
170lbs. Left foot does not hurt. Yesterday I began jogging. That seems to cause the electric shock pain more than anything else. So far no pain. Hope this remains the case. Would be wonderful if citrus is the cause of the foot electric shock pains. Possibly the bean idea helps also.

I'm a bit on the tired side this morning but I'm not doing badly. I've exercised quite a bit which has me a bit sore and fatigued. I fasted yesterday which tires me out also. Stomach is doing well.
I've done quite a bit to try and get the left food pain to return today. I wore the shoes that are a little to tight. i jogged around. there is a good chance the foot would hurt and i'd feel those painful electric shocks. So far no problems. I'll try again tomorrow. WOUld be nice if avoiding citrus used that problem. It might have been the soy avoidance directly and indirectly that has helped.

Doing alright today. I am sore and fatigued some but overall my energy levels are better than typical.
171lbs. I believe today marks day 47 where the gut has done well. No major stomach issues. Im provements seen in bathroom habits with 4 to 6 being more common.

I'm fatigued this morning. It feels like exercise fatigue. I'm not all that surprised, as I swam and lifted weights the other day. It has caught up with me. I'm doing well enough but I'll be dragging for the day. Not good considering I have a guest that arrived last night. I'll be busy the next two days while he is here. I'll stick with avoiding citrus, and beans, along with grains, directly and indirectly.
So far so good witht he left foot and no electric pain. The left foot hurts some. It hurts in that area were I feel the electric shocks that hurt a considerable amount. Yet no electric shocks. Hope that remains the case.
As I thought would happen, I'm fatigued and worn out. It has been a ruff day. tomorrow I suspect will be better. On the positive I do surprisingly appear healthier. I am not having stomach issues but thought to take a teaspoon of Imodium to see if it helps. It might have, and with that I might be absorbing more nutrients. Left foot does not hurt. Loving that. Tongue looks great. Love that too. i'm still a bit chubby. Ugh.
170lbs. As I am approaching day 50 of an improved gut, no significant illnesses, I have a feeling that I;ve solved my issue. I believe the answer is soy and beans. I think that due to testing other ideas well, I believe. I remind myself though that I'm often wrong and very well could be once again. So I'll keep plugging away. Healing is a long process from what I've read.

I am still fatigued this morning. It might be improved some this morning though. Most likely the main problem for the fatigue is the fiber being eaten. Exercise fatigue is another issue. It will be a constant battle until my health improves. Hope that happens soon. This fatigue is the pits.
Guests are visting and I'm pretty worn out. I left early to go home and relax. It still doesn't take much to wear me out. I should be well rested in the morning though to drive my nephew out to the airport bright and early at 6. Gut still doing well. Appearance healthy. Oh, the left foot hurt with those electric shocks some. So my hope that those pains were gone was not right.
A little sore, a little worn out but I'm doing alright. tongue looks great. Stomach doing decent. I'm not great with the stomach but I'm not experiencing the fasting effect. In a way the stomach does better when I fast. Would be nice to see further improvement. Appearance healthy.
I wasnt planning on fasting today but I have and so far I'm down by around 1 pound. That is something about this diet. Even when I'm not trying to lose weight I seem to slowly drop some pounds. So I'm pleased. So far energy levels have been good for the day. I'll likely have energy problems tomorrow though. tongue looks great. Left foot feels good. Stomach is doing well.
168lbs. Wow. A bit surprised about the big weight loss. Makes me wonder if avioding citrus has helped with weight loss. It seemed my body was comfortable at 172lbs. i'd struggle to get it lower than that and when i did get it lower my weight would quickly rebound back to 172lbs. Will see if the new citrus free diet brings about weigh loss. that is one of the reasons why I began recording my weight. I've had experiences in the past of big swings in weight with little known reason why.

I believe today makes day 50 of no serious stomach issues. this started once I began avoiding chicken and eggs. My theory being that chickens are fed soy and that I have a soy allergy, when eaten directly and when eating chicken meat and eggs. So far so good with the theory. It very well could be wrong but for not it is succeeding.

Energy levels are ok at the moment. Appearance a bit on the haggered looking side. No surrprises with that as fasting will make me look run down.
Well shoot. For the first time in 50 days I experienced the fasting laxative effect. I'm likely still not done being ill. I also appear unhealthy. I'm pretty sure I know the cause of the unhealthy appearance, the nightshade family. Nightshade family makes me look worn down, terrible. Think I'll avoid it. Of course now this causes to many foods being avoided. So I'll add grains back into the diet.
Disappointing about the laxative effect making a come back but it isn't the end of the world. I've been noting problems with the diet, mainly that i havne't had consistently good energy levels and appearance isn't always that great. The stomach will likely always be a problems for the rest of my life. Energy levels and appearance though can be improved. I know that avoiding nightshade family will improve appearance. It always has. Makes me wonder if energy levels can slowly be imrpved also. Finding that is the most importance. So I'll cotinue with the soy avoidance and I'll avoid nightshade also. The two do have a connection also as soy is genetically modified with a nightshade member.

I'm up in the air on avoiding citrus still. There is little doubt citrus causes me a slight reaction. It is a problem or not. I havne't seen good energy on a citrus avoidance diet, other than one day. I am losing weight but other things might be causing that. I might add citrus back into the diet as i don't like avoiding to many items at once. If it once again looks to be a prlbem I'll remove.

This die tis quite similar to the one two years ago after the hurricane inwhich I found myself more or ltess well with good energy and healthy appearance.
I thought of a good possible candidate that made me ill. For the past 47 days I only ate potatoes, of the nightshade eaten. Potatoes I've noticed are likely the nightshade family member that i react the least to. 3 days ago I added red peppers to my diet. So I'm thinking there could be a connection there.

Regardless nightshade are out of the diet. I'll be closely monitoring my strength and that fainting feelings after walkiing/exercising. I'll see if that goes away on this new diet.
I've been quite tired and worn down today. i've also eaten poorly. Tomorrow I plan to get back to eating normally and see about increased energy. I'm feeling good about the idea that nightshade is the cause of my fatigue. Taking the natural supplements that I have, brewers yeast, fish eggs, and royal jelly probably are why I'm no longer seeing tongue sores. Maybe the supplements will give me more energy also once i remove the right foods, and possibly that is the nightshade family. Wish I could like a synthetic vitamin like most other people. For what ever reason synthetic vitamins make me feel absolutely awful.
New diet is pretty much the same as the old diet with some minor dietary changes. Instead of only avoiding soy I'm also avoiding nightshade family member directly and indirectly. Potatoes are fed to farm animals. Genetically modified soy was modified with a nightshade family member and in theory is one has a problem with nightshade the person will hav ea problem with soy.

I feel better this morning. My muscles feel good. Energy levels are decent. Gut is doing alright. Tongue looks great. Appearance is healthier.

I'm eating grains now, and while I'm not a big fan of grains so far they do not seem to be a problem.
I'm off to a good start with the updated diet, with me avoiding nightshade family members and eating grains. My appearance is healthier, and more importantly I have good energy levels today. I did some leg exercises this morning. I'm a bit sore from it, but it hasn't negatively effected my energy levels. I'm sticking with the fish diet also, avoiding meats were the farm animal was fed soy and potatoes. I ate a lot of corn, wheat and rice today. I have to admit I didn't care for it, but it hasn't hurt me so far.
As usual I appear healthier when I avoid the nightshade family. Gut continues to do well. Tongue looks great. There was one part of the tongue that soon after I began eating red peppers appeared that it could turn into a marking/sore. It hasn't though since avoiding the nightshade family. Energy levels are good, above normal. I'm eating a lot of grains and I'm not liking it but it doesn't appear to be hurting me.

I'll likely fast today. Will see if the laxative effect happens, and monitor energy levels.
It is a good and bad day. The bad, I've been quite tired at times. It seems here of late I'm waking up, less sleepy. The good news, I'm not fatigued. My muscles feel good and strong. I'd guess the tiredness is coming from eating grains. THey can be hard to digest and from experience know at times they can tire me out. I'm hoping the lack of fatigue comes from the updated diet, having me avoid the nightshade family. so it is a good start on the updated diet.
172lbs I continue to appear healthier since avoiding nightshade family members. I'm eating lots of grains and remain not thrilled about it. I'll live though. No fatigue noticed. I am tired though which I'm guessing is due to eating grains. I did some leg exercises two days ago, harder leg exercises than typical. So far I'm not feeling pain from that. That's different and good. I'll likely do some upper body exercises this morning. that will be a good test. Wish I wasn't so tired out but I suspect that will be a common problem for the next few weeks on the diet. Stomach is doing quite well. I get the feeling that if I ate a bunch of grass fed cheese or took some Imidium I might even be well to the gut. I might do that later on, take some imodium. I wouldn't want to make a habit of it, but it would be a good test.
Today has been a good day. I started the morning out with high energy levels. Later on I did some upper body wegith lifting and that seems to have taken some of my energy away but overall I'm still doing well. Today has been a pig out day. that isn't something planned and I do plan to eat better tomorrow. Gut is doing quite well also. So far all seems good on this nightshade free diet, directly and indirectly. Looking forward to Oct. where I'll likely be able to add and try grass fed beef. I'm not tired of fish all the time but it would be nice to have greater variety.
A new dietary update, I'm removing grains from my diet. Last night I woke up with acid reflux. The only time that happens is when I eat wheat. Yesterday dispite not liking wheat or grains all that much I ate a whole bunch of them. Last night was uncomfortable. I found myself pacing around the houre around 1 in the morning to try and help my digestive system. I'm tired this morning.

I imagne I'll be fine avoiding grains and avoiding potatoes. Typically I switch between the two on dietary trials. But acid reflux sucks and I should be able to handle avoiding grains also. It isn't my favorite food to eat even though I can eat to much of them once I start. Wheat does have an addictive quality to it.

My appearance is healthy this morning. I'm tired though. I'm a bit sore from weight lifting yesterday too. It will be an ok day I'm predicting.
This is interesting. Well two interesting items. The first is that I'm slightly dizzy. Nothing terrible and it only happens when I'm lying down but I'm dizzy. It is similar to what happened when i would eat that Chinese rice dish. So paybe it is grains that are my problem, eaten directly and indirectly. The other interesting notice is that the rash has returned. I've noticed the rash showing up when I would eat lunch meats, such as turkey lunch meat. Eating chicken I believe can cause it also but I'm less sure about that. Regardless the rash has returned after a short spell of eating grains. Makes me wonder. So maybe it is grains that are my problem. I might look healthier when avoiding potatoes and nightshade but that could be an entirely different issue. I also had one bad day in 50 but any number of things could have caused that.

So I'll continue to avoid grains. I should take another 2 days for the dizziness to stop if this is similar to what happened when I would eat that chinese rice dish.
I was thinking further on what i noticed yesterday and decided it might not be much. I going to keep with the diet I'm on. I'll avoid nightshade, avoid grains and avoid soy, both directly and indirectly.

One thing I've noticed about avoiding nigthshade is that my fatigue is much improved. That is huge. Fatigue is one of the main issues i've been trying to resolve. If the fatigue can continue to improve, and I develop much more energy I'm essentially cured.

With grains, they are a problem though they might be more of a secondary issue. they cause acid reflux. I put on a lot of weight also when I eat grains. I develop arthritis symptoms in my joints, hards in particular, and overall feel lousy when eating grains. That seems to be a problem most people experience when eating grains though, at least from what I read.

So I won't add potatoes and nightshade back into the diet. i miss potatoes but I'll make it avoiding them and possibly might find myself having a lot of energy later on.

174lbs. Rather discusting how quickly I put on weight when I eat grains.
It is kind of funny in a way, avoiding grains has me looking less healthy. At least for today. So maybe avoiding potatoes and nightshade are not as big of a problem as suspect. hard to say. I'm on day 55 of being generally well to the gut. I've only had one bad day and it was mild. The main changes that i can say with certainty that has helped me is avoiding chicken, and eggs and only eating wild caught fish for meat. I'm not entirely sure why it is working but it is. Would be nice if i healed up quicker. Gut keeps doing well overall.
174lbs. I woke up this morning with an interesting thought for some reason. I apparently dreamed that foods do not need to list the addition of broth on ingredients. I know where this thought came from, I read it in the past. One food I probably even experienced it with the AppleGate turkey lunch meat. So with avoiding nightshade, I'm also avoiding spices. The hashbrowns I had been eating had onion and garlic in them. So possibly that is something to consider, spices and avoiding chicken and turkey due to possible addition of broth, which has onion in it

I take back my mention that I don't look healthier when avoiding nightshade. I appear healthier this morning. I was worn out and tired yesterday likely due to exercising to much stressing my muscles and bones.

I have tongue sores this morning. My thinking is that these were caused by the nightshade I stopped eating a week ago. My tongue looked perfect back when I was eating those potato hashbrowns but then again they did have some possible flaws. Posibly after a week avoidance healing begins and the markings show more. I'll go with that theory.

I'll continue to avoid grains also. Dawned on me I might not be entirely completely grain free as I continue to take brewers yeast supplement. the label says glutten free, but I doubt that is true. Well, I'll problably continue with the brewers yeast and just monitor the situation.
I think I've been more exhausted than i expected the last few weeks. The gut has been good, very good, but energy levels still have been lousy. Think I'll keep it more simple and just avpid nightshade and spices, along with most meats. I'll just eat the same fish that i have.

Today is day 6 or 7 on this diet and Im finally feeling a little more energetic. Im more with it and can notice the past few days, weeks, havne't been as great as hoped. Biased by the good gut.

Ate a bunch of grass fed cheese today. It happens.
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I ended up being ill this afternoon. I'm not terribly surprised. Overall though I'm feeling well. It reminds of what happened 9 months ago. I was preparing myself for an operation. The diet I was following had me avoiding all grains, and only eating fish. And much to my great surprise I became very sick after a month on the diet, with one week before the operation. I ate potatoes regularly for one and a half months. I had a decent gut for much of it, but never developed good energy levels. I'll hopefully avoid nightshade and spices for a few months and see what happens.

I'm looking healthier this evening. It is a positive.
173lbs. I forgot, there is an item I have not tested that I should and that is synthetic vitamins directly and indirectly. I'll start that today. I know that synthetic vitamins make me sick. Which vitamins make me ill I do not know. I know also that synthetic vitamins are fed to farm animals. So I'll avoid synthetic vitamins directly and indirectly. Ill eat grains on this trial but only grains that have not been fortified with vitamins. that means I'll be avoiding wheat which is almost always fortified.

Rash on my chest is nearly gone. I'm thinking it is synthetic vitamins that cause the rash. I'll know if that theory is right or not in a few days.
The morning started out poorly. I was tired, fatigued but now here in the afternoon and after eating a good amount I'm feeling better. These days were I eat one meal to lose weight do take a toll on me. I might have to stop doing that and look to antoher way to drop the pounds. I've been eating fiber today, rice cakes and corn chips and so far not significant issues. I believe I appear healthier. I'm also eating potatoes once again. They don't appear to be a problem. The tongue is looking better. Some small markings/sores formed on them but I belive them to be healing.

To sum I suspect this diet of avoiding syntheitic vitamins directly and indirectly is working. Lots more testing awaits me of course.
It is awfully early this morning but woke up remembering something. I like the idea of avoiding synthetic vitamins. It is something fed to farm animals and also I know that synthetic vitamins make me sick to my stomach. What I remember was that on day 50 when I become ill earlier in the week I had been eating a little vitamin C reguarly. Some apple sauce I had bought added vitamin C to it as a preservative. Also I can remember from many years ago when I used to eat cereal that for some reason the cereal Raison Bran didn't seem to make me ill. And Raison Bran is unique in that it does not have synthetic vitamin C in it.

Of course hard to say if there is a connection but I thought it interesting.

Tongue is looking much better this eraly morning. Sores/markings are not entiertly gone but close to it.
The rash is almost gone. I'm guessing that came from the wheat i ate, and likely the synthetic vitamins addeed to it. Will see. I've been eating corn chips the last couple of days. If the rash goes away soon it isn't corn causing it.
My tongue hurts a bit, something that typically happens when those markings/sores form. I'm thinking it was the fortified bread that caused those sores. they should go away soon. If they do not go away, I'll remove all grains from my diet and see if that gets them to go away.
I'm writing quite a bit as I've had so much success over the past two months that i feel I'm close to having my answer. Just need to work out the details. I think what i'll do is avoid grains, directly and indirectly. I've had that feeling of weakness and fainting I'll see if that goes away. This time I'll also avoid brewers yeast which I had be taking but likely has some wheat and barley in it. Something I don't care about eating grains is it quicks packs on the weight. I'm 178lbs this afternoon, but 10 pounds just from a week ago.
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175lbs. I'm off to a good start with the latest avoid all grains, directly and indirectly. I'm not eating or taking the supplement of fish eggs. that I believe has me appearing healthier this morning, at least so far. The only supplements taken are brewers yeast and beets. I read that often times brewers yeast is made from wheat, but for supplements it is typically make from sugar beats. So I'm thinking now that my brewers yeast supplent is safe. Energy levels could be better. Tongue feels and looks great. I do suspect the cause of the tongue sores are grains.
I'm doing well today. Energy levels are good. I have none of that fainting feeling. I'm pretty sure that is caused by eating grains. this has to be the answer, grains directly and indirectly. Healing just takes a long time. Tongue is feeling good and appearing healthy. gut is doing great. About the only compalint I have today is I'm up to much in weight. Grains really pack on the pounds quickly. Hate that. This morning I thought I was looking good with just taking the brewers yeast. Now this afternoon I'm not so sure. I'll continue with just the brewers yeast. Well, hopefully I can wrap this up and stop posting soon.
175lbs. It is upsetting at how quickly eating grains puts on weight. Disgusting. Well, I'm likely to slow down in my note taking again. I'm gaining further confidence that my answer if grains. I shouldn't eat grains directly nor should I eat meats were the farm animal had been fed grains.

It might turn out that something else is going on. I imagine while I do better on a grain free diet, something else might be going on, but the more I test the more the answer comes back to this theory.

This morning I added a little bit of fiber to the diet. I ate a few slivers of carrots. Fiber might be a big problem. I know in the past that it can be. n this diet though I'm hoping it isn't as big of an issue. I guess I'll be finding out.

I'm a bit tired this morning. It feels like exercise fatigue which makes sense. Tongue is feeling quite good and looking great. I liek that. Chest rash is gone. I'm guessing the rash is caused by eating grains or eating meats were the farm animal had been fed grains.
It has been a really good day. My enegy levels have been high. I'd guess that is due to either avoiding all grains or avoiding fish eggs. I've noted before that I had a lot of luck in the past when avoiding all grains. At the same time though I was avoiding eggs. Fish eggs though I can imagine are quite different than chicken eggs.

Appearance was healthier I thought, at least for the first half of the day. Now, I'm appearing a bit ruff.

Weight at the moment is 174lbs. i will likely be 173lbs in the morning. Hope the weight drops off quicker this time. Eating grains might have simply put on a lot of water weight.
173lbs. I did really well yesterday. Maybe I'll write a bit more due to that. I fasted. My energy levels were good. this morning I'm feeling well. So far the diet of avoiding all grains, fish diet, and avoiding all eggs, fish and chicken eggs, is doing me well. Will see if this good energy continues. Appearance seems decent this morning. I added royal jelly to the diet. hope that doesn't cause me harm. This morning I'm gueinss that chest rash came from eating cheese. The rash is going away though I can still see it a bit.
I has been another decent energy days. That's a nice relief. Appearance was more healthy in the morning. Now I'm a bit on the run down side.

I'm going to attribute the run down appears, chest rash, tongue sores/markings on eating cheese last Thursday or Friday. I might be wrong but I'll make it a point to stay away from cheese, beef and pork and monitor my tongue and look for the rash. I might add the fish eggs back into the diet soon.

Gut a bit on the sore side. I've been sicker than expected but nothing terrible.
174lbs. My skin is starting to take on that healthy appearance. Glad about that. That comes from avoiding dairy products. Tongue is looking and feeling better. It is not perfect though. Will be interesting to see if the sores go away on this fish diet, and avoiding grains. I went on an 8 month avoidance of pork, beef, and cheese last year and early this year. I didn't keep notes on my tongue I believe. At the moment though I'm thinking maybe the recent cheese eating resulted in tongue sores. Grains of course are another suspect tongue problem maker.

Energy levels feel good this morning. It is likely to be a good day. With that said I'll probably fast and the second day of fasting tends to wear on me.
I have a slight upset stomach today. It is more cramping than anything. Most likely it is caused by the carrot slivers I've been eating. I'll stop those. Appearance decently heallthy. Probably it is the dairy/cheese I've eaten of late that tired me out.

I went on an 8 month avoidance of dairy and beef, along with pork. I did well on that diet but didn't get well overall. I should return to a alpha gal diet, and see if the natural supplements I've been taking get me well, healed up. I'm always monitoring for blue eyes and the only consistent time I've seen blue eyes is when I've avoided dairy and beef. Maybe the supplements are what i need to get the bright blue eyes that symbolize good health to me for my condition. My energy is pretty good day. I'm thinking the supplements and cheese avoidance is helping improve my energy levels.

I swam this morning and so far I'm not feeling fatigued. Today is a fasting day and I'm handling it well. I believe I'm already at 174lbs. Making 172lbs should be easy.
I' ve been ill to the gut more or less all day but it has been a good day. I'm quite pleased about the higher energy levels. It has me thinking once again if i can figure out what causes the fatigue I'll have my answer. The gut will take a long time to heal if it ever completely heals. The fatigue though is what knocks me for a loop the worst, typically. With that said, I've had some exttremetly painful flares too that I wouldn't want to experience again.

Hope the natural supplements make the difference and give me good energy. Avoiding beef and cheese along with pork seems to be helping.

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