Oops, I crapped my pants.

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Aug 7, 2014
Manchester, NH
After complaining about a fever & night sweats, my GI put me on a round of antibiotics and scheduled an MRI to look for an abscess.

The antibiotics were new to me: Suprax. Everything I read about side-effects spoke about diarrhea. I just assumed this was something that happened in clinical studies, so they had to put it in the warning.

Three days into the meds, I'm noticing that I have a 10 second window from the urge to explosion. Thankfully I work from home, so this was easy enough to control.

Fast forward to 5 days in: I wake up early to do my morning business, and feeling emptied, I then take the dog for a walk.

As I'm roughly a half mile from home and loving the cool August morning, I'm thinking "I need to do this more often". Suddenly, my stomach starts making the sounds usually heard in movies after a character has been fed laxatives. I'm controlling my breathing, concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other, realizing that I'm not far from home.

This works for about 15 seconds, then the flood gates opened. Despite my morning bowel session, I somehow had a enough to start running down my legs, etc. Knowing I was a mess, I called my wife, asking her to unlock the front door. Her immediate response was asking if I had forgotten my key, to which I said "CODE BROWN! Crap-tastrophe 2014!".

Being early in the morning, there were no cars or neighbors out, and I made it home without being seen. By this time, the back of my light jeans were a good shade of brown. Knowing how bad it was from the back, I walked into the house, turned around and asked "Is it noticeable?"

I get out of the shower 20 minutes later and my loving wife mentions she found something that might help: A classic SNL commercial for "Oops, I crapped my pants!" adult diapers. We laughed and watched it three times.

At the end of the day, sh*t happens, especially with Crohn's. But, I've always felt that if you can't laugh at poop & poop jokes, it's going to be even harder on you.

And, we aren't the only ones that experience these accidents. While in the car with a few friends on the way to a triathlon, we started sharing stories of mid-race/mid-run calls of nature. I was the only one with IBD in the car, so it was refreshing to hear that other people have felt that sheepish "WTF" after a bowel accident.

To anyone that wants to go home & die: don't. It's not that big a deal. Plus, you should probably go home & shower...

Has anyone else gotten past the point of shame, and live firmly in the realm of "Ha - it hit the fan!"?
I just knew you were going to mention SNL ~ LOL!! I remember that so well, 'because i'm wearing them, and i just did'!
Your sense of humor rocks! Laugh or cry, i pick laugh too. Your writing style is amazing, so detailed, i don't want to say i almost felt like i was there since it is not the same as when someone describes homemade baked bread, but you write so clearly ~ Have you ever considered being a writer?

Have you seen the poopourrie 'girls don't poop' commercial on youtube?

Thanks for the post!
Happened to me twice. Both while alone, fortunately. By the second time I got over the shame. The more I watch my diet the more I can control it. I dread the day that it happens during a business meeting or while traveling on business trip...
OOOOOOhhhhhh yeah.... been there! You do have to laugh about it at some point. What else can you do? :)

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