Hey Jer!
Sorry I have been away from the forum for a while. I've been busy with work and making some changes/decisions regarding my future. Thank you for messaging me!
I understand your concern and confusion with your ex-wife suggesting counseling. I have opinions on both sides of the spectrum about this. First, I want to say that whatever you decide, you should proceed with caution. It is obvious that this woman knows how to play with your emotions, so it would be difficult (as you have mentioned) if you put yourself in a position to get hurt again.
I do think it may be a step in the right direction for you two to try counseling. It's obvious that you both still have feelings for each other (nine years together, of course!)If she has suggested it, I am hoping that means she is open to the idea of change if you decide to continue a relationship together. If you do decide you want to try counseling, it may be helpful to go about it in the way that you are seeking to learn healthy ways of communicating with each other rather than necessarily looking to get back together. Whether you stay together or not, you both need to learn how to treat each other since your relationship with each other has an affect on the children as well. So, it is beneficial and important in that sense.
If you can establish healthy ways of communicating and interacting with each other, then and only then, do I think it would be safe to consider getting back together with her. It takes commitment and she has a history of tearing you down when things get tough. If she really wants things to work between you two, she will respect the need to establish a solid platonic relationship first.
I am a big believer in counseling and think it can be extremely effective when everyone involved is committed to it and open-minded. One-on-one counseling would be even better on top of the couples counseling (her most importantly). That way the counselor still knows whats going on individually as far as goals, priorities, and personal matters.
I think it's great that she suggested counseling because perhaps it means she's acknowledging the fact that an outside source of help is needed.
Just proceed with caution. There has been a lot of trust lost between the two of you and it will take time to earn it back. I think it's better to try and realize you weren't meant to stay together than write someone off. But, I also do not know her as well as you. So, of course, you have to make the final decision (as you know). That's just my opinion based on everything you've shared with us about you guys.
I feel my response is scattered and unfocused, so I apologize if I repeated myself or am unclear.
Keep us posted!
P.S. You don't have to apologize for anything. The forum is a place for support, regardless of your title on the board! I agree with others - take care of yourself and the board will do the same!