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Hey all
I went to the loo a while ago and alot of blood in the stools. Tomorrow I am going the walking clinic. What could be happening? Hope all is well.
Hi Leah

good luck tomorrow, try not to worry too much untill you have been seen could be a number of things (((hugs))) let us know how you get on x
Well that will be for the doctor's to figure out! Just take care until then and good luck.
Hey leah131 Yeah, a lot of blood there can be very disconcerting. I've lost oodles, in fact so much so that at one time I was having difficulty getting the dr's to believe me... So I grabbed the digital camera, took some pix (nasty business) and showed them to the Dr's. I don't think anyone had ever done that to them before. It stopped their disbelief... Anyway, see the doctor, get it checked out.. Just wanted you to know that bleeding is (I won't use the term 'normal' - because it never looks or feels normal to see your body doing that - like I said, it can be very disconcerting) 'typical' at various stages of IBD... It could be any number of things. But I survived, and you have to know that you will too. You may want to cut back on fibre or ruffage until it settles down. Naturally, you won't want anything that's hard to digest contacting an area that is actively bleeding. And dividing what you currently are eating to smaller portions spread over time will help rest your system. i.e. Instead of 3 normal sized meals a day, divide it up so that you're eating 6 smaller sized meals. I'll keep you in my thoughts..
sound like you got a bad flair up there leah hun. hope you get it sorted out soon. x
So what did they say at the clinic Leah? Was it a flare up, did they send you for tests? Hope you are feeling better

They didn't say anything at the clinic. The doctor just send me to the ER. I was there with my mom. The ER doctor had me on an IV and that was it then send me home.
OK, that should hold u over till u get 2 c your doc or GI. But if u continue to notice too much blood, go back to the clinic or ER. The amt of blood a person loses this way can be very hard to estimate... it sometimes looks like it's more than it is...
The only comfort & support I can offer u is that I've been thru it too... and I know how hard it can be sometimes to get the doc's (esp in the ER) to take it seriously. I guess the good news is that they don't because they don't see it as urgent... Doesn't mean u can just ignore it, just that u should try not to lose sleep over it.
Hi all:
I drop off my stool sample yesterday at the lab. I should know something by the end of this week I believe.
Leah I am very pleased you are going to the doctor as soon as possible. Reading this is a very big concern of mine, since I had the most unpleasant experience myself way back when. I'll spare the story, as you are going to the doctors, and there is no need to alarm you. This in no way means that you will or would go through what I did. I just get extremely scared when reading about blood in the stool. Just you probably do..that you are doing the right thing by going tommorow. Good luck hon, you are in my thoughts. Please message me if you like, and let me know what the doctor told you.

I just noticed I'm very late in response to this Leah, and for that I apologize. How did your visit with the Doctor go? Major sleep deprived here.
Hey there Leah - First off, good deal on getting to the doctor's quickly. Have you seen a specialist? Sorry for my ignorance, I'm unfamiliar with your case for the most part. I believe you mentioned something about a specialist in the past, but specifics escape me at the moment. ER docs generally are not gastro docs, that's mainly why the question.

Second, once you get a "diagnosis" for this issue, make sure to get a second opinion, both on the diagnosis and the prognosis. Some docs are very very quick to send you under the knife in certain cases. I'm not saying this is one of them, not at all, but I am saying that if you get a "surgery-happy" doc, make sure to go to another gastro in the area and confirm his findings and plan of "fixing it".

Lastly - don't get too worked up about this. I realize this is scary territory so to speak, but trust me, in the 20 years that I've been dealing with this, all that getting scared about things has done is to make them potentially worse. Hit me up on AIM sometime. I saw you messaged me the other day, but you didn't answer my reply :( *sniffle*

Hang in there!

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