What are your SAFE and UNSAFE foods?

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First day back to work. Have to add death by chocolate cake to the banned foods list as it had triggered bad abdominal cramps that knocked me out sick for a whole week (it is now cramps by chocolate cake :) ). That cake never bothered me before, my system is getting more sensitive. Haven't had cramps that bad in a few years, good thing I didn't eat the whole slice. Chocolate seems to be OK in moderation, can't have the dense stuff.

Still learning even after 15 years.

UNSAFE: hard to digest food like: deep fried foods, dairy (cheese & milk), gluten, red meat, chicken, alcohol, caffeine, buckwheat, candy, chocolate, fizzy drinks, raw broccoli.

SAFE: nourishing soft easy to digest mushy foods like: kichari, poached or scrambled eggs, steamed fish, porridge with stewed apples, steamed vegetables, smoothies, homemade vegetable juices, soups, bone broths, risotto, butter.

Still manage to eat well despite everything.
Coffee seems to be off most people's lists but I have been told (by a Crohn's specialist) to drink more! Also have kefir and kale. Some doctors say more fibre others less. Milk is no good but no real trouble with cheese, yoghurts etc. Specialist has some strange fascination with avoiding emulsifiers and vegetable oils. Good luck on that one!
I've attached the list we created that seems to be working great. Regarding supplements, the only ones used right now are a liquid multi-vitamin/mineral, turmeric, and etherium gold. Have been following this for three weeks and all symptoms have decreased, bowel movements are more "normal", and energy level is getting better everyday. We have one more appointment with a doctor for a second opinion before starting Humira, which we're trying to avoid, and before adding anything or making any changes to current treatment plan.


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Do you not think that food intolerances vary person to person as personally i feel food plays a huge part in managing IBD. (i have a mix of a few types).??

tomatoes have inflammatory properties so i dont agree that they are high risk unless you have a degree of intolerance.

Spicy foods for me send me into a flair and i avoid artificial sugars too.
would however recommend pineapple as it has a chemical that exfoliates your guts as crude as that sounds but helps me so much in feeling normal day to day.
I stay away from processed and fried. I start with peppermint tea first thing in morning. I have something like toast or biscuits. Then protein pasta and chicken with turmeric,garlic, salt pepper and a super tonic on the side (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2280172438516&set=gm.171287279623993&type=3&theater&ifg=1).
I eat two more meals that include fresh fruits or cooked fresh vegetable and a meat/protein. I have a few sweet things I can eat and do. I eat nuts and jerky in between. I drink water and sweet tea with lemon juice. I started eating very bland after the last surgery. potatoes, bread, chicken and water. After two years have worked up to this diet. I eat in front of the tv with something funny on and Relax while I eat.
1. Crohn's
2.Eggs, ground meat of any kind (especially sausages/cased meats), lunch meat, raw peppers, milk, fried foods, shrimp, crab, pineapple, coffee, artificial preservatives or sweeteners, corn, popcorn, jerky, too many herbs (rosemary, thyme, sage), bone broth :(
3.bananas (especially greenish ones), nuts, seeds, legumes, beans, avocados, potatoes, carrots, chicken, oatmeal, butter/bib lettuce, rice, whole wheat, peanut butter, apples, fresh mint, ginger root, warm spices (turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom), sprouts, cauliflower, microgreens, broccoli, squash, green tea :)

I kept a food journal for about 3 years and made notes about what work and didn't work for me, these are the ones I know for sure.
Well, I have been on Humira for 3 months and 6mp for 4 months. Now I have to start a new "food diary" because I have noticed I can tolerate some foods NOW that I couldn't tolerate last year. ( My diagnosis of Crohn's was April 2018 but I was drinking only liquids for three months of this year. )

Fresh strawberries have seeds on the outside ( or whatever that is ) so I thought I could not eat them. But I DID eat them recently and I was ok. *confused*

But one day I ate Blueberry Bread.....which is shaped like Banana Bread . The Blueberry Bread is basically a Blueberry Muffin in the form of a loaf. Well, it had blueberries in it, which have seeds in the middle. My digestive tract did not like those seeds at all !!

I will never be able to eat fatty, greasy, oily foods because of my Bile Salt Malabsorption. ( I take Cholestyramine Powder )

I will just have to go slowly on adding foods. Vegetables have been a 100% no-no for YEARS, but I would like to try eating a baked sweet potato. I know that is starchy, but it sounds interesting.

I could also give my gut a break one or two days a week and just have liquids those days. I bloat easily !!

Sorry this is so long.

Best Of Luck to everyone who is trying to figure out the impossible!!

Take Care.
Careful with the 6MP

Be careful, 6MP can drastically lower your white blood count and also bring about cancers.... my current gastro had me stop the 6MP after my 6th squamous cell carcinoma

Be careful, 6MP can drastically lower your white blood count and also bring about cancers.... my current gastro had me stop the 6MP after my 6th squamous cell carcinoma


I started the 6mp on May 12th, 2018 and I should be off of it by October 2nd. I just saw the FNP as my Gastroenterologists office last week. I do a blood draw on October 1st.

During my recent visit I was told to see a Dermatologist for a skin check, so I will arrange that tomorrow. I was told to use sunscreen. I have to use an umbrella anyhow because of my sensitivety to the sun/ heat. ( thyroid? ) So, I keep an umbrella at home and one in my vehicle.

I was told to see my Gynevologist every year ( because I can get cervical cancer ? ) I see my Gynecologist once as year all the time and this July I told him I had Crohn's and he didn't seem to be interested in my Crohn's at all.

I recently saw my Endocrinologist and told her about my recent Crohn's diagnosis and she actually paid attention.

I tell every doctor I see about my diagnosis and medications.

My FNP told me to get a flu shot, which I did already earlier this year. She also said to get a pneumonia shot every 5 years. And to get a shingles shot ( but not the "live" shot. )

I have been going to this Gastroenterologist/ FNP for almost 7 months and NOW they tell me all these things !!! I hate the 6mp side effects and I want it over with.

Thanks forv replying to my post.

Sorry this is such a long post !!!!


I have Crohn's Colitis.

I was Vegan for nearly three-years and the combination of high fiber and anti-nutrients caused my flareup.

I cut out ALL fiber about six weeks ago as to allow my GI tract to have as much easy to digest food as possible.

Regardless of what we've all been brainwashed into accepting as normal, we were not designed to consume so much fiber, but I will eventually reintroduce plant foods into my diet.

And the "Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type Diet" has people who swear by it (I have not tried it yet).,

UNSAFE animal products for me

Bacon or any other kind of Pork
Bleu Cheese Dressing
Probiotic drinks such as Kevita
Carbonated beverages;The gas really does irritate the lining of my GI tract.
My only condiments are mustard, salt and pepper.
Ice cream usually causes diarrhea
Hot sauce or any other hot spices (PACKED with anti-nutrients)
Chewing gum causes the secretion of digestive enzymes and it causes gas
Yogurt just sits in my stomach like a lead weight.

And I urge anyone reading this to avoid nuts, seeds, bread and other grains that have not undergone thorough fermentation to remove phytates and other anti-nutrients, to avoid Deadly Nightshade Vegetables, oats, brown rice (HITE RICE is much safe as it won't be like sand paper in your gut), avoid ALL fiber supplements.

Please consider reading a book entitled "The Fiber Menace"https://www.amazon.com/Fiber-Menace-Constipation-Hemorrhoids-Ulcerative/dp/0970679645/ref=sr_1_1?hvadid=241579854453&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9005545&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=15896875794481838634&hvtargid=aud-676677759524%3Akwd-370335503967&keywords=the+fiber+menace&qid=1553321909&s=gateway&sr=8-1&tag=googhydr-20 and check out the You Tube channel, "Gut Sense" https://www.youtube.com/user/GutSense

Every physician's and Gastroenterologist's office should ask their patients if they are Vegan and do an overall assessment of their diet.

Foods that seem to work best with me:

Just about all other animal products such as turkey, chicken, liver, beef, fish, eggs, raw and/or aged cheeses, some dairy, butter-These are all fine.

I have had ultra-low pasteurized milk (145 degrees for forty-minutes preserving most of the enzymes) and have felt GREAT after drinking it.

And for laughs, here in Buffalo, NY have I have a CSA share, community supported agriculture-all produce and due to my flareup, I have had very little vegetable fiber in six-weeks or so-THANKFULLY, I have some people who can use this organic produce.

I have Crohn's Colitis.

I was Vegan for nearly three-years and the combination of high fiber and anti-nutrients caused my flareup.

I cut out ALL fiber about six weeks ago as to allow my GI tract to have as much easy to digest food as possible.

Regardless of what we've all been brainwashed into accepting as normal, we were not designed to consume so much fiber, but I will eventually reintroduce plant foods into my diet.

And the "Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type Diet" has people who swear by it (I have not tried it yet).,

UNSAFE animal products for me

Bacon or any other kind of Pork
Bleu Cheese Dressing
Probiotic drinks such as Kevita
Carbonated beverages;The gas really does irritate the lining of my GI tract.
My only condiments are mustard, salt and pepper.
Ice cream usually causes diarrhea
Hot sauce or any other hot spices (PACKED with anti-nutrients)
Chewing gum causes the secretion of digestive enzymes and it causes gas
Yogurt just sits in my stomach like a lead weight.

And I urge anyone reading this to avoid nuts, seeds, bread and other grains that have not undergone thorough fermentation to remove phytates and other anti-nutrients, to avoid Deadly Nightshade Vegetables, oats, brown rice (HITE RICE is much safe as it won't be like sand paper in your gut), avoid ALL fiber supplements.

Please consider reading a book entitled "The Fiber Menace"https://www.amazon.com/Fiber-Menace-Constipation-Hemorrhoids-Ulcerative/dp/0970679645/ref=sr_1_1?hvadid=241579854453&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9005545&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=15896875794481838634&hvtargid=aud-676677759524%3Akwd-370335503967&keywords=the+fiber+menace&qid=1553321909&s=gateway&sr=8-1&tag=googhydr-20 and check out the You Tube channel, "Gut Sense" https://www.youtube.com/user/GutSense

Every physician's and Gastroenterologist's office should ask their patients if they are Vegan and do an overall assessment of their diet.

Foods that seem to work best with me:

Just about all other animal products such as turkey, chicken, liver, beef, fish, eggs, raw and/or aged cheeses, some dairy, butter-These are all fine.

I have had ultra-low pasteurized milk (145 degrees for forty-minutes preserving most of the enzymes) and have felt GREAT after drinking it.

And for laughs, here in Buffalo, NY have I have a CSA share, community supported agriculture-all produce and due to my flareup, I have had very little vegetable fiber in six-weeks or so-THANKFULLY, I have some people who can use this organic produce.
I have found a good way to get vegetables into my diet is with canned, already cooked and processed vegetables preferably those without salt added. This was a welcome suggestion by my nutritionist and has worked well. I avoid all broccolli and corn. She used a fun phrase in terms of the most easily digested meats to the least starting with fish. It goes-no legs, two lets, four legs. Beef and pork being the hardest to digest. Good luck and hope this helps.
I have found a good way to get vegetables into my diet is with canned, already cooked and processed vegetables preferably those without salt added. This was a welcome suggestion by my nutritionist and has worked well. I avoid all broccolli and corn. She used a fun phrase in terms of the most easily digested meats to the least starting with fish. It goes-no legs, two lets, four legs. Beef and pork being the hardest to digest. Good luck and hope this helps.

Thanks so much.

No one should eat corn or broccoli because they are like sandpaper to the GI tract-Very inflammatory and packed with anti-nutrients.

I do not seem to have any serious problems with beef, but Bacon, even uncured causes serious inflammation.

I tried to eat steamed carrots and cauliflower (frozen) and about three-weeks ago, I lost my taste for it, no matter how I seasoned it.

I've also been taking Cod Liver oil on and off, plus B-Complex, some Vitamin C, Zinc and a couple other supplements mainly because when someone has Crohn's they do not absorb nutrients as well due to problems with stomach acid, inflammation of the GI tract and the loss of minerals through the Colon with all of the Diarrhea.
Question to all those who listed unsafe food:
What are the other factors that cause your flare-ups?
Truth is that there is NO proof that any food alone causes the flare-up.
But if your intestines are already damaged from past flare-ups then it is possible for some food to cause problems. Not because of the food itself but because your intestines are unable to absorb certain foods. Also things like tomatoes will surely cause pain to already damaged intestines because of their acidity.

My question is: do you think any food causes you problems WHEN you are perfectly healthy? (with completely healed intestines)
Problem is that most of the people, even when they are feeling better, have some degree of damage from past flare-ups.

I would especially like to hear from those who have undergone resection (as myself) and whose intestines are now completely healed. (I have Crohn's)
I have tried many different food after the operations and have not had even the slightest problems. Doctors also say: "Eat everything". (I still avoid certain foods just in case)
So I think it's hardly a food that causes or triggers the disease. (this probably also explains so many differences in people's diets)
Would like to hear your thoughts on this.

I just had surgery 4 weeks ago and I’m still trying to figure out what I can eat. Turkey , fish and chicken work well for me , rice does good also. I’m still trying food which will not give me gas. Absolutely no fried foods for me at least not now. I guess as time goes on and my intestines are completely healed I’ll try to incorporate other foods to see if I can tolerate them .. this is my 2nd surgery my first one was 20 years ago when I was first diagnosed.
1. Crohn's
2. Eggplant and cauliflower (double over in pain praying for death), butter and oils, dairy except Greek yogurt, coffee nondairy creamer :-(, wine & Baileys (can handle whisky shot over ice occasionally), any fried food obviously, some tomato sauces, most chips (found seaweed and rice one and stick pretzels ok)
3. Rice, potatoes, fish, hamburger, most all vegetables cooked, oatmeal, peanut butter creamy, banana, mango, blueberries 1/4 cup maximum depending on they day same with cherries both frozen, soups, crackers, licorice & ginger type teas, mini chocolate chips max 2 tsp (add to my oatmeal with peanut butter sometimes for a treat), avocado

All I can think of right now.
1. Crohns
2. WHEAT FLOUR, COWMILK (the 2 most problematic, corn, dairy, legumes, raw vegetables, carbonated drinks, any fastfood junk
3. CHICKEN BONE BROTH (the safest ever), all meats (preferably soft structured in cooking/steaming, all fish (not so much shellfish), steamed/well-cooked vegetables(preferable cruciferious, not legumes), olive oils, nuts(especially macadamia and walnut)
4. I added an extra layer if thats okay for foods that I know cause me flare-ups in the long run, but might seem fine in the short run. Basically very dangerous because you DONT EXPECT them to be the cause.
- ALL FLOURS (especially white modified ones) POTATOES (really sneaky one! gives me a flare but only after eating for months and stool always looking well), HIGH_SUGAR FRUITS, 1 a week is okay, but eating them on a daily basis makes me wanna sleep 12h a night after some time. HIGH CARB FOOD. Basically food that are high in carb, eating too much and I do get symptoms sooner or later. These include beetroot,sweet potato, yam, (any starches really), any bread(flours), RICE (this one so sneaky too!)
I’ve been denied medical care, so we think it’s Crohn’s disease but nobody knows for sure.

One of my biggest unsafe foods is beef. I absolutely cannot digest it. However chicken or turkey seem fine. I love spicy foods and they don’t seem to bother me at all. The more natural and raw the food is the more likely I am to be able to eat it but gluten is also unsafe for me.
I’ve been denied medical care, so we think it’s Crohn’s disease but nobody knows for sure.

One of my biggest unsafe foods is beef. I absolutely cannot digest it. However chicken or turkey seem fine. I love spicy foods and they don’t seem to bother me at all. The more natural and raw the food is the more likely I am to be able to eat it but gluten is also unsafe for me.

It took 4 yrs for a diagnosis, in and out of the hospital every other month just a CT ran. Liquid diets didn't work, to salty, to much Red dye, sugar. I could taste the mold in the melted ice that passed for drinking water. Foods I once loved became taboo. Gastric Delay test finally showed Gastropresis...Slow Digestion. I'd gone from 140 lbs to 108 lbs. Every thing you eat bloats, causes pain, GERD. Seems everything food wise is an issue, when you are a multi GI and health issue patient at 73. Fresh water fish is OK, but not Seafood. High fiber bulk foods became a No, same for fruits, seeds, rice, hulls, dried beans. I was told Tuesday because of the Pre-Cancer Barrett's I'd be on Nexium for life. Lymphocytic Colitis was added to the list, I don't fit into the Chron's or Ciliacs diseases, somewhere inbetween. Nexium did a number on my teeth, lost all the bottom, and not enough bone to adhere the lower denture. I can tell it is affecting the upper teeth as they are spreading and painful. Gastropresis turns you into a Type 2 Diabetic, 4 different pills, Metformin the worst later, I now use Humalog, please invent a NO FINGER PRICK testing, NO adhesive patch. I don't want to buy a $1,000 phone I don't use the $400 1 that much. Try a watch with no adhesive patch. Try a Chat feature for Hearing Impaired for hard of hearing patients with Hearing Aids. Written words work better.
I am not able to figure out what foods are triggering me the symptoms because the symptoms are not showing up on the same day. How are you guys figuring it out those specific foods are harming you?

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