What are your SAFE and UNSAFE foods?

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

1) Crohn's
2) Unsafe- coffee, fast food, processed food, white bread, dairy, anything fried
3) Safe - oatmeal,bananas, brown rice, steamed vegetables, salmon
Safe and Unsafe Foods

1. Crohn's Disease


Fermented foods - cheese, yoghurt, yeasts, sourdough, vinegar, alcohol, tea;
Acidic/sour tasting foods - tomatoes, citrus fruit, berries, grapes, unripe fruit;
Gas forming foods - onions, cabbages, beans, soy, nuts;
Raw carrots;
Anything with Citric acid;
Anything with Sulphites;
Spicy foods;


Gluten-free oats;
White basmati rice;
Most cooked vegetables - carrots, butternut, zucchini, spinach, green beans;
Salad greens - lettuce, cucumber, yellow peppers;
Sweet ripe fruit - banana, papaya;
Chamomile tea;
Decaffeinated green tea.

4. When Flaring:

White basmati rice;
White bread;
Scrambled eggs;
Steamed chicken;
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1. Probably Crohns [still running tests]

2. Any leafy green veggie [especially broccoli], whole grains, coffee, beer, whiskey :(, onions, cucumbers, red meat :(, bell peppers, fried foods, beans

3. Bananas, cooked carrots, rice, rice-products
Crohns Disease

Tomato's and Tomato sauces
Green Leaf / Romaine Lettuce
Pork + Most beef (Especially ground)
Fried Chicken (is the absolute DEVIL)
Dairy (Especially yogurt)
Bell Peppers
Popcorn (yikes!!)
Kraft Dinner

Chicken (I only really roast or cook breasts)
Breads + cakes
Lunch meat
Canned fruit
Canned tuna
Pasta (except with red sauce)
Frozen veggies (even corn)

I dont always follow my lists... if I am feeling ok I eat everything I want in moderation.
1. crohn's
2. Anything with sugar, lactose or gluten in it, anything processed or deep fried...don't eat out or by anything pre-made or packaged
3. Anything fresh, fresh veggies & fruit (not in a container) also all meats except pork, pastas as long as rice based or corn based...I make all my own sauces, etc as well...if I want a coffee HAS to be Decaf & only small amount..I can still have curry if it's mild & gluten free
My unsafe foods . . .

I really don't have many unsafe foods per se. The one thing I do know is anything with titanium dioxide is going to send me over the edge. I notice a lot of people can't eat "processed food". That may be T.D. I encourage people to check the ingredients of foods that cause them problems and look for this additive.

Can't eat white flour based foods, most meats. They make me constipated. Brown bread and cooked veggies is fine. Can have butter but not other dairy products as they give me fissures. Chocolate is a nono. And sugary foods in moderation are fine. Ensure CONSTIPATES me. So bad that I had to go to the hospital on several occasions because of it.
1. Crohn's
2. Red Meat, Broccoli, Garlic or any traces of it (Causes major excruciating pain),
caffeine, spicy foods, oleic oil, any new food that my body has never had
3. Anything else.

Onset of Crohn's before being put on Remicade, when in flare, I could only eat potatoes, mashed or as a soup, plain oatmeal, nothing else.


Current Crohn's Med: Cimzia
Current Pain Med: Tramadol - switching to MM
Current Supplements: Juice Plus, Colostrum, Vitamin D
snowchic yea mashed potatoes became my best friend last year before i started my Humira..mainly b/c it was the only thing i could keep down!!!! but i still love them now i guess from having ate them so much lol
1. Crohn's disease

2. Unsafe - Sweetcorn, apples (really upset my stomach), artifical sweetners (again, really upset my stomach), soya milk, anything really spicy

3. Safe - Pasta, vegetables (including carrots, sweet potatoes, peas and potatoes), oranges
1. Crohn's

2. PORK [(I make an exception for bacon.) mmmhhhhmmm bacon!!], chinese food, McDonalds, Thai food, nutella, high fiber cereal or bars, artificial sweatners, cola, RED BULL, cold cut meat

3. ALL fruits and veggies, chicken, rice, fish, maple syrup, bread, dairy products.

I love eating CLIFF bars http://www.clifbar.com/ they are wonderful when I need something quick.
1. CD

2. whole milk, yogurt, coffee, soda, orange juice, oranges, grapefruit, plums, apples, pears, basically everything except watermelon and strawberries for some reason, baked beans, chili :'(, ice cream, nuts, brown rice, too much butter, corn, popcorn, tortilla chips, raw broccoli and cucumber!!, too much garlic, salads, fatty hamburger and fried food, marinara sauce, creamy soups, buffalo sauce, spicy foods in general :'(, ALCOHOL.

3. chicken broth is a life saver when I can't stomach anything else, turkey, steak but only really good fillets, or super soft roast beef, sushi (tuna rolls!) and all cooked fish, mashed potatoes, ramen, cooked spinach, well cooked soft string beans, sweet potatoes and carrots, black pepper in moderation, white rice, olive oil, cheese in moderation.
when I'm in remission small amounts of vegetation like lettuce tomato and onion on a sandwich or a little diced celery and onion in chicken or tuna salad doesn't upset anything for me.
Pen, just had to write and say I have a picture of Thunder Bay hanging in my home. My great grandfather, William Armstrong painted it. My Dad grew up in Ontario...never been but doubt I'll get the chance now.Travelling is very difficult...
Something I've picked up on is that no one has mentioned Sorbitol. It's an ingredient in diet drinks which latches onto fatty cells and slides them right out. It was originally intended to help weight loss. So beware all Diet drinks, check the labels!!

Unsafe: Red Onions (raw, havn't chanced cooked, regualr onions seem to be fine)

Safe: Everything else it would seem, though there is something I have had recently that doesn't seem to agree with me.

Not 100% sure about dairy, only had it while on steroids and it was fine, but I don't eat much dairy anyway so havn't had much since I finished with them.
Hey Gsto88

Yes, chicken broth is my "meal" of choice when I'm in the midst of flares. That and mashed potatoes. As far as the fruits, have you tried removing the skin off your plums and apples? The oranges & grapefruits get complicated with all the "strings" and stuff, but I've made a point to remove the skin and I don't get irritation from them...although I still eat them in moderation.
Pen, just had to write and say I have a picture of Thunder Bay hanging in my home. My great grandfather, William Armstrong painted it. My Dad grew up in Ontario...never been but doubt I'll get the chance now.Travelling is very difficult...
Something I've picked up on is that no one has mentioned Sorbitol. It's an ingredient in diet drinks which latches onto fatty cells and slides them right out. It was originally intended to help weight loss. So beware all Diet drinks, check the labels!!

Thanks I dont live too far from a beautiful landmark Kakabeka Falls. From my doctors office I have a clear view of the Giant. Pretty nice city. :smile:
1. Crohns
2.WHEN I AM FLARING...Beef, granola, tomato juice, peppers/grapes/apples, rice, nuts, raw veggies, very cold liquid, gum (the air I guess), fried or fatty food, dairy!
3. WHEN I'M FLARING....pasta, bread, crackers,

ANd when I am not flaring, it appears that I am able to eat pretty much anything. My concern here though, is that I'm 12 weeks post op (bowel resect) and TERRIFIED to do it again. Everyone asks me "What kind of diet are you on, to prevent it from happening again?" Am I suppose to avoid these foods forever? There are so many conflicting opinions, articles out there about this. Recently I read that food is without a doubt the cause of a flare and that we should all be following a diet. My doc will disagree, saying that it is safe to eat anything you'd like as long as you are healthy. So confused.
Hi Kacey,

All I can tell you is that I can't eat any red meat, broccoli or garlic of any kind in or out of a flare or I will surely have one without a doubt. It seems that everyone has different things they can or can't eat. It's weird how this disease effects everyone differently.

I wouldn't say I follow a particular diet, other than avoiding the above. I do, however, eat really healthily and stay away from fried foods and I don't eat sweets very often, maybe an occasional cheese cake here or there. I just view food as either helpful or hurtful. If it's going to help my body be healthy, then I will eat it, but it is overall unhealthy, then I try to stay away from it.

That's my theory and has seemed to work for the last 11 years for me. I hope this has been helpful. Good luck! Rhonda
I know this might sound stupid, since one of the top items is Fried food but... French fries :/
what do you guys reckon on that matter? ^ ^"
That's okay ekuskrash. What I meant was putting fries in the oven and baking them, rather than frying them on top of the stove.
1. If you have Crohn's, UC, or some other form of IBD

2. A list of foods you KNOW (not just theorize) are unsafe for you.
tomato based anything, soda, raw veggies, hot sauce, chocolate, popcorn

3. A list of foods you KNOW (not just theorize) are safe for you.
Whenever I am flaring, these are my go-to foods. White bread, white pasta, white rice, mashed potatoes, applesauce, yogurt, bananas, tea.

I can eat the things on my "unsafe" list, but just in moderation. I can eat a small green salad once or twice a week, but definitely not everyday!

Thank you so much sharing such a great list of safe and unsafe food. This list helped me in great manner. I appreciated your work very much. Thanks a lot....
1. Ulcerative Colitis
2. Meat (with exception of fish), chickpeas, burrito's, chinese food, tomato sauces, butter, dairy, coffee, beer, red wine (one glass of soft white wine like prosecco is okay), grains.
3. Banana, white rice, cooked carrots, mashed potatoes, fish, white pasta, saltine crackers, regularly drink water, avocado, melon, blended potato and green onion soup, sushi.
Anything with wheat! (I have ceilac as well) I try not to eat very acidic things either - I buy low acid orange juice over than regular kind, as well as avoiding anything hard to digest. During a flare almost anything will set me off, sadly.
Pizza, definitely. I am having a flare up that is almost gone now, yesterday I ate a dish that had chickpeas and mustardseeds, and that was totally wrong because this morning i was bleeding a little again, so that is also on my list of unsafe foods.

Just wondering are doritos bad? Ive eaten a couple an nothing happened no pain or anything, i just dont want to eat alot if they are bad
1. Crohn for 14 years, 2 years of remission now with this diet

2. Unsafe: all wheat products - even gluten free, dairy, sugar products, alcohol, most additives, spicy foods, coffee

3. Safe: SCD-Yogurt, cheese, nuts, chicken, meat without additives, fruits, vegs, fish, berries, butter, olive oil,
it just so happens i am now in clinical remission as well just from the medications!!

my specialist told me i could eat whatever i wanted now, and just that if it hurt not to eat it anymore.
Safe and Unsafe Foods

I've had Crohn's for 27 years. My disease seems to be in control as long as I stick to the diet below. I've gone 10 years without a flare but this year, I've had multiple flare-ups. Along with new trigger foods, stress seems to be a huge trigger.

Safe Foods - Most vegetables and fruits(cooked easier to digest), beef, chicken, fish, tofu

Semi-safe - Goat and sheep's milk cheeses, goat milk, almond milk (limited), goat yogurt, buffalo cheese, soy milk. vinegars ( except rice wine), alcohol

Unsafe triggers - purple onion, raw broccoli, carageegan, rice wine vingar. m(instant cramps and bloating!), any type of cow's milk product, wheat products and gluten (the gluten and wheat just started with me :(
Hi there - this list helped to turn my week around! Thanks a million.

1. Undiagnosed (waiting, waiting, waiting to see the GI)
2. Corn in all its forms - including derivatives like maltodextrin. (So this includes a lot of fast asian food b/c of the hidden corn starch, and all sodas, most candy, most cookies and cakes, frosting, fried foods.) All grains except for white rice - tho this week I'm wary of that too. Beef, pork (except for gluten free bacon!), deli and processed meats, dairy - cow's sheep's and goat's (except for ghee), nuts (including almond and coconut milk), seeds, caffeine, beans (except tofu), powdered stevia, alcohol, apple peels, pineapple, raw carrots. hot spices.
3. All veggies except for beans, tofu, plain chicken, plain fish, white rice sometimes, some herbal teas, twig tea, liquid stevia, honey, potatoes & sweet potatoes, ghee, salt, eggs, some fruits (mango, peaches, bananas, some citrus), rice milk.

cutting out alcohol, caffeine and chocolate this week really helped, and I'm eating more half-sized meals. Also, I'm making an effort to only eat when I eat - I tend to eat at my desk at work, or at my computer at home, or playing a board game on the weekend. This week I'm just eating, mindfully, and that's helped, too.

nervous about going to a new office today... Food fright.
1.. crohns

2.. Meatballs, butter, soda, milk products (cheese), pringle chips, anything sour, pickles

3.. sushi, imatation crab, soy chocolate milk, white bread, applesauce,chicken,trix cereal,

I am lactose intolerant so if i do have dairy i have to take a pill.

unsafe foods--onion, garlic, bacon, milk, cheese, anything containing dairy,red meat, shellfish,ocean fish, soy, chocolate, all nuts,spicy seasoning, cinnamon , cloves, beer, yeast alcohols, tomato, pineapple, banana,acidic tropical fruits, carrots, corn, celery, raisins, chicken and egg

(excessive gluten intake also trigger flares)

safe foods--baked potatoes, green beans, rice milk, turkey,lettuce,green pepper, green tea, white rice
I've known for awhile that pumpkin seeds, and macadamia nuts are problem foods for me. When I eat those I have a classic, painful, allergic relation.

Grains are problem foods also. I probably could eat white rice, but wheat, and corn cause gut problems.

Over the last few months I've been writing a food journal and might have come across another problem food or two. I'm kind of exciting about this. I have not narrowed it down to which or all, but after avoiding olive oil/olives, cinnamon, along with chicken and eggs, the extreme fatigue, hunger, and muscle aches have all but gone away. A rash I can get has disappeared also. The timing couldn't be better as I have young nephews visiting this week for spring break. The boys normally run me into the ground. Kind of nice to be able to keep up with everyone for a change. Fingers crossed the good feelings continue.
Mr apricot same for me with excessive gluten...if I start getting those "highly attractive" bowel sounds then I know I've eaten too much gluten that week.
Thanks David for doing this!!!

1. Crohns disease
2. almost anything when I'm in a flare up, but I try to avoid beer, mayo, dairy (cheese seems to be okay), spicy food, sometimes chocolate, too much coffee
3. oatmeal, applesauce, cheese, saltines, soup, italian ice, water,tea, bananas
1. Very mild Crohn's

2. I haven't done brilliantly at figuring out foods that are triggers, but dried fruit is bad news :( As is energy drinks (unsure if it's the caffeine or the sugar that's the issue...). Also if I drink more than about two glasses of alcohol I know all about it the next day - so it's about quantities.

3. Porridge, bananas, herbal tea, pasta, bread. I find when I eat unhealthy food (eg. Maccas for lunch instead of a salad), my stomach is better :(
1. Ulcerative Colitis...my internist keeps saying I have Crohns, but since my G.I doesn't mention it...I don't want to know!

2. CABBAGE, Popcorn, Nuts, basically anything with high fiber content, Pizza, Hamburger, Cauliflower and onions, Pasta, icecream, carbonation of drinks, cucumbers

3. Beef bone broth with tidbits of beef, nonwhole grain type crackers, whitebread, sourdough, potato bread, applesauce, oddly enough, hot dogs, and ham, bacon, fish, Salmon, white rice, potatoes in any form without skins, chicken prepared anyway, tea, cream cheese, greek yogurt, eggs.
Charly, are your alcoholic drinks mixed with juices? Like orange/pineapple/cranberry? The sugars from the juices is what will get you more than just the drink itself typically.

Sjphansen- yea anything high fiber is a no-no for us. Isn't it crazy that things that are in general better for people (brown over white rice, wheat bread over white bread) are the reverse for us? lol...there are some books and articles online for helpful hints on eating a low fiber-low residue diet..or at least food items that fit those requirements.
The only thing I've come across that causes me any problems, albeit mildish ones, is steak. I never really like it so I don't really care, lol.

I can tolerate the hottest curries but not a piece of meat ... :3

Just wanted to say thanks so much for this list. I have never really figured out my trigger foods because I've never known what, out of the many things I've eaten in a day/meal, could be the problem. This list has given me the guidance I need to try to identify more of my trigger foods, so I can have a happier tummy.

Most appreciated!!

1. Crohn's

2. Gummi candies; processed foods; dairy products (although I cheat a good bit on this one...and suffer the consequences teehee :tongue:); caffeine; corn and popcorn when I'm feeling especially sensitive.

3. Beans, ginger tea, scrambled eggs. These are pretty much the only foods I eat when I have flare-ups, and they have gotten me out of some sticky spots! I also eat a lot of skyr, which is a type of Icelandic yogurt. I can't really say that it does anything positive to help my Crohn's--it doesn't make it any worse or any better-- but I felt like it was worth mentioning since it's one of the only milk products I can eat without getting sick. I think it has something to do with the part of the milk they use and how it's processed. If anyone else has dairy sensitivity, I highly recommend trying skyr as an alternative.
1) corn, corn products, dairy
2) olive oil, avocado, potatoes, not fried, any kind of fish, any vegetable except for corn that is pureed

I was diagnosed at age 15 in 1985. I had 2 bowel resections, 1 in 1994 and 1 in 2005. I do not take any maintenance drugs and have been symptom free since 2005. I started an anti-inflammatory diet that was taught at my local hospital. The focus is on omega 3 rich foods and seems to be working. The one downside has been that I eat very little red meat and I cannot absorb iron, so I have started iron infusion for that. Otherwise, for the first time in my over 20+ years with Crohn's I have not been afraid to eat, I even gained a little weight!
My concern here though, is that I'm 12 weeks post op (bowel resect) and TERRIFIED to do it again. Everyone asks me "What kind of diet are you on, to prevent it from happening again?" Am I suppose to avoid these foods forever? There are so many conflicting opinions, articles out there about this. Recently I read that food is without a doubt the cause of a flare and that we should all be following a diet. My doc will disagree, saying that it is safe to eat anything you'd like as long as you are healthy. So confused.

Hi Kacey - I'm 8 weeks post op and have the same confusion. I feel like I should be doing something with my diet, but there are so many different schools of thought and my GI just says to eat whatever I want that the "Crohn's will do whatever it wants to do". This doesn't seem right to me. I want someone to just hand me a list of foods I can/cannot eat, but everything I read seems to say it is an individual thing :(
RE: Last thread & it's attached quote...it DEFINITELY can be attached to food. Now, granted stress can bring on a flare, one of the MAIN triggers for Crohn's is food related. I think some of the confusion in the medical field is due to the fact that not much is known about it still and the fact that it isn't a uniform type of disease and affects everyone differently is what baffles folks. I mean, just look through this thread of safe v unsafe foods. One person's danger list is another person's comfort foods. I think it's best that once you identify your trigger foods to either only have small portions if you MUST or just avoid it altogether.
I’ve made my separate list of ‘safe foods’. It’s gotten significantly smaller in the last month.
I don’t know why I bother, I feel awful after eating anything. At least I try.

I hate grocery shopping all it does is highlight how bad I actually am, I get really anxious and uncomfortable around all that food and people. I feel like everyone is watching me and judging what I buy. It’s just all very stressful to me and I know it sounds stupid but my brain is stupid
1- crohns and coeliacs

1. canned peaches
2. bananas
3. yoghurt
4. Gluten free porridge
5. Rice
6. chicken

1. Lettuce
2. beetroot
3. nuts/ seeds
4. sweetcorn
KALE, you bastard! totally unsafe, as in: in the fetal position, on painkillers, distended, considering a visit to the hospital if the pain and blood doesn't stop.

just figured this one out this week so I thought I'd share
1- Crohn's, Chronic Gastritis and Celiac.
2- Unsafe: Raw blended kale and spinach as in a green smoothie, undercooked beans , raw onions, Honey, Walnuts, Pecans, apples, yellow pears, beer, Gluten, dairy, beef, wine, peppermint tea, most herbal teas, nutmeg, black dried figs, candy, too much sugar, MAG, Sorbitol, Stevia and worst of all apple juice
3- Safe foods: Cooked greens even Kale and spinach, cooked onions, cooked mushrooms, beans must soak for at least 18 hours, sprouted even better, hummus, cooked apples in rice pudding, berries, Cashews, almonds, sunflower seeds, Peppitas, black tea, nut milks, Tofu, Tempeh, dates,raw figs and on good days gluten free oatmeal and granola. I usually do better when citrus fruit and other fruit is combined say with vegan rice pudding.
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1. Crohns
2. Beer, Alcohol, Popcorn, Strawberries, Nuts, Pepper / Spicy foods
3. Chicken (breast or nuggets frm md's), potatoes (baked, boiled, mashed & even mcdonalds french fries), Vitamin Water, Chocolate ice cream (small qty), Green Beans, mac & cheese.
1) corn, corn products, dairy
2) olive oil, avocado, potatoes, not fried, any kind of fish, any vegetable except for corn that is pureed

Change your username so it does not expose your email to the world. Stress from deleting spam has been known cause attacks!! :)
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Crohn's disease
Unsafe: raw vegetables, sweets, soft drinks, fast food, pizza, anything heavy
Safe: sardines, avocado, tuna, olive oil, wheat bread, fish, kefir, yogurt, quinoa, rice, apples, bananas, blueberries, stawberries
1. CD

2. Off limits: Red meat, Fried food, Fast food, most spices (tabasco and srirachi are okay sometimes), beans, dairy milk, ice cream, anything whole wheat, anything high fiber, anything rich, fatty, or greasy. Oh, and artificial sweeteners- Big NO NO!

3. Usually safe: White bread, flour tortillas, yogurt, crackers, some fish, chicken (depending on preparation), aged cheese, boiled eggs, jasmine rice, most fruits and vegetables are okay when in remission.

During a flare, just crackers and bread.
1. Crohn's

2. Raw almonds, popcorn--I rarely have pain. When I do, I know I'm in trouble. Popcorn sent me to the ER and raw almonds nearly sent me.

3. Everything else seems fine.
Anything with any form of starch.

Nothing else bothers me or changes anything.

My doctor told me not to change my diet because I don't eat anything that has it or touches it now. (and that includes vitamins, supplements, medicines, etc)
I would first like to say that this list is a great idea. What I found most helpful was seeing a dietician, just regret that it took 4 years for this to be suggested to me. For me diet is 95% of the battle.

1. Crohn's and diverticulitis

-cream pasta sauce (by far the worst)
-deep fried food of any kind
-bbq sauce, bbq wing sauce (could be the garlic)
-ribs(again probably garlic related)
-mexican food in general (moes, chipotle, chilis)

-sweet potatoes
-whole wheat rice
-whole wheat pasta
-whole wheat bread
-turkey bacon
-apple sauce
-pork chops
1. Crohn's

2. Can't eat- caffiene, alchohol, chocolate, wheat, tomato sauce, whole nuts/seeds, spicy food, eggs, red meat, zuccini, anything with msg. watermelon?

3. Bananas, avocado, coconut oil, pea protein powder, soups, most cooked veggies, especially butternut squash, fish, chicken, yogurt, mint tea, catnip tea.
1. Crohns
2. Corn and whatever is made out of it, lactose, un peeled tomato, lettuce, Fried eggs, french fries.
3. chicken, beef, fish, breads.
I'm confused some of these food say safe and some say not but they are overlapping.

You know just do as my nutritionist said. try small a amount of somehing you want to test and judge by yourself. i think everyone has their own list of safe/unsafe food.
1. Crohns
2. I have to take it easy on some cereals....anything with to much fibre like many of the healthy cereals.....like oatmeal crisp, as much as i love that stuff its just not great....
also cannot eat thin runny pasta sauce
3. Whire bread products, white pasta, rice is always good to, THICK and chunky pasta sauce, meats, apple cider (ya totally random)

1- Crohns/Colitis

2- Brocolli (this is the worst), wholewheat bread, wheatabix

2- White bread, white pasta, chicken, bananas, mashed potato
1. Crohn's

2. Unsafe: Popcorn, nuts, green beans, high fiber foods (ex, bran, wheat, etc)

3. Safe: Everything else. Chicken, read meat, pasta (when I am in a flare), veggies, fruit, etc.
1. Crohn's

2. Fast/fatty/greasy food.
Spicy food
Too much salad
Tomato/tomato sauce/acidic foods

3. Chicken
Broccoli (steamed)
1. Severe UC
2. Dairy: milk and cheese, ALL raw veggies and fruit, anything fried, anything with seeds, any form of rice, chocolate, coffee
3. Eggs, yogurt, chicken broth, white bread, saltine crackers, almond milk, small amounts of creamy peanut butter (lots of sugar is a trigger for me), small portions of canned green beans, potatoes (mashed)

1° Crohns :)
2° Any sort of industrial candy especially sherbet, spicy food, sweet corn, green veggies
3° RICE, any meats, tomato sauce (helps with the blandness), coca-cola, ice tea, starchy veggies (carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes etc..)

Currently on Imuran and Entocort
Crhon's Disease

Unsafe foods:
Gluten, especially doughy breads like a nice Italian or French loaf--yum yum.
Caffeine, especially coffee and chocolate too-- boo hoo:cry:
Onions, especially raw
Dry Beans-- green beens are fine.
All fast food and fried food, potato chips fall in this category but for some reason regular potato chips actually make me feel good, but I'll usually go for plaintain chips if I crave something salty.
Alcohol-- not even a drop.
Any carbonated drinks-- I don't need help making gas!
Veggies with thick skin, unless the skin is removed.
Sugar all forms, I do use honey to sweeten my green tea.
Pork and red meat... on occasion I will have steak

Safe foods:
Bananas, brown rice, apples(without the skin), broccoli, cucumbers(also no skin), gluten free bread/pasta, chicken breast or fish-baked, coconut oil instead of butter/margerine, almond milk or coconut milk.
Safe snacks: plaintain chips, walnuts, dried fruit

That's all I can think of for now... I do take supplements.
1. Not finalized diagnosis but suspected Crohn's
2. fried, spicy, oils (all chinese food), lettuces & onions are big ones, sometimes dairy especially if it has the word 'cream' in it i.e. sour cream, heavy creamer, ice cream etc., caffeine, chocolate, poultry skin (as in a chicken or turkey roast), butter, mayo, beef, tomatoes
3. rice (i find rice milk to be safer than regular milk), white breads, usually fish, grilled chicken(i find it best to always avoid the skins), pasta(but watch out for the sauces, alfredo is butter and cream and tomato is bothersome
I've found with any kind of meat grilling is always easier for me handle than baking. I also think stress, anxiety, environment can play a big part as most bathroom issues I deal with are often time between 10 to 90mins after a meal. I've found a calm, not rushed and also cooler temperature can make for a better environment when eating. Hope this helps.
crohns disease, 10 years

popcorn, chips, white sugar, artificial sweeteners, coffee, gluten, raw & whole nuts/seeds, cow dairy, raw carrots, basically any junk food/candy, melon is not great, spicy foods

rice pasta, rice bread, sheep and goat yogurt, eggs, almond butter, veggie juice, fish, chicken, squash, proper homemade bone broth, miso, avacado, green and herbal teas, non dairy unsweetened alternative milks (almond soy coconut ect), applesauce
1. Crohn's
2. Any nuts, tomato soup or marinara sauce, tropical fruit
3. YOGURT, breads, any meats, apples (no skin) bananas, mashed potatos
1. Crohn's
2. Coffee, Alcohol, Soft Drinks, Smoking, Spicy foods, fatty foods, fried foods, dairy foods, sugars, tomato sauces, onions, citrus fruits, juices, cold food or water

3. Warm Water, apples, Spinach, Steamed foods, brown rice, lean chicken, pork and fish, carrots, ginger, snow peas, boiled food
its difficult to say exactly what acts as triggers. I have noticed that apple juice sometimes sets me off. What I have discovered by careful logging of ingredients of foods that cause me the most severe symptoms is that colours classified as E160b and E160c cause me sever symptoms. These have several names including paprika extract, capsicum and annatto. The are sometimes listed among 'natural colourings'. All of these are red/orange colours and are often used in pasta sauce, snacks, pizzas and a host of other packaged products in various quantities.

These additives are classed as 'natural', but they are extracts and hence concentrates and I suspect will be liberally sprinkled or added to various foods making them present in rather unnatural quantities.

Not sure whether this is an intollerance/allergy that is unique to me, but it appears to have been responsible in the past for several severe flareups lasting 3-7 days and many lesser periods of discomfort. I have carefully avoided products with these extracts and have not had flareups with that kind of intensity since, although as Crohn's is a chronic condition I still have periodic flareups which I cannot attribute to a specific cause.

I also avoid peanuts and chocolate raisins (puzzled about that last one but they always give me stomach ache but I tolerate chocolate and grapes OK.).


1. Crohn's diagnosed
2. E160b, E160c, peanuts, chocolate raisins
3. Rice, soup, broth, fish, potato, chicken, carrot, parsnip, brocolli, sweetcorn
1. Crohn's Disease

2. All fried foods, cheeses and dairy (due to lactose intolerance), popcorn, beans, brocolli, and fast food and junk foods.

3. All fruits, cooked vegetables, grilled chicken, seafood, white bread, peanut butter, and most crackers.
1) Crohn's disease

2) raw veg, tomatoes fresh raw cooked or sauces or pizza, wine , cider, brown or grainy bread, seeds,nuts,spicy foods, citrus fruit, no skins or pips, anything acidic ie fruit juices, pork, onions, broccoli, sometimes beef must be lean. Sausages, pâté, peas, sweet corn, pop corn, dried fruit or seeded cereal,
spring rolls :-( my favourite

3) milk chocolate, dairy, bananas, asparagus, carrots, potatoes no skin, flattened coke or dr pepper, sweet spirits ie Malibu archers and ameretto, white bread, Chinese food I have egg rice and a chicken in sauce I stay away from bean sprouts and leak onions etc, oven chunky chips, fish and prawns, white rice, chicken well chewed, lean beef, ham, cheese, crisps mild flavours and cheesy biscuits!!! McDonald's plain cheese burgers no problem with but store bought burgers bit hit and miss?????

Like others if I'm in a flare all is evil and I have liquid meals made with milk and supplements ease gently back into solid foods. After a flare some foods I could tolerate become uncomfortable to eat again for a while xxx
David great idea xxx
1. Crohns

2. Unsafe: Milk, banana, carrot, pineapple

3. Safe: Egg, tuna (in brine or water), cod, garlic, cooked onion, smooth peanut butter, oats (gluten free)
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Unsafe: anything containing insoluble fibre (whole grain cereals like bran; raw vegies, beans, nuts and seeds), but only in large quanities - a small amount each day is ok. Anything really rich. A lot of typically unsafe foods, like alcohol, coffee or spicy food I don't like anyway so I'm not sure if they're unsafe for me. Also the volume of food matters for me - large portions of anything are unsafe!

Safe: pretty much everything else - refined/white cereals and grains; sugary foods (cakes, bicuits, etc.); fruits and veg that are safe for me are root vegetables/bananas/tinned fruit/avocado; protein: fish, dairy products, eggs and meat; drinks: juice, fizzy drinks, squash, milk; milk-based puddings are great when I don't feel like eating. Peanut butter is safe and useful for getting in calories.
I just did a quick skim of the list of safe/unsafe foods and only found a passing reference to my worst trigger food so I wanted to share my experience with that cruel, grey, sludgy demon with you, but first I have to say that compiling this list is a fantastic idea.
I have had the incredible luck to have a family doctor who has crohn's and recognized my mild symptoms warranted a GI specialist's opinion and immediately connected me with a dedicated new doctor in my area who promptly diagnosed my Crohn's. I have been with my GI specialist since she first began her practice (the bookshelf in her office was bare and had just been assembled the day of my first visit) and she has been following and contributing to current studies and recent findings and always seems to have a new tid-bit of information to share with me when we meet. Long story short she is a keen doctor and has been very good to me over the years I have been her patient BUT one thing which she told me early on has always stood out as being glaringly wrong and that was "diet has little effect on your condition."
I know, it's crazy that an otherwise fantastic GI specialist would utter those words right? I was told a high fiber diet can help, and to avoid trigger foods as you learn what they are by stumbling upon them, trial and error style.
A loosely defined 'high fiber' diet may be a good starting point for some, but for a lad with Scottish background like me, it's a damn good thing I doubted that one piece of advice because my single worst trigger, the only food that has done more than irritate my condition and has been the one food to cause me to have a full-on flare that required prednisone to rein it in, is definitely a a super source of fiber.....it's Oatmeal!!! (que dramatic dun-dun-dunnn sound effect here)
I can't eat a bowl of it, can't eat bread with even a decorative sprinkling of oats on the crust, I can't even eat a teaspoon of it when it has been ground down into a fine oat flour....something about oatmeal in any form just sets off my Crohn's like nothing else I know. I can handle many items that are serious triggers for others with little or even no noticeable negative effect, but show me an oat flake and I'll show you the back of a lad running for the bathroom.
If you can eat oatmeal, rejoice and if you would be so kind maybe eat a bowl of it for me but don't pity me because there is one upside to my aversion to oats, I'll never be expected to eat haggis again.
I just did a quick skim of the list of safe/unsafe foods and only found a passing reference to my worst trigger food so I wanted to share my experience with that cruel, grey, sludgy demon with you, but first I have to say that compiling this list is a fantastic idea.
I have had the incredible luck to have a family doctor who has crohn's and recognized my mild symptoms warranted a GI specialist's opinion and immediately connected me with a dedicated new doctor in my area who promptly diagnosed my Crohn's. I have been with my GI specialist since she first began her practice (the bookshelf in her office was bare and had just been assembled the day of my first visit) and she has been following and contributing to current studies and recent findings and always seems to have a new tid-bit of information to share with me when we meet. Long story short she is a keen doctor and has been very good to me over the years I have been her patient BUT one thing which she told me early on has always stood out as being glaringly wrong and that was "diet has little effect on your condition."
I know, it's crazy that an otherwise fantastic GI specialist would utter those words right? I was told a high fiber diet can help, and to avoid trigger foods as you learn what they are by stumbling upon them, trial and error style.
A loosely defined 'high fiber' diet may be a good starting point for some, but for a lad with Scottish background like me, it's a damn good thing I doubted that one piece of advice because my single worst trigger, the only food that has done more than irritate my condition and has been the one food to cause me to have a full-on flare that required prednisone to rein it in, is definitely a a super source of fiber.....it's Oatmeal!!! (que dramatic dun-dun-dunnn sound effect here)
I can't eat a bowl of it, can't eat bread with even a decorative sprinkling of oats on the crust, I can't even eat a teaspoon of it when it has been ground down into a fine oat flour....something about oatmeal in any form just sets off my Crohn's like nothing else I know. I can handle many items that are serious triggers for others with little or even no noticeable negative effect, but show me an oat flake and I'll show you the back of a lad running for the bathroom.
If you can eat oatmeal, rejoice and if you would be so kind maybe eat a bowl of it for me but don't pity me because there is one upside to my aversion to oats, I'll never be expected to eat haggis again.

I wonder if some doctors say food doesn't effect Crohn's because they think of the disease only in terms of inflammation, rather than symptoms. Perhaps some of them mean that diet can't cause Crohn's or cause a flare. Whereas the patient thinks about how bad their symptoms are, which can be influenced by diet. It's still means the doctors might be giving unhelpful advice, but doctors do seem to think of diseases in terms of the things they can assess through tests (like levels of inflammation), and are often not so concerned about symptoms. (Which is why so many of them think IBS is no big deal, because it doesn't cause actual damage like Crohn's does, even if someone has symptoms of IBS which are just as bad as the symptoms of Crohn's can be.)

Re. oatmeal: I'm surprised it gives you problems, I always though oatmeal was quite easy to digest. I can tolerate it better than most cereals/grains - I think it contains a lot of "soluble" fibre, which I have far less problems with than insoluble fibre. Do you think you might be allergic to it?
currently in a flare and can only drink frusibin when im good can eat rice bannanas bread semolina fish but not salmon its too rich tuna is ok and white fish like cod no fruit it really affects me except for bananas yogurt is good i just dont like it sometimes i can eat chinese food but not at the moment

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