What is YOUR weather like today??

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I watched that movie, and given the gun laws in this country that is how most of us have to deal with the menace when one is out in the bush away from the safety of the house. I have been wary of the beast of late after two visits into the yard in one week in the evenings. The stores were heaving yesterday when I went in for supplies, and I was glad to make it home without cracking the egg.
Tony you would not have liked that bear in my yard last week, he was enjoying some 'salad' chewing weeds on the lawn by the woodpile, I watched him from the safety of the deck. He saw me, and then just walked towards me with his haunches moving up and down in rhythm as he came towards me with his eyes staring intently. I made for the door. The evening twilight made it all feel more intimidating. I've seen enough to know that our forests are not as benign as many think it is, mother nature is to be respected.
Carol the rioting over your way is in the news, the whole world seems on edge on many fronts, and the stock market is not any better. Like bear, when people face scarcity and the government takes more, things get scary.
The summer heatwave is but a memory, 8C
It really is living with nature for you Bufford , can't imagine a bear wandering about my front yard ,
Do you have spray at hand? or how do you encourage them to move away 🤔
It was 18c during the night and it's very humid today. I've been for my annual check up and must wait for the blood results foe a few days,but I was checked for diabetes last month and that was ok .Weight and B.P. are ok but so I'm happy with that.I must be doing something right but my diet is atrocious.......
Its not all bad Carol, if your diet is going beyond its confines, then that should be taken as a good sign that your digestive system is working. Good appetite is always a good sign. When I am feeling off of my game I don't eat enough, and avoid the 'good stuff' knowing they are trigger foods and favor the bland boring foods in small portions, or avoid food altogether. Since my surgery I have laid off of the Scotch. A mixed drink such as Rum and orange juice is better and easier on the system and enjoying a wider variety of foods.
Tony, when I head out in the bush as I did yesterday to go canoeing, I pay attention to the trail ahead of me, and behind me too to know what maybe following me. I always, always carry a good knife on my belt, most of the time its used to for light chopping to clear small trees and limbs that come down on the trail and to prepare a fire and shore lunch. Its the one practical thing that can make the difference between being invited as Dinner or going home. Having encountered bear face to face, I avoid showing fear even though my BP would be through the roof, yell at the bear and make myself bigger by holding a big branch or stick over my head to make myself as large as possible.
If the bear runs off, all is good and I continue, but when the bear simply slowly ambles off taking his time and looks back at me from a distance, I back up calmly, call off my plan and go home, and try to do it without showing any kind of fear. If they sense fear, the bear will take it up another level and things can unravel quickly. Nothing worse than becoming a menu item, and the bear need no credit card for take out.
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My late father in law (lived to 94 ) just ate porridge, eggs toast and Yogurt and cycled 15m and swam every day until he was 90,
I eat porridge most days and throw raspberries and Blueberries into it ,great to keep you going for hours
Sending you kind thoughts CSG,I hope it turns out as you hope......18c here but feels muggy .Glad to be home from the shops.
When we were fitter,and it only feels like last week, we could walk into town in 10-15 mins,now it takes a LOT longer.We can get a bus, but we think the walk will do us good hahaha...no body told me that when you get older rigor mortis sets in BEFORE you die
I don't know what happens during the night but yesterday morning I woke up in great pain in my right arm like when I first tore the rotory cuff over 20 years ago. Its never been the same. Was in pain all day yesterday, but I woke up this morning and that arm is pretty good. I need that arm for wood cutting and piling, or I'll have a cold house come winter. Unsettled 13C
Les is ALWAYS questioning why things are happening to him now. The only thing I can tell him is it's because he's been fit and active all of his life and as he's now an "old man" all the health problems have been a shock to his system,He's really taking old age badly but we,and you, have to take note of what the body is telling you and act accordingly. Alas. we can't go back in years,but if you had a 70+ old motor with flat tyres and rust and a glogged up engine you'd need a lot of money and time and first class mechanics to get it up to showroom standard again, but that's not going to happen.As I've said before,old age is not for sissies,so take it easy and enjoy what you can.We're a lot better of than most eh ?.....sorry for the lecture Buff,I hope we're still friends.
Grey and boring this morning,but it might get better {the weather,that is hahaha) Forecast for nearing mid 20s and 30+ at the weekend
Ah old age is not the problem. Its the Chrons, the damage the disease and the what the treatments have done to me over time. I have neighbors and friends but I cannot keep up with them even though they are of similar age. Between finances and rising taxation takes another toll, and I could go on. I could use a break by winning a round, but that's out of my control.
My arm was better yesterday and I managed to cut the grass. Last night for some reason I found it hard to breath, and that is the case as I write this. Cold and wet feels more like May than August. 9C wet and gray. All we can do is soldier on, and there is nothing wrong about venting, actually its healthy, get it out of one's system.
9C Wet and cold. It feels more like early May, and I the only thing missing are the patches of melting snow from the winter. It all came to a head yesterday, I really think I had a dose of Covid. The symptoms are similar, the only difference is that it seems much shorter. First the aches, then the hard breathing and mucus from my sinuses, followed by fever and chills, then last night the fever broke and I had a good sleep. I put the fire on in the afternoon to take the chill out of the place.
Carol, there is no such thing as having enough firewood, I do have quite a bit on the pile now, but I still need another 4 bush cords. Some of that is cut and split and needs to be hauled up to the house, the rest needs to be cut from the green pile that was delivered last fall. I have oil for back up, but given the way they tax it, the average person cannot afford it.
Glad you feel better Buff....it's a warm blustery 22c today,it really doesn't agree with me,and it's getting worse with age'
Still summers almost over and the xmas cards are beginning to sneak onto the shelves.
August already ??? September is practically next week. Time to pick out a Halloween costume and start your xmas shopping,,,,
Happy New Year everybody !!!!
Warm day here today 24C , had to get a root canal done Thursday and it's still not right , it's funny that the pain from a bad tooth was worse that any pain from surgery , anyway hope everyone's OK 👋
The sun is out and the sky is clear for a change, it is supposed to warm up, as its cold this morning. Tony, tooth pain is one of the worst, I fear the dentist more than the surgeon because of that. I changed web browsers, and it needs more setting up, it has an annoying way of typing text ahead of me, I think its some Ai thing that needs to be turned off. Computers are getting more annoying to use with each new update.
20C Sunny, it warmed up, and I'll take it. Yesterday I cut wood and put in an afternoon effort into it for the first time post op. I could have done more, but stopped so not to overdo it. I have a lot of wood to move and stack, but for now I'll cut and split and let the muscles condition more before doing any wood pile stacking.
20C and mostly sunny ,perfect day ,had a swim earlier and it certainly made me feel alive ,
Energy levels are still low enough and sleeping a lot more , that might be the seroquel but I'm sleeping better in the last few months than I have for a decade,
Anyway 👋 Carol , Bufford ,and Cross 🪡
although it got up to 35c in the south yesterday it stayed at around 24c here but we didn't see much sun.Today's 22c with cloud cover so no complaints from me..........If you see someone over 45 out in public after 9pm they 100% took a nap earlier in the day....
I haven't been out after dark for years and that includes winter when it's dark at 4pm.....
We had that all last night Carol ,you are welcome 🌂
Sunny mostly went for a long walk with the dog along the shore , she enjoyed cooling down in the water ,
I'm exhausted but happy ,just cooked chicken in a pasta sauce with a couple of chillies for 😁
20c but feels warmer...I'm certainly not getting acclimatised to the summer weather. We've had a bus ride along the coast to Whitley Bay,about 4 miles as the seagull flies.Lots of day trippers and happy to be home with the fan on and a new book to start.
These are the days we miss the Volvo, with the air-con on and the comfy seats,and no waiting for buses. ...I never learned to drive ,
One of your country men (Tony) got on the homeward bus and asked the driver to let him off at the Northumberland Park stop and I heard him telling another passenger that he was visiting and someone recommended that he go........that's "our" park,over the road.I've spent almost most of my life wandering around it.....I hoped he enjoyed it.I would have had a word but he was a bit reckless crossing the road.....I hope he makes it back to Ireland ok
22C and one more good summer day coming up before the good weather breaks once again. Weather follows a pattern, one or two good days followed by a week of crap, its back and forth between the airconditioning and using the wood furnace. I was out of the loop due to the computer saying this site was down but it was not, so I went back to the old browser. Tony, feeling weaker and tired is a thing after such a surgery at this stage of life. I have to get motivated to do anything, and when I do I don't last as long and quit whatever I am doing sooner. Like a weaker battery; it will start and run but the headlights are not so bright. Then toss in the aging thing. I sleep more, and do less, its okay to sit around more. Just as long as I have firewood and groceries all is good.
It's tough admitting to ourselves that we're getting old,especially when we've been active all our lives....Since Les's dementia diagnosis he's not bothered about getting out and about so much....I do tend to push him into going out because I'm scared that we'll end up in the recliners permanently, and that's the thin end of the wedge.I think this winter will be a problem....much cooler today at 17c with rain early on,so it's bums on seats hahaha
It's tough admitting to ourselves that we're getting old,especially when we've been active all our lives....Since Les's dementia diagnosis he's not bothered about getting out and about so much....I do tend to push him into going out because I'm scared that we'll end up in the recliners permanently, and that's the thin end of the wedge.I think this winter will be a problem....much cooler today at 17c with rain early on,so it's bums on seats hahaha
It's hard to slow down esp when the mind is on a different page to the body

It's lucky for us we live close to the water ,I can't imagine living in a city ,it's much easier to go out when you can walk near the water where it energises you , even if the energy comes in a blast of cold air with freezing rain ,
This summers a complete washout though , you get a nice sunny day then rain again the next day ,
20C overcast after heavy 🌧
Aging is a gradual thing, and it does not become apparent until some complication comes along and overwhelms the bodily functions and then we have something to deal and complain about. But Chronies we are tough and just journey on with our lives. We have the coping skills while some others break down. Some things we have no control over like the weather which can be frustrating. We could all use some good weather, but its just not in the cards most of the time. This morning is pleasant, but the rain is on the way. 22C
Very true Bufford , my pain threshold is quite high ,I think from being diagnosed 43 years ago ,I have generally been in fairly constant pain , you just get on with it and I think our generation are a lot tougher ,
Kids nowadays are dropped everywhere, no walking involved.,
For instance when I went to second level education at 12 ,my new school was about 5 miles away , no money for bus available, so had to walk and then I got a bike for Christmas ,so was able to cycle ,
Weekends were spent helping my dad to earn pocket money , and funny enough there was one species that was rarely seen ,
An Overweight Person

Old fogies rant over for today ......... to be continued
Yes, I've been watching my parents get older through the years especially my Dad. It's hard watching him getting more and more unsteady, so I understand how frustrating it can get. Lots of hugs...

My first injection was done last week, took about a week to get used to the new prescription dose and occasional phantom pain where the input was. But, otherwise am doing much better!!! Today is supposed to be 76 degrees here, but looks like it might rain.
Been spending too much time alone with my thoughts, so I took my dawg and went up to the mountains.

Pretty peaceful up here, but I’ve got multiple appointments coming and I’m no further along figuring out how to get my thoughts across to providers than I was when I left the house

I feel like I’m whinging because I’ve got a pretty good team, but we’re just not on the same page at this point.

I feel like we’ve crested the hill and things are headed in a good direction, ( and the labs / imaging collaborate ), but several of the specialists want to make drastic changes in medications

The joys of multiple presentations...


... at least the dawg is enjoying the respite from the outside world
A life of coping with bad health, the surgeries and challenges that come with with scourge leave me with the desire and ambition to live a full life like others who are healthy. I refused to live the limited lifestyle that comes with such a disease although finances had their own set of challenges. Instead of living a life most do with bad long term health, I lived relatively off grid in a remote setting which was my dream when I was still young and healthy, and despite the surgeries I still do in now in my senior years. I look back and have no idea how I managed during my working years. In my late 20's I would leave the ER with bandages on my butt with instructions to have the packing changed daily, to out in the canoe for long day trips on my days off, while holding down a job to pay the mortgage.
15C raining.
Its been quiet here and not much here at home either as one day rolls into the other. We seem susceptible to complications with our bodies Carol. One undesirable side effect I have now since the surgery is itching in the groin area. Anti fungal creams are helping but its still bothers me. The nights are really stretching now, 15C and sunny.
17c with rain on the way,but it won't amount to much.....although summers not my fave time of year I feel a little sad that the year has passed so quickly .It does that as we age eh?. We get our prescription meds delivered on Fridays ,Les weekly and mine
monthly ,and boy does it make the week pass in a flash......but we will be glad of the delivery when the weather turns, us being carless and all.........Try not to scratch Buff !!!
Yes the year is moving on, the shadows are growing, and last night it got down near the freezing point under a large full moon. My mood is moving towards winter prep, I put in another good effort on the wood pile, the saw howling like the new born in the row behind you and splitting with the axe. This is work that has to be done or I cannot live here. 10C Sunny. It looks like another day where I will do the same.
A nice day despite a forecast of blustery showers which didn't show. Mild 18c with a light breeze but because
of the forecast we went for a big shop.....before the holiday weekend. I'm always glad it's over.The shopping and the holiday weekends.....one school holiday for a week in October before xmas.....unbelievable !!!!
12C sunny. I should look at garden furniture, its often marked down at this time of year. I could use a couple of outdoor chairs. I put in a good honest afternoon on the wood pile, and I will stack a few extra rows in case we get a big wide winter, we are due for one.
What are you doin' up at that time in the mornin' ? I thought it was just me faffin' about in the dark.
I hope you've just been watching a late movie and are not feeling unwell.
Sunshine and short showers and mild but stayin' put.today I've been busy since 6am (10-30 now)
I forget I'm old and frail now but I like to keep going.....mind you,bums on seat 'til bed time now,more or less
Hey Carol all good , was watching Diagnosis Murder ☺️, the boss likes watching it at night nearly finished it now thank God ,only about 30 episodes left and it's doing my head in , there's only so much of Dick Van Dyke I can take ,but anything for an easy life ,
Next up Mannix 🙃, seeing a pattern here 😁
The new tires are on the truck and they feel smooth on the road, but put a dent in my wallet. But with the winter snows we get along with the poor roads good tires are a must for safety. I call it a good day when I get home and park it without cracking the egg so to speak. There were no sales on for outdoor furniture as they had none left. That's good Tony, nothing like curling up and watching a good show, especially when the weather is lousy and the house is comfy.
Tony, that sounds like what my folks would do. They always have loved Dick Van Dyke! Yup Bufford, husband & I have been talking about the possibility of new tires for my vehicle too if the rain gets too bad. Ouch!!!
My results for the fecal cal test I did last night came in. Sounds like it's down by half now that I've been on the Skyrizi. But, there's still some inflammation, so will talk about it on Tuesday when I have my appointment with the doctor. My thought is that he may put me on that higher dose, however we'll see.
Pretty dark and dreary here today, supposed to rain in buckets tomorrow although it looks like it could do that now! I guess it's to be about 70 degrees today...
Storm Lillian missed us except for some rain and blustery wind during the night. She's taken herself over the sea to Northern Europe now but not before she wreaked havoc at a music festival and a street food fayre further south from us.No one injured though.
Mild and breezy here today. A good day to dry laundry if I had some.....
Its a wet start to the day, but its supposed to be nice later on. After the long day before I took it easy yesterday spent some time with the neighbor in the afternoon. Its a bit warm for working on wood, so I'll take the summer while we still have it.
16c and blustery again but no complaints.We went to the weekend market but it's a holiday weekend so more crowded
than usual with lots of ill mannered shovers and pushers ,and as you know I'm vertically challenged,so we didn't stay and walked home through the park,which was much nicer.We're expecting a late summer hot spell at the end of the week, then sweaters and socks on after that.
Friday never measured up to the nice weather forecasted, but yesterday did not disappoint with the warm day out in the canoe. This summer was okayish, and made up for last summer that went into the dumpster of cold. It looks like a repeat today, so I may end up out in the canoe. After Monday it looks like reality will return and it will be good weather for working the wood pile effort. Tony, my body is not the same after this surgery, I have had to shorten most work sessions and less time doing things I like, like going out in the canoe, for the body just does not have it in the tank anymore. I find any kind of work that requires hunching over very difficult.
We've been down to the Quay and I can honestly say that today will be the last time I walk back UP that flaming bank....it nearly did me in !!!! The weather is mild with a warm breeze, peaking on wednesday . I hope to feel more energetic when it cools down.but I'm not banking on it.
We had a small one man gardening business Tony,and Les misses it badly.He had his regular fortnightly customers,and he did quite a few factories and businesses as well as homes, there were always folk asking him to "tidy" their "little" bit when he had time....which he never had,but obliged them any way.We've a machine in the shed that he won't part with, that he paid £3.500 for.....don't know what he thinks he's going to do with it now. Maybe we can take turns pushing each other to the shops and back hahaha
Us men love our toys ,it's hard when we can't play with them any more , now reading that back it sounds smutty but no smutt intended 😚
We've been down to the Quay and I can honestly say that today will be the last time I walk back UP that flaming bank....it nearly did me in !!!! The weather is mild with a warm breeze, peaking on wednesday . I hope to feel more energetic when it cools down.but I'm not banking on it.
Hate walking hills but funny enough I really want to climb a mountain ⛰️ in Kerry and the boss keeps telling me NO
Us men love our toys ,it's hard when we can't play with them any more , now reading that back it sounds smutty but no smutt intended 😚

Reminds me when I was just over one week out post off running the chainsaw when the tree came down in the yard. It made me feel like a kid with one of his favorite toys. The louder the better, letting the neighborhood know that I am back.
Its a warm morning 24C, I wish it was that way every morning in the summer.
Speaking about men & their toys, we have a neighbor who's parents gave him his house for free. Needless to say, he is a kid in his 30's who never grew up. Has lived in that house with his girlfriend & their kids, the house is trashed and he's bought all kinds of ridiculous toys, one of which is a 3 wheel thing that he flies back and forth up and down the street dangerously during the summer with his little kids.

Today is supposed to be 84 and tomorrow 82. It's finally my Friday, but I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow cause it's my doctor's appointment. Wish I could have taken a three day weekend for something better than this!!! Should probably actually look forward to it, because it'll be over for a little bit and maybe he'll have some good news!! Will keep you guys updated!
C-S Gal.....what I tell myself is that it's just one day and it will soon be over and I'll be back home in my favourite chair......
and it is,and I am and wondering why I was so worried about it......this time next week it will be a distant memory but you know we wish you well.......mild here today but drizzly.
The missing glowing object in the sky has been seen over southern Ireland , locals are flocking to the beaches in search of some colour on their pale Irish skin ,
Or in other words 20C with some sunshine ,
Hope you get some good news 🪡Girl ,hey Carol enjoy your comfy chair and Bufford sharpen that ax
My friends hope you are doing well
We are back to the same old weather here now after a string of summer days, so you are not alone Tony. The firewood effort will replace the beach and canoe activities. Yesterday did not disappoint with the warmth, 30C humidity and sunshine. I stopped and had a gin and tonic on the deck. then reality rolled in from the north overnight with that chill. Cross Stitch, after the surgeries, doctor visits are for the most part easy to take with the exception of the waiting room when it gets long. Its the surgeries; not so easy to recover from being senior and slower to heal. That last one was a doozy.
Thanks guys!!! 84 degrees today.
Appointment went well, looks like my test results changed about 60% difference!!! The poop test originally was 1100 and went down to 460 something!!! So, doctor was pleased even though he'd like that to go down even further. Also, my weight is up a few pounds too which is a good thing since I've always been below on the weight scale. We'll keep on this dose for now & follow up probably in January.

Now, to eat something and hopefully a nap afterwards! Later!! :giggle:
17c and trying it's best to spoil the day with rain....got the bus to the coast,only 4 stops hahaha,but it makes a huge difference.We had a nice walk along the sea front but stayed on the pavement, then hopped on the bus back home, We have at last admitted that we're past our best and not to torture ourselves by trying too hard to be what we once were....what a relief !!!!
10C Very fall like with a chilly northeasterly wind. Yesterday went by quicker than I thought, I went to the dermatologist and saw the doctor about my wrist. I'll be getting surgery done on it, but not until the wood pile effort is done, since I'll need 6 weeks for it to heal, at least the lump is not cancerous. Its chilly outside, so this afternoon I will be on the wood effort.
Lovely day here today 20C and lots of sunshine ,had to replace a network cable to our son's cottage so lots of crawling about in a hot dusty attic ,all done now and the only damage was a sliced finger, forgot I'm not allowed to use sharp knives anymore 😀
12C cold easterly winds. Not used to this weather after the warm stretch we had. I'll keep going at the wood effort until we get for now. Hope your finger is on the mend Tony, and someone else can do the dishes.
20C and nice day with some sunshine,
I never do the dishes Bufford but I do the cooking , but it was hard going trying to chop up onions chilli and garlic yesterday but it tasted good eventually,
Was my one fault ,I cut towards myself instead.of away , rookie mistake
22C and sunny for most of the day ,overcast now but still nice enough to sit outside and listen to music and read a book
Today says it's supposed to be 97 degrees here, too hot for my taste!! Especially for my Husband who mostly works outside and will today/tonight.

Been pretty stressful for both of us at work. It's bad enough that this weekend is Labor Day weekend where people are going nuts buying stuff for parties, BBQ's and all. But, my coworkers across the river from us are in a strike and have been since Wednesday. So, the customers are coming across thee river to my store and creating more craziness than we already have. Needless to say. last night I was ready to pull my hair out!!!
Today says it's supposed to be 97 degrees here, too hot for my taste!! Especially for my Husband who mostly works outside and will today/tonight.

Been pretty stressful for both of us at work. It's bad enough that this weekend is Labor Day weekend where people are going nuts buying stuff for parties, BBQ's and all. But, my coworkers across the river from us are in a strike and have been since Wednesday. So, the customers are coming across thee river to my store and creating more craziness than we already have. Needless to say. last night I was ready to pull my hair out!!!
Just what you don't need eh ? hope today's a better day and you have some time off work
15c and grey.....staying indoors today to potter about and faff on.Lots of reading to catch up with and the last couple of series
of the "Walkers"....but I think there's a new one just showed up in my TV paper ,so all good.
15c and grey.....staying indoors today to potter about and faff on.Lots of reading to catch up with and the last couple of series
of the "Walkers"....but I think there's a new one just showed up in my TV paper ,so all good.
I must try and watch The Walking Dead , watching Fallout and its brilliant , 18c and overcast very disappointing after a lovely day yesterday , shouldn't complain I suppose , as long as you can get out and about everything else is a bonus .
I did not get anything done yesterday, the weather wasn't all that bad, and I could have cut or moved some wood before the rains came later, but it wasn't in the tank, and more like bums on seats. I am going to move wood today, the seasons are moving so I must too or winter will bite me in my butt. 12 C sunny with a fall like breeze.
Started a bit misty but clear now with high cloud and warm...I think I was a bit premature by putting the winter duvet on.Although it's only double the weight of the summer one I nearly cooked last night......never mind, the fur ( faux) throw will be on top before we know it....Buff,I wish you well getting your firewood sorted but I'm glad your taking notice of your old bod when it tells you to slow down..I know the clocks ticking though, so the sooner you get it stacked the sooner the bod (and brain) will thank you....
10C Sunny. I moved and stacked three loads of wood, which is about one half of a bush cord, as I only planned to move two, but it went better than expected. I will more wood this afternoon. The house was chilly last evening, so I put a fire on, probably the first one in a month. I will work on wood, as its my best insurance in case my health goes bad.
another warm day and more tomorrow.The days are getting noticeably shorter so not long now until the TV ads are all
about xmas and how much you need to spend,and eat,and drink,and wear,and smell like and need to visit......I feel sorry for businesses who rely on me to make money,I've spent nothing on xmas for 25yrs except for cards,and over the years they have dwindled to about six....this years are left overs from last year hahaha
The last couple of days have been cold and wet, I put the fire on last night and put the warmth into my bones. Its going to warm up over the next few days, I'll make the best from the good weather with a mix of work and relaxation. 5C
The last couple of days have been cold and wet, I put the fire on last night and put the warmth into my bones. Its going to warm up over the next few days, I'll make the best from the good weather with a mix of work and relaxation. 5C
5C already 🥶 we rarely go under that in the winter, at least that kills off the flies
Have a look at the GREAT NORTH RUN Tony to see what our weather's like today.....If you look carefully I'm at the back with the elite ladies IN MY DREAMs !!!! I'm at that age that that when I take pain tablets they don't know where to even begin to help me...
Not to cold though at 18c.......
That's a great event ,one of our local runners ,Sonia O Sullivan won that at least once if I remember right ,hope you enjoy your run 🏃‍♂️
Beautiful day here today ,22C and hazy sunshine , went to an early showing of Beetlejuice ,Beetlejuice and really enjoyed it , nearly empty cinema which was brilliant
Torrential short shower at 7am followed by blue skies,full sun and a gusty breeze...so not a bad day. Got the bus along the coast
and had a mooch round the shops then home for lunch and bums on seats for the rest of the day.
It's our 58th anniversary today but we don't celebrate birthdays ,anniversarys xmas etc. these days, and we're quite happy with that.
Our son needs reminding ,but neither of us did hahaha
Torrential short shower at 7am followed by blue skies,full sun and a gusty breeze...so not a bad day. Got the bus along the coast
and had a mooch round the shops then home for lunch and bums on seats for the rest of the day.
It's our 58th anniversary today but we don't celebrate birthdays ,anniversarys xmas etc. these days, and we're quite happy with that.
Our son needs reminding ,but neither of us did hahaha
Happy Anniversary Carol and Les

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