Bob Seger - Against the wind
For someone who was born too late (end of the 70's), it seems strange that this song seems to follow me around, through my life. It always seems to pop up when I need it, and least expect it, and it often effects me differently and a new part of the song will take on a different meaning for me (often nothing to do with the intended lyrics).
I would say I first remember hearing it when my parents played it on record, and as a teenager I would listen to it on my own record player in the dark as I contemplated the difficulties of being a teenager
The first time it really held a meaning was at the age of 22. I had just got married, I had what was becoming a successful franchise business (that I had managed to get into with the help of a mentor and the financial backing of the franchisor, I basically had the total assets of a $6000 car and owed $4000 on it). I was working long and hard hours, but making far more money than I could spend, with no responsibilities. When I returned from my honeymoon, my parents sat me down and let me know that my father had terminal cancer and it was expected he would only live a few more months. I later found out the doctor had told him a week before my wedding, but they had decided not to tell me until I returned from the honeymoon.
'Against the wind' played on the radio as I headed to work the following day (after my parents admitted they had known at my wedding), and I had to pull over as the words 'wish I didn't know now, what I didn't know then' played. It wasn't the knowledge of my fathers imminent death that resonated with these words, but at that point, I realized how hard it must have been for my parents to hold their composure during the week leading up to the wedding, and my fathers strength, especially during his wedding speech. My father fought hard and managed to live a further 10 months, but passed away just after his 50th birthday (far too young).
With his passing, their was the financial burden of supporting the loan repayments on the family home as well as my own, and out of pocket health expenses. I had also fallen out with my business partner (who I had known for 8 years and was a school friend), we had tried to expand the business as an eventual exit strategy and this had failed and before we knew it, we were not communicating and the business was under serious financial pressure and we both risked loosing our houses. My mother decided she needed to get away (too many memories in the family home, but I suspect she was just trying to remove some of the financial burden), the family home was sold and she went to live with her sister, which was an 8 hour drive away (the banks got most of the money, but my mum was able to have enough for a small house). Hearing the song then, I found strength knowing that I had to fight through this as my father had so bravely fought. The second and third verse seemed to take on more meaning (although not as the song intends), and as the business partnership folded and I took on the responsibility of the debt, my wife and I worked harder than we ever had to build the business and get out of debt. Over the following years we managed to get out of debt, and eventually 'looking for shelter against the wind' sold the businesses with enough funds to leave us with a modest house and relatively small house loan (in hind sight going bankrupt would have been an easier path to take).
We managed to have a few years of working for someone else and a fairly stress free existence, we considered starting a family, but unfortunately that just never seemed to happen. It was now 6 years ago and the song is back stronger than ever as I was diagnosed with crohn's.
I have fistulising Crohn's, so it all started with an abscess and eventually being rushed to the hospital after the first GP treated me with several courses of antibiotics instead of draining the abscess. After the surgery things never settled and I found myself unable to work and desperately looking for a little 'shelter against the wind', often finding myself 'Surrounded by strangers I thought were my friends' and again with financial pressures due to being unable to work, as I had many emergency surgeries and spend months away from home trying hyperbaric chamber treatment. I was left deciding 'What to leave in, what to leave out'. Take a different spin on the lyrics and now with Crohn's and the urgency that comes with it, even the words 'running against the wind' hold a somewhat morbid meaning I would have never thought about before
oo: (during the times I rush to find a toilet).
Fast forward to now and having returned to work (in the last 6 months), the retail store I am working at, currently has this song come on two to three times a day, as it loops through it's internal radio. I heard it second day back, as I wondered if I had made a horrible mistake and returned to work a little earlier than I should have (I am hopefully approaching remission, with medication issues resolved).
This song now reminds me of not just the hardships I have been through (the dark stages of my life, the times with my illness when I contemplated if life was really worth living if it meant constant pain, loss of mobility, energy, and drive with no end in sight), but more importantly the strength that I have, and even more so, the strength my wife has, and how she stuck with me every step of the way, fighting harder than me, when I had given up. My wife is my true 'shelter against the wind', and I know she would say the same about me.
Yesterday I heard the song again at work and the words 'wish I didn't know now, what I didn't know then' took on another importance. Because we were careful with our money, and managed to hold onto our house, we are actually in a fairly good position financially (far from comfortable, but we do have some breathing room if something was to go wrong), but the cloud of crohn's hangs overhead effecting my decisions for the future. We haven't had a real holiday in 10 years and I found myself talking my wife out of planning one for next year "we don't know if I might get sick again". Listening to the song it dawned on me, I need to get back a little of that naive spirit. I need to be smart about organizing the trip etc, not cancel the idea because the Crohn's might return to it's life altering state again.
Wishing you all a little shelter against the wind!!