Why Does Speed Make Pain Go Away?

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I was addicted to meth (ice) for a year but everytime I would have an attack if I smoked some it would make the pain go away? For sometime I thought it was my cure and got hooked, then I thought it was the chlorine in it that cleaned out my system. I started messing with gin seng which for those that do not know is a type of natural speed and thins the blood. This led me to believe it is the speed of the immune system that did it. Can anyone give me some inside disclosure on which is correct?
Hey, lots of drugs, legal or otherwise.. makes us oblivious to the real world around us. Just being oblivious to the problem doesn't make the reality go away, just blinds us to it. and lots of drugs will cause the body to shutdown or ignore many symptoms
Like, after being in a fight, the adrenaline my body pumped out would make me feel no pain, even if I was injured.. sometimes injured badly. IBD is pretty serious stuff. I prefer to tackle mine with a clear head. I even avoid pain meds whenever I can so I am aware if my situation is getting worse. Pain is the body's form of a wakeup call. I mean, it would be easy N legal for me to just pump in more pain med, but that isn't dealing whatever is going on to cause my pain to increase.

not making any judgement calls on the ice or anything.. we each have our things that get us thru... Just that IBD isn't going to go away on it's own, and maybe its the thing to focus on.. and it doesn't take into consideration value judgements. It just is.. I use tobacco to reduce my bleeding, some folks (like cancer patients) use weed to get past nausea and pain.. But if you get busted for possession, you may find that dealing with IBD is a lot harder from behind bars than it is outside..
exactly...i would guess it just makes you "forget" about the pain...probably not the best treatment method. Good luck!
I understand both points of view but tabacco is probably doing just as much harm to yr body,but its legal so yr allowed to do it.I have self medicated with speed and found it to not only mask the pain but helped clear up my crohns proved by a colonscopy,while i was on the speed i took no pain relief and no medications or steroids.i have been on 6mp for approx 8 yrs proir to the trial and took the trial drug evry day for about a yr.not only did i lose 30 kgs but gained heaps of energy and was a much happier person,having lived with this disease for 13 yrs it was the best yr of my life with the disease,so there is something to be said about thius drug,I think it should be put to a clinical trial
Hey flipper,
I'd say it was a question of the lesser of evils, and the answer is unclear. Adderall, I think, is the prescription name for this. People on this prescription say it becomes less effective with time (like all addictive drugs) and that the gains made early on are later lost. There are also issues with memory loss and heart troubles, as well as personality disorders. Without a proper trial it's hard to say what the truth is...but it's use is certainly not without some serious side effects.
Good luck.
Thanks for the comment handle and i think you hit it on the head when u say the lesser of the two evils.I will be looking into adderall cheers
I have done a lot of Adderall for a period of time and I agree it helped. I'm pretty intelligent and know how to objectively assess things well and I can honestly say I think it did more than just make me oblivious to the pain. Being that I can only assess how it made me feel and what symptoms it took away or caused I couldn't tell you how or why it worked or if my assessment was even accurate. I do however feel there was some therapeutic benefit.

I do say this though! Everything I know about stimulants tells me this shouldn't be the case. Even though my experience tells me it did help I would highly NOT recommend ANYBODY rely on this sort of treatment for themselves while not being monitored by a GI doctor. Even though it seemed to help, from what I know about stimulants effects on the body, if for some reason you and I were wired differently or my conclusions are completely off base stimulants could possibly (no pun intended) speed up the process of causing scar tissue and such in your intestines leading to a blockage and possible death. I'd be interested to see some results from prescribed Adderall users who have crohns and what their GI doctors notice with there IBD. My guess is little conclusions have been made to the stimulant making a difference because if you can afford to be treated for ADD with Adderall you are almost certainly being treated with GI meds for your crohns as well.