Well I was going to put this in the "If you could offer ONE piece of advice to a Crohn's sufferer" thread but I don't think it fits there (((shrug))).
If you are fortunate enough, and I only say that 'cause I know some of you on here aren't supported by your family

, to have loved ones that care about you please know that you are not a burden to us. We do what we do for you because we love you more than life itself.
We understand your struggles and are there with you.
We wish we could take the pain away and when we can't we are there to hold your hand, cuddle and soothe you.
We are there to cry with you and for you.
We are there to clean up after you.
We are there when you have to endure difficult diets.
We are there when you are admitted for long and frightening hospital stays.
We are there to support and advocate for you when you go to see your doctors and have tests.
We are there to remind you to take your tablets.
We are there to listen when this bloody disease is too much to bear.
We are there to fight for you when all hope is gone.
We wish more than anything in the world that you didn't have this disease.
We rejoice with you when you are in remission and times are good.
.............................. and we wouldn't have it any other way.