Can someone explain to me what a fistula is?

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Jun 10, 2011
I am very new to this and I haven't been diagnosed with Crohn's but it is a possibility. I am asking about fistulas because I have some concerns about some weird things that happen and I'm wondering if it is a possibility. How are they diagnosed? I hope this isn't too much info but here goes...I have pretty severe diarrhea along with other issues and when I have my period I get bleeding through my rectum if I don't use a tampon in my vagina. I also currently have a yeast infection and used the cream treatment and 4 hours afterward had diarrhea and without any urine (or pushing since my diarrhea is pure water) I noticed that much of the cream was in the toilet. I have never had this happen. Could I have some type of hole? Is that what a fistula is? I really hope this isn't tmi and I'm embarrased to share so much but it was a bit disconcerting to see it all come back out.:frown:
oh that doesn't sound nice :-s I have no idea I'm sorry mommyoftwo but i wish you all the very best and I hope you get your answers soon :)
Hello there. Sorry to hear about these symptoms you're having :-( Have you made a doctor's appointment? Yes, a fistula is caused by inflammation tunnelling from one part of the body to the other. If it reaches the skin, a hole can sometimes be seen. If it's internal, some sort of imaging test ( i.e. CT scan ) is used to identify it.
There is absolutely no need to be embarrassed here mommyoftwo. I have had a fistula from my sigmoid to my left fallopian tube. It was diagnosed through a CT scan.

It does sound like you have a fistula. I'm sorry if you do. You really need to have it checked out at the soonest opportunity.

I hope they can get it sorted for you.
Thanks everyone. I actually emailed my new GI doctor because I figured it would be easier to explain it by email then explaining it to a nurse and then to the doctor. She got back to me in less than an hour stating that the ct scan that I had may or may not show up a fistula and wants me to have a barium enema x-ray done. That doesn't sound like fun :( They are in the process of setting it up for me now. Big difference from my previous GI doctor.
Regarding the yeast infection cream coming out, that is not that unusual. It definitely can just slide out without any pushing or help. That wouldn't have anything to do with a fistula. That's just good old gravity.

I, thankfully, don't have a fistula but I have a very good friend with Crohn's who has one that is actually in her vaginal canal and (to anyone with a fistula please feel free to correct) if I understand her correctly there is actually poop that comes out of her vagina! So I would think if the bleeding from your rectum during your period was the result of a fistula and was coming from your vagina, you would also have feces coming from your rectum into your vagina.
I've had many yeast infections before and used the creams and never had this happened so that is why I was concerned this time as I tend to get up and use the bathroom at night:eek:

I do truly hope it isn't a fistula...I just have no clue what else explains the bleeding during my period that stops when I use a tampon. But again, I am very new to this so I have no idea.
Regarding the yeast infection cream coming out, that is not that unusual. It definitely can just slide out without any pushing or help. That wouldn't have anything to do with a fistula. That's just good old gravity.

I, thankfully, don't have a fistula but I have a very good friend with Crohn's who has one that is actually in her vaginal canal and (to anyone with a fistula please feel free to correct) if I understand her correctly there is actually poop that comes out of her vagina! So I would think if the bleeding from your rectum during your period was the result of a fistula and was coming from your vagina, you would also have feces coming from your rectum into your vagina.

This is true. I have had a vaginal fistula and feces and gas escape from it. You will know. It has since been fixed by surgery. That being said, I also get bloody stools only during my period. This has been happening for a year. At first I was freaked out by it, but then it was explained to me that the general inflammation that happens during your period can cause other inflammed areas to bleed, such as Crohn's or even hemerroids. It is actually more common than you think, even in women without Crohn's, so try not to worry too much. Easier said than done I know. But I hope you will get some answers from your barium x-ray. From what my doc told me, if there is one, that is the test that will find it. Please keep us posted.
It is true that bleeding and diarrea get worse during our cycle.

However, with the fistula through my fallopian tube, I did not pass much feces through my vagina. If I did at all, it was only during periods. So, hmmm. Yes you would be passing air.
I will have to pay attention the next time I pass gas. I hardly pass gas so I haven't paid much attention but I will now.

Thanks so much for all of your input. For those that bled with your periods, did it stop when you put in a tampon? Mine does.
Another thought to throw into the mix- Ectopic endometriosis can be in the bowel and cause bleeding at a period time. It can also cause lots of abdo pain due to adhesions.
I asked my ob/gyn awhile ago about the endometriosis because I had read online about that and she said it was highly unlikely because my diarrhea is the same throughout the month and the weight loss has been so severe which is uncommon in endo. She also said it was unlikely since my periods are not heavy or painful...again, I'm not really sure what I believe right now with doctors.:ymad:

I have a question about the passing of feces though...The last week or so I've a had few small "accidents" or what appear to be accidents when I've been trying to get to the bathroom on time but it is only a very small amount and I haven't felt it come out. Could I be passing feces and not feel it?

Sorry for sounding so stupid...this is all so new. I've been dealing with the diarrhea for over a year now but the intensity of pain, nausea, diarrhea and severity of symptoms has increased dramatically in the past 1-2 months and I just don't know where to turn. I've battled Lupus for over 10 years and that is a piece of cake compared to this.
Don't feel stupid, we have all been new to this confusing disease. Hell I have known I had crohns for two years and still ask questions all the time.

I have two fistulas. One is recto-vaginal. I have passed a small amount of diarrhea from my vagina while bolting madly for the bathroom on several occasions. There is no control and really you don't feel much.

At least I don't. It doesn't happen often. I think I had mine for 6 years before I ever heard of a fistula. I thought it was somehow related to childbirth.
I have a question about the passing of feces though...The last week or so I've a had few small "accidents" or what appear to be accidents when I've been trying to get to the bathroom on time but it is only a very small amount and I haven't felt it come out. Could I be passing feces and not feel it?

Not stupid questions at all. None of this stuff is "normal", so we know how you feel.

As for passing feces, I think it depends on where your tract is, but for me, when I had the recto-vaginal fistula, it came outon its own, not controlled like during a normal BM if that's what you are asking.
Thanks...I guess I will find out next Tuesday for sure. My diarrhea is pure water (and yellow/orange) and often times my urine is the same color so it is possible that it is mixing with my urine and I don't notice. My diarrhea often doesn't smell either so...

This is so confusing...I just want an answer!!!!
Hi, I just came across your thread mommyoftwo and I thought this article might be of interest to you. I found it the other day while I was researching questions similar to yours. Best of luck to you and I hope you get some answers soon ! :)

Gynecologic Aspects of Crohn's Disease

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