Happy freakin new year

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Sep 16, 2011
so i just had fistula surgery on thursday. while the dr thinks that you can't really tell for a week if it's going to take, if all of the gas, diarrhea and mucus i've had going through my fistula hole today are any sign, it isn't looking good.

so unless a new years miracle happens with my remicade infusion on wednesday, i'm not optimistic about this at all. which means i'll still be recovering for the next 5 weeks with scar tissue up my butt for no apparent reason. wtf?

so i'm not going to have a happy new year. i refuse. i'm so freaking over all of it. i'd rather break a lot of bones than go through this. normal is just never going to happen, is it? let alone extraordinary. i seriously feel like i got shafted in the life department.

that is all. thanks for listening.
Oh hun, this time of year makes everything seem unbearable. I hear what your saying. I feel like I've eaten razor blades so what am I doing - drinking Bacardi of course. Sheer madness. You are not alone. Xxx
:( You vent away, love. Having been through surgery recently I know it takes a while to get over it. But it was a different surgery so I'm not sure what you should expect from yours. I hope, hope, hope it gets better for you.
Is it your first Remicade infusion you're having?
i've been on remicade for just over a year now. i was hoping maybe it would help the inflammation and speed the healing process, but at this point i don;t know if there;s any flap left to heal or if it all fell off or tore or what.
Oh hun, this time of year makes everything seem unbearable. I hear what your saying. I feel like I've eaten razor blades so what am I doing - drinking Bacardi of course. Sheer madness. You are not alone. Xxx

razor blades. yikes.you might need something stronger than bacardi.
I'm right there with you, flower girl. I had fistula surgery on the 19th and not super happy about it. I didn't think it would cure me or anything, but it would be nice to be able to walk and sit like a normal person. Definitely didn't want to add to my Crohn's problems.

Here's hoping we both get some relief soon.
Thinking of you and big hugs!!! If it makes you feel any better I just started a flare after 2 years...this **** never ends....xo
What kind of surgery did you have al? Is yours at least working? Funny enough I had my surgery in Birmingham.
Good luck!

Amen, Mary. Amen.
The CR laid open two fistulas. It is helping, definitely an improvement from having an abscess and all the joys that they bring. I've been taking 750 mg of Flagyl which is unfun. Tomorrow is my last dose, thank goodness. I'm not convinced that stuff isn't rat poison. I'm still sore and it burns on occasion and taking 80 million sitz baths a day is a bit time consuming. You know how that goes.

Right now I'm just waiting on my GI doc to get back to work so we can start up Remicade or Humira and start getting my Crohn's in check.

I guess Birmingham is the place to be for booty surgery this holiday season. What did you have done? Are you feeling any better today?
I had a flap procedure that I don't think is taking. I'm feeling slightly better today. Had a 5 hour drive home, but at least I'm home. Going tomorrow for my infusion, which I hope will do some magic, although I think I need a miracle at this point. Did you go to uab?
Flagyll is the devil. I literally can't take it because I have such a severe reaction to it. I can't believe they give you that crap after a gastro surgery. Makes no sense whatsoever.
Happy healing.
So now I have a pretty decent amount of stool coming out and I'm not sure if its from the original fistula, or now through my vagina! whoopee. I am really starting this year off on a horrible note.
flowergirl, given what you've described, I would be more surprised if you didn't vent. Go ahead and bitch and moan all you want - life can be just effing horrible with Crohn's. I hope the Remicade infusion gives you some relief. I was on Remicade for about a year and a half. It worked well for a few months, but then slowly started not doing anything at all. My regret is that I didn't switch to another medication earlier. Lesson learned: if a medication stops working, or is working only a little, ditch it immediately and move on. Life is not worth wasting away in pain. Just do whatever it takes to get to a better quality of life.

I sincerely hope you feel better soon. It's hard to be positive or optimistic when life is kicking you in the face, but have a good cry and then do whatever it takes to feel better.
So I'm back in the hospital about to get a ct scan because the stool is definitely comin out of my vagina now. Sigh. Why didn't I just leave well enough alone? At least it was manageable before....
well, i haven't had any normal size bowel movements yet, but the small ones i am having, most of it is coming out of my vagina now. but my butthole is still really irritated from surgery, so everything, literally, hurts and is irritated. it's like the playdoh fun factory going out the wrong hole. not just a little gas and little squirt here and there. and i think the poor remicade is just like, this is too much for even me to handle. it's helping out my mouth still, but i think i've just had way too much happen down there right now for it to work all that well.
eh. went to the surgeon, she of course wants to cut me open again right away. i'm trying to see if there might be other options to the kind of major surgery she wants to do. so at this point i'm just holding steady.
I am new to this thread, but having read what you are going through I just wanted to say hello and tell you there is one more person thinking about you. I had a very small anal fissure, abscess and fistula and it hurt like nothing I have ever felt before (and I have had three children). I cant even imagine how you are doing...you deserve all the venting you can manage. I do hope that you can find some relief very soon. I know that you are wary of another surgery...but it might just be the best of the horrible options. Please keep us posted.
i'm getting an appt with my local GI, and i think i'm gonna get a referral to mayo in jacksonville. i've got other things going on, and i know they're usually good about working together in teams and stuff.
Dear flowergirl,:heart:
I think that is a great idea. We are all rooting for you here and hope it all turns out for your benefit. Plz keep us posted and let us know what they say! God bless! Teresa:heart:
The CR laid open two fistulas. It is helping, definitely an improvement from having an abscess and all the joys that they bring. I've been taking 750 mg of Flagyl which is unfun. Tomorrow is my last dose, thank goodness. I'm not convinced that stuff isn't rat poison. I'm still sore and it burns on occasion and taking 80 million sitz baths a day is a bit time consuming. You know how that goes.

Right now I'm just waiting on my GI doc to get back to work so we can start up Remicade or Humira and start getting my Crohn's in check.

I guess Birmingham is the place to be for booty surgery this holiday season. What did you have done? Are you feeling any better today?

Hi Al,
Just wondering how you are doing now? Are you healing up nicely? I hope so and that the bum is feeling lots better!!! I know how awful it is when it hurts. Keep us posted, ok? Teresa:heart:

I'm on a slow mend. I finish up with cipro tomorrow (yay) and will hopefully start Humira this week. I think that the cipro has helped to heal the wound a lot, I definitely have less pain with it. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I appreciate it. :)
Dear Al,
Sounds like things are finally looking up!! That's great! I hope the Humira works really well. It does for most people. Still keep me posted, ok? God bless! Teresa:)
Have an appointment at mayo next week! Yay! Trying to be optimistic. Course my poor little baby boy is sick. Think he's got the dreaded tummy bug that's been going around. Luckily he hasn't eaten much today so the throw up was minimal.
Just praying, praying I don't get it. If there's one thing I don't need, it's that.
Had an MRI at mayo today. Of course I'm allergic to the contrast. Of course. To go with my very large (1-1 1/2 cm) fistula hole.
Am I ever gonna get a break here?
Ah Hun,
Sorry everything's going crazy right now for you! You hang in there and don't get that stomach bug! I'll say a prayer for you!:rosette2:
so they're just running a bunch of labs right now. i've seen some of the results online. of the few things that are coming up abnormal, they all seem to be indicating anemia and some sort of inflammatory process (duh). still waiting for the more complicated labs to come back.
they want to do another endoscopy/colonoscopy. think i'm going to be cancelling that one. there isn't anything to indicate that anything has changed since the last one, except the last inch of my rectum where the fistula is, and they already did an mri. i don't need any more holes popping up just so they can rule something out that they've already had 2 colonoscopies, and endoscopy, a ct and an mri to figure out. the last prep i did just about killed me and the surgery just tore me up. they're just gonna have to figure something else out.
Sorry to hear about all the crap you're going through.

I never make new year's resolutions, but I was kind of hoping that this year would be a little better health wise.

This has probably been the shittiest start to a new year ever.

Here's hoping it gets better as we go.
Oh no. I know you had some insurance things, I didnt realize you had physical business goin on too. Are you ok? Yeah I thought 2013 might be my year. So far, not so much.
Not sick now. I've had a stomach virus already this year that put me in the ER for dehydration, then got pneumonia a few weeks later.

Crohn's is technically in remission, but I'm having issues with diarrhea. Like to the point that I couldn't work if I wanted to. I'm not sure that I have enough short bowel left to function properly.

I've been off the remicade since august, trying to get orders straight and other bs. I went back to my GI in Pensacola who diagnosed me when I was 19, didn't know he was still practicing. He helped me get the remistart program and worked with my insurance company to get home health to come to my house to do my remicade infusions. The nurse came on monday and couldn't get an IV in because my veins are crap.

She is recommending to my GI that I get an infusaport put in, meanwhile, the remicade is just sitting in my frig. I'm just over it, I'm sure you understand!
More lab results are trickling in. No antibodies for lupus, celiac, mctd. My tsh was a very low normal and my t4 was a very high normal. That trends towards hyperthyroidism, but who knows if they'll look into it further since technically was normal range. ANA was negative. It always has been for me, even before remicade.
Still waiting on more stuff, including hormones.
Oh, and a vent since this is the vent forum: the turntable plate out of the microwave got broke, along with the front glass door of the oven shattering. Luckily no one was hurt, but now I'm gonna have to fork out a couple hundred bucks. It'll go nicely with my insurance deductible. Wahoo!
Not totally sure. My son was pulling something heavy out of the microwave and the oven is directly across from it and he either ran into it or slammed something into it. I'm just glad he wasn't hurt. He's 4. Those little ones sure are resilient aren't they?
Not totally sure. My son was pulling something heavy out of the microwave and the oven is directly across from it and he either ran into it or slammed something into it. I'm just glad he wasn't hurt. He's 4. Those little ones sure are resilient aren't they?

ThaNK GOD, THEY ARE! Glad he wasn't hurt!Have a great day!
More venting!
Now my grandmother is in the hospital! She lives with my uncle who is maybe very mildly autistic or something else undiagnosed, but really he's just horrifically lazy and has been taken care of in every way by his mother for his entire adult life. Now she's 86 and is going downhill, and he still won't do anything. Normally we check in on her once a week or so, but haven't been over there since my surgery in December, what with recovery, going back and forth to dr appointments 5 hours away, a 4 year old and a husband that works long hours. Apparently she fell in the bathroom, and has been on the couch not moving or really eating or drinking for 4 or 5 days and he's been letting her soil herself on the couch. He won't even clean her coffee cups. I want to kill him. And my mother is just about useless. She lives 5 hours away, which I get, except she can't even help me make decisions because she tries to turn everything back on her and how it's inconvenient for her to come down right now and gives the most asinine "advice". She's more worried about whether my grandma has a life insurance policy than, you know, actually taking care of her. AAAACK! At least my husband and son have been great through all this.
I'll say it again. 2013 blows.

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