Glad you got some good sleep in Christi! The app I use helps me keep track of everything I eat. I have an app on my phone but I can also go online and enter in what I eat for each meal. It counts your calories, grams of fat, sugar, carbs, etc. It has reports that I can view bar graphs of the weeks intake of various nutrients(Cholesterol, Sugar, Potassium, Fiber, Calcium, etc). If something upsets my stomach I can look back and see if I had eaten anything different that might have caused it. The one I use is called myFitnessPal. There are a bunch out there though.
I have not been on this site for a while. At the beginning of this year I felt hopeful. I started reading books again; I can enjoy something that I love again. I have read 11 paperback novels this year, a major accomplishment for me. I have also lost 24 pounds this year, which is fantastic. But toward the end of February I received my first Disability Update Short Form. So, now I am really stressed out about THAT.
Agree about reading.Glad you are feeling better. I love reading, it's a great form of escapism to plunge into another world in a book. Don't let yourself get too stressed about the disability form. I know it's hard not to, but look at it as one step at a time so you don't get too overwhelmed.
I am really sorryToday is a really ****** day. TRIGGER WARNING: PRESCRIPTION DRUG USE!
I woke up at 9am to go to the bathroom. I was in a lot of pain in my abdominal lymph nodes. I was just diagnosed with mesenteric adenitis at the hospital a few days ago (basically means extremely painful enlargement of lymph nodes on the mesenteric wall). I feel as though the lymph nodes on the other side and the middle have started feeling the same way too. One lymph node is about 5cm in diameter in the middle of my lower abdomen. The lymph nodes all over my body are up. There is one in my neck that is up that is a cervical lymph node (between my jugular and my oesophagus) that is incredibly painful and it makes me feel like terrible. I took two of the endone tablets they prescribed me because of the pain and I went back to bed. I woke up at 11am high off of the tablets and I called my mum because I was feeling like crap and wanted to talk to her. We laughed about how loopy the tablets were making me feel, talked about our day and then hung up. [NOTE I was unaware at this point that the endone tablets are actually oxycontin]
I went back to sleep for 4 hours because of the medication. I don't like how it makes me feel. I prefer to sleep it off. It doesn't even help me with the pain that much. I woke up, and saw that my mum had texted me to be really careful of the tablets. I did some research and found out that it was oxycontin and I'm not touching the stuff again. It doesn't help me, makes me feel disgusting, and is overall just a waste of time. I don't want to get hooked on a drug. I just don't want to be in pain anymore. I don't know what to do to treat the pain. I feel hopeless.
The drug had already worn off and I started feeling really nauseous. I threw up continuously for five minutes. There was nothing in my stomach and I just threw up my own stomach lining over and over again. I never EVER throw up. EVER. It is really traumatic for me on the extremely rare occasions that I do. I brushed my teeth and started crying.
I feel like I'm getting worse. I feel like I'm in so much pain and nothing is helping. I feel like my doctors are going to tell me there is nothing wrong with me even though I have so many symptoms and so many things that would lead to the conclusion that there is something wrong with me. I feel so scared. I feel like I'm burdening the people around me. I am so upset.
Bebe, what a rough day! I am sorry to hear it. You are not a burden. You are a person with a diverse set of needs and challenges - just like every other individual human on this planet <3
When nothing is going right - or the days are just extra crummy with high in pain, and fear and worry is clouding my mind I try to remember that it will pass. It is one of the biggest cliches, but for me it does not imply that everything will go away and no longer exist - but that these specific pains today, these specific troubles, worries, and concerns will settle and pass - ebb and flow - that different days, times, and moments bring a new set of challenges even if it is looking/ feeling the same in appearance.
I personally avoid opiates because they also freak me out due to how poor they make me feel - in addition I did develop an addiction to them as a teen when first trying to cope and manage the disease which has lead me to only accepting opiates under medical supervision (such as during hospitalizations). Working with a chronic pain therapist to develop alternative tools and methods of viewing and approaching my pain has helped me to better accept and face it all. This may be something worth looking into.
What is important to remember is that a part of pain management and working to treat pain is often goal oriented. Many aim to eliminate pain, when chronic pain might be best managed if the goal is to keep pain in a tolerated range, rather than eliminated entirely. Sometimes all the tricks in the world cannot manage pain well enough to keep it from passing a point of tolerance into being excruciating, and in such cases pharmaceutical intervention can be easier to tweak as desired.
Perhaps your medical professional has alternatives to the Oxy-based/ opiate pain killers, or could prescribe a lower dose to be taken more frequently that might not be as severe in its side-effects, with the goal being to keep your pain levels within a more tolerable range.
No matter how you choose to proceed, I certainly encourage calling your doc and communicating your concerns - we shouldn't have to live in excruciating pain, but also shouldn't need to accept suffering with intolerable side-effects to treat pain.
Sending supportIm so sore nothing helps :-( im feeling very depressed and tired of everything so tired i cant live like this
Woke up feeling like a lump of lead. Took a bit to get fingers and body moving and limbs are still very stiff, but everything seems to be perking up. It's a beautiful, sunny morning.
I keep walking to the lake near me to see if I cant find any ducklings yet, and would really like to get out today, but it'll probably be a few more weeks at the earliest and it might be a better idea to just take it easy and rest today.
Me too.It sounds like you live in a really lovely area. I hope that you get the rest you need and are able to go searching for those ducklings by the lake.
OK I need to figure out how to reply to or answer messages so that if shows who I'm messaging. Right now it looks like I'm having a conversation with myself or just plumb loco.![]()
Thanks so much
I'm on a 7 inch Kindle tonight my other unit is charging and I didn't see the button on the left. I can make all kind of excuses like how small the print is or my key board keeps the button covered or I just didn't look left but really it's just a DUh moment :ack: :soledance:
Finaly got outa bed now coffee time ☺
luDena hi.. glad things are improving for you. Hope it continues☺
Anitas paul.. enjoy your walk and hope it dosent wear you out to much ☺
Bout a week coffee free Fuzzy just roiboos tea hot water with lemon carrot juice and h2o now
Thanks so much
I'm on a 7 inch Kindle tonight my other unit is charging and I didn't see the button on the left. I can make all kind of excuses like how small the print is or my key board keeps the button covered or I just didn't look left but really it's just a DUh moment :ack: :soledance:
It is not painful but I have a little bump on the inside of my lip. Mentioning animals, my wife has a yellow Labrador retriever which is a service dog for her. He loves everyone.
ThanksAw he sounds a friendly sole Ron. Hope the bump goes soon.. i think iv got a little sore or ulcer in my mouth . Might try some bonjela n hope it helps. ☺
That is greatEver since I have isolated and eliminated the trigger foods that cause cramps, I have never felt better in the past year. A couple of times I tested my tolerance and had very brief cramps - nice to know that my hypothesis works (and my GI agrees). I am now down to Pentasa twice a day and nothing else.
Ever since I have isolated and eliminated the trigger foods that cause cramps, I have never felt better in the past year. A couple of times I tested my tolerance and had very brief cramps - nice to know that my hypothesis works (and my GI agrees). I am now down to Pentasa twice a day and nothing else.
I went to the ER twice this week. Naseua and dry heaves. Colon and stomach pain. Constipation and then diarrhea. Painful, bleeding hemorrhoids. Bloated right now. CT is OK. X-rays OK. Blood Test OK. My ass hurts and I am tired :-(
I will be calling my Gastroenterologist on Monday morning. Someone HAS to find a cure for this !!!
YesI hope all feel better soon
Ouch. Sorry, Lisa.My lovely little sharing daughter shared her head cold with me.....Ugh!!!!
First of all I hope everyone here a very good week!
Right now drinking my morning first cup of coffee. Waiting for the gas to build up and then pass to get things going. Trip to the bathroom every morning, several X,
And sometimes the 1st one can be a 45-minuter! Which I know is not good!
I always feel like I need to go ( bm / vapors)
Waiting for my GI Dr. to call me saying they got the Insurance to cooperate and my pills are ready!
Some days I just wish they could just Remove all of my intestines and I'd be fed intraveinousely! (However you spell it)
Ann, I am sorry for what you are going through. I hope things are better soon.Kevin, I hear ya ! I was driving home from the ER yesterday just wishing I had a stoma so that I could stop all this colon craziness. I had a bowel accident in my ER Room yesterday and at home in my bathroom this morning. Today I have to go to the Laundromat and grocery store and my Primary Care Doctor appointment and worry about pooping in my pants the entire afternoon. :-(
Even worse, I have to wait 3 weeks before my I can see my Gastroenterologist. :-(
Kevin, I hope you get that phone call today !!!![]()
Ann, I am sorry for what you are going through. I hope things are better soon.
Kevin, I hear ya ! I was driving home from the ER yesterday just wishing I had a stoma so that I could stop all this colon craziness. I had a bowel accident in my ER Room yesterday and at home in my bathroom this morning. Today I have to go to the Laundromat and grocery store and my Primary Care Doctor appointment and worry about pooping in my pants the entire afternoon. :-(
Even worse, I have to wait 3 weeks before my I can see my Gastroenterologist. :-(
Kevin, I hope you get that phone call today !!!![]()
One of those days when life just takes repeated kicks at my proverbial nuts. 70k word document fried along with a less-then-year-old laptop - crohn's acting all crohnsie - joints are utterly useless today - a year and a half of savings intended for getting/ training a dog drained to cover a roommate's lack of character and integrity as he's shafted us on rent.
Somehow I don't think my expectations are that high in life, hell according to others they're downright minimal, but damn if I'm not proven wrong time and time again.
Oh Ron are you still having that feeling old chum.. has your doc not been able to help or at least explain why you feel that way quite alot.
Best wishes![]()