Have I just won a little duck?
I am prize enough.
anyone keen to help me with my housework? wifes been over seas on holiday and gets home tomorrow. the place better be clean. for now ,its winning time.
Sound like you have work ahead of you Trev.
lucky im not too messy, but some women are hard to please, or is that all women......
I'm taking the win
Been out and now in
Got to make something to eat
Then bum firmly on seat
Until time for bed
Hope I sleep like the dead
I suppose I don't have to admit this,but,I had to double check it was Friday. Ha,Ha.
I just double checked and its Saturday dinner time.
Do you have a Tardis?
I was going to click the thanks tab...but that would only encourage you.
I'll take a up too late,have crohn's brain from latest Remicade infusion,have to keep re-typing because I hit the wrong keys Friday night win!!! Hope y'all have a better today than yesterday.
I wish I could teleport like on Star Trek.
I wish I could teleport like on Star Trek.
I wish I could teleport like on Star Trek.
Only if you sing me a Christmas song - Carol.
Wish I had a Star Trek phaser - set to stun - the B Team would be in trouble.
If you have to resort to violence then you may as well admit YOU'RE in trouble............ And the "B" team are already stunning thankyou.
If you behave until Xmas we might let you join........go on,you know you want to.:wink:illowfight:
so am I
Full of a cold and winning
Tea for the A Team is generally served at Fortnum's about now ,with bone china service - Earl Grey, slice of lemon, perhaps an Arrowroot biscuit.
Of course you meant the B Team tea - chipped mug, tea bag and last weeks cake.
Full of a cold and winning
Tea for the A Team is generally served at Fortnum's about now ,with bone china service - Earl Grey, slice of lemon, perhaps an Arrowroot biscuit.
Of course you meant the B Team tea - chipped mug, tea bag and last weeks cake.
Chipped mugs are good - entertainment is better. Winning
Yep, I'm more about comfort. Jeans and sweatshirts make me happy.
I need the win as I have another 10 days of antibiotics followed by another ten days if I can't kick it.
And I'm still winning.
Me Too! I get to wear my jeans to work everyday - yay! Winning
Not now you're not sis.,
We're going for a drive along the coast for some fresh caught fish and chips.
And icecream :dusty::dusty::dusty:
catch you later.
Where are you Dave and Dux ???
Can I join the jeans and boots club,it's all I wear (and a sweater Guys,calm down):shifty-t:
I need the win as I have another 10 days of antibiotics followed by another ten days if I can't kick it.
Finished all the antibiotics from the pneumonia but they have me taking one a day as preventative maintenance for 3 months. Ughhh. :thumbdown:
I'm here! You'd make quite an impression getting your fish and chips in just jeans and boots,sans sweater. :ybiggrin: I can think of a clever place to carry the brown sauce if your hands are full. :thumleft:
Pfffttt !!!
spring a leak?
I am always good. Have a goodnight. Winning
Stuffed up win, but a win all the same. Yes I'm a yoghurt fan. I did online shopping today and got some more yoghurt.
One step forward and two steps back eh, Trysha ? You poor thing !!!
It's good you're taking the yoghurt.Lots of people are unaware that they should take it to counteract the side effects of antibiotics.Of course most of us on the forum should know.
Feel better soon,keep smiling.
Now Grumpy,we all know that's not true. !!!:thumbdown:
That was clever. What went wrong?
I woke up from my most of three day nap, now Doug is asleep in his chair in the livingroom. I had my flu shot a month ago, and my pneumonia shot two or three years ago, which they say to get once every five years so I should be fine. I feel for all of you sickies! We also had a little snow here, it seems most of the U.S. is having a cold snap from a polar vortex, or so they say. But cold it is!
And sorry sis, I am winning! And I'm very, very good!