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Sandy, you write that and I think of those old movies with all the guys sitting around the table with their sleeves rolled up their has on, cards on the table, scotch in the glasses and a haze of smoke from their cigars in the air.... fire department outside waiting to douse the flames!
Well,I actually came on at 10-30am, but I thought I would give somebody else a winning what happened to all you competitive people ???

Well,that's an improvement Peeps,good on you all for making an effort hahaha.

I'm BORED !!! all the housework's up to date and lunch is prepared (well actually,it's defrosting, beef casserole) For those of you who don't know,our son (Scott) is coming for a 3wk visit on Thursday.We haven't seen him since April 2010.So we will be out and about a lot in the next few weeks.But that doesn't mean I won't be on the forum !!!
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Gee it gets dark real quick at the moment

Oh,bring it on........I love dark evenings.It always feels OK to be idle.Whereas the light summer nights make me feel guilty to be sitting doing nothing,and restless.It's light until after 10pm and daylight begins at about 4-30an.

It's sometimes a loooooooong day. I think the summer solstice is at the end of this month so that WILL be the longest day.
And that will be our shortest one. :)

Trev how was the wedding?

Enjoy the time with your son Carol. :)
Trev that is awesome news! They can be stressful, glad to hear it all went to plan.
Almost 15hrs Sandy,you sure have the knack of bringing things to a halt.

Buckingham Palace has more than 600 rooms

There are 412 doors in the Whitehouse...........Winning
Winning on a Monday [emoji2] tomorrow is my farewell morning tea at work. [emoji41]
Hi Kirsty what are you providing for morning tea? When did it get called that? Its always been smoko. Will it be home baking and worth the trip to Welly.
Wow....Buckingham Palace and morning tea for some.......interesting news
It's raining here...
Trev no home baking for this crew. They are not up to your standards. I'm off to the supermarket in the morning. :)
Morning all, hope you all had a lovely weekend, spent mine, doing yard work, picking raspberries, and reading. Have a great day all! Winning
I just heard a loud thunder boom and now smell smoke from somewhere outside... :eek:

Could have been me...but I'm not sure if it's smoke you would smell. :ywow:

Grumpy,my yard doesn't look any cleaner and I don't see any raspberries. Oh,you mean your yard.
I should know better than to post about booms and smells on a forum with IBDers.:rof:
Congrats Kirst, you are free like a bird!
I picked raspberries one summer as a teenager for extra spending cash and swore I would never do it again. But, years later, if it were my yard and my berries, that does sound nice. I would have to perfect my raspberry jam canning skills though.
Early morning win!
Yard does look better, had a beautiful black lace elderberry that was looking great one day and dead the next (what's up with that?) had to go on the internet and find out that it probably had worms - inside of it where you can't see the little beggars and it kills them dead. Had to take my tree out, oh well one less tree to prune in the fall I guess.

The raspberry patch was there when I bought my house and it gets a multitude of berries 2 years ago I gave away a lot and still managed to freeze 10 2 cup bags and make 3 batches of jam which I promptly gave away. Last year I didn't pick them and they went to waste and it broke my heart. So this year I decided I better pick them. Had to dead head my roses and rhododendrons, mow the lawns and now I'm done till next weekend.

I'll send you some berries but won't be responsible for the shape they are in when they get there.....Winning :ghug:
Sounds like an awesome garden :)
No I haven't win the lottery. I'm just setting up my company so I can do contracting. :)
Sounds like an awesome garden :)
No I haven't win the lottery. I'm just setting up my company so I can do contracting. :)

Sounds like a great plan. Good luck to you.

I grew Strawberries with the intention of making wine. Now I can't eat them and I found out how many it takes to make wine (lots!!) so I dug up the Strawberries plants and planted roses. We also had 2 pine trees removed from my yard over the weekend so lots of cleaning up and raking had to be done. They were original to when the house was built
(1957) so they were very sadly outgrown and dangerously unhealthy. Watching them flex in the wind was making me very nervous.
Shanen, In December 2011 we had a really bad windstorm. Highest gust was 142 mph. The winds took out every large pine tree in the entire area. I don't blame you for taking out those old large pines.
Don't have any old growth trees in my yard have some across the way (about 1 block) and a huge old oak in my neighbors behind me - if the wind blows just right and it come down it will hit my house but it is a beautiful old tree and very seldom do we get winds that high here in Victoria maybe once a year so I can live with it and it is way sturdier than a pine or fir tree. Most of my trees I planted and the ones I didn't have slowly been removed took out a couple last year. My Elderberry was only 3 years old and was probably only 10 feet tall only took me a couple of hours to cut it down and cut it up and take it away. Butterfly bushes are the hardest to get rid of - really hard wood and stubborn. And English Ivy grows wild here and takes over everything you just go out twice a year and start at one end and roll it up and cut it off and put it in a bin. Its amazing to watch it grow, its beautiful when it climbs but major destructive on fences and structures so you have to keep on top of it or you pay big time.
The problem is the former home owner really loved pine trees. The back yard has another dozen or so planted around the perimeter...about a foot apart.

Too bad it's not good wood to burn in the fireplace. :( Raking the mess up smelled like Christmas.
The problem is the former home owner really loved pine trees. The back yard has another dozen or so planted around the perimeter...about a foot apart.

Too bad it's not good wood to burn in the fireplace. :( Raking the mess up smelled like Christmas.

Planted too close together - need at least 3 feet on either side and people don't think that that itty bitty thing will grow to be a menace.
Planted too close together - need at least 3 feet on either side and people don't think that that itty bitty thing will grow to be a menace.

Yep, sound advice for trees. I bet they looked adorable when first planted along the back of the yard. :ybiggrin:

I love Ivy but after seeing what it did to some of the older homes in my area (ripped plaster and siding off homes, promoted mold growth with all the moisture hanging out underneath, etc) I decided not to plant any near my house, just watch my neighbors keep up the constant repair on theirs.
Originally from AB no Ivy there unless it is in the house in a pot. Came to BC and thought it was absolutely marvelous until it took over the back yard, the fence, the shed.....etc. Then it wasn't so marvelous. I literally roll it up and cut it off twice a year from the bottom and trim it from the top on the bank so it doesn't grow on my fence. I would take it out but it's roots are holding about 6 feet of bank in place before the big rock in my back yard that abuts to my neighbors driveway that is probably 10 ft above my yard in the back straight uphill. Fun for all ages. (Rock approx. 10 ft x 15 ft part of the natural rock that wasn't blown up to create the yards to build in on an island)
Yep, oak trees are much sturdier than pine trees. When I was a kid, my family used to go pick wild elderberries that grew in a nearby canyon, and then we made elderberry jam. Still love that stuff. That's what I will take for today's win, elderberry jam. Yum. (Sorry about your tree Grumps.) And when we moved into this house, one of the first things we did yard wise was take out a big patch of English ivy, as pretty as it is to look at.
Good morning .........well,my sons flight should be leaving Australia in half an hour, and this time tomorrow we will be at the airport waiting for him. I feel excited,anxious and emotional,whereas I'm a really laid back sort usually.Kids eh !!!
Let your excitement overcome your nervousness. How fabulous for you to see your son!! I hope you have a wonderful visit catching up. :hug:
Kids do all sorts of things to emotions, Carol, but Shanen is correct, just enjoy your time with your son. I'm happy that you're finally going to see him again. :hug:
[/URL][/IMG] Daughters wedding and me not looking at the camera...
hi Kirsty crap pic, but its the only one someone sneaked as they didn't allow private pics at the ceremony, have to wait for the photographer to do the pics.
Great pic Trev! I can feel the happiness from your daughters smile all the way from here. Your quite a dapper looking 'ol crohnie in the pic as well. :thumleft: I wish her a lifetime of good health and happiness!...and the new hubby too,of course.

Carol,have a great visit with your son. Has he missed old Blighty at all? I hope the family has a wonderful reunion. Don't poison him with that English cooking. :yfaint:

I have lots of stories about trees. I went to University for Forestry/Environmental Education. I've worked for professional tree care outfits,the State of Maine and the list goes on. I enjoy shrubs,trees and plants of all kinds. I think I told you guys the story of the tree falling across the road while my buddy and I were riding our motorcycles. That was odd,for sure.

Have a great day everyone and Win!
I'm obsessed with trees too. I got 7 pine trees felled from my first property. They we're all in front of the kitchen.
Morning all, Carol have a wonderful time with your son. Trev great picture, she is absolutely gorgeous - congrats to the happy couple. Dave, haven't heard from you in a while nice to read you....
I hope that everyone including those mentioned above have a wonderful day. Winning
That is a great picture, and your daughter does look positively radiant, and you are, as Dave said, quite the dapper dad, Trev.
And Dave, that is quite the interesting background you have.
I hope you are having an especially great time with your son Carol.
And as with the general consensus here, I hope everyone else is having a great day.
One week from today I get to take this blasted heart monitor off, then I will be doing a particularly happy dance. But today isn't bad, either.
Hey all, again late to the party but here. So glad that you get your heart monitor off Sandy - make it a slow happy dance or they may make you put it back on! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Tomorrow is *** day and MTX day for me so I will be out for the count but will try to check in at some point.
Saw my Gastro yesterday and things are interesting if nothing else.
The Grand Vizier of Persia in the 10th century,took his library with him where ever he went.The 117,000 volumes of books were carried by 400 camels trained to walk in alphabetical order.........Winner !!!

P.S Of course I'm assuming he didn't read whilst in the bathroom.:rof:
That makes my 996 on my kindle look like a drop in the bucket. But I prefer my kindle to the 400 camels [emoji38]
Temporary peek at LOW before I fall back to sleep after short jaunt to let Allie out, etc.
I think Robert is lost for sure. :( Now who are we going to pick on?
Stay well all. :ghug:
Temporary peek at LOW before I fall back to sleep after short jaunt to let Allie out, etc.
I think Robert is lost for sure. :( Now who are we going to pick on?
Stay well all. :ghug:

I think you're right about Robert, Sandy. We've beaten him and he doesn't want to admit it. I hope that's all it is though.......

Trev,I hope you and your family are OK mate .
Great information Carol....must have been quite something looking after 400 camels...
Wonder who picked up after them?
Sorry to hear about the floods..stay safe everyone
Great to see you Trysha! It's always so quiet on Sundays here on this thread. (At least it's still Sunday here.) Happy longest day of the year everyone, and happy father's day to all the great fathers out there.
Carol's posts are interesting and educational and I enjoy reading them
Hi Everybody...lovely summer day here
Just off to get my eyes checked out long overdue
Hello everyone. You do come up with some interesting facts Carol. You must be well read. :)
(But I am winning. )
Give a man a TV remote and he will keep himself amused for hours.Men live in constant fear that something better is happening somewhere else........and there is no meal that cannot be improved by one of the many hot sauces or chutneys taking up space in the average mans fridge........ Winning
My turn tomorrow is the anniversary of the day I first met hubs 11 years ago [emoji7]
My turn tomorrow is the anniversary of the day I first met hubs 11 years ago [emoji7]

Oh, you old romantic ,you.I met my old man on 4th Jan.......Let's just leave it there for now....:rof::rof::rof: If you can guess the year you win the prize !!!
Morning, hope all is as well as can be expected.

Carol, how's the visit with family going?
Morning all, hope everyone is safe and doing well. Winning

I've been quite "grumpy" again this morning, but now posting here amongst my friends I am feeling a lot better, at least emotionally. Also, tomorrow is my happy dance day when I get to take off my heart monitor after my four weeks. Yipee, skipee!:dance:
It's extra warm here for this time of year, approaching 100° f in the daytime. However, it's now 1:40 am, and I couldn't stand that monitor one more second, so I just ripped the last electrode off (a little mutiny for the last half day.) Just have to mail it back to them in the prepaid box they provided. Happy days are here again! :dance: :dance: :dance: (My cardiologist will tell me in a couple weeks if I have a heart. :ybiggrin:)
It's extra warm here for this time of year, approaching 100° f in the daytime. However, it's now 1:40 am, and I couldn't stand that monitor one more second, so I just ripped the last electrode off (a little mutiny for the last half day.) Just have to mail it back to them in the prepaid box they provided. Happy days are here again! :dance: :dance: :dance: (My cardiologist will tell me in a couple weeks if I have a heart. :ybiggrin:)

We all know you have a heart Sandy,and it's full of all the good things you share with us .:ghug::rosette2::Karl:
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