Much Ado About Nothing! eh!

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Way to go, K! When I told the boys she was doing that, they both got bug eyed. DS said he can hardly run a mile, let along swim 4K. Good for her!

Congratulations, Sascot! Is it presumptuous of me to assume you've accepted a job as a gastroenterologist? I'm sure you'd qualify. :)

The big news here is that DS is going on his first date this weekend. High school girl ask boy dance. I must admit, bit of a shock, but I'm very happy (and nervous) for him. He says she's even more shy than he is, so it ought to be an interesting night. Do you know how hard it is to find a suit for a boy who's not quite man sized??
Way to go, K! When I told the boys she was doing that, they both got bug eyed. DS said he can hardly run a mile, let along swim 4K. Good for her!

Congratulations, Sascot! Is it presumptuous of me to assume you've accepted a job as a gastroenterologist? I'm sure you'd qualify. :)

The big news here is that DS is going on his first date this weekend. High school girl ask boy dance. I must admit, bit of a shock, but I'm very happy (and nervous) for him. He says she's even more shy than he is, so it ought to be an interesting night. Do you know how hard it is to find a suit for a boy who's not quite man sized??

Maybe you can rent something through a wedding shop?
Mehita - Just a suit, been there we had pretty good luck with JCPenny's a lot of their suits went up to 16/18 so in between that boy man size. Burlington as well.
Way to go K, makes me tired just thinking about it.
Congrats Sascot!!! How exciting! :dusty: But, I'm curious... what is a travel money consultant?

Mehita - how exciting too!! :D Good luck with the suit! Can't wait to hear how the date goes! :kiss:
Nothing too exciting, but a foot in the door and a bit of me time. I basically sort out people's travel money in whatever currency they need for their holidays. Should be nice - most customers will be happy since they are off on their holidays - a cheerful job.
Nothing too exciting, but a foot in the door and a bit of me time. I basically sort out people's travel money in whatever currency they need for their holidays. Should be nice - most customers will be happy since they are off on their holidays - a cheerful job.

Sounds nice and not too stressful. Enjoy!
I just wanted to post a word of warning about floor space heater with auto turn offs.

Well by God's grace we were spared from losing our house in a fire.:blush:

The 3 year old space heater in the entry way tipped over after I left to take the kids to school.
My hubby was running late to farm chores ( thank God) and came in to get his bibs on and saw a smoking space heater... still running... tipped over.... on high heat.:ywow:
It would have only been a matter of time until the fire caught.

Obviously the auto turn off stopped working! Always beware and be careful with space heaters!!!
I almost never leave anything running at home. You hear these type of stories too often! :eek:

Years ago, I left the dishwasher running when I went to bed. Something malfunctioned and the drying cycle didn't shut off all night. The cabinets surrounding it and the counter top were boiling hot! Not sure if that could've caught fire but not something I want to chance again! :eek: (Same with clothes dryer - I never leave it running overnight or when I'm out.)

Glad nothing more happened at your place!
It's so scary to us.
My parent in laws lost everything in a house fire a few years ago.
Two old wires that were left from a remodeling job years earlier stl had juice going thru them ( no one knew this) and arched a foot across and set the fire in the basement.
We hate fires here!!!!! My poor mother in law still is traumatized by it.
I've been sitting in preop for my nonIBD son to have a minor surgery for 7 hours. He was supposed to be brought in 5 hours ago. I literally called them 2.5 hours ago because we hadn't seen anyone for hours and I thought they'd forgotten us. They just came in now and said we're next. Apparently we were bumped for a couple emergencies.
Wow--that's a long time to wait--how frustrating. Hope he gets called back soon. Was he able to eat while waiting, at least, or was he NPO?
Oh no hun. Nightmare that hanging around one. Drives you batty doesnt it . I have had the emergency one crop up before now too. Sending hugs to you both n hope your seen very soon. Best wishes n hope all goes smoothly for the minor op . 💖
Talking about this has reminded of when my son was little. Games consoles were just comming into play in a big way. Where was my son.. out in the piddling down rain playing out. Could barely get that boy in the house, except when he was poorly. So he rarely went on his console even if i would have allowed him to spend hours on it. Which i wouldnt have done, so good job really lol ☺
My kids tell me Facebook says it is National Hug Day! Here are some extras for all of you just because!
Miss almost 17. Comment after being admit to hospital on Saturday night.

I'm in lose lose situation.

Situation 1.
Lose: I'm fine. Lose because I will have stay here trying to sleep in a neck brace with no pillow.

Situation 2.
Lose: Because I have really damaged myself and need to be here.

:dusty::dusty:Situation 1:dusty::dusty:
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Trying to keep them positive up can be a full time job sometimes! ;) Thankfully, it turned out okay!! :D
Where are all the girl scouts?! Isn't it cookie season? My girls are all older so none of their friends are girl scouts. I just had to buy the supermarket, rip off, thin mint cookie:voodoo:

Not the same!
We have a dangerous number of girl scouts in our neighborhood! We've ordered, but the cookies aren't here yet. I've got to start being a little more careful, though. A year of making high calorie food for E has left my jeans a little tight...
No girl scouts yet for us.:confused2:

Yea I agree pdx, why is it we get this food to plump them up but it's our waist line that pays the price.:yfaint:
Maybe I should buy as twice as much in hopes she'll eat more:highfive:.
Yea the sounds reasonable.:ylol:
Not related to crohns but just need a bit of info from you all...

My father was admitted to hospital a couple of weeks ago. Intitally they thought he had termporal arteritis (vasculitis of arteries in head) and started him on prednisone (50 mg). Subsequent tests have shown he did not have this so they are going to start tapering him off pred. He's been on pred for 14 days. The tapering schedule is moving to 40 today, 30 tomorrow and then reducing by 5 each day.

Because S has never been treated with steroids, my knowledge is limited to what I've read here. This seems to be a pretty quick taper - but, of course, I'm comparing it to the situations here and I'm dealing with an adult who, it turns out, does not have a condition that needs to be treated by the pred.

I'll spare you the details but hospital care can sometimes be lacking (as we all know), so I just want to make sure this is handled correctly. If the taper is too quick, what happens? What should I watch for?

Thanks guys! :)
Since he has not been on it long term I think that should be okay. I would also have him take a vitamin B complex which helps when you wean off prednisone.
Sascot, I hope everything is ok. I must have missed the thread where you were having tests. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Wish you were feeling better. :( I hope the elevated FC leads to some answers and, hopefully, to something that can be quickly treated. :ghug:
Sascot: What are your symptoms? FC in older adults (and I say that with love) can be from a number of causes that we usually don't even consider with the kids...I hope it is one of those easy fixes. Keep us posted!
Thanks. I had to take 4 strong antibiotics last year May/June and it really messed up my stomach. It came and went for a while but the pain and nausea is getting worse. I assumed IBS, but the GP sent the calprotectin away just in case. Who knew it would show anything. Not a high reading but enough for them to tell me to come in
Crohnsinct - it's bad nausea on and off, tummy just feels 'off' and sometimes like a blowtorch is burning my intestines plus random bad pains that last a while then disappear completely. Believe me I am feeling much older :ysmile: these days
Hope it turns out to be something that's easy to treat, and that you're feeling better soon. :ghug:
Sascot - I remember you saying at some point you were going to be tested for AS? Did that ever happen? People with AS can have higher FCs and often have gut inflammation. Just something to look into if you still have joint pain.
They never came to any conclusion about the joints, the rheumatologist just sent me off. Joints have actually been fine since giving up gluten
Yes, tested last year and again a couple weeks ago. The regular stool test for c diff and bacterial infection was negative
Sascot, I'm sorry you are dealing with this. Your description of the pain was so vivid and horrible.

We really don't need anyone else with issues around here, so I've decided this needs to be something very easy diagnose and address.

I hope this is behind you very soon.
As of this morning, my 11 week old puppy is on Flagyl. The vet was starting to give me the run down on the med and I stopped her and told her we're good (and why). Let's hope tonight we're not running outside every hour for diarrhea!
We have two dogs... between the dogs, my husband's IBS and Stephen's crohns... poop - size, frequency, texture, colour, etc. is a very normal discussion in our house! :lol: It's such a typical conversation at home, it's discussed as easily as the weather but I have seen some odd looks on visitors (ie daughter's bf)! :rof:
Yup, I just told Grace that it's not common in a public place to talk about poop.
Lol, she thought that was weird.
Jaedyn has been so descriptive about her poop on at least one occasion that I think she may have shocked her GI!! It certainly took her off-guard. Not an easy task I'm sure!
Waiting for FCP results getting a little punchy. Here is a little diddy for you. Sung to the tune of "Oh Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?"

Oh where, oh where
Is my fecal calpro?
Oh where, oh where did it go?
My patience is short
Is has been so long
Oh where, oh where can it be?
I hope it went down
I should check with nurse White
To see what she could see
Or shut my mouth
and check the portal website
I wonder what could it be
Hi no your not lol.. i had a change.. was mandyk.. well still am really haha.. i thought id have a change ,they say its as good as a rest but im not convinced 😃
Decided today that crohns is the gift that keeps on giving

Unlike say asthma
You get a dx
Get a med
Maybe have a flare every once in a great while (5-10 years )
But only affects the lungs

Crohns should not be defined as a disease of the gut
At all
It truly is a systemic disease
That is the gift that just keeps on giving
A local grocery store was having really good sales this week. The organic butter that's normally $7.50 was $3.50; the super creamy, high-calorie ice cream that E eats every night was $3 instead of $6; the Larabars that she eats for snack at school every day were $1. So I bought 12 pounds of butter, 40 pints of ice cream, and 64 larabars. I must have had 70 billion calories in my cart. :redface: The lady behind me in line asked if I had a restaurant. :ylol:

E is up to 108 pounds!
Funny story I thought I'd share :D

We were walking our doberman, Mika (about 50 pounds) when, suddenly, from around the corner, a fluffy white 10 pound Pomeranian came charging at her! Full of piss and vinegar, barking, growling, actually took a small bite at Mika's leg. Happened so suddenly, other an a quick yelp, Mika didn't have a chance to react before hubby reached down and picked her up. Took a minute before the Pomeranian's owners came running but, what a sight... 6' man holding his 50 lb Doberman, high in his arms, while a barking, growling fluffy white Pomeranian kept them pinned to the wall! LMAO Hubbysaid it happened so fast, his first thought was 'this isn't going to end well!' and scooped up Mika!

I wish I'd thought to take a picture! :lol:
So weird things going in with the Hubby.

Last Monday he started with low grade fevers and body/joint aches. No other sympyims. We figured it was viral.

Thursday, we went to urgent care. Still only fevers and body aches. Fevers spiking 103. Negative flu test, CBC looked good white count low normal, nothing in the labs to indicate viral illness (monocytes lymphocytes normal) Doc gave a z-pack.

So he's been doing Tylenol then motrin to get fever down but would only come down to 100-101. Then yesterday fever got 103 and nothing would bring it down so went to ER. They couldn't give meds because of all the fever reducing meds he had taken so 2 bags of fluids.

They did blood cultures to send off and all the basic. Flu test still negative and CBC looks good.

Doc ran a course of vanco (just in case?). And said to see GP and possibly rheumatologist because the only thing he can come up with is something rheumatic like sjorens or lupus (doest really fit either).

99.9 when we left Hospital. 101.9 when we got home. 102.9 when we woke up. Doc also said (when I asked at what point should I bring him back if fever spikes over weekend and can't get down) take a cool bath fevers aren't fatal.

That's all we got, any gurus have suggestions of tests? I'm wondering about tick borne illness.
You could try an infectious disease specialist. They will test for Lyme and other infections.
Fever seems kind of high for SpA. We have low grade fever here with SpA -- between 99.0 and 100.2 usually. Doesn't get higher than 100.4 F ever.

It could be Lupus though... Seeing a rheumatologist might help.
Yeah I don't know what to think. We have a new puppy but it's on flea and tick med, he works outside with the phone company. He's pulled two ticks off of him from work and there was a knot with one of them. But that was in May and the end of July.

I guess we'll go to the GP tomorrow then go from there with rheumatologist and infectious disease.

I just don't know what to think.
Yes they've done it twice. So far everything they've tested has come back normal.

Today the highest his fever has been is 102.7. This is the 6th or 7th day. His first dose today which was Tylenol and motrin was the only time he didn't have fever. Since then it been Tylenol then motrin and the fever stays about 101 or 102.
Okay went to the GP today. He ran more blood work. He said we'd wait for the cultures to get back. He hopes it's a self limiting viral illness but if hubby has 2 more days of fever then he sending him to an infectious disease specialist. Still running fevers today but didn't start til after lunch.
I am so sorry hear. Have had limited reception the last two weeks. I agree that this sounds like Lyme disease. Please keep us posted.
Still having fevers but the fevers aren't 24/7 anymore nor are they getting as high. The past two days he is fever free til about 12 or 1 then the fever starts climbing. Where he was spiking 103 it is now around 100. Can be controlled with Tylenol and advice whereas in the beginning neither would touch it. Overnight, the fever goes up and he sweats it off.

I can tell he feels a bit better, less lethargic and more animated.
We're to call the GP on Friday is the fevers aren't completely gone then he's going to give us the names of some colleagues in infectious disease, one in a med size city an hour away and the other in ATL. So, we'll choose and make an appt.

Oh he still really thinks it's viral and is fizzling out now since fevers are no longer constant and not spiking as high.
I'm glad he's beginning to feel better. Hopefully, his GP is right and this will run it's course and be finished! :ghug:
Hey guys fever broke Thursday and hasn't occurred since. GP says more than likely viral and we'll probably never know what exactly it was. Still, he's waiting on another call about the blood cultures and if any thing has shown up in them. It was negative after 2 or 3 days but that was early he said.

So fevers, body aches and joint pa8n are completely gone. They lasted 14 days.
Yeah, I was really starting to get nervous but counting Thursday we've had 4 fever free wake ups! I'm so thankful! I haven't felt completely comfortable until this morning. But it does seem whatever it was it has passed.
I have to share a funny!

Grace and I were in Wal-Mart.
We were passing thru the aisle that had the laxatives:rolleyes:
An older couple was arguing over which stool softness the husband had used last.
So Grace:yfaint:
Takes it upon herself to walk over and told the man about a wonderful product called miralax. :ylol:

Her advice to him had the whole aisle (about 20 people at this point:facepalm: ) in laughter.

She said. .....
Mix well with a cold beverage.
Drink fast because you'll hate if you don't.
It might take days to work but when it does you should stay near the bathroom.:awe:
Or bring a change of clothes:eek:

The older couple said thank you and looked at me to say something but I shrugged my shoulders, smiled and left.
Sometimes the genius of an 8 year old need no reply! :thumleft:
Got this on my twitter feed from an IBD Dietician:

7yr old: Mum, what happens if you eat lots of tinsel?
Me: probably emergency surgery to prevent obstruction somewhere in your digestive system.
7yr old: *blank face* *small voice* you get tinselitis
Just wanted to send some hugs and prayers to our friends in the southeastern US affected by the flooding. :ghug:
Sorry guys but after all these years, the thought of someone watching a Crohn's mama and our antics still cracks me up. Today, T had labs which of course included calpro. We got the sample last night but I didn't have a jar so I grabbed a Tupperware from my drawer. My oldest daughter with her most disgusted face and voice said, "you aren't going to use THAT are you?". I said, "relax! I'll clean it!". LOL mean mommy.

Anyway, took frozen sample to lab in Tupperware, along with plastic spoon and paper towel to wrap said spoon in afterward.

While T was in the lab getting her blood drawn, I ran outside with the jar and sat in my car transferring the frozen poop into the little jar. BUT frozen sample was too wide for jar so I had to saw the poop in half and shove it into the jar. I left the Tupperware and spoon carefully in the car and ran the sample in. On my way out, I found the dumpsters and disposed of my home spun lab supplies.

I wonder what the person parked next to me would have thought had they seen that.

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