So my husband is having problems with arthritis in his knee... totally unrelated to crohns but thought you all might have some thoughts/ideas.
He seriously hurt his knee when he was in his 20s - he was riding a snowmobile, another came and drove straight into him and his knee got caught in the centre!

Shattered his kneecap, which was rebuilt from hip bone, etc.... you can all imagine the damage done.
But, he recovered very well and, considering the damage, it has not bothered him very much. Periodically, it would flare up, weather sometimes affected it, would swell, hurt, etc but icing and resting it would resolve the problem within a few days.
Now, in October/November it became inflamed, swelled, sore, etc... worse than ever before. The pain wakes him three to four times a night, it stiffens after resting it only 15-20 minutes, he literally can barely walk in the morning. This current flare wasn't caused by a recent injury, just a random flare. He tried the usual - icing, advils, tensor band, resting it, etc... but barely helped. Went to specialist - x-rays showed moderate to severe lateral arthritis. Specialist said nothing could be done other than live with it or knee replacement!

My husband is not ready to have surgery, especially as it seemed to go from 'an annoyance' to severe requiring surgery overnight!
He had a cortisone shot in January which didn't help at all!

Now, he's doing physio to build up his muscles, riding bike and stretching (favouring that leg for so long now has considerably weakened the muscles) and has seen a naturopath for some knee massage - these have helped his mobility. He has added fish oil, an 'arthritic' supplement (not sure what it is now) and is taking celebrex (helping very little). All of this has shown some improvement but not a lot.
His knee/leg is also very, very stiff and this seems to bother him almost as much or more than the pain?? He's also finding he's having hip pain, shoulder pain, sometimes pain along his entire leg...
I seriously wondered if it was RA but x-rays show damage in exact spot of old injury and his other knee is fine.
So, while his is osteo not rheumatoid arthritis, does anyone have any thoughts? Any suggestions on supplements? Relieving stiffness? Treatments? Any other thoughts??