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I have been tired and fatigued today, more so than typical. I'm fasting today so figure that is the cause. I believe I'm already at 171lbs so thought be 170lbs in the morning. Tongue has some markings but overall it looks good. Tomorrow should be a better day I imagine.
This morning started out slow this early afternoon I'm doing better. Energy levels are good. Overall I feel decent. I ate some grains for the first time in 2 months. I had some brown rice and some wheat. I did that as i can remember while on the fish diet had me getting well I was eating rice cakes and wheat from time to time. I'll monitor closely. I believe I do better when I avoid all grains but I might be able to handle eating some. That would be helpful with such a restrictive diet. Overall it is shaping up to be a better day than yesterday. Weight 170lbs this morning. .
I appear healthier today. I thought that might happen after eating those grains, wheat and a rice cake. Overall a bit tired today but doing well. Gut hanging in there. One week down on the fish diet, another 15 plus to go.
This morning I'm reminded why I do better when i avoid grains. I woke up dizzy, feeling weak, and my knees hurt, as do my arms. I'll go back to eating grain free. Yesterday I did look healthier when eating grains and maybe that was due to some nutrient need being met. Next time I get the idea of eating grains for some nutrient I'll see abuot taking a vitamin. B vitamins might go down decently well It is synthetic vitamin A that seems to be the problematic one in multi vitamins. Left foot hurts too with that electric type shock. Hope these unsettled feelings leave soon. Imagine it might take 3 days to feel better.
I'm doing a bit better this evening, feeling less dizzy and less weak. With a little luck I'll be back to normal tomorrow. I better stay away from grains for a few months. Maybe after the predicted active hurricane season I'll try eating wheat and rice again. I wouldn't want to feel this way if a hurricane was in the area and I needed to prepare.

I ordered some natural vitamins and brewers yeast today. Hopefully they will arrive tomorrow.

I guess todays dizziness solves the mystery of what made me dizzy when I ate that vegetarian PF Chang rice dish. It was likely the rice that caused the dizzy feeling.
I'm doing better today. My hips do not ache. My knees feel good. I'm still slightly unsteady but that has improved also. I wouldn't be surprised if that is gone by later today. Weight 173lbs. I gained 3 lbs simply by the one day of eating grains. Hate that. So I'll test grains again but many months from now. I do better when I avoid grains. With that said I look healthier when I eat grains. Today I should receive an order I made on some natural vitamins. Maybe those will do be good.
I did quite a bit today, back to my old habits. I'm still slightly out of it, dizzy, worn out, some sore joints. Overall though I'm doing good. Imagine by tomorrow I'll be better. Well, after this episode of eating grains I don't think I'll be doing that again for awhile. I'll get my nutrients elsewhere. I've started eating or taking caviar again and I notice the store bought has me looking healthier. The capsule caviar I bought might not have the same nutrients in it. Today some brewers yeast, high in vitamin Bs arrived. I'll try taking it in the morning. Also some other natural vitamins arrived. I'll try them later on. I'm a bit nervous about taking them for some reason. I'll see how the brewers yeast does.

Tongue is looking good. It isn't perfect but it is close.
I'm still a bit unsteady but nothing of big significance. It won't hold me back. Imagine it will be gone soon. Grains did a number on me this time.

The good news, my left shoulder that I injured doesn't have much pain. I'm sure if I used it it would sore, but it is healing. I'll keep resting it.

Took some brewers yeast this morning. I'm hoping it does not upset my stomach later on. It went down well. It should be a good source of B vitmins.

Tongue looks fabulous. It is nearly perfect.

Ill keep avoiding all grains, chicken, eggs, and follow the fish diet. I think this is day 12 of the diet. I have a long ways to go.
173lbs. I didn't sleep all that well last night but at the moment I'm doing well. Tongue looks great. I'm guessing it is eggs and chicken that cause the tongue sores. No unsteady feeling this morning. I didn't feel any dizziness while sleeping on a side. I'm guessing it is grains that cause the unsteady feeling. I took some more brewers yeast, high in B vitamins. It so far does not seem to be causing me stomach problems.
My eyes are nice and blue today. Interesting. I'm wondering if the brewers yeast high in B vitamins is the cause. I'll find out I guess. One old theory I had was that folic acid is the synthetic vitamins that causes me health problems. I used to be able to eat wheat without much problem. Then in the later 90s wheat started to become an issue, around the same time that it was added to wheat and other grains. I just looked it up, folic acid was added to grains in 1998. that might explain too while so many meats make me ill. Synthetic vitamins are added to animals food. Just a guess.
I didn't sleep all that well last night once again. I'm thinking this has been caused by the hot days of late. A cool down is expected on Friday. That shuold help.

I'm a little unsettled. That is likely due to working out on my legs yesterday. The legs do feel a bit sore.

Strength is better. Energy levels are ok. Didn't weigh myself as it looks like I gained weight.
Brewers yeast might be slightly upsetting my stomach, causing cramping. After taking it this morning my gut has been hurting since. It might be what has been keeping me awake at night. I'll stop taking it for awhile and see if I do better.
I might have over reacted with avoiding brewers yeast. i'll try taking it again tomorrow and see what happens. Hard to say why sleep has been lousy the last two nights. Last nights sleep wasn't horrible though.
Good and bad news today. Bad news, I've been tired. Mainly that is due to working out on my legs yesterday. Not sleeping well for 2 days does not help matters either.

Good news, I received compliments from people at the store this morning and my cleaning lady for looking good and healthy. I liked that. it is a positive sign the diet is working. maybe in 2 weeks I'll be more energetic.
173lbs. Shoulder feeling quite good. There remains some pain but overall I can use my left warm as pleased.

I slept well last night.

No unsettled feeling this morning. No dizziness, no significant weakness. Strength is good. Energy levels feel decent at the moment. '

I'm always confused about grains, whether they are a primary problem for secondary. i'm now thinking they are a primary problem. I've had good luck also in the past getting the gut entirely well while avoiding all grains. the problem being I didn't recover. Energy and strength remained poor. I was eating lots of cheese, grass fed beef, and turkey back then. I'm wondering what went wrong. I'll get to the bottom of it eventually.

Also I've long felt that when I started obtainig some sun exposure year round that that caused me to stop developing colds. Then I added grains to the diet and I began to catch dolds, COVID in particular. Now I'm wondering if it was the grain avoidance that helped me to avoid colds.
In some respects it has been a different day. I'm fatigued due to exercising. But I also feel more awake, more with it. I like it. Well don't care for the fatigue but being more awake is nice. Avoiding all grains is doing me good, and I'll stick with the fish diet. At some point I'll be looking to add new foods to the diet. I suppose grass fed beef will be a good candidate even though i have some reservatinos about grass fed beef. With that said I have had a lot of success with grass fed beef and grass fed cheese in the past, I just didn't recover while I was eating them.
I'm doing well this morning. Current thinking is the diet is working but I have many questions on why it is working. Maybe in two weeks I'll be more recoverd, have greater energy levels, better strength. The synthetic vitamin theory is the leading theory in my mind at the moment. Maybe I'll be able to eat wheat and rice that does not have synthetic vitamins added. It should be a long while though before I test that. 173lbs. Left foot feels good.
I've been more tired and fatigued today than expected. Push ups and leg exercises did me in. Will be nice when I am finally able to do some simple exercises without wearing myself out.

I'm not sure if I am getting benefit from the brewers yeast supplement I'm taking. It might be having a slight negative effect if anything. I'm not sure what i'll do. I might try stopping it for awhile and see what comes of it. Like the idea though of more B vitamins in the diet.
Doing ok this morning. I ate a snack yesterday and I'm feeling a bit bloated this morning. I'll need to avoid snacks as I want to return to 170lbs. No dizziness. My strength is good. Appearance healthy. Avoiding all grains is doing me good. Only eating fish is good also. I havn't had a desire to add new foods to the diet yet, but I know it is coming. Hopefully I can make it a few months of eating fish. that would be a good test.
174lbs. I might fast today. Had a sour stomach yesterday but nothing terrible. Energy levels are decent. strength is ok. Tongue looked good. Left foot feels alright. I'll stick with the diet of only eating fish and avoiding grains.
For the past few days I've had short periods of high energy. This coming week could be important.

Tongue looks fabulous. No sores to be seen at all. I'm a little over 2 weeks with avoiding bird meats and eggs. That is likely the cause of the tongue sores. At least that is current thinking.
Feeling upbeat about having some brief periods of high energy levels. Hoping that continues to grow. From past experience I know that takes a lot of time though. Feeling good also about avoiding all bird meats and eggs. Tongue is looking good. Appearance healthy. Energy levels are ok this morning. Strength could be better. I'm doing well exercises of late than typical yet I'm still looking fit. I know if I was eating bird meats and eggs I would not look fit. The muscle seems to waste some.
Fasted today and I'm doing great. No energy problems, at least so far. I might be wornout tomorrow though. Weight will likely be 173lbs in the morning but might be 172lbs. That would be nice. Felt a bit crampy today and that made me feel a bit grumpy. the brewers yeast might be doing that. then again the cashews eaten are likely suspects. Overall good, upbeat day. I'm not used to feeling this good on a fast day.
172lbs. I have the laxative effect due to fasting but it isn't that bad. It is funny how that works. Doing ok. I'm a bit tired this morning but nothing terrible. Compared to normal after a 23 hour fast I'm doing great. Appearance healthy enough.
I was going to avoid brewers yeast for awhile but I didn't follow through. I'm going to follow through. I suspect the yeast is making me gassy. For a few days I'll avoid and see if the condition improves. If it does improve, I'll try that other natural vitamin I bought.
I woke up this morning feeling rather lousy. I wasn't sure if i'd want to eat breakfast. In the end though I ate breakfast and so far I'm doing ok. The gut hurts some. I'm full of gas but so far I suspect I'll do ok today. It won't be a day were I do much though. I'll baby the gut. Hopefully the cause of the stomach bloat is the brewers yeast supplement. I didn't take that this morning. Appearance I notice this morning is quite good and healthy. That's a positive sign i believe. When taking the brewers yeast my hair looked dried out at times, and skin looked that way also.

I never have had much luck with vitamin supplements, whether synthetic and in this case natural.

Should feels good. Maybe it is those perfect pushups that is causing the rotator cuff problems. I'll know more in a few days but as of this morning the left shoulder has little pain.
I'm doing tremendously better this afternoon since avoiding the brewers yeast. I have much less bloating, cramping. So at the moment brewers yeast is off the safe list. Maybe I have an allergy to yeast. Haven't ever done a yeast free diet before. Might have to look into that. To add, i'm quite tired this afternoon. Of course it has me wondering if this due to not taking the brewers yeast and the B vitamins. What ever the cause I prefer not having that painfull bloated, gassy feeling I had when taking the brewers yeast. I bought that multi vitamins made from herbs, fruits and vegetables. I'll try that pnce I'm better. .
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A bit on the tired side this morning but I'll be fine today I suspect. I'll just take an easy. today marks 3 weeks or avoiding chicken, eggs, turkey. Tongue is looking really good. So long as that remains the case i suspect i'll contingue to heal. What ever causes the tongue markings likely causes the stomach issues. glad i avoided brewers yeast. the stomach does feel better as a result.
Tongue continues to look great. I'm pleased about that. If chicken and eggs are the cause of the tongue sore then I likely have my answer. It will only be a matter of time before well. That is the hope at least. So pork for sure is an allergy and likely chicken and eggs are also. Turkey would be too. If that turns out to be the case then I'm leaning toward something fed to live stock is my problem. Grains are fed to live stock such as corn so that is a leading candidate. Grass fed beef and cheese would be likely safe. I'll test that in a few months though since it is hurricane season and i can't afford to have a significant stomach flare if I should need to evacuate that area.
TOngue still looks great. Fingers crossed that remains the case. Gut doing well. I remain glad I avoided brewers yeast. it was creating a lot of gas and cramping. I might fast today. I came close to fasting yesterday but thought against it. Today seems like it would be a nice day to only eat one meal. Left arm still has some pain. That is taking a long time to heal up it seems.
I weighed myself today, first weigh in in awhile, and I came in at 180lbs. That was a surprise. Earlier in the week I weighed 172lbs. Not sure what brought about the big weight gain. My cloths fit the same pretty much. I brought out my tester shorts and they still hit, though the fit was tight. I'm up in weight for some reason. Maybe it is good. I'm gaining muscle weight maybe. Hard to say. I am fasting today and so far it has been easy to do. I'm not all that hungry. I'm functioning well. All to often when fasting i lose my ability to function. That's great. That is always the big thing, being able to take a bit of a beating and handle it better.
Not my best of nights. I kow I slept a little bit but it wasn't much. And I'm quite exhausted at the moment. Imagine after breakfast I'll find myself worn out and sleepy finally. Weight 174lbs. I haven't experienced the laxative effect since I fasted yesterday but it will likely happen this morning.
Today has not been a good day for the gut. And it has me thinking I'm going to make a dietary change. I'll stick with avoiding eggs, and chicken. I suspect the tongue sores have gone away due to that avoidance. I might be wrong but for now that is the thinking.

I'm going to remove nightshade and spices from the diet.

Here of late I keep having upset stomachs. They don't last long typically but they are getting worse, with today the pain level was getting toward the scary side of things. So a change is good. This shouldn't be happening. I'm also not as strong as I should be at this pooint i believe.

Now the problem is that when I avoid potatoes I substitue grains back into my diet. i've done better avoiding grains. I'm not sure what i'm going to do. Maybe I'll avoid both grains and the nightshade/spice family at first and then later on I'll add grains into the diet. I'll play it by ear. Last time I added grains to my diet I was dizzy for 3 days. That sucked.

I might add brewers yeast back into the diet a few days from now. It might not be the problem I thought it was.
It dawned on me that my left arm which has been sore, might heal up with the new avoidance of spices and the nightshade family. Will monitor closely. That would be very telling I can imagine.
Wow last night was scary. I woke up last night iwth a terrible stomach ache. It has been a long time since that last happened. For a time I was quite sick to my stomach. The pain was intense but thankfully didn't last the whole night. It was maybe only an hour. the stomach was still sore after the hour but the pain had gone down to the point that I was able to go back to sleep.

So I wake up this morning, had breakfast without spices and the nightshade/potato family and I'm doing ok. Gut hurts a bit nothing that will stop me from doing activities. What is graetly surprising is how good my left arm feels. The pain I've had in the left arm for a few weeks now is nearly gone. I can still feel the pain some but it is much better. hope that continues to be the case.

This could be big. I'll keep avoiding spices and the nightshade family. I didn't eat any brewers yeast with breakfast. figured since it does make me a little gassy that would not be wise at this time. I am taking those fish egg supplements which might help with recovery.
I've done well today. The stomach is considerably better since last night and days earlier too. A chest rash I noticed the other day has improved.

I've long wondered what made me so sick when eating spaghetti in the past. I've experienced 3 scary stomach episodes after eating spaghetti. I've learned toward the wheat being the problem. Now since i've been avoiding grains, i have to think it is the nightshade or spices. I have long noticed that i appear healthier when I avoid the nightshade family. I should lean toward it being the problem.

Left arm, shoulder blade still hurts some. It is better but there remains pain. Hope it heals up soon.
174lbs. Doing ok this morning though I do hurt a bit. Stomach is a bit sore. left arm still hurts though I suspect it hurts less. Tongue looks great. Avoiding eggs and chicken seem to help the tongue though I'm not entirely sure about that being the answer. It might be due to the fish egg supplements I've been taking which are rich in vitamins. I did not take the brewers yeast this morning. Maybe tomorrow if the gut feels less sore. I'm glad I'm avoiding the nightshade family and spices, well sore of glad. this is my least favorite avoidance but if I do better it is worth it. I should be able to remember how horrible I felt the other night, the scary stomach pain. I'm still avoiding grains. I might be able to continue grian avoidance for a good while. Will see.
It is always difficult to say with certainty but I do believe my shoulder is doing better. the pain does seem to be going down since avoiding the nightshade family and spices. At least I hope this is going on. I want it to happen so I'm being easy of judgement but I do suspect the should is better. it still hurts some of course.

I ordered some nightshade free spaghetti sauce. It has lots of spices just not nightshade. I thought that would make for a perfect test food. I'll have to wait till the busy hurricane season is over to try it, but look forward to doing that eventually.

Doing better this afternoon. It was a slow going morning but now I might have to much energy. Oh, I took some brewers yeast with lunch and so far no stomach cramping.
175lbs. Yes it is working. My shoulder no longer hurts. Well it hurts some if I lift my left warm up high above my head. the pain is not bad when i do that but I notice it. Outside of that, the shoulder blade feels great. I'm going to attribute avoiding the nightshade family and spices for bringing about that healing.

that has to be the main answer, nightshade and maybe spices. It is the diet I most dread, so I tend to not last long on it, and I've long said I appear healthier when I avoid nightshade. I can still get ill when avoiding the two but I should be able to figure that out. Eating to much fiber and eating to much cheese can make me ill also but that tends to be a different type of illness.

Well, I shouldn't get carried away with saying I have the answer. I've done that a few times before. I think though I'll assume I have my answer, and I'll begin to stop this note journal. I'll write less, probably, and note bigger notices in the future.
It is odd, the one tooth that can act up is doing so today. the pain is not terrible but I notice it and it bothers me some. I'm suspecting that the problem might be due to the diet change of avoiding nightshade and spices.

Outside of that I'm doing well. The brewers yeast I'm taking is not causing cramping problems. I had good energy earlier but now I'm a bit worn out due to some upper body exercising. Arm still feels much better. there remains some pain but it is much less of an issue. Maybe in a few days the pain will be entirely gone.
174lbs I'll likely fast today. tooth does not hurt this morning. I'll likely fast today. Rash is nearly gone. Skin is looking much better. That is another big change and I hope it is remembered in that nightshade or spices cause the chest rash. I'll want to avoid soy and soy is genetially modified with a member of the nightshade family. Strength is poor. That might be due to working out on my arms and chest yesterday. I'm not all that sore this morning. I like that. Energy levels seem good at the moment. I'll plan on writing less once i get off the ground.
Two encouraging bits this morning. One I fasted yesterday and so far this morning have not experienced the laxative effect. I've been looking for this. I figured the fasting laxative effect happened when I was eating the offending foods. The laxative effect might also happen when fasting but more effort is needed for that to happen. Avoiding the nightshade family and spices might have stopped the laxative effect.

the other good news is my shoulder. I no longer have pain there. Well, maybe a tiny amount of pain but nothing significant. I can raise my left arm without experiencing pain.

Weight 173lbs. No skin rash, or very slight skin rash. Skin is looking clean.
I ate a bunch of grains with lunchm wheat and rice. the difficult diet I've been following is to difficult. In my mind I remember eating grains, getting well, and doing well after the hurricane. So I'll so. Hope I don't become dizzy due to what I ate today with lunch. It will be 3 days of regret if I do.
I am chuckling at myself this morning. I've done well eating grains and I'm not happy about it. i put the flour products I had in another food pantry were they are out of sight.

I guess on the down side of eating grains I do have some minor stiffness in my hands and knees. It isn't significant but it is there. I'm also ever so slightly off this morning. It isn't much of an issue but I do notice it. i better return to avoiding grains.

Maybe instead I'll buy some chicken and eggs this morning. I've been hoping to go on a long term avoidance diet of eggs and chicken but this does not look to be the time to do that. Avoiding spices and the dreaded nightshade should be what I avoid long term.

Eating grains did put on weight. I'm up 2 pounds to 175lbs. I'll likely fast again today. That is something different, when I fasted on wednesday I never did experience a laxative effect. i'm thinking now the laxative fasting effect happens when I eat nightshade food or spices. When those two are avoided the laxative effect probably does not happen, or does not occur as severely.

No dizzy feelings this morning. I am slightly unsettled but nothing that is a problem. It is like I had done some leg exercises which will unsettle me for awhile afterwards.
As I thought would happen I'm regretting I ate grains yesterday. Today I'm sluggish and a bit out of it. thankfully I'm not dizzy though. Imagine in a couple days ill be doing better. And overall I'm doing ok.

Added chicken and eggs to the diet. they seem to be going down well.

i'll keep avoiding nightshade family and spices.
176lbs. Yikes. Eating grains does pack on the weight. Ill likely fast today. I have good strength. Strength has been better but it does seem to be improving. Left arm/shoulder blade still hurts some. I need to baby it more in hopes it heals. Gut doing decently. Skin looks good and healthy.
One of the thigs I dislike about eating grains is how tired I feel for a few days later. I'm worn out today and I'm thinking it was brought about due to eating a bunch of grains. Maybe by tomorrow if I sleep well I'll be doing better. Overall I feel I have the answer with nightshade and spice avoidance. It is the toughest diet to follow I believe. At least I'm always thinking of adding new foods to the diet. I should make it though at least for 6 months to get a good test in. One week down. Skin is really looking good on this diet. that is easy for me to remember, better looking skin by avoiding nightshade and possibly spices also.
I'm doing ok this morning, not great, but hang9ing in there. I'm a bit unsteady. I'm not sure why. Maybe it is due to eating chicken and eggs once agian. I doubt it but it is easy enough to test. I'll go back to the fish diet for a awhile. Left elbow and left warm hurts some. I'm now wondering about the squeeze forearm stengtheren I've been using. It might be giving me tennis elbow and for some reason hurting the shoulder. Bit of a stretch but easy enough to test. I'll stop for the forearm exercises. Weight 175lbs. Yesterday I was looking nice and healthy. It was nice. And a good sign. I also have come to learn that avoiding grains does result in some inflammation going away.
173lbs. So far I'm doing really well. I fasted yesterday and surprisingly I'm energetic this morning. That has happened before but not that offten. I must be on a good diet for this to happen.

I stopped the forearm exercises and my shoulder does not hurt this morning. What the heck. I did not expect that to work. Of course only time can be sure. Hope the shoulder pain stays away.

I'm usued to the lexative effect after fasting. So far no signs of that. Sometimes the effect is deplayed so possibly later this morning. Will see. WOuld be nice if the laxative effect goes away when avoiding the nightshade family and spices.
Good and bad this afternoon. The bad is the laxative effect happened. I'm not pleased about that but it hasn't been terrible. I'll likely return to the fish diet. I was going to do that today but I was feeling so good i decided to have chicken and eggs for lunch. I doubt it caused my afternoon problem but to be on the safe side I'll return to the fish diet for a week. I have a cental appointment a week from today. Best if i'm in decent shape for that.

The really good news is my tongue just keeps getting better and better. Maybe avoiding nightshade and spices is the key to a healthy tongue. At the moment it looks that is the answer. Time will tell of course. I imagine I need a month or two on this diet with a healthy tongue to know for sure. As I've long said if I figure out the tongue sores/markings I figure out the stomach and fatigue problem. I imagine that to be true.

Energy levels are good today. I like this. I'm not super energetic, and a bit afraid at the moment to wander off far but overall today has been a good energy day. Strength seems to have improved also.
So awsome in a way. I've been quite sick to the stomach, having to eventually pull out the Imodium. It seems to have finally helped some though I might not be out of the woods.

What has me in a good mood is I'm feeling energetic. I'm feeling decent overall. It is likely the new nutrients I'm taking that help with this, fish eggs, and brewers yeast. That is what I need, good energy and strength. The stomach will likely always for the rest of my life be a problem, but if the fatigue lifts it will be a new life. I'll keep on avoiding nightshade family members and spices, along with taking the fish egg and brewers yeast supplement.
I'm not sleeping well tonight, which is common after a flare. Feeling ok at the moment though. I'll likely be tired and wornout in the morning sadly.

Wanted to note down that something I like about this diet of avoiding spices and nightshade is that my skin looks good and healthy, with the rash going away.

It reminded me that in the past I used to eat turkey lunch meat and t came to learn that the turkey lunch meat caused the rash. Later on I figured out the turkey lunch meat had undeclared spices in it, as it had chicken broth added to it. Broth typically has onions. So I've been leaning toward the nightshade family as being my problem, but maybe spices garlic and onion should be of greater concern.

the nice thing about this possibility is that maybe over time my gut will greatly improve and not be so problematic. I was mentioning yesterday that I might be able to have good energy but always deal with a stomach problem. That might not be the case if my problem is with spices.

The turkey lunch meat also had undeclared potato starch so a bit of nightshade also. I wouldn't thinka tiny amount of potato starch would be a bit problem but who knows.
174lbs. I am a bit worn out this morning. The gut is a little unsettled too. Overall considering how ill to the stomach I was yesterday I'm doing ok. I'm back onto the fish diet. Skin looks good and healthy. I like that idea about spices and nightshade with the rash. I guess another wayt o put it, I figure out what causes the rash I'll have the answer to my stomach problem. It follows the tongue sore idea. I didn't check my tongue this morning but imagine it is doing fine.
Couple things, tongue looks better than ever. this is after being ill yesterday. Love it. It is looking more like I have the tongue sore answer with avoiding spices and the nightshade family.

For some reason after being ill my hair has changed. I've noticed of late that it has been dry and curly. today my hair was flat and oily, in a good way. Kind of surprised about that.

I've been worn down today as to be expected. It will take a few days for me to recover I can imagine.
Tongue looks wonderful. No markings to be seen. Hope that continues on this avoid spices and nightshade diet. Energy levels decent. I ended up eating a bunch of wheat in the afternoon. Regretted quickly afterwards. I'm doing well so far though. the wheat doesn't seem to be a problem so far. I might be changing that thought later today. I mgiht fast again. Last time I fasted I regretted it the next day. Hope that does not happen again. No skin rash. Overall it is a good morning.
I'm doing well this morning. Tongue looks great. Strength is improving. Energy levels are livable. Left foot feels good. I'm a bit over weight with my clothing becoming a bit tight. I'll likely try fasting today and hope that goes well. Last time i fasted, early in the week, didn't go so great. It is curious that fasting can cause stomach problems. I always though the opposite was more true, avoid foods to help the stomach. that isn't the case though, at least not long after avoiding an offending food. Maybe with time and healing fasting will not be problematic, and losing weight will become easier.
Barely 173lbs but I'll take it. Kind of surprised at the weight. I seem to have dropped weigh quickly. I'm guessing it is in part due to the diet Im on, with the tongue looking perfect and no skin rash. When I go to try and lose the other 3 pounds it shouldn't be to hard to do. Hard to say what the answer is spices or nightshade family and for now I'll continue to avoid both. For some reason rosemary extract is on my mind as a possible trouble maker. It can be added to the spice list. The chicken I was eating had only rosemary extract added to it. I'll avoid that for now. The gut is still a problem. I wish it was doing better. i fasted yesterday and that means I might experience the laxative effect later. Hope not but seems to be how it works. Oh, I lost some weight but I've noticed last night and this morning tight fitting shorts and fitting perfectly. Typiclly I'd need to weigh 170lbs for the shorts to fit well. For some reason 173lbs is working at the moment.
Same as earlier in the week I'm experiencing the fasting laxative effect this afternoon. It came after eating lunch. It is a bit worse than normal. I keep telling myself that I'm still on the right track. I probably hurt my stomach with all the nightshade and spices I was eating before going onto this diet. it could take a month before I see an improved gut. Im not at two weeks at the moment. I believe this is day 12 on the avoid spices and nightshade.

Forgot to note down I've been using those forearm squeeze exercise device and so far no tennis elbow. my should still hurts some but it is improved also. I just lifted my arm and I feel almost no pain.
175lbs. There is a new food I've been drinking that I shouldn't have. Maybe it explains the recent stomach problems. I started drinking carrot juice again. Of course carrots are member of the parsley family and I'm to be avoiding all spices and related family members. i'll remove the carrot juice from the diet and see what happens. This morning I am looking healthier since avoiding carrot juice but that doesn't mean much. It is going to take a few days for me to recover even if the carrot juice avoidance works. It has been a ruff week.

With that said tongue still looks good. Energy levels are not bad. Strength is decent. I'm guessing all the nutrients I've been taking of late have been helping with improving these areas.

I have a dental appointmnet on Tuesday. I'm thinking I should cancel that. It takes 40 minutes to drive there. This wouldn't be a good time to make such a trip.
I might have found out what was causing my hair to become curly. Since avoiding the carrot juice this morning my hair has stopped being curly. It is back to its typical straight look. It looks nicer. I thought the curly look came about due to my hair being drier.
I'm leaning toward the idea that I have found another allergy with the carrot family, carrots, parsley, celery, etc. I'll plan on fasting tomorrow if I'm up to it and see if I have a bad reaction from that on Tuesday. Hope all goes well. I'm pretty worn out from the flares this week. it will take time to recover. My hair has looked different today, being straight and nice looking since avoiding carrot juice.
175lbs. I'm feeling a little cruddy this morning. I'm not feeling horrible though. Energy levels poor. Gut still having some trouble. I'll likely fast today but I can imagine I'll be ill later today or tomorrow due to the fasting laxative effect. Appearance is healthier I believe. I'll keep avoiding carrot family, nightshade family, and spices. tongue looks good. The tongue is not perfect but it is appearing decently healthy.
174lbs. Today should be a good test day. I fasted yesterday. The last few times I've fasted I've experienced a bad laxative effect later the next day. It is one of the worst effects in that there is little to no warning it is coming on. I've avoiided carrots and parsely for a couple days. Will be interesting to see if that solves the laxative effect. Sometimes when I fast I get sick the next day. Ohter times I fast and nothing happens, other than i lose weight. Maybe the carrot and parsely family explains why that happens.

Energy levels poor this morning. Strength isn't that great either.
So far no laxative effect experienced today. If it was going to happen it likely would have occurred by now. So for the moment avoiding the carrot family is doing me good. energy levels are nice. Strength is good. I found myself doing more pushups than typical. I'll likely be sore and tired tomorrow as a result. I'll keep avoiding spices, nightshade, and the carrot family. Oh, this morning I'm already planning ahead to be able to eat potatoes. I bought some chips that were on sale at the store. I'm not in a rush to eat them though. My hair seems to be growing quicker than before. I'm guessing that is due to the supplements of brewers yeast and fish eggs or caviar I'm taking. Hair is dry today but not as dry when I was drinking some carrot juice.
175lbs. I never did have a laxative effect yesterday. That' quite encouraging. I will plan on fasting today. Hope that goes well. I didn't really lose much weight which I'm thinking is due to not having stomach problems. Getting to 170lbs might take longer but if I can fast and not having stomach problems and with that energy issues it shouldn't be all that hard to do.
I've been fasting today and so far all has been good. Avoiding the carrot family has been a positive so far. Tongue looks ok though it isn't perfect. That wuold be another item i'm looking to see, a better tongue without markings. I'll keep avoiding carrot familiy, spices, and nightshades.
173lbs. I fasted yesterday and so far no laxative effect. Happy about that. I've wondered if the laxative effect was a unique thing from fasting or if an allergic reaction was going on. I've been leaning toward unique but I might be wrong. It could be an allergic reaction that is made worse from fasting for some reason. I'm getting ahead of my self though. Lots of testing needs to be done to see if I'm dealing with an allergic reaction.

I was thinking about allergic reactinos last night and the different items I've found out that I react poorly too over the years.

The first discovery was synthetic multi vitamins. I attribute the synthetic vitamins I was encouraged to take by doctors as causing the 40lbs of weight loss. Once I had the vitamins out of my diet I began to gain weight and do somewhat better.

Then came margarine. I've often though it was one of the synthetic vitamins in margarine that give me stomach problems. It might just be that margarine is so oily.

Then came the discovery that I'm not able to eat any melons, pumpkins, etc. That is a more classical allergic reaction. Melons make me violently ill for a few hours.

Then i discovered pork as being a problem. It is also a more classical allergic reaction with swelling, bleediing, and itching all over. .

Now, if I'm lucky I've discovered that carrot family members are an allergic reaction problem. Time will tell though as they say. It wasn't that long ago that I felt for sure that I was reacting with citrus. That i believe turned out to be wrong as the time testing didn't workout. I do reaction some with ctirus but it seems to be slight. And the carrot juice I've been drinking has lemon juice in it. By avoding citrus I was avoiding carrots some to a lesser extent and that might explain why I was doing somewhat better on a citrus free diet.
Good and bad news. The bad, the fasting laxative effect happened. The good is it hasn't been as severe. I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm only 4 days into avoiding the carrot family. I likely still have some carrot juice in my digestive system. So it might take awhile before there is good healing, that is of course if carrots and parsley are a problem.

I'm also nearly 3 weeks into avoiding the nightshade familiy and spices. It might also be that it takes a good long while for avoiding that and seeing a better stomach.

Overall potive is that the tongue is really looking quite good. Avoiding spices and nightshade had me writing that the tongue was looking better. Then the tongue was showing some markings once again after the two big fasting laxative effects. Now the tongue is near perfect looking since avoiding the carrot family.

I'll keep fasting and see if I see improvement or not. I'll continue to avoid the nightshade family, spices and the carrot family.
Forgot to note down but it has been on my mind, I've often wondered why i have not been able to repeat when I became well after the hurricane. It might be explained due to drinking some carrot juice. I've not been a big eater of carrots and I've never drunk carrot juice till after the hurricane. Parley might be the spice that is a trouble maker for me.
Doing alright thsi morning. tongue is appearing quite healthy. I'm feeling good about the carrot family avoidance I'm on. I was looking at the ingredients of suspect food last night and noticed spices or ingredients listed that are members of the carrot family. In particular celery seeds of celery juice came up a few times.

I ate some cheese yesterday. I've had a craving for a few days for it and it went down well. I didn't weigh myself this morning though. Figured I'm likely back to the weight I started at. I'll probably fast today but I need to be care on this for two reasons. One, I may have high hopes for carrot family being the answer the fasting laxative effect could frustrate me and cause me to think I should try something else. And the second concern is a potential tropical storm is forming and might come this direction. I'll need to be as strong as possible if that should happen.
Dis appointing. I am quite sick to my stomach once again. This hsould not be going on. So I'm going to remove the chicken and eggs from the diet. I'll avoid all bird products. I'll return to the bird diet. the bird diet seems to be the only idet that works but I never last all that long on it typically. I better change that and stick with it. Something I worry about the fish diet is nutrition. I don't believe it to be all that nutritious. Now that I'm eating fish eggs, and brewers yeast I'm thinking I have a better more nutitious diet. That should worry me less about the fish diet.
Lousy day today, being sick most of the afternoon. It ended up being a pig out day also. I won't bother to hop in the scale for awhile. I'll avoid bird eggs and meats.

there is a slight silver lining, despite being ill I have had decent energy levels. I'm thinking that is due to limiting the amount of grains eaten, pretty much zero grains, and the fish eggs and brewers yeast being eaten. The nutrients are doing me good. Wish I could take a multi vitamins without getting sick but never have been able to do that. I'm currently reading a good on how helpful B12 can help people yet many who receive B12 injections report not doing all that well afterwards. No mention in the book why but I'm guessing the synthetic vitamin isn't helping due to simialr reasons why that don't help me. They are only part or dead nutrients. Alive or better said full nutrient complex is more beneficial. At least that is my belief. WIth that said I know who believe synthetic vitamins do that good, give them energy.

I added potatoes to the diet today along with some spices. I'll keep avoiding carrot family for now, but kind of looks like a dead end. I'm back to the fish diet, and making that work. It seems to work decently well. It is just me sticking with it that is the tough part. I'm hoping this time the nutrients being taken now and improved energy levels experienced will make that sticking part more possible.
So I'm back onto the fish diet this morning. It seems like I always circle back to the fish diet. There is no way getting around it. I'm going to assume that other meats are a problem due to something being fed or administered to the animal is making me ill. I know for certain pork is a problem for me. I can't eat pork. I suspect beef is a problem but with some question marks on grass fed beef. Commercial beef I'm afraid to eat that. grass fed beef hasb't been as problematic. And today it looks like eggs and chicken are a problem. I feel well when I eat eggs and chicken but always eventually end up with stomach problems.

Energy levels are ok this morning. I'm attributing that to the new nutrients being eaten, fish eggs and brewers yeast.

Fingers crossed the stomach calms down today or over the next few days. If not I'll have to look at the brewers yeast and fish eggs to see if they are causing me problems.

No pig out today. I need to eat sensibly.
Doing better today. No stomach problems. I'll keep avoiding bird products.

I thought I'll keep this diet simple, and think of it as the diet wehre i'm avoiding all synthetic vitamins, directly and indirectly. If an animal was fed synthetic vitamins as most are I'll avoid it. this only leaves wild caught fish and grass fed beef and cheese. I likely will not eat grass fed beef for awhile but if I get a craving for something different I'll go for that.

Energy levels good. Appearance healthy. Tongue looking really good.
175lbs. I was surprised by that. I thought I'd weigh more. Tongue looks great. Energy levels are ok. Strength is ok. Gut feels alright. I might fast today.
It has been a good day. The stomach seems to have settled down on the fish diet. I expected that. Once again I keep thinking that I'm able to eat chicken and eggs without problem yet each time I eventually start to become ill. It is that delay that gets me I believe. It take a few weeks typically to become ill. I'll fast tomorrow. It might make me slightly ill but will see.
176lbs. I'm planning on fastint today. I probably will lose more pounds than typical since I'm on the fish diet.

I have a new theory for the cause of the tongue sores, exercise and diet. it is a combination of the two. So far the exercise idea is showing to be true. I did some push ups yesterday, to the point that I was fatigued, I'm still fatigued this morning, and I have a new tongue sore/marking this morning. I suspect that with the fish diet over time the exercising will be less fatiging and with that the sore forming less often.
I'm a bit more tired and worn out today than expected. It feels like exercise fatigue. The pushups done the day before have worn me out. I ended up eating lunch as a result. Figure no need to torture myself. I'll work on dropping the weight once I hav ea litle more energy. Overall doing good. Glad about the stomach calming down. I'll stick with the fish diet, and avoiding synthetic vitamins.
I'm feeling a little beat up and worn down this morning. It is exercise fatigue. Overall though I'm doing well. The gut has calmed down. No signs of having a stomach problem and hope it stays that way. I suspect it will on this fish diet. Thinking about it further instead of thinking about his as the synthetic vitamin avoidance diet I'll think of this as a bean avoidance diet. I'll make the change due to what happened 8 months ago. 8 months ago I was eating a similar diet I am now to prepare for a minor operation. A month into the diet out of non where and to my great surprise I had a flare. I ended up blaming that on the potatoes I was eating. Later I questioned new foods added to the carrots and refried beans. I never did test the bean idea, or at least never tested into all that hard. There is a business on avoiding soy beans, directly and soy beans fed to live stock If allergic to beans there is a good chance one is allergic to other beans. Also I only tested positive for a few items, one of them was a slight allergic reaction fo soy beans with the skin scratch test. I had two skin stratch tests done and onlly on one of them did the bean allergy show up. So I'll make this the bean avoidance diet. I'll have to stay away from grass fed cheese and beef also as they are fed alfalfa which is a bean.

Weight 175 to 176. I might fast today afterall. I'm feeling a little full and a fast can help out.
176lbs. I will fast today.

Yesterday was a really good day. My energy levels were up. My strength was increased. It was far from a perfect day but overall it showed Im on the right path. It has me feeling good also about the natural nutrients i've been eating of late, fish eggs and brewers yeast. They might be helping things along also. I'm reading a book on vitamin B12 deficiency and all the problems it can cause a person. Kind of scary. I eat well but the book is having me thinking I should continue to do more to keep my nutrient levels high.

Something I haven't brought up but when I was eating chicken and eggs recently I developed a slight ear ache. Similar happens when I eat pork though the ear ache from eating pork can be worse. There was also one multi vitamin that would give me an ear ache. I don't know if all 3 are connected but it had me thinking last night that it might. So I'll keep away from synthetic vitamins and beans, whether eaten directly or indirectly.
It has been a very good day. The morning started out a bit slow but here in the evening I'm feeling good, with decent energy levels. I look awful but I'm only 5 days on this diet. Today I've been fasting. Glad it has gone well. I have a slight rash on my chest or another way of saying it, my skin isn't looking as good. Normally I'd view that badly but maybe it isn't such a problem, at least in the short term. I will be 174lbs in the morning. Maybe if I fasat on Friday i'll get to 172lbs. It's just water weight but good to see if go.
174lbs. I'm doing well this morning. I'm thinking more that my problem is caused by synthetic vitamins both directly and indirectly. Avoiding grains also helps me along with margarine. I'll have to figure that one out one of these days though. I fasted yesterday. Fingers crossed that I do not experience the fasting laxative effect later on today. If it happens though it shouldn't be to much of a problem. Energy levels are good at the moment. Strength is decent.
So far today I have a crazy amount of energy. I'm quite energized. I hope it sticks around. this diet has good potential. I've done a great amount of exericse today, swimming for closet o an hour, went for a bike ride and have walked for 7.5 miles and i'm still full of energy. i love it.
The really good energy I had faded as the day went on. It felt like exercise fatigue. i'm guessing it was the swimming done. Swimming does wear me out. I'm doing ok this morning. Energy levels are fine. Strength could be better. Stomach is doing decently. I'm going to fast again today, at least that is the plan. I was 174lbs this morning.
It has been a decent day. I'm fasting for the second time this week and energy levels are livable. All to often on the second day in a week of fasting I'm worn out.

My upper back hurts just a bit. I'm thinking this has been brought about by swimming done yesterday.

I'm going to take the brewers yeast out of my diet for a short time. I suspect it is dryingout my hair and my skin. It might not be as helpful as hoped. I'll see if the fish eggs do a good job on their own.

Gut doing well. No laxative effect up to this point. Glad about that.
173lbs. doing ok this morning. Strength is good. Energy levels feel alright. Not bad after a day of fasting. I did avoid brewers yeast with breakfast and so far I'm glad of it. My skin and hair are less dry. I'm also feeling a bit better overall I believe. With all that said it is to early to know for sure if this is helping. Appearance is better this morning is all I can say.
174lbs. It is always dangerous to say but I am feeling confident that I have my answer with this strict fish diet, avoiding beans/soy and synthetic vitamins, directly and indirectly. I'm feeling good about this being my answer. It should just be a matter of time for me to recover. This morning I'm feeling beat up. It is likely due to the swimming done yesterday. It does not take much to tire me out. I've been fasting also which plays a roll also. I'll likely fast again today. I'm aiming to get down to 170lbs again. If I fast today I'll likely be at 172lbs in the morning.
I was thinking today about two times were I ate beef gelatin. Both times made me terribly sick. One time after eating the gelatin I was terribly famished for 2 days. I was very weak also. When I eat grass fed beef too I lose muscle mass, or I appear to atrophy. So maybe beef, commercial or grass is not good for me. I might only be able to eat fish. I can live with that. I seem to have it in my mind that eating chicken and eggs will make me sick. I'll have decent energy and overall feel well but also I eventually become ill to my stomach.

today has been a slow day. I'm fasting, and yesterdays swimming wore me out. Current weight is 174lbs. Fingers crossed I make it to 172lbs in the morning.

I ordered some tuna today that has soy in it. I'll see if I'm able to eat it without becoming ill.
172lbs. Just barely did I read that weight but I'll take it. Feeling ok this morning. Not great, but not bad either. Appearance healthy. I took some royal jelly this morning. I'm hoping that goes down well. It is a reported good source for nutrients. I'll probably take an easy today, not beating myself up with swimming or weight lifting exercising. I want to recover better. No laxative effect so far. I've fasted 3 times in the last 6 days. that's a lot and all to often a stomach truoble maker. On this diet were I'm avoiding all bird, beef and pork, so far the laxative effect hasn't struck. Will be interesting to see what happens when I eat that turn that has soy added to it. I have a funny feeling it will make me sick. I'll know my answer then if that happen at least, though the illness will be unpleasant.
I'm feeling well enough that I'm going to try and fast two days in a row. So far my energy levels are livable. I am appearing a little hagged though. Will see. If I find myself to worn down I'll grab a bite to eat. The royal jelly has gone down well. I took half a capsule and have no issues so far. Tomorrow I'll likely take a whole capsule. I've exercised hard this morning also, walking nearly 9 miles so far.
I'm doing remarkably well considering I'm fasting for a second day. Love it. Another possible answer is that grains are a problem directly and indirectly. I've been avoiding wheat, rice, and corn of late. I have my doubts that is my problem as I remember eating wheat, corn and wheat when I became well after the hurricane but it is something I should keep in my mind. It does seem that there is a good chance that rice makes me dizzy. I know too that eating to much rice will cause a flare. Wheat is hard on the gut too.

After I have my hair cut this week I'll look to try eating that tuna that lists that it has soy in it. No mention is made on what type of soy is addedd. I'm guessing soy protein in the vegetable broth.
171lbs barely. I'm happy about it though. I'm doing remarkably well this morning considering the two days in a row of fasting. My energy levels feel decent. My strength is ok. I'm doing something right. I'll keep with the fish diet, avoiding soy, synthetic vitamins and grains directly and indirectly. I can remember in the past when fasting I would have one rice cake and I'd have such a difficult time with fasting. Well, relativly difficult time. The first day would be easy but other days would be hard and tiring. Maybe it is the grains that are the problem, directly and indirectly. I guess I'll find out eventually.
After two days of fasting I do have a slight upset stomach today. the fasting laxative effect has struck, sort of. It isn't as severe but still not all that enjoyable to say the least. So maybe that is a sign of healing. that is my guess, about it being less severe. Overall I am feeling more worn down today though I stil have enough energy to function. that is a nice change. All to often on a day like today I wouldn't be able to function. I'd just need to rest most of the day.
174lbs. I've noticed that when having a flare I tend to gain weight. I suppose I am retaining water. So it probably will not be till the gut is healthier that I lose weight better. I'll likely fast today. Will see, as I am a bit worn down this morning. Overall though I'm doing alright at the moment. It is a ok morning. Tongue looks alright though not perfect. Strength is alright. Energy levels are hurting but that is due to some leg exercises done and a slight upset stomach yesterday.
I'm a bit worn down today and as a result not talking as well. I'll blame the leg exercises done yesterday. It is a good day overall though. I ate some dill pickle tuna today. It didn't taste all that good I thought but it hasn't caused stomach problems. They are out of stock with my normal tuna I order but I can live with the pickle tuna is need be. I'm looking healthy today. That is always a positive sign I believe.
Yesterday was a bit of an odd day. I found myself using the bathroom all day long. i wouldn't say I was sick though. the gut was doing ok. Just used the restroom to often. i was originally blaming this is the fasting laxative effect. Now after thinking further on it, I wonder if the royal belly supplement I started taking was responsible for this. I'm thinking it was. I stopped taking the roycal belly yesterday. I'll see if the gut improves today. I can imagine it will. Doing decent this morning. I'm a bit beat up but nothing terrible. tongue is looking good and healthy. I like that.
The interesting item from today is that i did a bunch of pushups this morning and so far I feel fine. No significant fatigue felt. That is something I remember in the past when getting better, the exercise fatigue would improve. So hoping I don't wake up worn out in the morning. Gut doing much better today. I'm fasting today. Energy levels good. Strengh could use improvement but imagine the pushups have hurt strength levels some.
172lbs. I'm holding up well this morning. I'm a bit shaky from the pushups done yesterday. Overall though I'm not feeling all that bad. Hope that continues. It is great news as if I can handle a little bit of a beating it means I'm healing up. Tongue looks good. I appear healthy overall.
Tongue looks great. I think once and forall I should stop doing the tough pushups. They likely are the cause for my shoulder pain. Well, I might be to quick with saying that. The watch arm movement likely is the cause of the shoulder pain. Overall though I'm going to stop the tough pushups and just use free weights. The pushups are more easy to do but I'll use the free weights downstairs.

Overall I'm doing quiet well with my energy levels. I'm tired after the many tough pushups done yesterday but I'll functioning. I'm not overly fatigued as I typically would become. It's a great sign I believe that the diet is working.

I'm likely allergic to soy/beans and soy fed to farm animals is a problem for me.

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