PREV POST: Everything has been going well, but the exit hole is soooo irritated and swollen. The area around the fistula exit is not hard or tender - it is specifically the exit hole itself. It is starting to look almost like a bubble or something... Is this normal healing process and is there anything that can help??? It is so sensitive. : (
UPDATE: saw my doc today and apparently the swelling around the exit hole was scarring and granulation. He chemically cauterized it and said we will need to do it again in 2 weeks. Has anyone else had this done? It was pretty painless... i just hope it helps!
UPDATE: saw my doc today and apparently the swelling around the exit hole was scarring and granulation. He chemically cauterized it and said we will need to do it again in 2 weeks. Has anyone else had this done? It was pretty painless... i just hope it helps!