Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

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PREV POST: Everything has been going well, but the exit hole is soooo irritated and swollen. The area around the fistula exit is not hard or tender - it is specifically the exit hole itself. It is starting to look almost like a bubble or something... Is this normal healing process and is there anything that can help??? It is so sensitive. : (

UPDATE: saw my doc today and apparently the swelling around the exit hole was scarring and granulation. He chemically cauterized it and said we will need to do it again in 2 weeks. Has anyone else had this done? It was pretty painless... i just hope it helps!
I am as happy as one can be to find this thread!

I'm just experimenting now with what kind of bandages work best, what's the handiest way to clean the area when you are out and about, etc so tips would be greatly appreciated. Also, my CRS said he probably wouldn't consider removing the seton for 6-9 months. I know some people seem to have them in indefinitely, I was just trying to get an idea on how long others had theirs. I'll do whatever it takes not to try and prevent another abscess.

Thanks for any input!

I prefer gauze that is soft, not the very holey kind. Seems to be easier on such a sensitive area. Also, they took my seton out after about 3 months, but that was sped up by the fact that I started Humira. My CRS took the seton out 2 weeks after starting Humira. So far things have pretty good except for my above post, which he seems to not be too concerned with...

Best thing I can tell ya is to be patient. For me every day this thing seems to act a little different. When it acts up I just do even more sitz baths and sometimes I sit on a heating pad which relieves some of the soreness. I hope you get better soon!!!

PS - stay active, but not too strenuous! I have found that walking seemed to help things drain when it was sore also.
Thanks Myriahdawn! I'm glad your procedure today wasn't too painful - hope it helps! I saw my CRS today and everything is looking good. He thinks he did a really good job. :) I'm pretty stoked that I got the go ahead to start exercising again. I'm a big fan of pilates which i can usually do to some degree no matter how good/bad I feel.
I use A.R.D Anoperineal Dressings, they seem to be so much softer than gauze and those non-stick gauze pads actually hurt me.

It's great to hear at least some of you are back to minimal or no pain.
I currently have 8 setons that were placed on February 1st. I am wondering, for those of you with setons, is there anything I can do to help with the smell? I am still draining but no matter how much I soak or clean, there is always a smell. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Not much you can do unfortunately only wash regularly and change the gauze swabs as often as possible, and although you can smell it i doubt if anyone else can! Good luck.
UPDATE: saw my doc today and apparently the swelling around the exit hole was scarring and granulation. He chemically cauterized it and said we will need to do it again in 2 weeks. Has anyone else had this done? It was pretty painless... i just hope it helps!

I have had the chemical cauterization done 3 times so far. It's not always painless, seems to depend on how bad the site is at the time.
Hopefully one time will be enough for you. Good luck.
PREV POST: Everything has been going well, but the exit hole is soooo irritated and swollen. The area around the fistula exit is not hard or tender - it is specifically the exit hole itself. It is starting to look almost like a bubble or something... Is this normal healing process and is there anything that can help??? It is so sensitive. : (

UPDATE: saw my doc today and apparently the swelling around the exit hole was scarring and granulation. He chemically cauterized it and said we will need to do it again in 2 weeks. Has anyone else had this done? It was pretty painless... i just hope it helps!

Why did they chemically cauterize it? Last time I saw my CRS he said I had granulation tissue also and every time something touched said tissue it bled, but he didn't seem too concerned about it. I almost feel like the seton irritates that area & has been inflaming the skin tags that are there.
The granulation tissue is "bridging". He said that it is forming in such a way as to split the fistula channel. I am a little less clear on it than I maybe should be. It is at the skin level so I am unsure why it matters to be honest. The plan is for the seton to be removed at the end of the week so I am a bit nervous that this is still happening.
The granulation tissue is "bridging". He said that it is forming in such a way as to split the fistula channel. I am a little less clear on it than I maybe should be. It is at the skin level so I am unsure why it matters to be honest. The plan is for the seton to be removed at the end of the week so I am a bit nervous that this is still happening.

Mine is at skin level as well as inside. I hope that's not bad. :/ good luck, lady!
So, I had a fistula a couple years ago and it finally just healed upLately (for the past three or four months) I have had this little bump near my anus that has been hurting. It's not large or anything, but when I push on it I get really bad pain into my back and it's just very sore in general. About once a month, it randomly bleeds for a day, and then feels a tad better. Oh, and it feels like there is pressure where the bump is. I had my colorectal check it out, but she just said to keep an eye on it. So I don't know if I am getting another fistula, or if this is something else (don't know what else it would be, maybe a little abscess)? I do have perianal Crohn's along with Crohn's in my Ileum and now in my colon and small intestine too. Any help would be very appreciated as I am annoyed, in pain, and confused. Thanks
It sounds like it could be a fistula to me... But keeping an eye on it is a good idea. How long have you had the bump? Does it feel like it is getting bigger?
No the bump doesn't seem to get any larger. I have had it since early December. I have had an abscess before, and it feels like the same kind of pain. It's been really painful the last few days, but I have an appointment with my colorectal in a few weeks, so I hope I can make it until then. I'm just not sure what to do about it...
Hey all! I'm new. Have had seton drains in since August 2012. its been a small nightmare. smelly, painful, and embarassing. i had a perianal abscess that needed to be drained... it was quite large.

im having discomfort with it now and am thinking of going back on steroids. i just want this f-ing drain out of me.
how long did you have them in? im unsure of what to expect as far as how long they generally need to stay in. my surgeon was a jerk.
Good to see there's a support group for fistulas... sometimes it seems like nobody else can understand how horrible fistulas can be so it's nice to be able to chat with others who really understand. I'm still struggling with a complex horseshoe fistula with 3 setons and I might need another one soon since it seems to be getting worse. I'm getting close to considering a stoma to try and rest my bum for a while. Hopefully one day someone will come up with a cure for this painful part of Crohn's.
Hey all, I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with fistulas like I am. Yes, it is hard and it feels like there are very few who understand. I count myself lucky, as I had three that I think are now down to 2. I've also been in remission for 2 years, and thanking god everyday. Is there anything at all you can think of to help them close naturally? The worst part for me is the burning that happens on the sensitive tissue around the fistulas... I really wish I didn't have so many holes in my body, but hey... All I can do is my best. Courage!!! We CAN do this!!!
...Is there anything at all you can think of to help them close naturally? The worst part for me is the burning that happens on the sensitive tissue around the fistulas...

This is a great question. I asked my CRS that same question and he had no answers - but of course he is a surgeon, so you know what his cure is. I would be interested too if there is anything natural that can be done to prevent re-occurrence (after surgery).

I definitely remember the burning sensation, that was horrible for sure. That did stop, for me, about one week after I started on 'flagyl". Yes I know that prescription drugs is not the answer your looking for. In my case, I didn't always have the burning sensation. In my mind, I associated it with with recurring infection.
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I would be interested in that too.

I'm a few days away from my third Remicade infusion. I've still been feeling so much better! I met with the doctor and she thought that was a good sign, but can't tell for sure until doing a colonoscopy, which won't happen until Nov.

The fistula was still draining when she checked, but she said it's too early to tell if the Remicade isn't working. I was scheduled to get the seton taken out in May, but she said to cancel that and wait and see. Greaat. Of course now I'm worrying a little more that it's not going to work on me since I keep reading people here saying they can feel their fistulas closing after starting Remicade. Have they really healed, and how long does it take? How can you feel it? I am not in any pain down there, but it obviously isn't closing yet if there's drainage.

If after the colonoscopy they tell me it's not working, I will be unwilling to stop taking it though, because it's making me feel so much better! That would be a messed up situation.

Ya gotta give it sometime. Although I was not on Remicade, the dosage of my Humira injection had to be tweaked to get the fistula to close. Once the dose was upped, bingo, gone.


I too had the same healing scenario as you. The fistula would almost heal but remain tender and bubble. What I was told is that the bubble is the last of the infection. The bubble might have to be opened to clean and drain. But give it a little more time. If it continues see the doc.
The doc upped my Humira dosage to every ten days from every two weeks and it was gone in a few days.

Best of Luck!
Thanks for the reply! I have taken flagyl and cipro with the fistulas, but choose not to be on them for a prolonged period of time for obvious reasons. I was going to have a pretty invasive surgery to correct them, but decided that there comes a point when enough is enough. As a Crohn's patient with a jpouch, I feel that eventually I might ultimately end up with an ileostomy, and I don't want to put myself through any more surgery than necessary. That being said, some days my bum really just needs a break!
I finally got my diagnosis of Crohn's Feb 15, 2013 and was hospitalized with a perianal abscess on Feb 20 (the day before my birthday) for 4 days. I have been packing that darn wound twice a day for the last 2 months. The pain meds caused a thrombosed hemorrhoid (double ouch!). The icing on the cake was a large fissure my new CRS saw on Friday. I am so happy I have found this group. I have felt so depressed and alone. My father has Crohn's but has luckily never suffered in this way. It helps to know that there is hope and people to talk to :ghug:

Ya gotta give it sometime. Although I was not on Remicade, the dosage of my Humira injection had to be tweaked to get the fistula to close. Once the dose was upped, bingo, gone.


I too had the same healing scenario as you. The fistula would almost heal but remain tender and bubble. What I was told is that the bubble is the last of the infection. The bubble might have to be opened to clean and drain. But give it a little more time. If it continues see the doc.
The doc upped my Humira dosage to every ten days from every two weeks and it was gone in a few days.

Best of Luck!

Thanks for your feedback Mike! That's amazing that it closes in a few days once it decides to heal. What a weird thing fistulas are. I don't understand them. But I hope that happens to me.
So, I was supposed to have the seton removed today but the surgeon has declared too much inflammation in the track and after cleaning up the track some sent me home with a bleeding fistula packed with gauze.

I get it that it is not worth the risk if it is going to just abscess again but it really brought me down. I have been excited about getting it removed for weeks.

Sorry about my whining, I figured you guys were the only ones that would understand.
Just got diagnosed with a perianal abscess. I don't see anything when trying to look in the mirror and it is supposed to be small but hurts terribly. I'm not sure what to expect or what's next.
Do you and your doctor have a treatment plan for your "new" abscess? Just a piece of advice, if you have to get it lanced or drained insist on being put out for it. I had mine drained with local anesthesia and it was the worst pain I have ever experienced, and you know we IBDers are not squeamish when it comes to pain. Not trying to scare you or worry you, I just want you to be aware. Of course, I also had a bad doctor who refused to consider a diagnose of Crohn's even though my SED rate was astronomically high (before I was diagnosed), and I also had a fistula at the same location. I hope yours gets better and the pain diminishes. Do you have an Lidocaine crème or gel to put on the abscess to help with the pain? I used it every day and it really did help. You do need a prescription, and I would recommend the gel as it seems to work better for me. Stay strong!
Thanks I haven't discussed a treatment plan yet but from what I'm reading it seems surgery is the only option. How quickly do I need surgery?

I am actually going to buy lidocaine OTC right now to deal with the pain till I see my doctor.
Oh, it is OTC? I had no idea, that could be a lifechanger ;) I'm not sure how quickly you need to get treated, but it's probably better not to wait too long and let it get worse. I know that sometimes abscesses are treated with antibiotics, so that might be an option.
I hope my doctor will say that's an option for me! Maybe the lidocaine higher strength or brand is prescription only but it seems there are some OTC options. Ill know soon since I'm going to the pharmacy.
Yep got it just now by Burn Jel Plus it's 2.5% lidocaine. I put it on and feel the surface pain reduced quickly but still have deep shooting pain which hopefully will diminish with this cream.
I'm new to support group but need to be in contact with people who understand about Crohn's. In a flare, can't take any biologics or Imuran, messed with bone marrow. Precnisone 45mg a day. Fistula, anyone heard of hyperbaric treatment for fistula's, my GI is referring me for it, non invasive oxygen therapy. I guess drug trials are next.:ack:
Well my Dr told me don't do surgery it will make that area weaker
Have 3 now all outside of butt! They drain and smell all the time Sucks! Had a bag 11 years don't want one back. Have seen from others on here you can get fistulias either way bag or no bag. Good Luck All PS I'am 6mp many other never seem to get better. :ymad:
Once you are on antibiotics sometimes they will not have to rush to surgery. If you get a fever though you should not take it lightly.
I received a fistulectomy back on April 22. I had battled the fistula for about 2 years. Multiple seton placements, fistula plug procedure. None worked. So far it seems to be healing slowly. I am also a blessed liver transplant recipient and am on immuno suppressant drugs, so i heal slowly. This is the best ive felt in a long time and i'm very hopeful. Thank you to so many members of this support group for all the information ive found here. :ghug:
Hmmm.. got close but it's not over.. I had a fistulectomy on Feb 20th. Prognosis was it would heal in 6-8 weeks. At 6 weeks it was slow in healing. CRS put me on Flagyl and within one week, all pain associated with my fistula was gone. It never did heal completely though and now at week 12, some infection seems to have recurred. In addition to Flagyl, the CRS now put me on 2 weeks of 100mg Vibramycin (Doxycycline). Are there any others out there who have used Doxycycline for fistula infection and if so what was your experience?
I've had fistulas since 1993,they seem to come after I've been overdoing things physically,I think they start from getting infected inside,so it starts building up and can't escape so it tunnels thru and round tissue and muscle until it finds way out and starts draining,I've had them coming out my belly button crazy.ive had lots of surgeries from setons to large drains being stitched into buttocks.15 min Epsom salt baths great relief for them.i wish you well in this battle and hope you beat the bugger.
Hi all, I've just subscribed to the group. I haven't visited the forum in a while and glad to see there are so many different support groups that have started up.

I have ongoing perianal disease and currently have two setons in place due to fistulae. I had a MRI scan done (last week) a day prior to my appointment with the doctor. The following day at my appointment with the doctor he said that my fistulae are complex! He further said that he would have to discuss the MRI results with is colleagues and my GI. Will have to wait three weeks to hear how the colorectal surgeon will proceed.

The way he spoke sounded rather ominous but I hope that it won't be the case when I next see him.
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Debating... so the remicade has been failing to control most of my symptoms since dec. tx in jan. lasted a few weeks, got really sick in march just before my next tx which they raised my dose to 800mg. that only last 2wks before my i flared again but kept the fistula in check. about 5wks out i had a colonoscopy and 2 days later it started to abscess. coincidence? not sure that it was. got through the next 3wks in well you know, agaony/antibiotics that really did nothing. just had my remicade last tues. and it put everything back under control by the next day.
so i know i only have a week at best before all my other symptoms return but i wonder what the fistula is going to do. i guess the real question is:
if the fistula doesn't return to being grumpy for the 8 wks, but all the other things come back would you continue on the remicade? i feel like i can totally deal with the other things flaring but not the fistula. dr. and i have been discussing switching to humira but i'd hate for it not to control the fistula. and i feel like i want to get the most time without the fistula being a problem on the remicade. all the other things have been miserable but when the fistula made its come back it really put that in perspective as being the absolute worst part of this disease for me. I'm leaning toward staying on the remicade unless in 5wks the fistula makes another come back but i truly think it was the colonoscopy that left it vulnerable to becoming infected. pls... your thoughts. think i am going to make myself crazy choosing wisely.
Do abscesses cause you to lose appetite? For the last 2 weeks I am barely eating. I have lost 10 pounds and just have no desire to eat much of anything.
In response to nogutsnoglory, I was in the hospital a few years ago with a bunch of different issues. They were trying to figure out what was wrong with me. This was about a 3 month stay. Never did tell me exactly what was wrong. I had really sensitive places in my mouth, I dont know if it was due to that or what. But everything tasted horrible. I got to a place i refused to eat and they put in a feeding tube. It eventually went away and i dont know why it did it. I just had a fistulectomy, and all during the fight with the fistula, i ate like a hog. :) This is the most confusing disease. So many different issues with everyone. :(
It's true it's a weird disease. Why would an anal abscess cause me to have no appetite? Maybe my body is just tired because its an infection. I'm trying to force myself to eat a bit.
It's true it's a weird disease. Why would an anal abscess cause me to have no appetite? Maybe my body is just tired because its an infection. I'm trying to force myself to eat a bit.

Not having an appetite could be from your body fighting the infection....just not wanting to eat...hope you are able to get it sorted out soon.
...i truly think it was the colonoscopy that left it vulnerable to becoming infected. pls... your thoughts...

Very interesting, I had not put the two events together but I too had a colonoscopy on Nov 27th, then fistula problems (pain) started in late December - did not know what it was then. Looking back, I'll bet that was when the infection started. By early February, I was in absolute terrible pain during BM and had lost weight, no appetite, and extremely weak. I thought I was dying for sure. My G.I. who did the colonoscopy did not recognize what was happening. I'm disappointed in that. But somehow he knew enough to refer me to a CRS who knew what an infected fistula was. Feb 20th had Fistulectomy. I think your right on.
It was 2 days after and it got infected bad. I'll know if it doesn't come back over the next 7wks. Think it will be clear cut and i'll repost saying if you have a fistula i'd stay clear of a colonoscopy. I know if it stay under control i won't be going again.. not worth it
I understand if its a superficial abscess that sometimes it can be drained at the doctors office. My perianal abscess is deeper, does that mean surgery requires overnight stay or more at the hospital and several weeks for the area to heal?
My fistulectomy was out-patient surgery. Normal recovery time expected was 6 to 8 weeks. My responsibility was to keep it clean and change the dressing periodically.
My fistulectomy was done outpatient also. Its been about a month now and everything is going great. Had a check up with the surgeon Monday and im very optimistic this has been taken care of finally. But with this disease i guess you never know. I hope all goes well for you.
This might sound stupid but if they cut open my perianal abscess is a chunk of meat gonna be missing down there or will the whole anal area return to normal?
A chunk missing seems so disturbing. So the skin tissue just regrows and fills the entire crater? I'm being dramatic but this is new to me.
Granulation of new tissue from bottom of wound up to surface is normal healing process. You may have to pack wound with what physician recommends. If you can tolerate high protein diet, really important for healing.
A chunk missing seems so disturbing. So the skin tissue just regrows and fills the entire crater? I'm being dramatic but this is new to me.

Not to be too graphic here, but after my fistula broke through the skin, when I passed gas I could feel it coming out of two openings (down there). The normal one and an abnormal one. Yes it was painful. After the fiistulectomy there is only one opening. It might be bigger (ha) but then it feels much more normal.
I didnt have to do any packing. I kept a little round pad over the fistula site as it healed. Its not completely healed yet, the best i could describe it is its an incision, they remove the fistula and you are left with healthy tissue that will heal just like any other wound or cut. Its not bad at all. I found these little round pads at walmart that i believe are used for makeup removal. they come in a stack packaged in plastic. they are with cotton balls and the like. They are cheap and they really work well for this.
I'm no expert but if a tiger bites a chunk of your skin, that isn't going to grow back? I'm confused why this does grow back after abscess or fistula removal.
You know its really hard to explain it. :) You can go to utube and see a video of the actual surgery. I watched one before i had the procedure because i didnt feel it was being explained to me well. A picture is worth 1000 words. :)
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I'm new to this forum & I'm no expert but here's what I know from what I've dealt with so far..

Think of an abscess as a zit (except an abscess hurts majorly). When you have an abscess (depends on the type of abscess & where it is) down below it grows rapidly and causes a great deal of pain. When the abscess bursts sometimes that junk within doesnt completely drain out & the wound may or may not close up before all that junk came out in which case would only turn around & just swell back up & you're back to enduring pain all over again within a matter of days. When a physician lances (punctures the area, sometimes it's a surgical procedure) the abscess then drains & they clean the infectious material out of there. The wound site is cut open. I've had different abscesses. First abscess was a result from partial colon removal (12/2003) & was located on my right abdomen & was about 4" wide incision (1/2004). The packing of the gauze was ungodly painful until I learned the trick. Doctors will tell you the wound site must "heal from the inside out". The gauze must be saturated in saline solution every time you change the gauze. When you take the gauze out squirt some saline solution into the wound 1st before you take gauze out (because the wound will most likely be dry which causes the gauze to stick to your wound. Pulling dry gauze strips from a dry wound causes pain & irritation to the area-you dont want that). Anyway the wound site must be covered with larger pieces of gauze. As weeks go by that wound area slowly heals, getting smaller from the inside of the wound to the outside thus for closing the 'hole' up.

For 2 years now I have been dealing with Bartholin gland cysts forming abscesses repeatedly. Then ironically those abscesses disappeared & I had an abscess located in left butt cheek in which a GI RN tells me it's a Bartholin abscess but I knew it wasnt. I've had too many Bartholin abscesses to know better. Anyway, since Nov 2012 I've been dealing with abscess formation because of a fistula I've had 6 years & nobody wanted to do anything about it. In Feb this year I met with a surgeon who suggested I have a vaginal seton (4/13). Within 2 days after surgery an abscess on the left & right side (butt cheek) had surfaced. Since April I have been on Flagyl (YUCK!). As of now the abscesses are gone (or at least not surfacing to where I can feel any 'nub'). I will still be on Flagyl for another month to make sure I'm clear of any infection prior to the surgeon removing the seton in June. At any rate, it depends on where the abscess is, the size, the phase of the disease & other factors that determine how the abscess and fistula should be treated. Most doctors tell me they dont want to operate on a fistula unless they REALLY have to. They say they are very complicated & hard to find.

nogutsnoglory...A tiger biting off your skin is not the same thing as infectious material growing inside your body that causes an abscess. Abscesses if not drained/cleaned properly will continue to return. Fistula... they have a mind of their own. If they are causing problems then a seton is put in place. That means the fistula tract is closing up before the infectionous material drained out. Which then caused it to fester back up. A seton is placed in the fistula tract so the area has a chance to drain out the nastiness & keeps that tract open so it can heal properly. Once that heals the seton comes out and the 'Advancement Flap' procedure is where the seton comes out & a flap of skin is then sewn over the hole (like a skin graph) to insure (hopefully) that the fistula tract doesnt reopen and/or reinfect. From what I've read the Fistulotomy with Seton surgery or the Advancement Flap surgery is NO guarantee that it will be successful.

Another note.. the surgeon tells me that if Crohns is 'non-active' (in remission) that both surgeries have a better success rate then if a person is in a flare.
SuzRose, you must be one tough fighter! I absolutely hate Flagyl, it always makes my guts messed up. I hope you continue to heal and don't have any more problems :)
Thank you Essieluv. I've been told I'm much stronger than I think I am, lol. Flagyl is just a gross pill to start with lol. Flagyl seems to be the only antibiotic that hits the spot (so to speak) so I've had no choice but to get used to it. I have asked for something else but Flagyl seems to be the #1 remedy. Currently I'm in remission apparently (or at least that's what the surgeon told me when I had the seton surgery in April) so I'm eagerly looking forward to better days. In the earlier post I had stated I had been dealing with abscesses since Nov 12'... that's actually partially incorrect info. In 2011 I dealt with reoccurring Bartholin Gland Abscesses and was on antibiotics for 7 months. They just would not heal. The GYN doctor just gave me antibiotics for it every time they returned (which was usually about 2 weeks after being off antibiotics). Then the Bartholin Abscesses kind of cleared up for awhile (I was dealing with Bartholin Cysts for months that didnt get infected/form abscesses) in early 2012 but then all of a sudden there was the Bartholin Cysts enlarging but didnt form abscess(es) however though I had a new 'thing' that was quite like a Bartholin Abscess but since it was in the butt cheek I knew it was something else but what? This 'new thing' I nicknamed the '3rd knot'. Meanwhile this '3rd knot' festered up rather quickly I had no issues with the other cysts ironically. But anyway, obviously the '3rd knot' was gone by the time I had the Seton put in on 4/19. I handled that surgery beautifully with no pain. I only had pressure (then the other 2 abscesses formed, knots #4 and #5). I strongly believe that I only handled that surgery well because of dealing with so many abscesses in the past & the pain associated with them. I'm hoping I handle the Advancement Flap surgery well also. And yes I hope everything turns out well so that I can finally venture out(side) into the real world for a change. I've been through a lot & I try to explain myself so people understand me & I try to inform others of what they may/may not be in for. Crohns is a tough subject to explain period! I like to be well informed of what I'm going to be dealing with.

Sorry for the long post. ;-)
I have a large chunk of skin missing from my surgery. I now have a nice 7.5 inch "ditch" that looks like a WW2 war scene. Mine really is a mess down there and after this long, I have my doubts it will ever heal properly.

I'm dealing with another rather large abscess at the moment that I'm currently taking Cipro and Flagyl as well as draining it myself in hopes that I can avoid surgery.
KWalker: how long will you be taking Cipro along with the Flagyl? That is - how many days will you be on Cipro?
I just want to say, Ugh! Was doing so well, my two perianal fistulas hadn't been swelling or draining much since Remicade. But think I have either a new one, or something happening internally. Passing clotted blood and greenish pus when I go to the bathroom. Passing clotted blood is new for me, have only had bright blood before. Also my body temp is messed up. This morning I was low, and then had a low grade fever all evening.
I just want to say, Ugh! Was doing so well, my two perianal fistulas hadn't been swelling or draining much since Remicade. But think I have either a new one, or something happening internally. Passing clotted blood and greenish pus when I go to the bathroom. Passing clotted blood is new for me, have only had bright blood before. Also my body temp is messed up. This morning I was low, and then had a low grade fever all evening.

I'm sorry, that's not fun :( Green pus is always a sign of infection, so get it checked out. I hope everything gets better soon!!! Hang in there.:ghug:
Sad and glad to be referred to this forum. My 17 yr old has been fighting an abscess/fistula since February. She actually had what we thought was a vaginal abscess, even before her Crohn's was diagnosed. It returned about 9 months after starting Remicade, but resolved with IV antibiotics. This time, it took about 10 mos to return, and just won't go away. We did notice that it returns each month with her cycle.

When it first flared, the surgeon put in a drain, which stayed in for about 10 days, then it seemed to be healing so we took it out. Her GI recommended we start 6mp, but we were hesitant, so we waited. When it returned a month later, the surgeon put a drain in, in the office, but that came out on it's own, in a few days. Last time, they took her to surgery again, put in the drain and said it would stay in "for a long time". It has been about 3 1/2 weeks, and she says she can feel the abscess pushing up away from the drain.

We are in the process of getting her started on the 6mp and praying that this will be her golden ticket to remission, and healing of the fistulas.
Anyone have other suggestions we should be considering? I'm not willing to consider birth control to suppress the cycles, due to the high incidence of breast cancer in our family. Wondering if she should consider some other kind of immune system boost around that time of the month.
:goodluck:Hi,I'm sorry for your daughter having to go thru this cruel thing,there is lots of vitamins etc that helps, vitamin d3 liquid is great for keeping crohns on its toes,Vit C is good,we have this product in new Zealand called immuneifort that's great, maybe there something similar in US,I'm having MRI scan to see what mine doing as they been flaring up which they haven't done for years since I had an illeostomy
Thanks Jo, I'm going to see if I can get her to take some vitamin supplements. She tells me she is so tired of taking pills---for pain, then antinausea meds, since the antibiotics and pain pills make her sick, etc etc. Some days I feel like one med just leads to a chain of events that makes her worse. So hard to know what to do!
Crohns has a mind of its own so it's difficult to try calming it down. I've always been told smoking as well as diet, stress etc makes Crohns much more difficult to manage. I myself hate to take so many pills daily. I dont take vitamins. I eat what my brain & colon agree on. However it mostly depends on the time of day that I eat certain items. I dont adjust my diet because I can eat something one day that will tear me up but it wont bother me the next day. So I dont even try to figure out my 'trigger foods'. As with me, the disease works in it's own 'cycle'. I have not changed anything in the past 6+ years (any form of dieting, supplements, stress or smoking cigs less/more) to ease any symptoms because nothing had made it better or worse. In the 13 years since I've been diagnosed with Crohns I've had 'phases' where abscess would return for months and months & then disappear for 5 years & then magically start again- again I didnt do anything different than before. As I stated in a previous post (that I've been told I'm in remission since April) I once again have not changed anything (except for repeated antibiotic use for the abscess that keeps returning)yet I'm in remission. Basically what I'm getting at is that Crohns is different for everyone & causes so many things to go haywire. It is complicated to figure out. It's stressful when you cant find the answers by analyzing your trigger foods or what you think you may be doing wrong etc. Sometimes it just does not matter what you do. So in my opinion, it works in it's own 'cycle' no matter what I do/dont do. So if you find that nothing you do helps the condition then let it take it's course. I'm not saying to give up! Just let it do it's thing & it eventually will get better. Though sometimes it takes a lot of suffering & a lot of resting etc before 'it' decides to clear up. It's very hard to deal with it all during that time but eventually it will pass, be strong. You have to make the best of the ups & downs the way YOU know how. Keeping a journal also helps to track things for you since there's a lot to deal with & one cant possibly remember it all, trust me... it comes in handy. Best luck to all :)
I just want to say, Ugh! Was doing so well, my two perianal fistulas hadn't been swelling or draining much since Remicade. But think I have either a new one, or something happening internally. Passing clotted blood and greenish pus when I go to the bathroom. Passing clotted blood is new for me, have only had bright blood before. Also my body temp is messed up. This morning I was low, and then had a low grade fever all evening.

While your are on Remicade you're supposed to notify the doctor of fevers. Green pus & fevers is not a good sign dear, you should call your doctor asap because you need to be seen or need antibiotics pronto or both. Did you mean that the perianal fistulas are infected & causing abscesses possibly within the fistula tract? I've never heard of fistula swelling but I dont know everything either. How long have you been on Remicade? I had allergic reactions to Remicade many years ago & was switched to Cimzia for a couple years (a few years back) specifically to help close the fistula tract- didnt work. Went on Humira... didnt work. I havent been on a TNF blocker since early 2012. Did you mean that you're body temperature is messed up because of possible chills along with low grade fevers? If thats the case that means your body is trying hard to fight an infection.

Bright red blood is nothing to worry about from what I've been told. I believe its the dark red blood that is of concern as it indicates a problem further up in the colon region.
While your are on Remicade you're supposed to notify the doctor of fevers. Green pus & fevers is not a good sign dear, you should call your doctor asap because you need to be seen or need antibiotics pronto or both. Did you mean that the perianal fistulas are infected & causing abscesses possibly within the fistula tract? I've never heard of fistula swelling but I dont know everything either. How long have you been on Remicade? I had allergic reactions to Remicade many years ago & was switched to Cimzia for a couple years (a few years back) specifically to help close the fistula tract- didnt work. Went on Humira... didnt work. I havent been on a TNF blocker since early 2012. Did you mean that you're body temperature is messed up because of possible chills along with low grade fevers? If thats the case that means your body is trying hard to fight an infection.

Bright red blood is nothing to worry about from what I've been told. I believe its the dark red blood that is of concern as it indicates a problem further up in the colon region.

I guess when the fistulas swell up it means they are abscessing? They turn into sometimes golf ball size lumps in my groin.. It's so very fun.. Not. Then they usually break on their own and drain. (I've already had two fistulectomy's)

I've been on Remicade since January, I had been feeling really good until a couple of weeks ago and since then I have been on a gradual decline.

My body temp has been low and then high. Usually take my temp when I'm feeling ill, in case I have to go to the doc and they ask. Yesterday I woke up with nausea, took temp, was on the low side for me, and then after work took it again to see if I had regulated, and Inhad a low grade fever. Today I'm normal, 36.5, but feeeling unwell and very tired. I stayed home from work. :(
I guess when the fistulas swell up it means they are abscessing? They turn into sometimes golf ball size lumps in my groin.. It's so very fun.. Not. Then they usually break on their own and drain. (I've already had two fistulectomy's)

I've been on Remicade since January, I had been feeling really good until a couple of weeks ago and since then I have been on a gradual decline.

My body temp has been low and then high. Usually take my temp when I'm feeling ill, in case I have to go to the doc and they ask. Yesterday I woke up with nausea, took temp, was on the low side for me, and then after work took it again to see if I had regulated, and Inhad a low grade fever. Today I'm normal, 36.5, but feeeling unwell and very tired. I stayed home from work. :(

I've been having a lot of problems with my fistulas and fevers recently. My doc put me on Flagyl about a week ago now, and it's helped a lot. the draining pus has cleared up a lot, and I'm feeling better. I think these things just get infected from time to time because of their location.
I've been having a lot of problems with my fistulas and fevers recently. My doc put me on Flagyl about a week ago now, and it's helped a lot. the draining pus has cleared up a lot, and I'm feeling better. I think these things just get infected from time to time because of their location.

Oh I'm no stranger to cipro and flagyl. I've been off and on it for almost 8 years.

I wouldn't normally be concerned if I weren't on Remicade. I did call the clinic today, the secretary is going to get back to me after she docs to my doc.
AlliRuns, I surely hope the doctor gets back with you asap! Flagyl is the #1 choice for doctors/surgeons to prescribe. Is your system getting immune to those antibiotics? Also, when you suspect an abscess forming you should notify your doctor asap so it doesnt fester up & the pain & suffering as well. I would think with the condition you're in (because of that nasty green pus) that you may need to have your abscesses surgically lanced so it can be drained for it to heal properly.
Thanks for writing back! Love Suzy myself dealing with a fistula for seem like forever pops then back again. As I sit on it hurts and smells that's what gets me the smell! I can smell me through my body Dr says right like I'am dumb. Can only do cipro cause flagyl makes me stomanch sick. On 6mp for 3 years now like all before as not help me. Dr last time I saw her said if I take myself of 6mp I will have maybe 3mths tops to live. She says disease will attack with vengances. I trudge like we all do! Good luck to all
AlliRuns, I surely hope the doctor gets back with you asap! Flagyl is the #1 choice for doctors/surgeons to prescribe. Is your system getting immune to those antibiotics? Also, when you suspect an abscess forming you should notify your doctor asap so it doesnt fester up & the pain & suffering as well. I would think with the condition you're in (because of that nasty green pus) that you may need to have your abscesses surgically lanced so it can be drained for it to heal properly.
Suz my Dr say no to surgery for a c-tan I think there call will make my area down to weaker. What that means ?????????
I've been having a lot of problems with my fistulas and fevers recently. My doc put me on Flagyl about a week ago now, and it's helped a lot. the draining pus has cleared up a lot, and I'm feeling better. I think these things just get infected from time to time because of their location.

Depending on the size and abscess location if the abscess has completely healed you shouldn't feel any lumps or any hard skin nubs on the surface of your skin or when you press the area you should not feel any hidden pockets underneath the skin. If you still feel lumps etc then ask for more anti's because obviously it still is present. If you run out of anti's & dont ask the doctor for more you wont be able to rid your system of the bacteria and it will return. And I agree with you about them getting infected because of location.
AlliRuns, I surely hope the doctor gets back with you asap! Flagyl is the #1 choice for doctors/surgeons to prescribe. Is your system getting immune to those antibiotics? Also, when you suspect an abscess forming you should notify your doctor asap so it doesnt fester up & the pain & suffering as well. I would think with the condition you're in (because of that nasty green pus) that you may need to have your abscesses surgically lanced so it can be drained for it to heal properly.

Flagyl doesn't do anything for me anymore. I've had lots of it. Im passing the pus in my stool or sometimes instead of stool, so it's definitely internal. Feels like needles in my rectum! :(
Flagyl doesn't do anything for me anymore. I've had lots of it. Im passing the pus in my stool or sometimes instead of stool, so it's definitely internal. Feels like needles in my rectum! :(
me too seem like it's coming of 2 different holes
Sad and glad to be referred to this forum. My 17 yr old has been fighting an abscess/fistula since February. She actually had what we thought was a vaginal abscess, even before her Crohn's was diagnosed. It returned about 9 months after starting Remicade, but resolved with IV antibiotics. This time, it took about 10 mos to return, and just won't go away. We did notice that it returns each month with her cycle.

When it first flared, the surgeon put in a drain, which stayed in for about 10 days, then it seemed to be healing so we took it out. Her GI recommended we start 6mp, but we were hesitant, so we waited. When it returned a month later, the surgeon put a drain in, in the office, but that came out on it's own, in a few days. Last time, they took her to surgery again, put in the drain and said it would stay in "for a long time". It has been about 3 1/2 weeks, and she says she can feel the abscess pushing up away from the drain.

We are in the process of getting her started on the 6mp and praying that this will be her golden ticket to remission, and healing of the fistulas.
Anyone have other suggestions we should be considering? I'm not willing to consider birth control to suppress the cycles, due to the high incidence of breast cancer in our family. Wondering if she should consider some other kind of immune system boost around that time of the month.

When you stated 'vaginal abscess' were you referring to Bartholin Gland Cyst/Abscess by any chance? I've had them before myself where they would clear up to 'cyst' form and when my cycle was due the cysts would begin to enlarge. Sometimes they turned into an abscess & sometimes they would just remain a cyst (thank god!, lol).
Thanks for writing back! Love Suzy myself dealing with a fistula for seem like forever pops then back again. As I sit on it hurts and smells that's what gets me the smell! I can smell me through my body Dr says right like I'am dumb. Can only do cipro cause flagyl makes me stomanch sick. On 6mp for 3 years now like all before as not help me. Dr last time I saw her said if I take myself of 6mp I will have maybe 3mths tops to live. She says disease will attack with vengances. I trudge like we all do! Good luck to all

I started the fistula ordeal in 2003 which is why they removed part of my colon. Because of the fistula tract stool was coming (leaking) through the va-jay-jay (as Oprah calls it, lol). However, I was ok after surgery until 2005 and the leaking started up again (meaning fistula tract reopened or another one formed). Anyway, have you tried taking Flagyl with a little food to avoid stomach upset? If your system is that bad off 1st of all dont stop your 6mp even though it's not working. Can you get another doctor? I dont think your doctor is doing enough for you. I've always been told we always need to take some form of medication whether we are in remission or even after surgery to remove diseased sections. If you dont take medication then your intestines will swell and lead to tearing (perforate) etc then you will most definitely need surgery for that problem. I think you really need to find another doctor, asap. Wish you the best of luck!
Flagyl doesn't do anything for me anymore. I've had lots of it. Im passing the pus in my stool or sometimes instead of stool, so it's definitely internal. Feels like needles in my rectum! :(

You definitely need to be seen by a doctor or a surgeon asap. I surely hope they can get you in their office soon.
I sit here unable to sleep because I am in pain and I need to use the washroom and I just know that will pop the pain up to a 7 or 8.

I've had crohn's and anal fissures since 2006. The only thing that's ever worked to fix the fissures is botox injections. Unfortunately I live in Alaska and the CRS here in town is the REASON I have crohn's (quick version: I had c diff and she refused to do a stool test and misdiagnosed it... ergo less than zero trust). I have to fly to my surgeon in Seattle.

I also have lupus and ankylosing spondolytis plus all those other bonus auto immune diseases. My condition is already complicated enough my insurance pays for my flights to Seattle for rheumatology tx but I jam in my GI & surgeon visits for the botox shots.

Now I have had new rectal pain for over a month. It is radiating to my butt cheek and examination shows a new dimple on my skin that hurts when palpated. The GI is pretty sure (via phone consult) I have a fistula forming. I fly down this next weekend and see my surgeon Monday, rheumy Tuesday, got told today I am booked at the hospital for botox injection and examination under sedation Wednesday am... I also happen to be booked with the GI Wednesday too, because it couldn't be easy, right? Oh well... I'll figure the GI part out.

I am desperate for any type of ostomy to re-route away from my bahookie. Currently it is bloody mucous and diarrhea and excruciating. My surgeon says if there's a fistula she'll fix it when she goes in to do the exam and botox. She thinks I just want an ostomy because I am in so much pain and I'll change my mind after she fixes it. I am not so sure I can recover with anything that's constantly exposed to feces. I am so ready for an ostomy. I go days on clear broth and jello to prevent BMs.

I am just so scared. I thought only UC got fistulas, guess not. If the fistula isn't popped through the skin what do they do? I only find info on if it goes through the skin. Should I push for an ostomy? Also, after each BM (and sometimes in between) I get stabbing pain on my right side too... how will the surgeon know if I have fistulas higher up too or not? How do they tell that? Is that via MRI?

I am currently taking azothiropine, enbrel, cipro alternating with flagyl, lots of pain meds... I can't take humira anymore. I've done all of the infusion meds and nothing's worked on putting my diseases in remission, pentasa and 6MP didn't work. On my bum I've tried all of the topical ointments, the dilatin, nitro, cortisone etc. I use Rx 5% lidocain but that stopped being very effective for the pain years ago. To completely deal with a BM I need to take a ketorolac + a valium + a muscle relaxer + a pain pill. I try to stay away from the ketorolac because my bleeding is so bad already. I just don't see how hoping for a drug to cure this is a reasonable thought?

Sorry this is so long, I just don't know what to expect. I am in desperate pain. I guess I am part of the club.
anyone know a good dr in ct go to Yale now! Been to Doctors in Hartford and Waterbury looking for a change up and answers
Oh I'm no stranger to cipro and flagyl. I've been off and on it for almost 8 years.

I wouldn't normally be concerned if I weren't on Remicade. I did call the clinic today, the secretary is going to get back to me after she docs to my doc.

Sorry, I should have known you'd have already been on these since they're usually the first thing the doc tries! Sometimes I forget who has a lot of experience with this disease and who doesn't.

I've been on and off these a bunch of times over the years too. I try not to use antibiotics too often and just stick with Remicade when I can so I don't get too immune to them, but sometimes I need the boost.
When you stated 'vaginal abscess' were you referring to Bartholin Gland Cyst/Abscess by any chance? I've had them before myself where they would clear up to 'cyst' form and when my cycle was due the cysts would begin to enlarge. Sometimes they turned into an abscess & sometimes they would just remain a cyst (thank god!, lol).

Thanks for your reply. . . truly, who knows what went on at that time! My daughter was 15 at the time, wasn't dx with Crohns, and told me she had pain in her bottom. I had also just had surgery, AND it was a holiday weekend :/ She saw our primary care, who said it must be a hemmrhoid, 2 days later went to urgent care, they said the same, then 2 days later she asked me to look at it, and it had progressed to the point that her labia was hugely swollen. The ER called the ob/gyn who said it was a Bartholin cyst, they did surgery to clean it out etc, then found she was "profoundly anemic". About 6 weeks later, she was admitted and diagnosed with Crohns. (lots more to it, but trying to be brief!).

The point is, I'm still thinking that it wasn't a Bartholin cyst, it was this same fistula, but out of control. At the time, she had no idea what was going on, and didn't seem to even be able to describe it. We also didn't know she had Crohn's. Each time this fistula has come up since then, she says it feels the same as that first time, but we get help sooner, since we know what it is.
I sit here unable to sleep because I am in pain and I need to use the washroom and I just know that will pop the pain up to a 7 or 8.

I've had crohn's and anal fissures since 2006. The only thing that's ever worked to fix the fissures is botox injections. Unfortunately I live in Alaska and the CRS here in town is the REASON I have crohn's (quick version: I had c diff and she refused to do a stool test and misdiagnosed it... ergo less than zero trust). I have to fly to my surgeon in Seattle.

I also have lupus and ankylosing spondolytis plus all those other bonus auto immune diseases. My condition is already complicated enough my insurance pays for my flights to Seattle for rheumatology tx but I jam in my GI & surgeon visits for the botox shots.

Now I have had new rectal pain for over a month. It is radiating to my butt cheek and examination shows a new dimple on my skin that hurts when palpated. The GI is pretty sure (via phone consult) I have a fistula forming. I fly down this next weekend and see my surgeon Monday, rheumy Tuesday, got told today I am booked at the hospital for botox injection and examination under sedation Wednesday am... I also happen to be booked with the GI Wednesday too, because it couldn't be easy, right? Oh well... I'll figure the GI part out.

I am desperate for any type of ostomy to re-route away from my bahookie. Currently it is bloody mucous and diarrhea and excruciating. My surgeon says if there's a fistula she'll fix it when she goes in to do the exam and botox. She thinks I just want an ostomy because I am in so much pain and I'll change my mind after she fixes it. I am not so sure I can recover with anything that's constantly exposed to feces. I am so ready for an ostomy. I go days on clear broth and jello to prevent BMs.

I am just so scared. I thought only UC got fistulas, guess not. If the fistula isn't popped through the skin what do they do? I only find info on if it goes through the skin. Should I push for an ostomy? Also, after each BM (and sometimes in between) I get stabbing pain on my right side too... how will the surgeon know if I have fistulas higher up too or not? How do they tell that? Is that via MRI?

I am currently taking azothiropine, enbrel, cipro alternating with flagyl, lots of pain meds... I can't take humira anymore. I've done all of the infusion meds and nothing's worked on putting my diseases in remission, pentasa and 6MP didn't work. On my bum I've tried all of the topical ointments, the dilatin, nitro, cortisone etc. I use Rx 5% lidocain but that stopped being very effective for the pain years ago. To completely deal with a BM I need to take a ketorolac + a valium + a muscle relaxer + a pain pill. I try to stay away from the ketorolac because my bleeding is so bad already. I just don't see how hoping for a drug to cure this is a reasonable thought?

Sorry this is so long, I just don't know what to expect. I am in desperate pain. I guess I am part of the club.

Oh dear, I am unfamiliar with fissures, lupus or ankylosing spondolytis personally to be able to offer you some kind of advice with those.

Regarding the fistula.. the fistula tract itself isnt what pops out of the skin. What pops out is the growing abscess stemming from the fistula tract. I had an abscess that was the size of a golf ball that was connected to my colon that surfaced to the outside/lower right portion of my abdomen that looked like a huge zit. This 'zit' was discovered about 2-3 weeks after I had just had partial removal of the colon, an ovary & gallbladder removed (all in the same surgery, about 10 years ago). At that time, since my belly was freshly stapled up I could not see the huge zit cuz I could hardly move. Needless to say I had never had any of the 3 procedures before and I was not aware of the signs of any symptoms to be cautious about & I was a bit drugged up. I was having fevers & freezing to death. When I went for my follow up to have some staples removed the doctor instructed me to go to ER pronto & I was there for 4 days where the 'zit' was lanced under anesthesia, packed etc. Take note: "under anesthesia". Without anesthesia oh my god does the packing with gauze hurt!! Twice a day at that, ughh! Anyway, I eventually healed up nicely with a scar. For me, no fistula tract ever could be seen on a CT Scan or Ultrasound but I knew I had one. Ask your doctor if the ostomy would be appropriate for your situation & if they tell you no then ask why. By all means ask questions!! I had severe right abdomal pain many months prior to my colon resection. I was not aware that I had a perforated colon. I've never had an MRI for them to see if they can find a fistula tract but I'm thinking that they probably could have you do one. A doctor can tell if you may/may not have a fistula by the symptoms you have. Either way the doctor should have you go for further testing or something. In your post you mention surgeon then GI doctor.. are you meaning one GI doctor or two doctors (GI doctor and surgeon) or just a surgeon? I am sorry to ask you these questions but I'm just trying to clarify what you mean cuz a Colon/Rectal surgeon can do so much more for you than a GI doctor or a General surgeon. Though my fistula tract has never been seen the symptoms (stool through vagina, reoccurring bartholin gland abscess then it was perianal abscesses) indicated a rectovaginal fistula in which the Colon/Rectal surgeon planned the fistulotomy with seton. Of course the lower portion of the colon needs to be cleared out for that procedure. Liquid diet the day before.

I hope you're not taking too many pain pills for all that you're dealing with. If you are you will only make things worse for yourself. I'm thinking you may just need to go to the ER because you have so much going on & it doesnt seem like you can tolerate much more. Let your doctor know you're totally miserable & raise your voice a little to get them to understand. You need relief! Hang in there, wishing you the best!! :ysmile:
Thanks for your reply. . . truly, who knows what went on at that time! My daughter was 15 at the time, wasn't dx with Crohns, and told me she had pain in her bottom. I had also just had surgery, AND it was a holiday weekend :/ She saw our primary care, who said it must be a hemmrhoid, 2 days later went to urgent care, they said the same, then 2 days later she asked me to look at it, and it had progressed to the point that her labia was hugely swollen. The ER called the ob/gyn who said it was a Bartholin cyst, they did surgery to clean it out etc, then found she was "profoundly anemic". About 6 weeks later, she was admitted and diagnosed with Crohns. (lots more to it, but trying to be brief!).

The point is, I'm still thinking that it wasn't a Bartholin cyst, it was this same fistula, but out of control. At the time, she had no idea what was going on, and didn't seem to even be able to describe it. We also didn't know she had Crohn's. Each time this fistula has come up since then, she says it feels the same as that first time, but we get help sooner, since we know what it is.

Check the link below about the bartholin abscess image & compare it to what your daughter may have had/continues to deal with and let me know ok. I'm pretty sure that is what's going on with her. Oh, did your daughter have stool pass through her vagina? A fistula (tract) is inside the body.

The abscesses grow rapidly and the bigger they get the more excruciating they are as with any abscess. A bartholin gland is normally the size of a pea and it's located on both sides of the labia (at the 4 & 8 o'clock position). It's sole use is to lubricate the vagina. For many different reasons that gland somehow gets blocked so the fluid backs up and starts to swell and is noted as a bartholin gland cyst. Sometimes the cyst only swells up a little. However... when it continues to swell and begins to cause any pain it is then clarified as a bartholin gland abscess. I'm assuming your daughter was in excruciating pain when she seen the ob/gyn/ER for it to be lanced which I have had done & it does not tickle!! However, she had immediate relief. Now, if that abscess had returned it is because the area that the doctor cut into managed to close up before all the infected junk came out. Even the smallest trace left behind will cause it to swell right back up. A fistula tract within the body very well could be causing that abscess or it just can simply be a case of bad luck. As with me, I've had MANY bartholin abscesses. I've had them reoccur for months and months either because of A) not completely killing the bacteria long enough with antibiotics or B) because of the rectrovaginal fistula or C) sheer bad luck!! But whenever any abscess is detected it's wise to call the doctor asap for antibiotics or you are gonna be in tears in about 3-5 days time. And.. females can have both of them glands abscessed at the same time which of course is a quadruple whammy of pain. Trust me!

Hope you get some answers soon... good luck to you and your daughter!

Check out the image below...
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So I instead of my doc's secretary calling me back with an appt, my doc himself called me back. I didn't have to go in, but he sent a blood work and stool culture req to the lab. I had the blood work today and will drop off the sample tomorrow.
Suz, thank you for the response.

I have a GI in Seattle and a general surgeon down there too that does the Botox shots for my anal fissures. I also see a rheumatologist in Seattle.

The CRS the GI works with does not do Botox, surprisingly few do!

Here in Alaska I have a GP. If I go to the ER here I would be covered by the quack CRS. She has since added a new doc and I am almost desperate enough to have an office consult but the amount of pain that CRS has caused in my life cannot be expressed in words. I'd contracted c diff and had constant diarrhea from it causing my fissures and this quack, rather than look for the source of the diarrhea she says I must have surgery to cut my sphincter to cure my fissure. This is her FIRST course of treatment!

I suffered with c diff for almost a year self medicating with flagyl that I had left over then started finding more from friends. A nurse I knew through a forum finally said to me I needed a stool culture I probably had c diff. By this point I am feverish, in a fetal position, trembling and SICK.

My husband took me to the ER, I requested they take a stool sample. Guess who they called? The only CRS in town. She said, "She's chronic, not acute, street her." My husband got very upset, security was called. Here I am sweaty and a fever with tears streaming down my face, trembling and these quacks are refusing to do a simple stool sample! I think the ER doc was upset, he said he'd do a stool sample if I could poo right then. Of course I could! I was friggin septic at that point and the diarrhea was non stop. Took the sample and sent me out the door! We weren't halfway home when the results were back and they were calling me to come back in.

Yeah, I've probably been pre-destined to have crohn's but if that quack had even made a half of an attempt to see why I had diarrhea in the first place my gut would not have gone through that and maybe I'd have a few more years or decades before the crohn's hit me.

It is just so sad.

Onto my current issues, I see my GP tomorrow and I'm scheduled for an MRI with contrast up here before I fly out Saturday.

This definitely does not look like a zit so maybe it is just really bad fissures but usually cycling through cipro and flagyl can calm it down. The blood is mucousy this time. I trust the surgeon but I'm getting very close to talking to the new guy in town but it is still HER clinic. I am torn between that or temporarily moving to Seattle if I get an ostomy.
I had almost the same experience with my first CRS. He said I had a fissure from all of the D I was having, and immediately ordered a sphincterotomy. He didn't even try to see why I was having these problems, even though my SED rate was abnormal. After that everything went downhill fast... I feel for you, I really do. I hope you get this all figured out hun.
I'm having trouble with recurring abscess/ fistula coming out from side of stoma,started leaking pus again today seeing specialist on 14 th June,luckily I've got great doc who gave me antibiotics to keep just in case,seems to be every 8 weeks it happens,they are the most evil things.
I had almost the same experience with my first CRS. He said I had a fissure from all of the D I was having, and immediately ordered a sphincterotomy. He didn't even try to see why I was having these problems, even though my SED rate was abnormal. After that everything went downhill fast... I feel for you, I really do. I hope you get this all figured out hun.

What did you do, Essie? If you got the surgery did it cause incontinence?
Suz, thank you for the response.

I have a GI in Seattle and a general surgeon down there too that does the Botox shots for my anal fissures. I also see a rheumatologist in Seattle.

The CRS the GI works with does not do Botox, surprisingly few do!

Here in Alaska I have a GP. If I go to the ER here I would be covered by the quack CRS. She has since added a new doc and I am almost desperate enough to have an office consult but the amount of pain that CRS has caused in my life cannot be expressed in words. I'd contracted c diff and had constant diarrhea from it causing my fissures and this quack, rather than look for the source of the diarrhea she says I must have surgery to cut my sphincter to cure my fissure. This is her FIRST course of treatment!

I suffered with c diff for almost a year self medicating with flagyl that I had left over then started finding more from friends. A nurse I knew through a forum finally said to me I needed a stool culture I probably had c diff. By this point I am feverish, in a fetal position, trembling and SICK.

My husband took me to the ER, I requested they take a stool sample. Guess who they called? The only CRS in town. She said, "She's chronic, not acute, street her." My husband got very upset, security was called. Here I am sweaty and a fever with tears streaming down my face, trembling and these quacks are refusing to do a simple stool sample! I think the ER doc was upset, he said he'd do a stool sample if I could poo right then. Of course I could! I was friggin septic at that point and the diarrhea was non stop. Took the sample and sent me out the door! We weren't halfway home when the results were back and they were calling me to come back in.

Yeah, I've probably been pre-destined to have crohn's but if that quack had even made a half of an attempt to see why I had diarrhea in the first place my gut would not have gone through that and maybe I'd have a few more years or decades before the crohn's hit me.

It is just so sad.

Onto my current issues, I see my GP tomorrow and I'm scheduled for an MRI with contrast up here before I fly out Saturday.

This definitely does not look like a zit so maybe it is just really bad fissures but usually cycling through cipro and flagyl can calm it down. The blood is mucousy this time. I trust the surgeon but I'm getting very close to talking to the new guy in town but it is still HER clinic. I am torn between that or temporarily moving to Seattle if I get an ostomy.

I wish I could offer some advice to help you out with the fissure but I have no experience with those.

Has your GI doctor ever referred you to the CRS that they're working with or any other CRS that you may be more comfortable with? Most definitely seek a physician that you are most comfortable with and one who has you in their best interest that does go the extra mile to assist you. The new guy in town just may/may not work for your situation. My opinion would be to give him a shot. If he fails to meet your needs by not getting you proper care either with/without him/herself or referring you to someone who will help you within a timely manner then by all means move on to another doctor until you can find someone else that suits you that will listen to you. Every doctor is different. I have to babysit my doctors sometimes & put them in check. Doctors are so busy and sometimes they need us to keep them on their toes, unfortunately. Sometimes we need to get a little loud on them too cuz we need immediate relief! And I know how frustrating everything can be! Thumbs up for your husband stepping in!!

Also, keep in mind though that a general surgeon is different from a colon/rectal surgeon. A general surgeon is not as qualified nearly as much as a colon/rectal surgeon. Just the same as a GI doctor isnt quite as qualified as the CRS even though they're both in the same area of expertise. Some people on this forum are not aware of the differences between them & I'm only trying to clarify this for those who arent aware and I hope that no one takes me the wrong way.

There is 2 stool tests that I'm familiar with. One is the basic one where you put your stool in the cup much like that of the urinalysis test. Then there's another one that is more thorough I think. A stool sample is taken every day for 3 days & added to 3 different small containers with chemicals. Then after the 3rd sample is done it's required for you to drop it off at the lab. I had that done so many years ago but I cant remember what the test was called. Oh well.

I hope the MRI shows something in order to treat you quickly and offer you relief! So good luck with that!! When was your last colonoscopy? Years ago the GI doctor would always tell me "maybe it's time for a colonoscopy" every time something wasnt right and I shouldn't have to recap my health history with the same doctor with every single (monthly) appointment! Needless to say, I moved on to another GI :smile:
I'm having trouble with recurring abscess/ fistula coming out from side of stoma,started leaking pus again today seeing specialist on 14 th June,luckily I've got great doc who gave me antibiotics to keep just in case,seems to be every 8 weeks it happens,they are the most evil things.

Amen to a great doctor huh! :smile: I have to research info about a stoma cuz I dont know about them.

What antibiotic are you taking and how is it prescribed? The abscess cant possibly be healing completely if it keeps returning which would mean you either need a stronger medication (or a combination of anti's) or you need to take them for a longer period of time (which is normal, at least for me it is lol) or that dirty rotten evil sucker needs to be drained once & for all. Lol.
AinA, I did get the surgery. I don't have incontinence, thank heavens, however I do have some "leakage". It's usually about fifteen minutes after I use the restroom, and it's not a huge amount. It's annoying, but it's something I can live with. I am a little annoyed though, because my new CRS said I didn't even need that surgery in the first place.

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