Sharing is a great idea.
What are you doing awake?
I gained 6 pounds from the iv's they gave me which is good lol
Oh dear! Hope you lose it again soon.
and how could you?!
I need my beauty rest
More than most.
Oh.for goodness sake,move over and let the real WINNER in.!!!!!
It is good to have you back - the postcard you sent me must have been delayed in the post.
Someone unworthy of such a win.
My turn!
what makes London cheesecake different?
I win!
I get a new addition to my mini-zoo. Crested gecko. It arriving tonight.. so exited. Feels like christmas. Cant wait for the little bugger to get here.
That's so cool! I really want one. Share pictures when you get a chance (I may let you win...).
Actually what I really want is a gold dust day gecko. But all geckos are cool.
A desert in high altitudes with majestic red rocks, canyons, and interspersed with mountains and coniferous forests. It is a place unto itself.
Wabbit, will you plan this year's Christmas party? I don't feel like it this time and I think you are just the jovial person to do it. just don't let Robert smoke inside. Teresa wants a laptop, it will have to be sent regular mail as Robert's email laptop didn't get to her, I want a new head, and most other people want, well, new guts. okay Santa rabbit?