Last one wins PG version

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Good for you Aura!

I'm gonna take this win all the way to my remi infusion today.I'll be back for another..if I don't sleep the rest of my afternoon away.
Good Afternoon,may I have a polite win please ?

If it's a problem to anyone,that's ok. I'll go away and try again later.

Have a lovely day all of you.

Grumpy : Don't beat yourself up,you'll stop when the times right for you x
Good Afternoon,may I have a polite win please ?

If it's a problem to anyone,that's ok. I'll go away and try again later.

Have a lovely day all of you.

Grumpy : Don't beat yourself up,you'll stop when the times right for you x

Whew...much prefer the sarcasm and entertainment. Are you feeling ok? :)

Grumpy: It'll happen when it happens and stressing yourself out won't help much.
Like I said yesterday,the "men" think I've got too much to say for myself,so I'm trying very hard to be ladylike.It's not easy,trust me,but if they want to be bored with recipes and homemaking,well,I can do that. I'm just going to make my darlings tea. Back later. toodle-oo.
Like I said yesterday,the "men" think I've got too much to say for myself,so I'm trying very hard to be ladylike.It's not easy,trust me,but if they want to be bored with recipes and homemaking,well,I can do that. I'm just going to make my darlings tea. Back later. toodle-oo.

Okay, enough with the snooze fest - you will put the rest of us to sleep and the men will get the win - that must be the nefarious plan. Or we can all become molly maid and bore them to death and take the win? :rosette2:
I can't keep the "niceness" up for much longer.Although in my defense I AM a really nice person.It's just arrogance and smart ar*edness gets my dander up.

So let battle commence (again) R & W & T & D. !!!! WINNING
Can the battle commence afteryou get me a cup of tea? Winning..politely :ybiggrin:
I have a feeling your thinking way more than two lumps. I'll leave it up to you.:ybatty:
Ahhhh...I feel better now. No more walking on eggshells...let the games continue!

dave13...asking for tea might have pushed her over the edge into sanity, but your probably ok with the distance between you so you're safe from the lumps. For now.

For now...I'm last winning.
Trev, nice to see you, my buddy, my pal.

Just for everyone's information (maybe a warning), they decided to put me on a steroid too (still got the pleurisy, thought it was going to go, but I thought wrong). Just seven days' worth, but I won't be held responsible for anything I say in the next week.

I love games...

Bwa ha ha he he ho ho he he ha ha!:rof::rof::rof::rof:
' afternoon all. I was just thinking,can you imagine what I'd be like on steroids ???

To whom it may concern : You better hope I never need them. hahaha
Good afternoon all.I keep looking over my shoulder for some reason.An after work win.
Night night Grumpy, Trev, all. Just posting a middle of the night sleep deprived win. But okay Trev, two oscopies trumps crazy meds.
You see ??? I try my best to bring some good manners to this thread and look what happens...............

Winning none the less !!!
Me Too! - PS Scottsma - manners are highly overated in a game, I do believe that you pointed this out to me months ago.

You have to remember Grumpy1...she can't bring what she doesn't have...I'm talking about a win,of course...because it is mine on this thursday night.
You have to remember Grumpy1...she can't bring what she doesn't have...I'm talking about a win,of course...because it is mine on this thursday night.

hmmmm.... I hope you have eyes in the back of your head and can duck fast cause you may be in some trouble over that one - it's very difficult to maintain your manners when those around you are encouraging you to throw them by the wayside (hint hint) - taking back the win for the moment :rof::p
hmmmm.... I hope you have eyes in the back of your head and can duck fast cause you may be in some trouble over that one - it's very difficult to maintain your manners when those around you are encouraging you to throw them by the wayside (hint hint) - taking back the win for the moment :rof::p

Are you saying I'm being encouraged to throw my good manners away? Who would do such a thing? Tsk,tsk,tsk. H,m,m,m...well,I'll take a it's too damn early but my bowls wake me at this early hour,no matter what time I go to bed,every morning and once I deal with my setons I'm wide awake and might as well stay up cuz there is no sense trying to get back to sleep and just lay there and stare out the window and watch the sky get brighter and brighter win. :yfaint:

Good manners dictate I say 'thank you' for this win my fellow crohnies.My morning may be your afternoon or evening,whatever time of day it is where you are,may it simply be the best it can be.I really do mean it too. :)
Last win for me today,nearly time to get comfy in my PJs and turn the TV on.

Remember, smile at a stranger every day,it lifts the spirits.

Of course,they'll probably think you're a weirdo, but don't let that bother you.
Middle of the night, almost morning win. Soooooo tired of laying here with no sleep, trying not to disturb Doug, I forgot what the opposite of excessive daytime sleepiness was. Hmm, maybe I can get something done in the morning for a change. Maybe I'll make waffles (you folks made me hungry ... again).
At any rate, enough of my grumbling. I'll just take the win. :biggrin:
Waffles and a massage,could be the next big thing.Maybe we should look into franchise rights.A chilly morning win before facing the days challenges.
Thinking about lunch,maybe a small salad with roast beef and oven chips ?

Then a lazy afternoon with Dean Koontz.
Tell Dean I said 'Hello". See if you can get him to talk about his next 'Odd Thomas' book and let me know. :)
Tell us about your dogs Dave.I love dogs.I've had them most of my life.Nine, and one rescue that sadly didn't work out.three were rescues.I know nine sounds like a lot,but in the past I had three or four at the same time. (when I was young and fit (ter).
I ate cold cereal instead, now I'm ready for my massage. And a good book. G'morning all, I'm going to try sleeping again. Have a great day, afternoon, night, whatever it is wherever you are.
OK,it's all yours (and Sandy's).Don't work too hard though,it'll still be there tomorrow.

Unless the fairies come to help. We wish !!!
Life is good at the moment so taking advantage of it. Glad I can help you out.

Waiting for the fairies but not losing patience.
I'm waiting for the fairies too, but gave up much hope years ago. Glad you are well at the moment. I guess I'll give the win over to you so I can do some of my own fairies' tasks. Have a great day y'all!
Hi Kuzumia


Shanen I've had a quiet day getting ready for work again tomorrow
Hence why I am the winner. I have perseverance and bucket loads of determination
'To dream the impossible dream - to fight the impossible fight'

Give it up folks, there is only one winner here.
Welcome...and thanks for the win.

I'm craving a cup of tea,with extra lumps,of course. :ybiggrin:
Don't give up Dove, we need more fighters here:pillowfight::pillowfight::pillowfight:

It's been a good day around here, went to church with uplifting messages, made a nice turkey and vegetable stew, watched a little football, so now I feel obliged to take the win for my winning day as well.
Well by my estimation you should all be in bed or thinking about it, lightweights, so I will take the win.Welcome LonesomeDove (I loved that film). I hope you're not another cheeky chappie ? (that's the polite version, as you're new )
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