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Ok, everyone send positive thoughts and prayers to Kirsty on that date! Hugs! (It really is worth it.)
I need it Sandy as my lungs don't like inflating when I come back around after the general.
I see David is being "Macho" again because he thinks he has "backup" with Doug and Robba...........You know how unreliable they are,so tread carefully Dave,tread carefully.;)

And as for Ducky and Trev.....absence does NOT make the heart grow fonder, chaps.:wink:

WINNING !!!:rosette1::rosette1::rosette1:
I see David is being "Macho" again because he thinks he has "backup" with Doug and Robba...........You know how unreliable they are,so tread carefully Dave,tread carefully.;)

And as for Ducky and Trev.....absence does NOT make the heart grow fonder, chaps.:wink:

WINNING !!!:rosette1::rosette1::rosette1:

Ah, I like a spirited filly.
Just back from the gym ahead of the fierce snowstorm its teeming down big white clouds
of snow, we are really getting socked
Bored out me head.........done all that needed doing in the house,been to the shops,cooked hubbys lunch,washed what ??? I might have to consider knitting Roberts Xmas sweater,but while I think about the colour and style, I'll finish my book.

Good to see everyone happy , clucking away-......
down on the LOW pharm......
Sunshine snow and freezing winds persist for us....well it is winter
Looking forward to bluebell weather...
I'm having a vote on whether Piccasso was the best portrait artist of all time.......

So,eyes to the right,nose to the left.
Speak for yourself Shanen,I refuse to be accused of being "nice" !!!

Winning (aggressively)

I had a hard time typing "nice" as it's not always in my nature. And that's not intended sarcasm, some days it should be taken as a warning.:ylol:
Morning all. No mooing, clucking, quacking, plucking, ironing, smoking, drinking, or otherwise - just winning. (hmmmm I'm boring if I do say so myself) :tongue:
Hope you have a happy Valentine's Day Robert...............?

Robert, muah!
Kirsty you've let the side do know you fell right into his trap don't you ?

Oh dear, he'll be a bigger pain than he usually is.
In case you were wondering the A Team do not acknowledge Valentines Day. People who make romantic gestures make it bad for the rest of us - the lowest of the low if you ask me.

Robert,thank you for the card,but you do know you're not supposed to put you're name on it don't you ?:hug:

But you are supposed to peel the price off .... 25p indeed !!!:(

Green grass and bare skin Aura!! I'm so jealous. I'm stuck in the middle of winter and spring seems so far away. ~sigh~
That pic was taken a few weeks ago in nelson. Today it's windy and cold and I'm wearing a jacket :)
Hey Carol how's your day going?

CRAP.......been flaring for 5wks since taking steroids for a month.Waiting for MRI results so just struggling on with original prescribed meds.Losing Alfie hasn't helped either,but the rawness is easing and we're used to him not being here now.But really miss him.

Have you got all your stuff ready for the big day ? Try not to worry (not easy,I know) this time next week it will be over and all you'll be worrying about is BOREDOM !!!.....

Sandy and Dave, where are you ???
I've been getting ready, done shopping, tidied beside drawers. I've started packing my bag for hospital.
Here I am, winning! (Just grouchy and sick but what's new?) Happy Valentine's day all you Looney tunes!
Early morning win. I spoke to the anaesthetist last night. That was interesting. He said they wouldn't yell at me to breathe in recovery. So that will be nice and make a change from the last two times.
I have been in Cambridge looking at Michelangelo bronzes. It's what the A Team do.

Robert, Is that Cambridge Massachusetts or England
Maybe you chose a ski resort.....just thinking
Art has its place also in the depth of winter
Hi Everybody
I think you had a typo Robert, you should have said "booze" not "bronze." :rof:

Still sick, still sick of being sick, and sick of saying I'm still sick of being sick, but I'll win anyway.:award2:
Here I am...I'll saunter in for a win.Dealing with the snow has become a full time occupation! Roofs have to be cleared as well as drives and hoo hoo,yeah I know. :) I'm so tired from work and sore and aching from dealing with Winter I fall asleep soon after supper.You would think I'm as old as Carol!

I do thank you all for keeping the win warm for me,very considerate.

Kirsty,in case I am not back on in time,good luck and I will be sending awesome thoughts your way! the way,I like the way the place looks.Who tidied up?
I just had preop bloods done. I had a chat with anaesthetist yesterday. So now nothing left but wait.
Lots of hugs and prayers for you Aura
We are full of snow too Dave and its 40 below out there with the wind chill you have my deepest sympathy.......
Too cold to go for a walk today
At least I don't have snow to clear now having moved to a snazzy apartment after years of clearing snow from the sidewalk and driveway.
-26F this morning. I think my hands are frozen as I reach for the win...oh no,I'm gonna turn into a Crohnsicle...ahhhhh!

Have a great day all...even Robert.:thumleft:
Been cooking this A.M. Bolognese,chicken curry and shepherds pie,are all in the chiller to be eaten during the week,and some in the freezer too.

I hope you're not getting too anxious Kirsty,once the worst is over you won't regret it.
Dave,please be careful,we know you're macho,you don't have to prove a thing.
Sandy.feel better soon,but we're not sick of hearing you moan,as long as you're doing that you're OK.
Thanks Carol. Yesterday ended with surgeon and anaesthetist phoning to say I'm low in sodium. So now I'm down to one litre of fluids a day and increasing my salt.
Dropping by to say Hi
Very cold here too Dave--instant freeze if we go outside
So many warnings from the city to stay indoors
There are public warming areas for people venturing out
Where are the daffodils?-----------
Very best wishes to you Kristy thinking of you
Thinking of you too Kirsty, and Trysha and Dave... I can't imagine the weather you on the east coast are having. And I can't imagine being told to hold the fluids down and increase salt, so opposite of what I ever get told :eek:
I agree Sandy. The thought of only one litre today is going to be hard. Normally I've had a litre by morning tea time :)
are you going in tomorrow (your tomorrow,Wed.)? Will low potassium halt your op. ? and why are you awake so soon ?

Wish we could all be with you Kirsty,but maybe laughter won't do your stitches any good.And you know we can't be serious for long.
Kristy when this happened to me I was advised to reduce fluids and to drink gatorade which worked well
Of course your situation could be for entirely different reasons
They will soon rebalance your electrolytes with iV meds
Lots of positive thoughts coming yourvway
Hi Carol I have to be at hospital 6:30 am tomorrow my time. No it won't halt op they will monitor my sodium. Laughing is good for mind bad for stitches. But laughter is much needed in a world that's gone mad in places
Good luck Kirsty. I'll be thinking of you and sending lots of positive thoughts your way.
Escalesxoch and your hugs, who are you? Come out and play, we could use another victim ... er ... friend here. I promise MOST of us don't bite.
Kirsty, go to sleep, big day tomorrow I know. You need your rest now, and yes, you are in all our thoughts and prayers (for those who pray). Hugs!
I found a poem for you, Dave, from a Facebook posting of a person who used to post on LOW regularly, also from Massachusetts. This could apply to Trysha's "neck of the woods" also.
That is very neat Sandy,such a beautiful squirrel
Sun is shining,frigid temps snow stopped for now but expected this afternoon
In the deep of winter......
I should have given credit where credit was due. That poem was on Glori's "wall." I'm sure a lot of you remember her. :)

Thinking of Kirsty and hope all went well. :ghug:
Afternoon all.
Thinking of you Kirsty - sending lots of positive thoughts your way.
Carol and Sandy thinking of you too!
Hope everyone else is holding their own
Where's Carol today? Also thinking of her, and you Grumpy and Shanen. I'd say let's forget the men, but I have to live with one here. Oh, hi Doug! Love you!

Our infusion dates are close..extra win for you! I have to read posts to catch up and can't believe what we all go through...damn...chronies/spouses and caregivers are tough. I hate dentist and clowns. I blame part of my excessive rambling on going into the 'big city' for a new car.

Haven't found it yet,close though...maybe.I figured I could use the $$$ and get a kick ass Harley but my turtle dove has other ideas. I did see a Subaru Forester with low miles.Hmmm,if I trade my current Harley and add it to the insurance money and get a ...Forester. Damn.Born to be mild.

Good luck!
The Subaru looks like the best option Dave
It will weather the snow a lot better than the Harley
Who wants to be wild anyway
Hope things are ok with you Carol
Waiting for Kirsty's news
Hi I'm ok. Pretty sore, it all went well. Apart from low sodium still. So I'm still nil by mouth after the op with no IV fluids either. I do get IV antibiotics at ten. I can wipe my lips with ice. Bring on the morning when I can drink a jug of water :)
I'm so happy it's over for you sweetheart,you haven't been far from my thoughts for the last 24hrs.These things are tough for "ordinary" people never mind us "chosen" ones.
Glad you are on the other side and ready to recover,Kirsty. I remember the ice swabs all too well,we do what we gotta do,right? I'm sending you healing thoughts and taking the Win! :ghug: :ghug:

...hmmm,are you using that convertible while you recoop? Probably not to good in the snow though. :ybiggrin:
Kirsty glad you've come through ok and are doing well. Thinking of you and the positive healing ahead.

Dave, next infusion 3/23. It's become my forced time to not do anything. I purposely bring nothing other than a book. Besides, the Benadryl makes me sleepy so I schedule for afternoons and work in a nap. Good luck with your vehicle purchase. My kids have finally left the house (probably not permanently) so we've finally ditched the mini van. Well, after my daughter blew out the head gasket. 218,000 miles, all ours, so I guess we got our use out of it. :)

Hope everyone else is doing fine as I sneak in a morning WIN! :ghug:
Morning all, winning.
Kirsty, glad that you are doing okay and hope that things continue to get better.
Dave, Harley's are cool but at -26 it would be really "cool", the Subaru is probably a better choice.
Shanen, Sandy and Trysha, hope that you are all doing well in your perspective corners of the world.
Robert, thelittleduck, Trev and Doug I hope that life treats you good today.
Carol, I hope that you get your flare under control soon and if you need to yell at someone, you know how to contact me right???? and you know that I will be glad to listen right?????
Again, if I missed anyone I truly didn't mean to and I hope that all have a better day today than they had yesterday
Just a quickie........still awaiting MRI results from 2wks ago,but have had a call on my mobile (CELL) from hospital wanting me in for an ultrasound next month.Letter to follow.Maybe it will give MRI result and reason for ultrasound ?

Any thoughts ?
Perhaps they want to zone in on a bit of inflammation and make treatment decisions
Ultrasound is amazing in what it can show but sometimes an underestimated tool
The docs may also want to avoid more intrusive exams like scopes
Hopefully this will all resolve swiftly for you Carol
So sorry you have to go through all those exams
Kirsty your news is so good that you are recovering well from the surgery must be a relief
Too bad you are unable to have fluids though.......still maybe tomorrow
Hope the rest of you are all enjoying the weather whatever it is bringing to you
Did you choose the Subaru Dave
Thanks Trysha,I've more or less managed on my own for years,with maintenance meds.
Had a few flares now and again,but again managed them myself.Now it seems it's one test after the other and no definite results so far.I've been flaring for 5wks and although not feeling really ill,I do feel a bit unwell. Whinge over.......Niagra was on our national news today.....Brrrrrrrrrr !!!! (Maine was also on Dave,was that you with the shovel ?)
Agreed with Trysha and Sandy. Ultrasound can narrow down what they are looking for without being invasive. Then they will decide the next course of action.
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