What's up with Doug? I'm on my third cocktail of the night. Bring on the jab night
Trying to get back to sleep now.
I forgot how easy winning this is. Absoutely no competition.
@Ducky, etc. - But nobody can get along without me, so here I am winning!
@Robert, you should know better than to mess with an auditor/someone with an accounting degree. Maybe your business needs to be audited? :rof:
Actually I think I let Doug off too easily - he should show his workings.
Carol.....know what you are going through right now
It will take a bit of time
He is now at the Rainbow Bridge
As you say one day at a time......
Shanen, did you get through your "end of" season?
Oops - Morning All, hope everyone has a good day and thinking warm and positive thoughts for you all :ghug:
Don't pick on Dave - he is training for the A Team.
More wine is drunk per head in the Vatican City than in any other country....
(but Roberts storeroom comes a close second , and Kirstys kitchen is a close third )
67% of Carols speak nonsence 85% of the time.