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I was a good lass, slept a few more hours. Great you heard from mumma T :)
I like shots in my coffee :) frangelico, armeretto :) :)

You're quite posh you really,aren't you ?:drink:

You and Robba would have a lot to talk about.But wait 'til your stitches heal or coughing due to his cigar fug,might do you a mischief.:eek:
Woof back to Allie
Morning everyone. Robert go put the jug on please. I'd love a cuppa tea.
We had a power outage at our house this morning and my PC, laptop, TV, DVD, iPad & my new surround sound music system were all shut down.

Then I discovered that my Mobile Phone battery was flat and to top it off it was raining outside, so I couldn't play golf.

I went into the kitchen to make a coffee and then I remembered that this also needs power, so I sat and talked to my wife for a few hours.

She seems like a nice person.
We had a power outage at our house this morning and my PC, laptop, TV, DVD, iPad & my new surround sound music system were all shut down.

Then I discovered that my Mobile Phone battery was flat and to top it off it was raining outside, so I couldn't play golf.

I went into the kitchen to make a coffee and then I remembered that this also needs power, so I sat and talked to my wife for a few hours.

She seems like a nice person.

I wonder what she'd have to say about you...

Okay as can be expected thanks. How bout you? Winning

Same sh**, different day :rof::rof::rof:

No,I'm fine really.All my nasties have cleared up,just an ultrasound on my gallbladder at the end of the month ,then hopefully back to normal.:yrolleyes:
I can't get Doug to quit looking on this forum. No privacy I tell ya! :( He's always reading on LOW.
(He just said, when I showed him my last statement "oh, Sandy!"):rof::ycool::rof:

(Poor Doug. He's stuck with me.)
Well thanks - she's still got it big time.

Don't worry about the A Team - that would never happen.
Phew, not that I was worried or anything.

Good to make you smile. I should imagine you need therapy after we beat you in the cricket. In the Oz game in the 23- 23 over the crowd chanted to the oz team "your worse than England!"

I didn't watch the kiwis bat, I need my blood pressure to stay low, if I watched then that wasn't going to happen.
Robert, you sound just like my grannie. She used to say that to me. Once she made me remake my bed 12 times as I couldn't get the hospital corners right.
Robert, you sound just like my grannie. She used to say that to me. Once she made me remake my bed 12 times as I couldn't get the hospital corners right.

Only right Kirsty, but you must have been a rubbish bed maker.:ylol2:

Twelve times is a bit harsh though...:eek2:
I haven't heard that saying, but I keep trying to convey that idea to Oto, our former foster son. He always responds with, after asking for something and we say no to, "just kidding." That kid is afraid of his own shadow.

Kirsty, my bed it's still unmade, do you want to come over? :)
Aaarrrggghhh! It would take a male to misunderstand my intentions, but I guess I could have worded that better. :)
Well at least it's not just me who gets into trouble on here.

Did you notice the "lairy lurker" supporting the "fantasising fisherman" ???

Where's "daring Dave & dastardly Ducky" ??? (that's "daring NOT darling ).
I just deleted my last post because it was boring win. :rof: (inside joke with me myself and I)
Move it on over there Sandy, my turn for a minute again. Winning
Carol, what the heck is that (I'll google it).

It's a Catfish! :ybatty:
Musn't grumble Grumps,thanks..........I just had to do a google for my hubby.his corydoras are breeding.:eek2:

I'm taking orders if anybody's interested...:rof:

oops,and I'm winning:smile:

I just had to Google what corydoras are myself, and Robert, you lurker, you can serve yourself, you already saw you're not invited!

Musn't grumble Grumps,thanks..........I just had to do a google for my hubby.his corydoras are breeding.:eek2:

I'm taking orders if anybody's interested...:rof:

oops,and I'm winning:smile:

Had to google it also.

Hey Robert...maybe the guys can clean up and serve my drinks? :rof:
Not really Grumpy, am sarcastic though and tend to a rather wicked sense of humor. Thanks though you guys made my day. Although the people I work with came back into my office to see what had me snickering, as I sit in my office by myself.
Not really Grumpy, am sarcastic though and tend to a rather wicked sense of humor. Thanks though you guys made my day. Although the people I work with came back into my office to see what had me snickering, as I sit in my office by myself.

does your boss know you spend all day on here???
Something for you all to think about,and I would appreciate it if you kept any smart remarks about the Brits to yourself.....

The weight of the average daily poop is 5oz--- 68 % of us do a no.2 once a day,and in a year we each poop 10lb. (four and a half kilos).In the UK we collectively expel 1 million stone of faeces a day..... the same weight as the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Now if that doesn't deserve a win,I don't know what does.!!!!!
I win as I can now stop daily injections in my belly, yay! Although it is humira jab day today.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - it's not happening - but maybe you have potential for the A Team after all as not much makes me laugh.

A team not happening is right, why mess with the perfection of the B team? Thanks for the giggle though. :ylol:
you may have got away Kirsty, but I know where you live, nearly 3 years since we've had a coffee, I miss your baking.
Trev I haven't baked since working full time. I can't do both and I need to work while I can. :)
It's okay, I was doing a little baiting of my own (and rubbing it in, in Bobby's case.) :rof:
I'm booking you a room, it's got nice padded walls, minimalist decor. That will help you cope :)
I always imagine everyone on here speaks with an English accent - but I suppose not. I probably couldn't even understand a word Kirsty says - mind you, I have that problem already.
Would you prefer two - three word utterances to help you make sense? E.g.
B team brilliant
Kirsty feeling good
Jab hurt
Kirsty copes well
oh, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby ...

What are we going to do with you. Didn't you get enough hugs as a young boy? :ghug:
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