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Teresa, on my way. Got your bags packed and goodies packed? I'll bring Melissa's home baked lemon, lime w/coconut frosting cake.
Hi everyone.Sandy is taking an unplanned break from the party. She just had a grand mal seizure. She is going to be fine.
Ok Glori I had the best Gouda the other day it tasted liked aged cheddar but Gouda texture

Is Gouda a cheese like Cheddar where it might make my mouth, throat & ears itch? I'm finding that Colby Jack doesn't do that to me. I was wondering if Gouda cheese would.
I guess I'll have to give it a try. What kind of crackers do you recommend. I had some natural/organic crackers with sesame seeds recently and they made me sick to my tummy.:confused2:
Your lord and master has returned.

'bout bloody time,where have you been????? If you've been sick,you're excused,but if you've beed Lording it up you really must ask permission next time.......We have been worried though,welcome back...........Winning:lol2:
Bet you're sitting there all smug waiting for the "welcome backs" from all the girls.....................WINNING
Officially fed up with the poor weather - start of Summer Time next week (I think) and it's snowing.

Sort it out someone - quick!!!!!!
Officially fed up with the poor weather - start of Summer Time next week (I think) and it's snowing.

Sort it out someone - quick!!!!!!

Robert this is notthe weather thread :lol2: you'll just have to roll you're Easter Egg in the snow.
Actually that reminds me of one of my favourite jokes - going to post it (again) on the other thread
Cool here with bright sunshine, lovely day for a walk---
now is the time to win------
We still got the water ban we do need rain non forecasted for next ten days

I'm just waking up.
thinking Coromandel, or maybe just Thames, glad to hear you are feeling better Kirsty
Hi! Busy answering a ton of emails. Hope you are having a great day. Had a really nice time wit Louie and lindsay and then went grocery shopping. It's not as much fun as it used to be. I am having wheezing again and don't know why! Weird! Tires me out....
I must be a great great nana then. Had a good day with kiddo ( although he thinks he is love starved and ultra clingy) playing with model trains again. even rearranged the furniture after he left.
I fought one off about two hours ago. I yawned till my eyes were just watering like crazy. Made tea and drank that and eventually, finally it went away. now it's bedtime because I get up for church early and I am over the tiredness. But took my nightime helper. So hopefully I will be able to crash out! Hugs to you all!:ghug:
We did it again Bee!!!:lol2:
Hi! Busy answering a ton of emails. Hope you are having a great day. Had a really nice time wit Louie and lindsay and then went grocery shopping. It's not as much fun as it used to be. I am having wheezing again and don't know why! Weird! Tires me out....

I gave you my asthma. mine is getting better. breathing really does help.
Yeah I don't know how you do it. Maybe you could get a Kindle. Or Google chrome is just $299.00:yfaint: I know, but for a laptop that is cheap.

Honk Honk said the goose!:lol2:
I better just mouth the words while we sing. I don't want to break anyone's ear drums with my off key notes. It is much easier to hear the notes on the piano to me than my own voice.
I'm practicing for next Christmas party, by the way.
I'm prepping by making cookies and eating them. Practice makes perfect!:ylol:
Found out where Jamie is, she is watching March madness!:ybatty:
That's ok, we still love you hon! She is doing the brackets. Does Doug get into that? Pitt lost their first time up and so they are out and so are we!:eek:

I liked the way you said it just fine. :)
I just remembered, thanks to you, I have to have a cake made for afamilydinner tomorrow at my mom's. :eek:
it's my brother's, and his wife's, birthday this week. both on the same day. Lehi and Lorelei, lol.
Better luck next year! ow is Ashley? How is Oto?

We didn't end up seeing her like I thought we would, and that is okay, I needed a break. she is well, though. her foster brother is leaving in a few days to serve as a missionary in Mexico for two years. Oto is just happy to have attention.
Oto sounds sooo sweet Muah to him! Ashleys brother a missionary!? That is pretty cool. I admire people who can drop their whole life and go be a missionary. It is what we are supposed to do, but most of us don't.
Ashley always wanted cake too. I much prefer cookies. she also always wanted me to make suckers with her, but the one and only time I did I ended up with second degree burns on my fingers ( think I had a partial seizure then), and will never, ever make them again.
Don't blame you!!! Did I tell you Louie got sick while here from his new anxiety pills? He threw up and they make him really hot and his arm pits were soaked. He has gained 60 lb since he's been on his meds!!!I couldn't believe it when I saw him.They are both applying for their permits. She is allowed because she hasn't had a seizure in over a yr.
Did you have fire engine red hair and dark brown eyes when you were born? Skin so fair you could see right thru it to my veins. And you wonder why I don't go in the sun!!:lol2:

no, jet black hair that fell out and turned almost white, very blond growing up. I could have sworn you had blue eyes. you have to remember I have a very tiny screen.
Don't blame you!!! Did I tell you Louie got sick while here from his new anxiety pills? He threw up and they make him really hot and his arm pits were soaked. He has gained 60 lb since he's been on his meds!!!I couldn't believe it when I saw him.They are both applying for their permits. She is allowed because she hasn't had a seizure in over a yr.

I think we are using too many meds in western medicine. far too many. there have to be other therapies that work. ( try telling a young man to do yoga, though.)
We don't believe in yoga. It is ancient mysticism and just won't do it or participate no matter what people say. Louie does need the ADHD med, it has really helped him to focus. But the anxiety meds are causing this. He had a breakdown.
Mine too! I forgot to tell you, Nagshead and Outer banks is in N. Carolina not South!!!something else I wanted to tell you and now can't recall! Dang it!:ymad:
We are getting 6 more inches tmorrow night of snow!!!! Then to melt form the sun later Monday. We'll see!!!:lol2:Like how would they know that?
Oh yes, I have to watch what I listen to or I find myself fantasizing about old boyfriends and you don't want to do that!
We are getting 6 more inches tmorrow night of snow!!!! Then to melt form the sun later Monday. We'll see!!!:lol2:Like how would they know that?

We had a very well liked weather caster here before he retired that used to tell us about the old time local Indian way of forecasting, which was often more accurate than the computer models. weather forecasting gets into all sorts of algorithms and things I don't understand.
Mike's Grandma used to say, "If you want to know the weather stick your head out the window!" That seems the best way!:lol2:
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