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Hi Grumpy.....must be a better way to check drugs.......feel better soon
I'd rather not be 21 again but maybe 27?
Long time no see Dave......good to see you again...
Now to enjoy the lovely wintry weather....the snow just transforms landscapes into refreshing scenic beauty and too soon it melts to make way for springtime.......but not yet....three months to go.
Searching the for sale newspaper columns for a used Tardis going cheap....
Paging Dr Who... Where are you....come in Dr Who.......waiting.....
This games only for winners,so you don't qualify Walt. Sorry.

What am I saying,of course I'm not sorry.

But I am winning.
Can't believe it's near bedtime again
Another day...another dollar..?
Hi peeps, it's a lovely day in paradise, or so they tell me, oh to be in paradise 😀
Hope your all OK today. :hug:
sorry Trev, lemme drive for a few moments?

Kristy ole pal, your curent avatar lifts me each time I see it!
you're a hoot!

(changed mine, hate it, more changed indicated)

Good afternoon all,did you know that more people monitor the internet for the Chinese government, than serve in it's armed forces ?

So,hello,could I have prawn chop suey and fried rice please ?

winning in anticipation.
(winces uncomfortably)I just see people

Aura did that thing where you post to this huge, silly, hugely silly thread...
and then, whilst you are winning...
you come back and... post again?!? :O That is sooo fun!

I propose a motion that we come up with a name for that "thing"?
It'd mean to boldly snatch victory from the jaws of victory?

then again, I may be a little nuts?
as always, your thoughts welcome...

How about... maybe... the "dbl win"?
'scuse me !!! A double win ??? I don't think that's in the rules book.
But can I just say,that once you get hooked on this thread,your doomed.
I think you've found it addictive,am I right ? Mandy certainly has,,she posts at the crack of dawn on her way to work,there are others who post during spells of amnesia,there might even be those who post from the bathroom,but they:y haven't owned up. All I'm saying is the "prize" might have something to do with addiction.Like a week in a padded cell.
But I will take the win from you,and damn the consequences. :lol2::lol2::lol2:
Softly...gently...winning is my motive...
Sunshine warming coolness of winter...
Healing smoothing time for physiotherapy...

great day flying today, but way too hot.
I'm just flying in for a win. That's quite the plane, Trev. Looks like fun!
And I try to stay away from this place, sometimes succeed for a few hours to a couple days at a time, so I'm not an addict am I?
Wow Trev thats a big one!!😆
Sandy your only a slight addict,theres hope for you☺
Just woke up for work n look 👀 im at it already 😆
Mandy....I thought you were an insomniac like me writing at this the home for insomniacs...
Till I realized the five hour time difference...middle of the night here.
'Spose I am an addict too.......
Now I am studying transatlantic England to see my family when I finally get released from rehab programmes.....
Till then.....awake and
Haha . Oh Trysha nice one coming to old blighty ☺ hope you can get a good deal hun. Where abouts are you heading over here ?. Hope its somewhere nice ☺
It will be to St Albans, Hertfordshire to one of my sisters and her family
And will be for two between all my appointments!!
Just can't sleep tonight...had some abdominal pains....probably interior decor scars healing...
Plus my dental situation but it is better since I had acupuncture this afternoon stopped all the ache on the right side....I forgot to mention the left side which wasn't a problem at the time.
Will see what the dentist says tomorrow...hope he can fix everything.
Have to get into tip top shape for the trip...
I'm up for my 4:00 am win, your trip sounds lovely Trysha. Have a good day at work, Mandy. I'm sure that since I've been awake for my requisite hour or two in the middle of the night, I'll go back to sleep for awhile. Zzzzzzz
Or maybe I'll go get something to eat.
Maybe I'll sleep eat :D (been known to do that, ate a whole pan of brownies once while asleep😨.)
Ah you say u were asleep Sandy but were u really 😆
Oh ye it is nice down there Trysh. I think thats where Spooky has moved to ,Hertfordshire? 😃
No Mandy,she's in Northhamptonshire.Quick win,then I must untangle the washing from the line.Been very windy today but it looks like rains coming....winning
Raining here too but the temp is just above freezing (37 degrees Fahrenheit) so it should make for an interesting ride home at the end of the work day.
I'm in Trevs city again! Just had a great catch up and expresso frappe with him and Deb :). Great too see you both again.

Hey Walt thanks for the compliment.

Heading home tomorrow. Wolf has come home after six nights away.
I'm in Trevs city again! Just had a great catch up and expresso frappe with him and Deb :). Great too see you both again.

Hey Walt thanks for the compliment.

Heading home tomorrow. Wolf has come home after six nights away.

How is Trev?
Me thinks Wolf has a lady friend ☺
Win for me...
Hey David just juggling health, stress and specialists. Waiting for CT scan on pancreas and also appointment with neurologist for the shaking in my right arm at rest and on movement. Plus we've had stress with our ex landlord losing the plot so we ended up in court. Judge deferred his decision to read hubby's evidence. But we live in a much nicer wee home by the beach now.

Yes Wolf has made lots of new friends here. I will Bluetooth him soon.
Isn't that Wolf's second great escape since your move Kirst? He's an adventerous one!
Similar temps and weather to Shanen here today. No canoes needed. Going to dinner with a fellow IBDer, and her husband who has seizures, tomorrow. For some reason, we felt a connection. 😆 (Long time member Jessi, but don't think she has posted in ages here. ) They are a really great and fun couple!
And she was the one who told me what the prize was, and it is definitely in Utah.
visiting you fine (sick) folks is winning enough for me...

so whomever posts after me can win?

I'm just happy to be here!

so give it to them ;)
. . . . . . . . . \/

safe travels Kirsty
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... and now
... an uplifting message with dreadful grammer for no particular reason?

I ain't never been in remission y'all but I surely envy those who get there.

I may got the Crohn's, but the Crohn's ain't got me!
I did consider not posting today,to give all of you nice people,and Walt,a chance.......
Then I thought,No, Carol,you know they'd worry,and stress is not good for Crohnies.
So here I am,winning AGAIN...... I'm really good to you all eh. ?
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