I stayed away from eating an orange this morning and as expected I have no runny nose nor am I sneezing. Will of course continue to monitor if that should change. Doing ok this morning. Energy levels and strength seem good. I've eaten a lot of fiber of late. I am now a bit worried about that. I'll pull back on the fiber eating. Tongue looks good. Left foot doesn't hurt though from time to time I can feel that zap feeling but a not very painful zap. I don't like any kind of electrical type zap but a far less painful zap is preferable to the big painful type. I'll probably for ever stop eating citrus. I'm not good at keeping those types of statements but there is a reaction going on that is problematic. Whether is results in fatigue and stomach issues is unknown. Oh just remembered about my back. the back pain is gone. another reason for me to keep avoiding citrus. I completely forgot about the link to back pain and eating citrus that I discovered last year.