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I just received the letter to go for my colonoscopy! It is on my Birthday!!! So much for the keg dinner :(. On top of it, it is a late time 12:40pm, I am gonna die... :yfaint: NO Food is the worst part.

Boooo hisssss...colonoscopy on your birthday!!! :stinks:
Well, you wont forget this coming birthday will ya??? You can tell your friends and family "its such a big occasion...I had to prepare for it for HOURS!"
I just received the letter to go for my colonoscopy! It is on my Birthday!!! So much for the keg dinner :(. On top of it, it is a late time 12:40pm, I am gonna die... :yfaint: NO Food is the worst part.

No dinner at the Keg - that is cruel
Hate those colonoscopies! Had my last one in May this last year. Love that message of Terriernut though! "Had to prepare my birthday for hours" Ha Ha:)

I've been put on the aza for a little bit. Was taken off it though. Think what happened is that I was on too many drugs at the time. Wish you didn't have to do that wonderful thing on your birthday though, Pen. Hope that you will finally get some answers at that time though. Maybe you can celebrate your birthday a little late. That's what we do with my mom since we're usually working on her birthday. She seems to like how she gets more than one birthday party! One with dad and another with us:)
Yeah, we planned a Keg Dinner for after, depending how I feel after a few days. It is a week later and then my daughters bd and valentines so we roll that onto one dinner for the 3 of us. It is the only thing I want.

Here is your clue of my birthday,... Ground hogs day :lol:
Ha! I know when your birthday is :D Feel a bit of a ******* though, I thought ground hogs day was just a film with Bill Murray in it :ybatty:
Ya know, I know that movie but, never watched it as I am NOT a Bill Murray fan. It is a tradition here for the ground hog to predict the spring or more snow... myth at best.
Ahhh, toward Imbolc time. When the ewes begin to show milk. So...is Canada different dates? (ooooh...ok I'm trying to home in on that date Pen!)
Ya just can't have secrets any more lol.... yeah then my daughter turns 24 on the 13th just 50 min shy of Valentines...she brings 13 a lucky day.

they say if the ground hog sees its shadow it is 6 more weeks of winter or vice versa, hey I dont ever know mythical stuff :lol:
Pen I'm so sorry I'm late ot this forum! My goodness you've been through soou much-I'm so glad you are doing better!
Thank you I am doing alot better, since I ma tapering to 25mg I am experiencing abit of bloat. Pred stops the loose bowels and cause a bit of bloat. Got all my stuff for the colonoscopy, clear juice and stuff , and the dreaded Jello ;)
Down to 5mg now for pred. I went to see my Gp yesterday and had my b12 shot and told him I was in the hospital beginning of Jan from a partial blockage. I told him that my findings were most likely from almonds. So I said "I will never eat Almonds again for the rest of my life" and he said "your the patient"... not sure how to take that. Sounded condescending, maybe I am just overthinking.

A week to today is my prep for my scope. Pico Salax has a new flavour Cranberry!!! OMG like I can hardly wait??? NO. :yfaint:
Lets hope he meant you should've known better, and you know your body better than he! They can be condesending certainly...try the school marm look, works a treat! (maybe thats cause we are women?)

I am hoping that you get some bright brain to help you young lady!!!
You have my sympathy in having another prep! I get to wait 2 more months until mine. The surgeon wanted me to have one, 1 month after my surgery, but my dr said I get to wait 3 months. Woo Hoo, I'm so sick of doing them.... :(

Don't let the doc make you rethink your decision, I'll never have another pistachio nut for the same reason.....:( I don't think the doc's know as much about eating as we do :)
Thanks Linda, Pico Salax is only one cup of the stuff but water after, and one the next morning not like Klean Prep gallons of salty crap!!!!
Dont forget some people PAY to have prep...calling it something special, colon cleanse, pretending it is going to make them healthy or sommit! Just think of those stupid twits, and laugh!!! Yes Paris Hilton, eat your heart out!
:mademyday: You have NO idea how much I needed this!!!! Just had a rough week and I really needed all you guys for support!!!! :biggrin::banana:
Hey Pen, really pleased you are down to 5mg pred :) I am back up to 25mg :( When I next have to have a prep I want the pico salax! It is so hard to drink the other stuff as there is sooo much of it. Sorry to hear you have been having a bad week though :hug: It's not like you can say next week will be better! This disease really SUCKS.
Angry bird I have had so many scopes that now there is Pico Salax (orange or cranberry flavour) I will never go back to any other!
Have had one flexi sig and seven colonoscopies (not too bad really). I just get sent stuff in the post and that is that, next time I am sending it back though. One thing that is better is that for the last 3 I was allowed to eat a breakfast before 10am on the day before the procedure. Before that I was not allowed to have anything at all.
Hey angrybird I'm in the uk and the prep I had was citramag (along with senna). It comes in two lemon flavoured sachets. You mix each one with 200ml of water, taking them 6-8hrs apart. It didnt taste too bad and not too much of it to drink. By the time I had to drink the second lot I felt pretty sick but I eventually managed to get it down me. I think that between the doses I had to drink water but cant quite remember. I reckon that compared to some of the other preps I've heard ppl talking aboot, citramag is not as bad. have you tried it? I hope you manage to get a prep that is not too bad.

Pen, I've been thinking of you, just don't often have helpful advice to give haha! I hope your week gets better, I'm sad to hear it's been rotten :( lots of hugs :hug: xx
Hi Soybean, what you have had is definetly different to what I have always been given, I am living in the wrong part of the UK :( Luckily I don't have any scopes booked or required and I hope I don't need to for a good long while to come. Am going to make notes about these though for future reference because as we all know with this disease the info will come in handy at some point!
Dont forget some people PAY to have prep...calling it something special, colon cleanse, pretending it is going to make them healthy or sommit! Just think of those stupid twits, and laugh!!! Yes Paris Hilton, eat your heart out!

Oh, I was reading a post on another forum, some gal deicding which cleanse would be best, and I had to sit on my hands so I wouldn't type some smart-a$$ remark. What on earth do they think it does that's so good? Cleanse?? Ummmmmmm, that was not meant to be "clean" :D Silly people.
I am having a colonoscopy this Friday and I wish they had Pico Salax here in the US. I am using Moviprep for the 2nd time and it is by far the best I have had so far, still tastes horrible. It is taken in two doses 12 hrs apart. I wish they would leave the aspartame out, the sweetness does not help the taste!
I would of thought for sure the states would have it. Ferring is the maker. I have heard of moviprep but never experienced it. Here Citromag is not used much any more because some Gi's feel it is too aggressive, with sides. Aspartame is yuk. I use Stevia in my coffee because it is safe for me. I also dont need the calories :lol:

Carol good luck with your scope! I am assuming today is prep day. Just clear fluids and jello ...yuk. ;)