What is YOUR weather like today??

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It's supposed to be in the mid sixties and sunny until next Wednesday. Because of our water shortage I feel guilty enjoying it, but just a little.
Another day of over 30c with another storm maybe???? I think they are starting to use the storm threat like we are naughty children. Ron.
Well we did get the storm tonight. Lots of wind lightning and rain. Big too it stretched from the NSW border to the Sunshine coast , close to 180 kilometres. No damage but we lost power for a while. Ron.
If anything, it's warmer here. Warm enough to the point I don't like it at night, but the days are beautiful still.
Enjoy it while it lasts Sandy,because you know it won't.

Not a bad day here,sunny and calm.A walk through the park to the Sunday market looks good.
Wild storms in SE Qld this afternoon . Wind gusts over 150kliks at Brisbane airport. A caravan park flattened on the Sunshine coast. Temps over 36 c. Sydney is on fire again with high temps and strong winds. Vineyards flattened by strong winds and storms in the Barossa valley in SA. Perth expecting temps over 37c tomorrow. Ron.
Have just read online of the earthquake in New Zealand......I hope all our Kiwi crohnies and their families and friends are safe.
Yes the South Island again. There is a tsunami warning out but they are not expecting major waves just some tidal surge. Hope they are all safe . Ron.
Our weatherman said last night that our weather has gone on vacation.
Thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by the quake. Ron50, stay safe in your weather also.
us too Sandy.Temp. has been in double figures C. for a while now,but it's going to cool down drastically.The sooner it arrives the sooner it gets over,if you know what I mean.It seems to have been a long and warmish Autumn.
Wow! Day before yesterday we hit a record high for that date of 71°f in a string of record high, sunny days. Today it is 30° and a little snow!
Yeah, I've been meaning to all week but things kept getting in the way. Now I have to let them dry off in the garage before I put them in their bags, so my garage will be cluttered for a couple days. There's also an outdoor rug to deal with under the furniture. Sigh.
Just woke up to a smattering of snow ❄here today....mmmm dont like driving in snow. Hope i get to work ok, not so much because of my own driving but the other idiots that dont slow down and adjust how they drive in this weather.
I want to sit on your chair Sandy......Just the way it is. I mentioned a storm that hit Brisbane airport last week. It also hit Brisbane docks. One or the yards had shipping containers stacked six and eight high. They got scattered like playing cards. Unfortunately a lot of them landed on a car park full of brand new Audies. What A mess A lot of folks will not be getting their new prestige car for Christmas. Ron.
What a shame for them Ron ..no new fancy car oh dear how will they cope!!! They should think themselves lucky considering other things going on in the world. Specially considering the NZ quakes so close to home..💕💕
Some incredible footage from that quake . No one could believe the picture of the three cows stuck on a pillar with all the surrounding paddock gone. The farmer had to make a ramp to get them down. Amazing that there were only two deaths. The NZ government have put the damage bill at over a billion dollars. It is going to take years to restore things and they suspect there is a bigger quake imminent. Very scary. Ron.
I am weapons grade Carol , without our group of sufferers global warming would not be a problem... Ron.
Do I dare laugh at the above two posts from Carol and Ron, not being diagnosed with an IBD myself? Then again, you could call our house "the windy city" probably more aptly than Chicago (myself included). I think our dog is the most lethal though. (Boston terriers are known for this phenomena, plus she's actually diagnosed with colitis!)
Our little storm has moved on to the Midwest, but the cold has stayed. It got down to about 20° last night. And the soggy cushion is still there, should you care come for a visit Ron. I'll even put the one cushion back on the bench where it belongs (the dog likes to knock them onto the ground when she "sunbathes.")
That would have been quite scary in your area with the wind, Ron. I hope nobody was hurt.
It's 36° at almost 9am. Back more in the norm of this time of year with the temps. It will be a bright, but cool day. I can live with that.
thick drizzle, very damp and quite cold too. Heating going on.

Yep that is definitely my little David on the trampoline, nice to see a hedgie this time of year. Might have to beg the local Hogwatch to let me overwinter some of their juveniles. I miss hedgies. Have managed to acquire some hedgehog Christmas tree decorations and some glittery on the floor, under the tree ornaments too, not to mention the hedgehog xmas cards lol. I'm officially hedgie mad.
2c and grey here so far,but it looks like rains on the way.

I love that ad.Diane,but I have a huge problem with dogs in ads.Idiots will buy them 'cos the kids (and adults) think they're going to be what they see.They don't consider the hard work,dedication,patience and expense they bring with them.
In was 37c in Melbourne yesterday. There was a surge of "thundestorm asthma cases" which resulted in 2 deaths. Hundreds of calls to ambulance services, so many calls in fact that fire and police were also tasked to response.

Today it was 19c.
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Raining as ever. Not so cold though.

I think Boxer dogs will be the present for Xmas this year. Sad really. Animals need 24 hour care usually, especially dogs, and they live for quite a lot of years too.
Hi Catherine,
That was one scary storm. I have never heard of that phenomenon before with the pollen being swept up then damped down. Instant asthma. There is nothing worse than acute asthma attacks. I had some canned pineapple in juice a week or so ago and bang my breathing started to shut down. I live alone so I always have plenty of ventolin on hand tho that was not doing much so I took 10 mg of prednisone. That pulled it up quickly. Asthma would be the worst way to die that I can imagine. I really feel for those caught up in the storm . Ron. PS 37c one day and expecting snow a few days later , crazy country, Hugs Ron.
Hi Catherine,
That was one scary storm. I have never heard of that phenomenon before with the pollen being swept up then damped down. Instant asthma. There is nothing worse than acute asthma attacks. I had some canned pineapple in juice a week or so ago and bang my breathing started to shut down. I live alone so I always have plenty of ventolin on hand tho that was not doing much so I took 10 mg of prednisone. That pulled it up quickly. Asthma would be the worst way to die that I can imagine. I really feel for those caught up in the storm . Ron. PS 37c one day and expecting snow a few days later , crazy country, Hugs Ron.

They are now saying four deaths. Chemists are saying large numbers attend their shops looking for hay fever medication. They didn't even know they needed ventolin as they didn't know they were having asthma attacks.
2c.but it will hopefully rise as the day goes on.A fine day,so we're going for a bike ride at the coast.Got to make the most of it.....
If you can call it lucky I came from a family of chronic asthmatics. We nearly lost my brother when he was younger with acute attacks. I was ok when I was younger but in a reversal of the norm I got worse when I got older. I have the preventer puffers , the ventolin for active attacks and prednisone for more acute attacks. I try not to use the preventers because they are steroid base and play merry hell with my blood sugars. If I have an attack the ventolin and pred shuts it down quickly so I am not on steroids for weeks at a time. Most people would be shocked to know how many people die from asthma attacks , they think of it just as a chronic disease. I remember some years back when the wine coolers hit the market they had a residue of sulphur dioxide in them and they caused more than a few fatal asthma attacks. We just don't take some diseases seriously enough. We are heading for a humid 35c tomorrow with a possible late cooler change. Ron.
I had asthma over 30 yrs ago.We had just bought our house and the builders had been in updating things.I had to scrub cement off all the floors etc.and that's what started it.I was on Ventolin tabs for a while,and I always said I wouldn't wish asthma on my worst enemy.It was terrifying !!!.Luckily I haven't had it since.It's like crohns,those who haven't got it don't have a clue what it can do to peoples lives....
It was lovely down the coast,cold and bright and clear.Clouding over now but it will be dark in an hour or so.
I have exercise/cold/pollution other particulates induced asthma and could feel myself wheezing slightly as I read the above, lol. I have to use a preventative inhaler a couple times a day or I would be using my emergency inhaler everyday, but do a lot better than the year I developed asthma (also as an adult).
Of course, we are going into what is my asthma season -- the cold and Utah's notorious inversions, thick smoggy air that gets trapped when we don't have precipitation. We did have an inch and a half of rain the other day, which is 1/10th of Utah's average annual rainfall (we get very slightly more here.) We also will have more sleet/rain this afternoon turning to snow tonight. They say 100% chance.
We are in the middle of a heatwave. It is expected to last for up to two weeks with temps ranging from 30c up to 38c . There have been supercells forming every afternoon . We have been lucky most of the time but two passed over us tonight. A town just to the north had hail. The hail stones were the size of tennis balls. They were way past the size of being lethal if they hit you. The upper atmosphere will be a lot more stable tomorrow so no storms are expected. There are around fifty wildfires burning across the state thanks to high temps and strong northerly winds. Looks like we are in for a summer from hell. Ron.
We are in the middle of a heatwave. It is expected to last for up to two weeks with temps ranging from 30c up to 38c . There have been supercells forming every afternoon . We have been lucky most of the time but two passed over us tonight. A town just to the north had hail. The hail stones were the size of tennis balls. They were way past the size of being lethal if they hit you. The upper atmosphere will be a lot more stable tomorrow so no storms are expected. There are around fifty wildfires burning across the state thanks to high temps and strong northerly winds. Looks like we are in for a summer from hell. Ron.
Be careful
I've just e-mailed Scott with those very same words RR7.It really must be a living hell over there.Here today has been perfect.Bright and sunny,light breeze and 10c.Enjoyed a 6ml cycle along the coast. Take care Ron.50.
That is terrifying, Ron! Please do keep safe. And cool. I wish we could spread some of our cold your direction.
This world has had some terrifying weather events the last several years. Tennessee has had its worst wildfire in over a hundred years this week with at least seven dead, dozens injured, some missing, as wildfire was suddenly spread with very high wind gusts, little to no warning. I've attached a link to "The Washington Post" which tells about it and has some video and a link towards the bottom of another video, this one quite terrifying, of some people who barely made it out. I don't know why people are drawn to see such things, but I have to admit I'm one of them. Perhaps it's because of being evacuated this summer from a campground with approaching wildfire, perhaps morbid curiosity. I hate to admit, I think mine is more the later. Gatlingburg, Tennessee, where most of this story is centered from, is a little tourist town surrounded on three sides by a national park.
Here, it's snowing again. Quite the contrast.
That is scary stuff Sandy , when things go pear shaped it all happens so quickly. Things have improved with fire safety in Australia. Every community has a plan and warnings go out early. If your home is not defendable the advice is to evacuate early. If it is too late to run there are nominated areas to go to stand and fight the fire. These areas are considered defendable by the fire authority. People are still dying in Melbourne as a result of the Asthma storm the death toll is round seven now. One of the problems is that the authorities are putting out severe storm warnings and fire alerts every day and people are betting blaze about it. Just because it hasn't happened this week doesn't mean that it won't happen soon . Natural events are like shotgun blasts , they effect a wide area but don't always touch the population centres. Ron.
Wow, Sandy, I would not have wanted to be driving around there in that fire. Amazing, and I would have sworn a lot more than he did. So scary.

It's slightly warmer today, but fingers still numb. Stay safe all, especially Ron in Australia and I hope you don't suffer with that asthma weather.

Looking Christmassy around here now and I bought myself a soft toy hedgehog from john lewis. All I need now is a few other animals and a trampoline, but only those in the UK will understand that.
It's been a nice day here and managed another ride out on the bikes.It's raining gently now I think,but too dark to see.Diane,there was something on the local TV news the other day about hedgehogs.The local hog rescue is overrun with hoglets due to the mild Autumn,and when we had a couple of v.cold nights a week or so ago, the Mrs. Tiggywinkles went to ground and abandoned the youngsters.It's so worrying because as you know they're on the "danger" list already.
We are getting some storms from hell. South Brisbane ,The gold Coast and northern NSW got hit by a belter at 4 am this morning. The lightning was ferocious. They had some film taken from a gold coast highrise of lightning bolts hitting Mount Warning 75 kliks to the south. Unfortunately an American visitor and his girlfriend had climbed the mountain the evening before to catch the sunrise (it is the first place the rising sun can be seen in Australia) unfortunately the tree they camped under was hit by a massive lightning bolt. He was killed instantly and his girlfriend was injured. It was very sad . It is considered a dangerous spot and camping is not allowed. There are specific warnings on the hiking trails never to climb the mountain in a storm. Ron.
Why do people put themselves at risk.Life itself is risky enough.

Kalgoorlies electricity was wiped out during a storm a few days ago.No air-con during the night and 40c heat.....
It's been 0 - 6c here for a few days but jumping up to 13c tomorrow.Cloudy.
We have had temps in the mid thirties for well over a week and storms on around half of those days. We are expecting severe storms for the next 3 nights before a cooler change. As usual the heat is taking a toll on my health. Ron.
Colder than normal the past couple days, high of 25°f yesterday and only 12°f today, but sunny. Will be warmer and maybe some rain and/or snow over the the next week. Get to have a lung function test tomorrow, which I will be glad to have results of before our usual winter inversion kicks in. (It's hard on the asthma.) I was just telling some people on another thread (some of which are here too so sorry for the repeat), about an area in Utah called "Peter Sink," a naturally occurring large sink hole which is known to be one of the coldest areas in the lower 48 (US) states. Yesterday it got as low as minus 46°f! It is somewhat of an anomaly as the temps at the bottom of the mile long area compared to air above its rim can be as much as 70°f difference, because cold air gets trapped in the bowl shaped area, but the warmer air rises and can dissipate into the rest of the atmosphere once out of the bowl. It has the distinction of having the second-lowest recorded temperature in the lower 48 states at -69°f below zero. In southern Utah, the town of St. George holds record highs for our state at 117°f. Quite the contrast.
Colder than normal the past couple days, high of 25°f yesterday and only 12°f today, but sunny. Will be warmer and maybe some rain and/or snow over the the next week. Get to have a lung function test tomorrow, which I will be glad to have results of before our usual winter inversion kicks in. (It's hard on the asthma.) I was just telling some people on another thread (some of which are here too so sorry for the repeat), about an area in Utah called "Peter Sink," a naturally occurring large sink hole which is known to be one of the coldest areas in the lower 48 (US) states. Yesterday it got as low as minus 46°f! It is somewhat of an anomaly as the temps at the bottom of the mile long area compared to air above its rim can be as much as 70°f difference, because cold air gets trapped in the bowl shaped area, but the warmer air rises and can dissipate into the rest of the atmosphere once out of the bowl. It has the distinction of having the second-lowest recorded temperature in the lower 48 states at -69°f below zero. In southern Utah, the town of St. George holds record highs for our state at 117°f. Quite the contrast.
I would settle for that Carol. We had another day over 32c with 75% humidity. They predicted storms but we got high clouds which hindered their formation. We have all had enough of storms here , four people were taken to hospital on the Gold coast yesterday after their house was struck by lightning. They were shaken but not seriously injured. Ron.
It must be very stressful Ron,not knowing what the weather's going to do next.And of course that won't do your health any good at all.Brits who emigrate out there do it primarily for the "weather".....They've got to be kidding !!!

The sun's out now,lots of blue sky and a comfortable 12c.
The storms that were not going to form because of high cloud formed anyway and nearly blew me out of bed around 11pm last night. My flat is at the base of an old volcanic plug called panorama. It is covered in tall trees and is a lightning magnet. I don't like it when the flash and the bang come togeather . Had several of those at the height of the storm. Ron.
Oooh, I don't like those either, Ron. I'll send you some snow that is just starting right now, should last overnight (it's 5:30 pm here at present.)
We are at the southern end of Australia in Melbourne. We it beautiful 15C, our coldest December day in 3 years.

Our forecast for the next 7 days are.
Sat 19C, Sun 22, Mon 31, Tue 33, Wed 18, Thurs 18, Fri 23

It doesn't feel like summer.
Well,Weather Whingers,it's a while since the last post.Not much happening here.It's colder but bearable,although there is a storm coming Fri/Sat.Today is the shortest day,Diane will be pleased to know.I just wanted to wish you all well,and hope you're at a temperature that's comfortable for you.Have a Happy Christmas if,unlike me,you celebrate it.Be well and be content.
hello fellow whingers , lovely morning here in Cobh , my wife went in for her daily swim in the harbour and came out to sunshine , the afternoon was a lot cooler with a sea mist trying to come in , at the moment its cold and miserable .
Nothing much has changed down under. We are still getting wild damaging storms in SE Qld . It is hot over on the west coast , 41c in Perth with the first cyclone for the season formed off the Pilbarra. Hobart in Tasmania had a snow storm this week . Melbourne , as usual ,20c one day 30c the next. We had a storm last night and they are forecast all day today. I am up to my ears in work , as usual, including school machines so I won't get much time off. I hope you have not turned into a popsicle with your blizzards Sandy. Wishing you all a healthy Christmas > Ron.
Well it's Christmas morning, I looked out the window and everything is covered in snow... Then I woke up, it was such a nice dream. It is a cool day for the coast with storms forecast from 11am. Adelaide at 40c is expecting their hottest Christmas day in 70 years. Port headland in WA is expecting an unwelcome visitor in the form of a cyclone.
Wishing all of you the happiest Christmas that your health and circumstances will allow and a much healthier new year, Hugs to all ,Ron.
Hot here down on the coast of Victoria, too, and even hotter tomorrow with nasty northerly winds.

Have a happy Christmas everyone with no unpleasant post- Christmas consequences!
Best wishes and keep safe and well Ron and Susan and all of you.
It's 13c here which is unusual for this time of year.We were hoping to go cycling but it's very blustery,we might give it a try though.
Well, it's been a nice fairly sunny day today. Didn't venture out as I've eaten a few naughties and i'm paying the price and paying more than a penny in loo visits, lol.

Merry Christmas all of you.
We are at the end of Christmas day here when a lot of you are into the day after Christmas. We had the second snowiest Christmas in Utah in record. It was lovely to look at, a little nerve wracking as we drove my brother home (about 30 miles away) in it. But we are all safe and warm.
I will whine about health tho. I wish I could stop coughing since my lung function study I had awhile back, it aggravated the asthma, and the wheezing and coughing led to an upper respiratory infection and pluerisy. I did have a five day course of prednisone for it, but will have to go back. And recent heart med changes have left my heart racing too much, but they are supposed to be better for heart/lung condition I recently found I have. To top things off, an Rx to keep my tummy calm ran out a few days ago, and my GI is out of town so can't refill it until later this week when he is back. Too many urgent trips to the bathroom, which makes heart race more. At least I'm not in the hospital on Christmas like I was five years ago.
Ok, whine over.
Yesterday was the warmest Xmas day on record at 15c....Mad !!
So far today it's 3c,bright and sunny,but very windy.No cycling again.
Sorry about my long rant above, I should know not to post in the middle of the night.
Today is cold, but sunny.
The remnants of the WA cyclone flooded Ayres rock today, they had to close most of the tourist tracks due to dangerous conditions. It was hot and sticky here today and gradually building to 33c on sat with high humidity. I am sort of glad I am working as there are swarms of tourist everywhere. Ron.
Snow is starting to fall.....expecting anywhere from 1-5 inches depending on which weather forecaster you listen to!
The temps on the east coast of Australia are starting to rise. During the week the equivalent of a tropical storm hit South Australia. It caused flooding in the north of the state around Ayres rock and caused a lot of distress in the south. Hundreds of power cables were brought down by high winds and falling trees. A lot of the states residents are still without power days after the storm. The front continued on into Victoria resulting in some wild storms and flash flooding in Melbourne. Meanwhile Sydney has had record high temps with the western suburbs nudging 42c. We are expecting 33c tomorrow and heavy rain on new years day. Ron.

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