You might have Crohns if…

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Omg. Jus read all these laughed so hard

lucky I was sittin on the dunny haha

you know you got crohns wen you go too the toilet mid way through ya dinner and wake up the next morning still in the toilet
You might have Crohns if you win an Olympic metal for a 20 yard dash !! LOL

... and you could be better than a plumber for fixing toilets!
Glad you found us, we are happy you are here. Like another Crohnies here says we are all nodding because we all can relate!
jus found this place few hours ago

so still tryin too work out how too use it lol

iPhone is a god saver ATM bored as here in hospital

havnt figured out how too start a thread yet either
You might have Crohns if you can't sleep for the bloating, pain and general "sick" feeling
You might have Crohns if you have had to stop walking or "it's gonna come out" before you can reach the bathroom
You might have Crohns if one more person says "what's that?"
You might have Crohns if your underwear has more skid marks than any man's ...for ladies only lol
You might have Crohns if your bare ass is hanging out while you wait in the hospital for yet another test...
... If you never need to wash your undies casue they get tossed out before a full day of wearing.
... If you know the art of using snow or leaves cause you didnt bring TP on your walk through the bush

.... If you can keep a normal face while talking to someone but your really having a battle with your bowels to just hold on 5 more seconds.
....when your family sees you making a mad dash to the john and yells out."DON"T Forget TO TURN THE FAN ON".

.....You know which spray deodorizers really deodorize, or just make your bathroom spell like you crapped in a flower bed.
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When your gut talks more than you when watching a film
When you unshamelessly run to the loo in the supermarket
When you wake up and take your medication like its something built in your life
When you think sickness and diareah is just so normal now
When you fart and think oh god its coming and thank the god that it stopped it that time
When you look at what you eat and you may as well just be a tortuise
CrohnieCarolyn said:
You might have Crohns if you have had to stop walking or "it's gonna come out" before you can reach the bathroom
I thin we have all been here!!!
...if you have a 'worst case scenario' kit in the boot of your car, including spare trousers, underwear, socks & shoes, baby wipes, body wash & a towel.
Daydreamer88 said:
...If you can't tell the difference in Menstral cramps and just plain old crohnie cramps.

Hey that's me!!...... or was it labor pains? Oh one of the 2.
............. when "fast food" is not refering to the speed of cooking but the speed of it inside your body.
When the Radiologist says "your stricture is only 6 inches long" and you want to hug him 'cause you know it hasn't gotten worse in two years and that means no surgery for now!!!
When you get the above mentioned news but there is no solution for the continued cramps, constipation, diarrhea or bloating
When your husband comes with you to the hospital and puts the sheet over your head like you are dead just as the radiologist is walking in - at least the Doc. laughed
When you are up all night AGAIN and think you should install a toilet right next to the bed so you could just hang your bare ass over the side...
When you are up all night AGAIN and think you should install a toilet right next to the bed so you could just hang your bare ass over the side...

I've slept in the bathroom b4 lmao is that close enough hahaha
Ha ha! When you spent the afternoon looking through catalogues for a nice throw to put on the commode that's being delivered! Maybe a scatter cushion? I WILL be able to just throw my ass over the side of the bed!

When you have had a frank conversation with your husband about how he feels when he wakes up in a puddle of your poop.... (total weirdo - he doesn't care!)
merrywidow said:
............. when "fast food" is not refering to the speed of cooking but the speed of it inside your body.
Ha love that one!

You might have crohn's if: You know all the parts that make up your digestive system and which parts you no longer own! :ycool:
You mite hav crohns I'd you can do a 3 lane, lane change an make the driveway turn in peak hour traffic in the blink of an eye too make it too that public toilet you all of a sudden need lol
...when you count racing to the toliet as exercise.
...when you buy Tucks in bulk at Costco.
...when you're on a first name basis with the pharmacist.
..when your pharmacist sees you he goes directly to the calmoseptine lol

or has your medications in front of you.
...when people routinely ask "Are you O.K.?" when you come out of the bathroom-Add extra points if strangers ask lol.
You might have crohn's if: You sit alone on Friday Night and Read the CCFA information database :(
You might have Crohn's disease if...
you have fed your infant a bottle while sitting on a toilet.

been paged to the pharmacy when grocery shopping, not intending to pick up any meds. They saw me and wanted to let me know my prescription had arrived.

you crapped your pants in an elevator full of people.

you crapped in a half full bag of kettle corn because it was the only thing you had on hand in the car.

you crapped in a parking lot in the light of day.

your cheeks were so big from steroids you see them in your peripheral vision.

you look forward to your colonoscopies for the kick ass nap you have after you get home.

your husband has a naughty dream about you that turns into a nightmare-as he is kissing my neck he looked down my back and saw green splattered diarrhea all over me (glad that was just a "dream")
A twist to the normal you might have Crohns if...

Your spouse might have Crohn's if after a nice dinner, he spent all night in the bathroom, while you, the one with Crohn's, never went once!

He may also have Crohn's if he then proceeded to put boxer briefs on, instead of his pajama pants and said to me "just in case I have an accident". I couldn't help but giggle, think of the "You might have Crohn's if.." thread and then respond "Oh honey, according to the forums, you might have Crohn's!"
Nic said:
A twist to the normal you might have Crohns if...

Your spouse might have Crohn's if after a nice dinner, he spent all night in the bathroom, while you, the one with Crohn's, never went once!

He may also have Crohn's if he then proceeded to put boxer briefs on, instead of his pajama pants and said to me "just in case I have an accident". I couldn't help but giggle, think of the "You might have Crohn's if.." thread and then respond "Oh honey, according to the forums, you might have Crohn's!"

Hope ya got two loo's
butt-eze said:
You might have Crohn's disease if...
you have fed your infant a bottle while sitting on a toilet.

been paged to the pharmacy when grocery shopping, not intending to pick up any meds. They saw me and wanted to let me know my prescription had arrived.

you crapped your pants in an elevator full of people.

you crapped in a half full bag of kettle corn because it was the only thing you had on hand in the car.

you crapped in a parking lot in the light of day.

your cheeks were so big from steroids you see them in your peripheral vision.

you look forward to your colonoscopies for the kick ass nap you have after you get home.

your husband has a naughty dream about you that turns into a nightmare-as he is kissing my neck he looked down my back and saw green splattered diarrhea all over me (glad that was just a "dream")
OMG That is hilarous!#2,#3,#5 Done that!:ylol2:
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Rob said:
Hope ya got two loo's
We have 3 :) But my Asacol must be doing something for me because I'm only going once a day now!!! Him on the other hand is in there 20 times a day and after his colonoscopy they said he didn't have anything!!
kenny said:
You might have crohn's if: You sit alone on Friday Night and Read the CCFA information database :(

Ah Kenny, I'm right there with you, only it will be tonight.....How about if you are excited to get the monthly CCFA email and read it before the rest of the mail.....
If you scream out while cutting everyone in line for the ladies room at a base ball game I have crohns I have to go move, move, move, with tears in your eyes and feeling so sick and the lady just about to go into the stall you swoop infront of and slam the door closed.
and then after have an older lady when washing hands says do you feel better now..
Yeah it was a bad day and embarassing! The stares after at me were not nice either. Boy people are just not understanding!!
Jennjenn said:
If you scream out while cutting everyone in line for the ladies room at a base ball game I have crohns I have to go move, move, move, with tears in your eyes and feeling so sick and the lady just about to go into the stall you swoop infront of and slam the door closed.
and then after have an older lady when washing hands says do you feel better now..
Yeah it was a bad day and embarassing! The stares after at me were not nice either. Boy people are just not understanding!!
I've had that day MANY times lol. Don't feel bad JennJenn I was escorted out of a Marshall's by security for chasing a guy out of the men's restroom because the women's was closed. Good times :)
Mountaingem said:
I've had that day MANY times lol. Don't feel bad JennJenn I was escorted out of a Marshall's by security for chasing a guy out of the men's restroom because the women's was closed. Good times :)

Lol :lol2: Like I said some people are just not understanding to the fact when you gotta go you gotta go! If they were in that situation I am sure they would do anything necessary also not to go in their pants.
Pirate said:
You may have Crohns if the hotel maintence man comes to check your toilet because others complain of a sewer smell coming from your room

The person below me came up and said poop was backing up into her sons tub and could I stop using the toilet until maintenance got here to fix it...told her that was not an option and sorry! LOL
OK here is one for my Mother-In-Law. She never reads this board so I think I can get away with it.

You might have Crohn's if your Son-in-law calls you Minnie the Mouse behind your back because, not only do you have an obsession with Disneyland, but you just started taking Remicade. :ylol2:
Jennjenn said:
Lol :lol2: Like I said some people are just not understanding to the fact when you gotta go you gotta go! If they were in that situation I am sure they would do anything necessary also not to go in their pants.
Exactly! It's like what exactly is their problem? It's not like these people never have had diarrhea-we should voodoo curse a mean case of the stomach flu on these people!:devil:
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:devil: That face is funny lol !! Like really wishing harm on them!

I am more of a :ymad: saying Ok now you pissed me off and that takes a lot to piss me off get out of my way kinda face! The guy at the GNC store a few days ago got that face. Yes I won my argument! It was mix and match buy one get one 1/2 off. He was not quite getting the point of mix and match is not to buy the same exact bottle to get 1/2 off. It went back and forth for a while and when that face came out and my mouth started (not that I am mean or verbally abusive!) just stating the obvious facts to get my correct sale amount! I got it!

You might also be a chronie if you walk into a store with gut pain and not feeling well and when something is not going as smooth, easy, simple, and right as it should you let the store clerk understand exactly what the problem is! And that they should read and comprehend their own signs!
Jenn Jenn-good for you girl! Which leads me to...
You might have Crohn's if you've ever scared a store clerk with a public demonstration of prednisone induced rage.:lol:
Ha ha... Did you get the savings grant deadline for income tax Jan 31? Trust me I have alot of friends down that way harping for me to come visit but not down in London, just Guelph, Oakville and Orangeville, Georgetown. Kinda not near ya! LOL. Decided on colour yet?
Where u from jetta England?

You mite be a crohnie if wen watchin tv u get excited ya fav tp goes on sale tomorrow an put a reminder note on ya phone too buy in bulk

You might have Crohn's if you go to Costco only for the 48 double roll pack of toliet paper, 2 gallon Pine-Sol, 100 count Immodium, and double pack of Tucks. Add points if the clerk who rings you up says "Wow,your week sucks!"
Rob said:
Where u from jetta England?

You mite be a crohnie if wen watchin tv u get excited ya fav tp goes on sale tomorrow an put a reminder note on ya phone too buy in bulk

jetta is from canada,
you have to raid your childs pigging bank to pay for said tp.
Lol merry

bit hard for me do that - no kiddies lol

ok still tryin too work out where everyone from buy gettin there lol
look under our names and it says location, thats where were from!!!

................ if you know the price to the last penny how much 80 toilet rolls would cost you.
merrywidow said:
jetta is from canada,
you have to raid your childs pigging bank to pay for said tp.

Yes, I am from Canada and one of the coldest parts of Canada. Smack in the middle and off one of the finger lakes, Superior. You dont wanna visit here, it was -30c with the windchill and yes it is cold... but a dry cold, my arthritis only acts up when the temperature goes up and gets damp!:tongue:
if you have used all the toilet paper, napkins, paper towels, coffee filters and are now looking for the next best paper product
If you have a doctor's appt and the nurse gets tired of transcribing the list of your meds so she says "hand me that piece of paper" and xeroxes it for your charts.

Happened to me yesterday and I think from now on, I'll just type it up and say "here's your own copy". ;-)
krahsdnal said:
if you have used all the toilet paper, napkins, paper towels, coffee filters and are now looking for the next best paper product

Haha! Have been there before... You know it is bad when you just give up and get in the shower since you've used up all your resources.
HA Ashlee - done both the shower AND the pre-typed meds/previous operations lists! Last doc I saw loved me for it - he nicked my copy!

Anyways... here's one from tonight...

You know you have Crohn's when your kids tell the neighbours they wont be going to Judo class tonight becuase mum's bottom is being naughty today....
You are at the pediatrican's office, and when the doctor tells your son that the antibiotic will probably give him diarrhea, your son says, " My mom has diarrhea all day everyday, so what?".......
The "IBM" on my computer, in my mind, stands for Irregular Bowel Movements.
uab grad student said:
If you have a doctor's appt and the nurse gets tired of transcribing the list of your meds so she says "hand me that piece of paper" and xeroxes it for your charts.

Happened to me yesterday and I think from now on, I'll just type it up and say "here's your own copy". ;-)

I typed mine up too! lol Easier than trying to recite them all....
imisspopcorn said:
You are at the pediatrican's office, and when the doctor tells your son that the antibiotic will probably give him diarrhea, your son says, " My mom has diarrhea all day everyday, so what?".......

From the mouths of babes! lol
You may have Crohns if you would rather be on here than doing your school work, housework or anything that requires any kind of work....
You may have Crohn's if, while you were in the bathroom the cat walked in for a visit while you were having diahrrea and immediately walked out...I think he was holding his
CrohnieCarolyn said:
You may have Crohns if you would rather be on here than doing your school work, housework or anything that requires any kind of work....
You may have Crohn's if, while you were in the bathroom the cat walked in for a visit while you were having diahrrea and immediately walked out...I think he was holding his
My cat will actually walk up and try to take a peek-no wonder she acts brain-damaged at times-lol!
Jettalady said:
You may have Crohns and get carried away when someone ask you how you TMI for them ;)
Pen that is hilarious! Don't you love it when the look on their face changes all of a sudden and then you're thinking, Yeah went too far this time!:ylol2:
When you belong to a club called "I SMPIP"
When you drive like a nascar racer when you start to feel the bowels rumbling.
When you have to contemplate which you would rather, crapping your pants in the car or at the side of a public road.
When the three minute drive home feels like three hours.
tamesis said:
When you have to contemplate which you would rather, crapping your pants in the car or at the side of a public road.

This made me laugh so hard. Never has happened to me (yet) but our family always pointed out "**** hill" at a certain place on the interstate... it might as well have had a monument for the time my Dad couldn't hold it and had to run out and crap on the side of the road. We're a strange family... :ycool:
uab grad student said:
Glad you asked mountaingem, 'cause I didn't know either. It took me years to figure out what LMAO meant... Lol ;-)

Hey dont laugh, I wasnt too sure what LOL was, some say laugh out loud and some say lots of laughs.... same difference! Probably because of my accent...wait I dont have an accent.
Hey Sharon... I'm certainly not in the habit of carrying anyone elses knickers! But yes I always carry spare and not for salicious/trollop type reasons!
See you ladies are smarter, I never carried extra one, just used the ones I had on and hoped to make it home before I had go again
merrywidow said:
............. if you have a spare pair of knickers in your handbag which are yours!!!!

That is cute Merry.....have you been accused of stealing knickers before?
if you have a spare pair of knickers and they AREN'T yours b/c you ran out of clean ones and had to take someone else's in the house... lol
If you've had too call somebody and give directions too bring spare/clean clothes to u in a public toilet somewhere
Rob said:
If you've had too call somebody and give directions too bring spare/clean clothes to u in a public toilet somewhere

If no one answers the phone and you've ever had to walk out of a public restroom wearing a coverup made from toliet seat covers.
imisspopcorn said:
That is cute Merry.....have you been accused of stealing knickers before?
not ever stolen knickers, but had too explain to a security guard at the court house why i had spare knickers in my bag, and that they were my knickers. i stopped short of proving that though!!
You might have Crohn's if:

You ask a prospective employer what the bathrooms are like!

You are more concerned about the conditions of the bathrooms at a new job then what you are actually getting paid to be there.

If you bring an extra roll of toilet paper to work in your lunch box just in case they run out in the staff washroom!

hope i didn't overlap but its hard to follow at 7 pgs :)
You are so right Kenny! I recently got called about a job and my last thought was the salary - I wanted to know about the toilets!
kenny said:
hope i didn't overlap but its hard to follow at 7 pgs :)

kenny dont worry about overlapping, join in the game thread that is at 100+ pages!!! and this is the second edition, the first edition got 201 pages.
Lishyloo said:
You are so right Kenny! I recently got called about a job and my last thought was the salary - I wanted to know about the toilets!

Ugh, we have horrendous Ally McBeal (sp?) style toilets at work